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Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 12:53 am
by Darth Turik
MUST READ!!!why dont you wanna play as revan?

I know why people wanna play as revan.

1. revan is looked as the greatest jedi/sith ever!

2. people say they dont wanna play as revan because the game would be too easy but i think it would'nt have to be easy because your fighting the TRUE SITH!!!,which means revan may be the strongest jedi/sith in the known galaxy but he went to the unknown regions.Theres a reason they call it the UR because know one knows whats out there or anything except for the True Sith and the way Lucas arts could make the game more difficult is by comparison of revan and the true sith.

Example: Revan:Jedi Master/Dark Lord in the known regions but compared to the true sith in the unknown regions

Revan:Jedi Knight/Sith Knight which would make the game more DIFFICULT!!!

My second argument is this:the KOTOR series is revolved around revan just like the SW movies are revolved around Anakin/Vader, so if LA going to close the story in k3 then Revan should be the leading role because how would it look if you start off as a new characterwho eventually would be trained by (atton,visas,disciple,brianna,bao-dur)the jedi from kotor 2 who are apprentices of the Exile who's an apprentice of revan to stop the true sith would NOT fly straight, kotor would drop some notches if that happened.

Last argument: I here people say they dont wanna play as revan beecause he(canon) will be super powerful but i say people play the same characters in sequels in other games and dont have a problem with it.

Examples: Halo,god of war part 2 (2007), splinter cell,perfect dark,007,final fantasyX-X2,soul reaver,metal gear solid,etc.

so i ask this Question why not Revan?

P.S Hope you can play as revan in the next installment PLEASE!!!
thank you.

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 3:36 am
by bigredpanda
Ok, I'll take this one up.
Darth Turik wrote: 2. people say they dont wanna play as revan because the game would be too easy but i think it would'nt have to be easy because your fighting the TRUE SITH!!!,which means revan may be the strongest jedi/sith in the known galaxy but he went to the unknown regions.Theres a reason they call it the UR because know one knows whats out there or anything except for the True Sith and the way Lucas arts could make the game more difficult is by comparison of revan and the true sith.
I think that misses the point of what people are saying about being "too powerful". The game structure in the first two KOTORs involves you starting out with basic powers and learning more and more (like, without sounding like too much of a geek, most RPGs). So you start out as Revan with sixty different force powers? That sounds very problematic, for a whole number of gameplay reasons.
You're essentially saying that you want Revan because Revan's really powerful, but in the game Revan's actually going to appear to be really weak?

Also, the idea that K3 will be fighting the True Sith is pure speculation.
My second argument is this:the KOTOR series is revolved around revan just like the SW movies are revolved around Anakin/Vader, so if LA going to close the story in k3 then Revan should be the leading role because how would it look if you start off as a new characterwho eventually would be trained by (atton,visas,disciple,brianna,bao-dur)the jedi from kotor 2 who are apprentices of the Exile who's an apprentice of revan to stop the true sith would NOT fly straight, kotor would drop some notches if that happened.
I don't agree that KOTOR is based around Revan to the same extent, though I see what you mean. But it sounds a bit like you're wanting to forget K2 ever happened.
I'm also not sure what you mean by the story "not flying straight". The Exile wasn't an apprentice of Revan, just a follower.
Last argument: I here people say they dont wanna play as revan beecause he(canon) will be super powerful but i say people play the same characters in sequels in other games and dont have a problem with it.
Most of the games you mention there don't have the RPG character building. I.e., the main character can stay the same because they're stats stay the same throughout the game.
P.S Hope you can play as revan in the next installment PLEASE!!
To quote Darth Vader (ahem):

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 10:27 pm
by Darth Turik
bigredpanda wrote:Ok, I'll take this one up.

You're essentially saying that you want Revan because Revan's really powerful, but in the game Revan's actually going to appear to be really weak?

NO! what I'm saying is the True sith will Obviously be super powerful and revan could realize that so as we take control we could learn new powers and then be strong enough to defeat the True Sith. What I'm saying is you could start with 30 Force Powers and fight and train yourself to 60.

Also, the idea that K3 will be fighting the True Sith is pure speculation.

