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Posted: Sun May 13, 2001 8:17 pm
by jennabard
thanks for explaining what tia maria is. i'm going to go buy it and the whip cream soon.

as to the harem, count me in, i like the idea of sending a letter to bioware, our voice shall be heard! just add ice cream to the list and i'll be most faithful to it's cause. :D :D

don't have a clue for a signiture though :(

Posted: Sun May 13, 2001 8:33 pm
by scully1
@jennabard -- It's not whipped cream on the tia maria, it's that heavy cream that I can't think of the name for. That dairy stuff. (Oh, brilliant, eh?) Ehhh...I'll find out exactly what kind and get back to you :)

Posted: Sun May 13, 2001 8:50 pm
by dragon wench
loner72: do you mean devon cream? Or maybe creme fraiche?
Hmmm.....they're are both more viscous than whipped cream......

Posted: Sun May 13, 2001 8:53 pm
by dragon wench
hey, I just thought of a sig: for Anomen's Harem:
"the cream always rises to the top"

Posted: Sun May 13, 2001 8:54 pm
by jennabard
ooohhhh!! the cream for coffee? i think i know what you mean :)

Posted: Sun May 13, 2001 9:11 pm
by scully1
Grocery items are not my strong suit I'm afraid...I think I'm just talking about plain ol' heavy cream. Ah, have a ball, try 'em all :)

We now have one nomination for Harem sig thanks to dw. I was thinking along the lines of something to do with Wielders of the Razor but perhaps that's too ah...too much :eek: A Tremble Before Us kind of thing...

More suggestions, ladies!... :D

Posted: Sun May 13, 2001 9:19 pm
by dragon wench
"Wielders of the Razor" I like that too! :D
And I though that I was pushing the boundaries! :eek: :D :eek:

Posted: Sun May 13, 2001 9:41 pm
by jennabard
i like the 'cream' sig :D

dunno...can't think of anything yet :(

Posted: Sun May 13, 2001 11:06 pm
by dragon wench
I've recently started a new game with a Paladin, and I'm beginning to think that at least with regard to the Anomen romance class might make some difference.
With my true neutral fighter/mage he was a bit obnoxious when we had the dialogue about whether or not I'd be interested in joining the radient heart. No matter what I said, he made some sarcastic comment about after witnessing my efforts to resist chaos he dooubted that they'd take me (and I had not done anything questionable either). This time, I didn't get the sarcastic comment, just something about it taking a lot of effort (or something along those lines).
I also noticed that he's different when you go the rescue Viconia (at least he was for me). The first time, he was pleased that a drow was getting her due, this time he said absolutely nothing. I know that this latter is not a part of the romance dialogues, but interesting nonetheless. he's just received his knighthood, so I'm very curious to see what develops. Although, :( I doubt he'll be offering himself up for a nice shave ;) . Wish I could do patches and scripting, I'd have a blast :D

Posted: Mon May 14, 2001 8:06 am
by scully1
bump w/bells on :)

Current nominations for Harem sig:
1. The cream always rises to the top
2. Wielders of the Razor [that's subtle, eh? :cool: ]

New one:
3. You WILL tremble before us...guaranteed ;)

Perhaps we could arrive at a combo of all or some of the above...must take care and finesse it a little, I think, lest we risk an open invitation to be edited :eek: ...

Posted: Mon May 14, 2001 9:44 am
by dragon wench
How about:
"In the name of The Razer we are the cream of the cream. Tremble before us and feel the bite of The Blade."

I'd also considered including something about Razer countering a certain level 8 mage spell (necromantic school) but I decided that such might lead to serious trouble :D ;) :D

Posted: Mon May 14, 2001 9:55 am
by scully1
LMAO!! I think we have a winner here...what does everyone else think?...

I'm looking up that spell in my manual right now...

