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What's So Funny Bout Communism?

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Post by fable »

Originally posted by Chanak
In regard to the government of the United States...

The Constitution of the United States of America includes a very unique document called the "Bill of Rights." This document guaranteed all citizens certain inalienable rights, the likes of which you did not find at that time elsewhere in the world.

Much of the Bill of Rights came directly from the French rationalist philosophers whom Jefferson so admired. A good deal of it can be seen in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen, published in 1789 by the French First Republic. The French went rather further in some respects--their 1789 Declaration also defines "liberty" as "consisting in the freedom to do everything which injuries no one else."

I'm not arguing that the French were there first, but only that the Americans were hardly alone. Jefferson borrowed, and he borrowed well. It's unfortunate that the Bill of Rights was effectively twisted and ignored for so very long, since by inference women and non-whites were not citizens, and therefore not covered by its contents until the 20th century.
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Post by VoodooDali »

Interesting thread...

Problems I have with capitalism:
There is an over-valuation of work, and no sense of appreciation of worth of those who cannot. A prime example of this is the elderly. Probably for this very reason, no one in the USA wants to grow old. Old=useless, worthless here. When I worked with the mentally ill, I learned so much from them and it really saddened me that they were perceived as having absolutely nothing to offer the world since they could not work.

I wish capitalism worked so well, that hard work and merit raises actually existed. I have worked both in large bureaucracies (sort of socialistic) and in large corporations. In bureacracies, you are rewarded for just hanging around (seniority). In corporations, you are rewarded for backstabbing and kissing butt. The actual person who rose to the top due to competency and merit was extremely rare in my experience. So, I don't assume that capitalism actually rewards hard work.

I was a middle-class kid who went to an exclusive private school (due to my academic aptitude) with extremely wealthy kids, such as some of the Bush family. I was totally excluded - it really was a private club. There is a myth in the USA that most middle class people hold - that if you earn enough money, you can join this club. You can't. Bill Gates, despite all his personal wealth, can never be a part of that old money scene you find in places like Greenwich, Connecticut. You are born into it - you cannot join. They do not want you. Hard work, merit, earning a lot of money, this doesn't matter to them. That is why we have the term "nouveau riche." This finally hit home when I went to my 10-year reunion - there was a handful of us middle class alums and we were all standing in one room, and the rich ones were all in the other room. Few of them came over and said hello. My class only had 85 people in it and we hadn't seen each other for 10 years! I believe that unlike Brits, most Americans are in denial of the existence of the class system in this country...

As far as taxes go, I feel I'm being hit pretty hard. 30% is a lot. I have my own business and cannot afford health insurance. I am one of 40 million in the USA without health insurance. For an interesting article on where tax dollars are going this year, see: Your Federal Tax Dollars At Work
I actually wouldn't mind paying more taxes, if I could get the benefits that people in Sweden do.

Oh well, I'm tired of writing about this...
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Post by Chanak »

Originally posted by Aegis
I'm just gonna throw something into the mix here, as it's late, and my head is swimming after chanak's post.

For the most part, people in this thread are seeing only Black and White, but failing to see the various shades of grey inbetween. On one side of the spectrum, we have Scayde, Chanak and Lazarus. The only ones that seem to be seeing both the good and the bad of the whole idea of Communism is Myself, CE, Frogus and Fable.
I do believe the focus in this thread is the economic system featured in Communist countries...clarified by further expounding upon the philosophy behind it as being perfect in spirit, as it were. What myself, Scayde, and Lazarus have pointed out is that even in theory, the economic principles of "distribution" which seek equality for all are in themselves flawed at best. There's always someone at the short end of the stick, so to speak. This kind of system, while able to work for any given period of time, never produces prosperity or economic growth. To the best of my knowledge, history bears a sad, and sometimes tragic, witness to this.

In my case, I have gone further by adding experience and history to the fray. I have personally lived under such a system on a smaller scale, and have noted the disastrous economic failures that Communist/Socialist nations have been throughout the 20th century. Droves sought to escape from the Eastern bloc during the Cold War, and were hemmed in by mine fields, walls, and guards toting automatic weapons. You never find such measures employed in a non-Communist country.
Now, no where in this conversation have those in the middle said that Communism, in practice, works. But at the same time, the same is being said about Capitilism. Those one the side of Capitilism seem set on their views, and unwillingly to change them, instead seeing it as a vicious attack on their life style, and way of life. It is interesting to watch this go back and forth, to be quite honest. The image of Communism that Scayde, Chanak and Lazuras have is all very much the same in how the American media portrayed it during the McCarthy Withchunts (OR Sleepy's 'Pinko' scare), and defend that point of view vehemently.