At the end of K2 Kreia spoke of the True Sith and said Revan went their to fight them and as the your playing as the exile you have the choice to find and help Revan. So why Talk and boost up US players about Revan and the TRUE SITH if the next installment isn't about Revan and the true sith(why have that ending to K2).

I'm also not sure what you mean by the story "not flying straight". The Exile wasn't an apprentice of Revan, just a follower.

In the Intro to Kotor it says Malak was the "last Apprentice" of Darth Revan so that means he had more than one apprentice and from the acknowledgement of the exile on how she was a great general in revans army and how she was a great leader, i would bet she was a secret apprentice because if you think about it they don't acknowledge malak in the mando wars so I doub't revan would just choose malak over the exile so maybe when the exile made the choice to leave revan, Malak became "The Last".

If LA makes kotor3 and revan IS the main character would'nt it suck if you had to start over?

To quote Darth Vader (ahem):
To quote MYSELF (ahem):
ha haha.

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 10:31 pm
by Darth Turik
To quote Darth Vader (ahem):

To quote MYSELF (ahem):
ha haha.

You're essentially saying that you want Revan because Revan's really powerful, but in the game Revan's actually going to appear to be really weak?

NO! what I'm saying is the True sith will Obviously be super powerful and revan could realize that so as we take control we could learn new powers and then be strong enough to defeat the True Sith. What I'm saying is you could start with 30 Force Powers and fight and train yourself to 60.

Also, the idea that K3 will be fighting the True Sith is pure speculation.

At the end of K2 Kreia spoke of the True Sith and said Revan went their to fight them and as the your playing as the exile you have the choice to find and help Revan. So why Talk and boost up US players about Revan and the TRUE SITH if the next installment isn't about Revan and the true sith(why have that ending to K2).

I'm also not sure what you mean by the story "not flying straight". The Exile wasn't an apprentice of Revan, just a follower.

In the Intro to Kotor it says Malak was the "last Apprentice" of Darth Revan so that means he had more than one apprentice and from the acknowledgement of the exile on how she was a great general in revans army and how she was a great leader, i would bet she was a secret apprentice because if you think about it they don't acknowledge malak in the mando wars so I doub't revan would just choose malak over the exile so maybe when the exile made the choice to leave revan, Malak became "The Last".

If LA makes kotor3 and revan IS the main character would'nt it suck if you had to start over?

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 4:34 am
by bigredpanda
Darth Turik wrote:To quote Darth Vader (ahem):

To quote MYSELF (ahem):
ha haha.
Heh heh. Just to answer a few of your points.
What I'm saying is you could start with 30 Force Powers and fight and train yourself to 60.
That's kind of what I thought you were saying. I think that would be great, for all of us who have played K1 and K2... not so great for those people who pick up the game fresh and are instantly confused by these 30 force powers. But even if you did start with that many powers, I tihnk my point still stands. The powers would still have to be intially weak, else the game would be ridiculously easy.
So why Talk and boost up US players about Revan and the TRUE SITH if the next installment isn't about Revan and the true sith(why have that ending to K2).
K3 hasn't even been officially announced, and K2 was not necessarily written towards a third episode? I know that trilogies are the SW way, but still. I might be wrong, but most of the talk is of some "great threat", rather than the true sith per se.
If LA makes kotor3 and revan IS the main character would'nt it suck if you had to start over?
Well, I guess you've got by now that my opinion is that if Revan is the main character it would suck in general, but for the same reason you give here. The implementation seems too tricky, when there are other ways around it.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 11:33 am
by Darth Spawn
look put it this way if revan did come back id just kill him to get his clothes and helmit i mean do sith robes get anybetter looking than that

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 4:38 pm
by 11Revan26
I eather want revan the exile and a new guy or just the new guy(playable).

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 10:58 am
by Dra'Lion
Revan should never be allowed to return as character. Not as party member, but also not as either male or female NPC. If Revan is supposed to return make it a person with a wide robe like Kreia wears and without speech. I wouldn’t like it when I meet Revan in KOTOR 3 and my he in part 1 is suddenly a she in part 3. That is something that would ruin my gameplay.