Posted: Mon May 14, 2001 9:58 am
by scully1
eeeyyyaaahh...oh my goodness...*ahem!*...yeah, I think we'd be in trouble :o

But nothing says that can't be another special ability of Razor, w/upgrade ;) :D

Posted: Mon May 14, 2001 10:57 am
by Georgi
LOL :eek: Let's just keep that one to ourselves, eh....

Like the sig ideas, although it would be nice to work in the bit about cream *ahem* rising ;)

@dw - keep us posted on any differences in the Anomen romance... Although from what I had heard, class doesn't make any difference.

Well if we make a list of stuff we like/dislike about the Anomen romance, I will post it on the Black Isle messageboard if you want... you never know, somebody from Bioware might be listening.

Posted: Mon May 14, 2001 2:09 pm
by scully1
:) Like:
1. Initial arrogance. It shows that when you attempt to understand a person, why they act as they do, why they have their particular prejudices/hangups/issues, instead of discounting them right away, you can end up finding a true friend and influence his/her life for the better :)
2. :D Impressive botanical knowledge -- finding flowers in dungeons and such, and knowing their names.
3. Goopy lovetalk, i.e.: "You are a dark flame," "You have become the captain of my soul," etc. etc...I love that stuff...

:mad: Dislike (I've said these before):
1. Generic Anomen responses to situations don't jive w/existing romance, i.e., reactions to Linvail and Hell. How hard is it to make a script that conforms? It wrecks the feeling of continuation. "I hate this situation, it challenges everything I believe in; but if it will help you regain your divine soul, my love, I will stand with you." Might be it is he BLAMES the PC for being in Hell. Shoot, everyone else reiterates their devotion to you, except your own lover?... :rolleyes:
2. No "middle option" on the lovemaking. It's either "yes indeed" or "I said no and I meant it." How about those options PLUS "This is really way too soon." Answer needn't be either eager or harsh.

There's my $.02

[ 05-14-2001: Message edited by: loner72 ]

Posted: Mon May 14, 2001 6:01 pm
by dragon wench
I'd second Loner's suggestions. What might also be nice IMO would be a little more of the flame and flower sort of stuff, maybe during the more prolonged courting period that others have proposed. I mean, he's supposed to be your gallant knight in shining armour after all.
Perhaps, keep the events timed as they are with the CN Anomen (i.e he sucumbs more rapidly to all that testosterone racing around his body), but maybe lengthen the pre-consumation phase if he's LG.

Maybe I should be putting this in the BG2 movie thread, but since this pertains specifically to Anomen...
While drinking hot chocolate on this cool coastal day my thoughts drifted to the movie "Chocolat." And they drifted to Johny Depp, who IMO was quite luscious in that flick. It also occurred to me that he might look just as good in armour (or out of it...) as he did in that flowing poet shirt......and he might also have the right personality. The charming yet brooding type. This is of course entirely hypothetical, but what do you think?

Posted: Mon May 14, 2001 8:50 pm
by dragon wench
Oh forgot to mention. Maybe include something about how some sort of Under Dark interaction with Phaere/Soloufein could have been fun?

Posted: Tue May 15, 2001 6:41 am
by Georgi
Ok, I will draft something to put on the Black Isle board... when I can actually get into the board :mad: :rolleyes:

I did consider Johnny Depp, but, I dunno, he seems maybe a little effete to be Anomen? (Haven't seen Chocolat yet, but in Sleepy Hollow...) I think my vote still goes to Joaquin Phoenix.

Maybe the razor just gives its target immunity to necromancy? That's not too specific...

Posted: Tue May 15, 2001 7:16 am
by scully1
Depp looks good w/facial hair...Both he and Phoenix are incredibly sexy, so either one, I think...

Posted: Tue May 15, 2001 8:07 am
by Vivien
Hi all :)
I've been following your advice and discussion about Anomen, and am going to give him another go. :)
Just got through BG1 again, and have a leather wearing female thief to show him what women are all about ;) I hope it's not buggy this time :)

I hope your message gets to Bioware, I'd hate the romance to be stifled because they 'didn't have the time, and there aren't many female players anyway'