Communism invariably features a State controlled, distribution oriented economy. That is one reason for the economic failure of Communism. Another feature is a poorer quality of life for it's citizens in relation to most Western countries. Need I comment further on this? I think not.

Free-market economies invariably experience prosperity and booming economic growth, and a higher standard of living for it's citizens. The proponents of distribution have clearly stated that a free market is inherently unjust and, in so many words, horrible. Naturally this is a stab at our way of life. However, I am not taking any of this personally - this is supposed to be a debate, after all. :)

Perhaps you did not read in one of my posts in this thread where I clearly stated that there are varying forms of Communism found throughout the world. The United States government learned this lesson the hard way during the Korean War, and the Vietnam War.

In any case, history again bears witness to something - that free market economies not only work, but produce economic growth and prosperity for those who practice it. Capitalism is one such method of free enterprise, and is a smashing success story.
Now, the four of us (CE, Fable, Frogus, and myself) are not arguing that Communism works in practice. In fact, we have argeed with you that for it to work in practice would be almost impossible. We are merely trying to dispel a myth that Communism, in theory, is the ideal Utopian society. For either system to work, though, it can't be one or the other. It must be amalgamation of both, but it seems we will never achieve that, because of this inherent view of what Communism is.
I must be confused...from what I understand, it has been held that the principles behind Communism, if adhered to "perfectly," would result in Utopia. This is what I have gleaned from the thread. What I have also gleaned from this thread is that a free-market system such as Capitalism, albeit practiced imperfectly by a Democratic/Republican country such as the United States, is unjust and wasteful, and will rape the earth of it's resources eventually.

Personally, I know what Communism is...and as I have stated before, I am dead set against it. I am against any system which oppresses and takes from it's citizens against their will. Such a system tells you where to live...where you can go...what your work shall be...and what your living consists of. All in the name of "distribution" and "equality." Invariably, a ruling elite Intelligencia of the educated who "know what's best."
@Chanak: Remember, I did not say Mennonites and Amish communities were Communist, I said they helped foster inspiration for Marx's Communist theories. The reason those communities are as strict as they are, is because they have a strong sense of religion as well.
Marx held that religion was the opiate of the masses. However, I did not mention their religion at all in my brief look into how they live...rather, I merely offered a glimpse of day to day life. This is a society where all "are equal"...their religion being the glue which keeps people within their way of life. The reason these societies are as strict as they are is to enforce this equality. But their religion has little to do with how they live. That is a matter of much debate, and has been for over 2,000 years.
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Post by Scayde »

Originally posted by fable
but that government should be held more accountable to the public by making it a better instrument of reflective values: creating legislative bodies based on proportional support, instead of winner-take-all. :) I am sure I will never see my ideal come true......Throw in "representative" before legislative bodies, and I would certainly settle for this :) ;)

Scayde Moody
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Post by Chanak »

Originally posted by fable
Much of the Bill of Rights came directly from the French rationalist philosophers whom Jefferson so admired. A good deal of it can be seen in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen, published in 1789 by the French First Republic. The French went rather further in some respects--their 1789 Declaration also defines "liberty" as "consisting in the freedom to do everything which injuries no one else."

I'm not arguing that the French were there first, but only that the Americans were hardly alone. Jefferson borrowed, and he borrowed well. It's unfortunate that the Bill of Rights was effectively twisted and ignored for so very long, since by inference women and non-whites were not citizens, and therefore not covered by its contents until the 20th century.