Neither do I wish to play the role of another Exile in part 3, like returning Revan the return of the exile would be lame to the extreme. Getting an exile Jedi as party member is fine by me, but no main character.

I would love to have various choices of races instead of constantly human.
Also what I would like is to start a either Soldier, Scout or Scoundrel again all the way up to the prestige classes of part 2, but each start at a different area of the republic.
Soldier on a cruiser during routine patrol doing some tutorial quests on board and then go on leave….
Scoundrel on Nar Shadaa working for the Hutts who teach you all you need to know…
Scout on one of the borderworlds doing an area survey…

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 1:23 pm
by Jedi Guardian
I think the reason people love Revan is he kinda has that same connection with Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker. was a Jedi , went to the darkside, was redeemed (in a lucas arts interview they said Revan's official choice was redemption),they are both excelent Droid/mechanic builder/repairer ,and both are considered the "Sith'Ari" Sith'ari - Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki

and they are in the top 10 of most powerful Sith and Revan was just plain out good playable character to me being a Revan fan.And his story is very interesting.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 8:55 am
by OftheRepublic
Personally with what we learn of Revan in KOTOR 2 and KOTOR 1 it would not make sense in the storyline to play as Revan. Revan is too powerful to be used as a character in which he develops with us. I want him to join our party near the end to show his power

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 10:22 am
by Drunkside
I want to play as revan couse he is ME!!!!
I would have done exactly same decisions as he, and he is still left for players imagination!

The exile is a crappy loser, dont get it that some people like Him/Her.

The second best choice is to be a new char, i think....

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 1:35 pm
by OftheRepublic
How can you say the Exile is a loser - when he thought for his self by following Revan and when the war was over he went back to the Jedi and faced them, where ll others never came back, he even lived without the force and passively took the force from his kills. He was sith and Jedi without knowing it. I thought they exile had a cool story unfortunately obsidian didnt complete it well enough

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 5:15 pm
by Jedi Guardian
I have to agree with drunkside except the part where the Exile is a Loser
He is not interesting to me Revan is and I just Love his story :D

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 6:30 pm
by OftheRepublic
Revan is interesting Jedi who defied the Council turned Sith only to be betrayed by his apprentice then loses his memory then either saves or destroys the rpublic only to seek out the true sith for their ultimate destruction but i like how the Exile was such a blade that when he touched people they had no choice but do as he did, and follow him into battle, to possess a passive skill in which you are a born leader whose simple movements and actions command obedience thats power

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 4:22 am
by bigredpanda
Drunkside wrote:I want to play as revan couse he is ME!!!!
I would have done exactly same decisions as he, and he is still left for players imagination!
Heh, isn't that the point of an RPG? That the main character is you?

I agree with Oftherepublic, I thought the Exile was a really interesting attempt by a game to make quite a complex and tormented character, which left lots of options as to how to play her/him. Revan was obviously cool but much more of a straightforward "really powerful hero/villain".

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 4:57 am
by Mace Panda Poo
I think that people want to play as Revan because Kotor I was so good. It is honestly one of the best games i have ever played. Because so much enjoyment was gained from the first game, they want another game the same expecting the same amount of enjoyment. I would rather someone new to play with, hopefully this time(really hoping it is soon) they wont release the game before it is complete.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 7:21 am
by Solusek
I admit I haven't read the whole 11 sites of this thread, but here's my opinion:

Actually, I think it's quite simple. People, including myself, want Revan back because they're tired of that same old lvl 1-20 **** over and over again. We want to make the next step, go to the next level. We want the story to continue. And since Revan is a really interesting character either way(light side or dark side) with a lot of potential and still unanswered questions it would be perfect to play as Revan again.

And where is the problem about starting as a powerful Jedi? Don't tell me you guys have never played the Baldur's Gate Saga... Please... Don't...

Ok just in case you haven't, here's the way the story goes:
BG1: Level 1-7/8/9
BG1 ToSC: Level 7/8/9-9/10/11
BG2 SoA: Depending on whether you've played ToSC or not you character starts between level 7 and 11. The maximum level you can reach in SoA lies between lvl 17 and 23 I think. There's one exception, the druid, which can only reach lvl 14.
BG2 ToB: SoA finishing level to something between lvl 31 and lvl 40.

Btw.: You companions almost stay completely the same from BG 1 to ToB. Meaning they just advance as you do.

The whole thing is one story. It begins in BG1 basically as a child and finishes in BG2: ToB as a god. And believe me, it IS the best RPG EVER. Period. Yes, period.

Why not do the same with KotOR? Just raise the xp cap, and everything's just fine. I don't see any point why you shouldn't be Revan. It's a whole new feeling not to start as a lvl 1 gimp being incapable of killing a rabbit, but to be powerful and get even more powerful.

Some of you might think that's there's a point where your powers become ridiculous if you keep gaining levels with the same characters through 2 or 3 sequels, and that certainly may be the case if you do it the wrong way. But games like the Baldur's Gate Saga or even NWN: HotU have shown that it's entirely possible to get to really high levels and to have powers comparable with a deity without making the whole thing ridiculous.

Sry for any mistakes, I'm not a native speaker :>

So long,

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 7:23 am
by Jedi Guardian
Mace Panda Poo wrote:I think that people want to play as Revan because Kotor I was so good. It is honestly one of the best games i have ever played. Because so much enjoyment was gained from the first game, they want another game the same expecting the same amount of enjoyment. I would rather someone new to play with, hopefully this time(really hoping it is soon) they wont release the game before it is complete.
I agree that Kotor I is one of the best Star Wars games I've played

And I wouldn't mind a new character, just I want to be Revan again

And about the Exile he's/she's good but I just don't really get his/her story But I'm lookin' on Wookieepedia for the Exile and for different characters stories :)

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 8:06 am
by DesR85
Solusek wrote: Actually, I think it's quite simple. People, including myself, want Revan back because they're tired of that same old lvl 1-20 **** over and over again. We want to make the next step, go to the next level. We want the story to continue. And since Revan is a really interesting character either way(light side or dark side) with a lot of potential and still unanswered questions it would be perfect to play as Revan again.

And where is the problem about starting as a powerful Jedi? Don't tell me you guys have never played the Baldur's Gate Saga... Please... Don't...

Ok just in case you haven't, here's the way the story goes:
BG1: Level 1-7/8/9
BG1 ToSC: Level 7/8/9-9/10/11
BG2 SoA: Depending on whether you've played ToSC or not you character starts between level 7 and 11. The maximum level you can reach in SoA lies between lvl 17 and 23 I think. There's one exception, the druid, which can only reach lvl 14.
BG2 ToB: SoA finishing level to something between lvl 31 and lvl 40.

Btw.: You companions almost stay completely the same from BG 1 to ToB. Meaning they just advance as you do.

The whole thing is one story. It begins in BG1 basically as a child and finishes in BG2: ToB as a god. And believe me, it IS the best RPG EVER. Period. Yes, period.

Why not do the same with KotOR? Just raise the xp cap, and everything's just fine. I don't see any point why you shouldn't be Revan. It's a whole new feeling not to start as a lvl 1 gimp being incapable of killing a rabbit, but to be powerful and get even more powerful.

Some of you might think that's there's a point where your powers become ridiculous if you keep gaining levels with the same characters through 2 or 3 sequels, and that certainly may be the case if you do it the wrong way. But games like the Baldur's Gate Saga or even NWN: HotU have shown that it's entirely possible to get to really high levels and to have powers comparable with a deity without making the whole thing ridiculous.

Sry for any mistakes, I'm not a native speaker :>
Giving a set level at the start of a sequel for an existing main character doesn't sound like a bad idea, provided that the level cap is increased. I remember ever coming across this method used in one game before a long time ago (can't remember the name). I honestly wouldn't mind playing from different perspectives, be it Revan, the Exile or if possible, a new main character.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 1:15 pm
by OftheRepublic
KOTOR series cant be like Bladur's Gate because in KOTOR we are not keeping the same character throughout the story i never played Baldurs gate so... i could be mistaken