Indeed, Thomas Jefferson - perhaps my favorite American - was inspired by French philosophers. :)

I think we need to look at the climate of the times in order to determine what their definition of "citizen" was. At that time, in a European society, it was a caucasian male who owned land (the Founding Fathers weren't the only ones who held this view). Despite the Revolution, many things awaited change - which the Emancipation Proclamation, Women's Sufferage, and the Civil Rights movement all addressed, eventually. That these citizens once suffered sub-status is regrettable...yet now they are liberated to fully partake of that Bill of Rights, and this encourages me greatly. This came about by the actions of the people of the United States...and that, to me, is a blazing star in the night sky. :)
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Post by Scayde »

Originally posted by Chanak
Indeed, Thomas Jefferson - perhaps my favorite American - was inspired by French philosophers. :)

I think we need to look at the climate of the times in order to determine what their definition of "citizen" was. At that time, in a European society, it was a caucasian male who owned land (the Founding Fathers weren't the only ones who held this view). Despite the Revolution, many things awaited change - which the Emancipation Proclamation, Women's Sufferage, and the Civil Rights movement all addressed, eventually. That these citizens once suffered sub-status is regrettable...yet now they are liberated to fully partake of that Bill of Rights, and this encourages me greatly. This came about by the actions of the people of the United States...and that, to me, is a blazing star in the night sky. :)
Yes it is :)

Scayde Moody
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Post by fable »

Originally posted by Chanak
Indeed, Thomas Jefferson - perhaps my favorite American - was inspired by French philosophers. :)
He was a remarkable centaur, a mixture of extraordinary sensitivity and innovation, and rather glaring faults. Have you ever read Henry Adams' History of the Jefferson and Madison administrations? It's a thick book, but well written, and interesting in the way he builds a portrait of Jefferson.

That these citizens once suffered sub-status is regrettable...yet now they are liberated to fully partake of that Bill of Rights, and this encourages me greatly. This came about by the actions of the people of the United States...and that, to me, is a blazing star in the night sky. :) [/QUOTE]

Well...I love the sentiment and the poetry, and I mean that; but really, it wasn't "the people" who made women and blacks free. It was tens of thousands of women demonstrating (an unheard of thing since the period of the Civil War) and politicians suddenly realizing that here was a potential untouched electorate to win over for votes; and in the case of blacks, it was a matter of bringing major cities to a standstill through peaceful protest marches. The vast white male majority did very little to help, except for a few stalwart, visionary individuals.
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Post by Scayde »

Originally posted by fable

Well...I love the sentiment and the poetry, and I mean that; but really, it wasn't "the people" who made women and blacks free. It was tens of thousands of women demonstrating (an unheard of thing since the period of the Civil War) and politicians suddenly realizing that here was a potential untouched electorate to win over for votes; and in the case of blacks, it was a matter of bringing major cities to a standstill through peaceful protest marches. The vast white male majority did very little to help, except for a few stalwart, visionary individuals. sounds as though you are excluding women and blacks from "thePeople"..Isn't that what the protests were about in the first place :D :p ;)

....Sorry...I know that is not what you meant..but when I read it....LOL......I just couldn't resist

*HUG* ;)

Scayde Moody
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Post by Chanak »

@Scayde: LMAO! Shame on you, cowgirl... ;)
Originally posted by fable
He was a remarkable centaur, a mixture of extraordinary sensitivity and innovation, and rather glaring faults. Have you ever read Henry Adams' History of the Jefferson and Madison administrations? It's a thick book, but well written, and interesting in the way he builds a portrait of Jefferson.

...Well...I love the sentiment and the poetry, and I mean that; but really, it wasn't "the people" who made women and blacks free. It was tens of thousands of women demonstrating (an unheard of thing since the period of the Civil War) and politicians suddenly realizing that here was a potential untouched electorate to win over for votes; and in the case of blacks, it was a matter of bringing major cities to a standstill through peaceful protest marches. The vast white male majority did very little to help, except for a few stalwart, visionary individuals.

Indeed, he was all of that, much like most humans of exceptional genius and vision. History is rife with such examples...

My favorite is Andrew Jackson. He was famous for parties where the general public was invited...very frowned upon by the elite and the well-to-do in politics. :D

The women of America indeed make up part of the people of were the abolitionists who championed the cause of African slaves in America. I recall more than just a few, stalwart white males who participated in the Civil Rights marches and protests of the 1960's and 70's. You can see them in photographs from that era. :)
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Post by Scayde »

Originally posted by frogus
Hurrah - excellent discussion here - good (if completely wrong ;) ) posts @Scayde :cool:

*LOL..Says You :p

Well, I was going to make Fable's point about taxes - @Scayde, you seem to feel very strongly that taking money from you is a serious violation of your rights (although it is not really a violation of Human Rights)...but I am curious, does being taxed a quarter of your income every month provoke as passionate a reaction as you have posted here?

As a matter of fact..I do ;)

Anyway - here are my thoughts on the matter:

'Trickle-down' economics does not work - and I think that this is immediately evident to anyone who looks at the world at the moment. Scayde, you must realise that the countries in which 'trickle-down' economics are present are the worst off countries in the world. The countries in which capital is injected via foreign corporate presence are the countries, not only in which people are hungriest and most needy of public services, but they are also the countries which have no hope for the future.

frogus, I am not sure I understand why you say this.....The USA, GB, Japan, Germany, etc. etc. etc. all free market economies, all operate on trickle down capitalism, mixed with social services, all prosperous and secure. :confused:
Competition takes place when somebody has something that somebody else wants - But you think that the competition is among big business, whereas actually, it is among the desperate countries.

This is because these countries are not operating in their best interest. If every developing country demanded decent consessions for its workers in exchange for the lower wage they would have to pay, then the playing field would be even and both would benefit. The disparity could be used to the developing countries advantage, instead of their disadvantage. It is happening right now in Mexico, it is the foundation of growth in the Pacific Rim. I am not trying to change your mind frogus, I understand you disagree with me. But it is a valid theory, and has a more proven track record than any other. Capitalistic free markets grow countries. There is evidence all around you that it works. Many people do not like the model, but in all fairness, it is a success story. :cool:

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Post by fable »

The USA, GB, Japan, Germany, etc. etc. etc. all free market economies, all operate on trickle down capitalism, mixed with social services, all prosperous and secure.

Trickle-down (or supply side, to give it its proper name) is a theory that states if you give money back to the wealthiest, it will be quickly spent on items that will that benefit the jobs and well-being of everybody else. That has yet to be shown to work in any given national culture, and efforts at trickle-down date as far back as the Hoover adminstration in the early 1930s. Nor is it being employed in Japan or Europe. Both the UK and Germany are socialist states that apply high taxes on large corporations--the opposite of supply side; and supply side theory has been roundly scoffed at by both governments. Japan too, has a high corporate tax base, although any negative effects are to an extent counterbalanced by strong protectionist laws aimed at keeping out foreign competition.

Supply side has been used in some SE Asian nations, where it has resulted in spectacular employment growth. What the supply siders usually neglect to point is that none of the money saved by the international mega-corporations is effectively spent *within the countries,* and the extremely low commercial tax base means a complete absence of any social safety net for the employed. The results eerily duplicate the horrifying conditions of Industrial England in the 19th century, which I've referred to, before, where children were put to work by the age of six, and where people worked for up to 14 hours a day in intolerable conditions. The government doesn't have any more revenues, so only the wealthiest benefit.
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Post by Chanak »

Originally posted by fable
Trickle-down (or supply side, to give it its proper name) is a theory that states if you give money back to the wealthiest, it will be quickly spent on items that will that benefit the jobs and well-being of everybody else. That has yet to be shown to work in any given national culture, and efforts at trickle-down date as far back as the Hoover adminstration in the early 1930s....
It is my understanding that the US economy indeed operates on this principle...though not practiced in full, it is an element of our economy nonetheless. Trickle down works in the empowerment of business owners to expand their assets...which they do when given the chance. This, after all, generates more profit. More profit means more work. This is part of the story of the success of the American economy.

The absence of health and safety laws might indeed result in the conditions you describe that existed during the early days of the Industrial Revolution. That these laws exist here, and are enforced, prevents such things from happening in a trickle down climate. A good example is the investigation of McWane Industries as we speak...they are accused of gross safety violations within their plants. There are a number of laws which prevent business owners from simply doing whatever they want to do.
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Post by fable »

Originally posted by Chanak
It is my understanding that the US economy indeed operates on this principle...though not practiced in full, it is an element of our economy nonetheless. Trickle down works in the empowerment of business owners to expand their assets...which they do when given the chance. This, after all, generates more profit. More profit means more work. This is part of the story of the success of the American economy.
Supply side is the not the same as simply offering businesses private incentives. Trickle down is a practice that involves the drastic lowering of taxes on only the very wealthiest corporations, along with a commitment to national protectionist practices for those same businesses. It's like giving a giant booster shot to 1% of the businesspeople, instead of a regular booster shot to 30% or more.

Supply side isn't being used, or you wouldn't be hearing screams from the American economic far right for trickle-down. ;) Basically, when Reagan's early attempt to use supply side failed to generate more economic growth, it was quietly phased out. There were no attempts to employ trickle-down during his second term. Bush Sr and Clinton didn't use it.

The absence of health and safety laws might indeed result in the conditions you describe that existed during the early days of the Industrial Revolution. That these laws exist here, and are enforced, prevents such things from happening in a trickle down climate.

I would agree with you, except that your definition of supply side is (as I mentioned above) a bit askew. My point was simply that the few places where supply side economics have been applied show a dismal record, because you can't look (as supply siders do) at nothing but employment figures in exclusion of everything else. National GNP, crime rate, longevity, pollution, property values and more have to be considered. Trickle-down is theory-driven, again: instead of being developed by economic historians who have learned the lessons of history, it's created by economists out of a priori assumptions in the hothouse climate of thinktanks. :)
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Post by Scayde »

Originally posted by fable
The USA, GB, Japan, Germany, etc. etc. etc. all free market economies, all operate on trickle down capitalism, mixed with social services, all prosperous and secure.

Supply side has been used in some SE Asian nations, where it has resulted in spectacular employment growth. What the supply siders usually neglect to point is that none of the money saved by the international mega-corporations is effectively spent *within the countries,* and the extremely low commercial tax base means a complete absence of any social safety net for the employed. The results eerily duplicate the horrifying conditions of Industrial England in the 19th century, which I've referred to, before, where children were put to work by the age of six, and where people worked for up to 14 hours a day in intolerable conditions. The government doesn't have any more revenues, so only the wealthiest benefit.

This speaks to the point I was trying to make. If the countries courting these contracts insisted on fair labor practices, in a unified maner, more of the money generated would remain within their borders. While the sweatshops you mention do in fact exist, I would lay the responsibility on the governments of the exampled nations. It is in the interest of the companies to do business with these nations for a number of reasons, the lower average wage being only one. These governments have a great deal of leway in the process. The same companies which pay 2.50/hr in Bengladesh pay 14.50/hr in the States. At the table, if the deal was pitched that the wage be set at 5.50/hr+a school+a clinic+community housing, the companies would still be making money, and spending less per employee than they do in Pittsburg, Pa. It would not detract the investor, adn it would keep more profit within the borders of that country, while improving the general living conditions of the population. It is not working as well as it could right now, because these countries are, like America was in the first 100 years, new to the process. It will take time, but their prosperity will come... :)

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Post by fable »

This speaks to the point I was trying to make. If the countries courting these contracts insisted on fair labor practices, in a unified maner, more of the money generated would remain within their borders. While the sweatshops you mention do in fact exist, I would lay the responsibility on the governments of the exampled nations. It is in the interest of the companies to do business with these nations for a number of reasons, the lower average wage being only one.

I think you just put your finger on the problem, @Scayde. It's in the interests of the governments of these countries to do nothing to deal with the social problems, since resolving these would remove many of the incentives that mega-corporations count upon. Consider: Why should any such megalithic corporation move a plant to a tiny, backwards community in one of these third world nations, if it couldn't shell up no more than a few cents per hour to employees who are kept cooped up in hothouse conditions for twelve hours a day? What if they were required by law to build and occupy buildings that were well-ventilated, fire-proofed, heated, with sanitary facilities? What if they were forced to pay a decent wage, and provide some kind of benefits package? Suddenly, the incentives for moving there are much, much smaller.

On top of that, remember, the government realizes little or no actual revenue from the presence of the enormous multinational. Such funds as are provided exchange hands beneath the table, so to speak, and between people; none of it enters government coffers. Therefore, there is no more money for the government to provide any kind of safety net for its own citizens, who are in any case relatively disenfranchised by Amero-European standards. Lacking the basis of law to organize and protest, lacking the historical culture that supports this protest, why should the government be concerned?

In short, supply side only benefits two parties in these nations: the mega-corporations, that aren't part of the nation at all, and the individual government ministers who pocket the bribes. The nation actually loses. On paper, their employment looks great, but we all should remember the "paper tiger" economic crisis that hit SE Asia a few years ago. These fly-high, supply side economies are inherently instable, because they add nothing structurally to a nation. :)
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Post by frogus »

by Chanak
I must be confused...from what I understand, it has been held that the principles behind Communism, if adhered to "perfectly," would result in Utopia. This is what I have gleaned from the thread.

I have never believed (or posted) this. If it's my position you're talking about, you misunderstand me completely.

Anyway - *intention to right more later*
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Post by C Elegans »

@all: Now the detector in our PET system is fixed again, so now I don't have as much time as last week. I will most likely not be able to post anything until the weekend, I am sorry for that :(

EDIT: Just a note:
Originally posted by Tom
It seems to me that part of what separates the two camps, in this later part of the discussion, is the view on property rights.

I think it is clear that scayde, chanak and maybe Lazarus believe that ownership is an absolute right i.e. one that holds in all circumstances.

The other camp made up of at least CE and fable holds that there are situations where it is morally right to take what is considered to be a person’s possession and give it to someone else.
Thus I think that one of the fundamental question that has to be dealt with is whether we can support a principle that states that a person’s property right takes precedence over all other moral claims.

At first sight there seems to be a number of situations where another moral claim overrides a person’s property right. One example would be if a child was dying of thirst and a person nearby has more water than he needs. It seems to me that if the person with the water was unwilling to give up water to help the child it would become morally right to take the water of him, ignoring that he has a property claim on it, in order to save the child. Clearly one can think of innumerable such examples.

In fact it seems to me that the notion that there are ultimate moral principles (principles that can’t be overridden by another moral principle) is indefensible, morally and philosophically.

Originally posted by Lazarus
You're a philosopher, aren't you Tom? The example you provide has little or nothing to do with the discussion at hand. We are not discussing an isolated moron who won't share his water with a dehydrated child. :rolleyes: We are discussing a system of politics and/or economics which would necessarily require the enslavement of one segment of the population. The two are simply not comparable.

Contrary to Lazarus, I really do think Tom's point is extremly vaid in this discussion since it points out the consequences of our respective ways of reasoning. Lazarus breaks the question down to his system not enslaving a part of the populationk, whereas he claims that the types of system proposed by me, fable, frogus and perhaps others, require enslavement. This is of course Lazarus personal opinion, just as my person opinion is exactly the opposite. If you believe one system includes slavery and another not, it is pretty obvious that they two are not comparable. But the use of words like "slavery" to describe taxes, is IMO a disrespect to true slavery. You have had true slavery in the US; you know what I am talking about. And there is still a lot of slavery around the word. The workers in factories who are chained at their workplace and even sleep chained to their beds, that is IMO not comparable to taxes. Lazarus and Scayde may view it as slavery and thievery to pay taxes or give aid to the 3rd world if it is not done by free will. I however think that is a luxury problem and should be addressed after the most needy people (ie those who starve to death, are truly enslaved, and die en masse because of lack of basic necessities such as clean water and lack of antibiotics) have got a reasonable living standard where they at least have the basic right to survive.
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Post by Chanak »

@frogus: No, I wasn't attributing this sentiment to you, evil young genius. ;)

No need to get your feathers ruffled, sonny. :p ;) (perhaps we ought to start a new fight thread...)
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Post by fable »

Another bump, here. I was just re-reading (inspired in part by this thread) James Billington's history of Russian culture, The Icon and the Axe. It's a fascinating book. At one point the author, in outlining the parameters of early Kievan-Rus culture that would affect the land for a long time to come, makes this interesting statement:

The Communist world that had come into being by then corresponded less to the prohecies of Karl Marx than to those of an almost unknown Russian contemporary, Nicholas Il'in. While the former spent his life as an uprooted intelluectual in Berlin, Paris and London, the latter spent his as a patriotic artillery officer in Russian central Asia. Whereas the former looked to the rational emergence of a new, basically Western European proletariat under German leadership, the latter looked to the messianic arrival of a new Eurasian religious civilization under Russian tutelage. At the very time Marx was writing his Communist Manifesto...Il'in was proclaiming his Tidings of Zion to Russian sectarians in Siberia. Il'in's strange teachings reflect the childlike love of cannon, the primitive ethical dualism, and the suppressed fear of Europe, which were all present in Russian thinking. His followers marched to such hymns as "The Bomb of the Divine Artillery," divided the world into men of Jehovah and Satan, those sitting at the right and left hand of God, and thaught that a new empire of complete brotherhood and untold wealth would be formed by the followers of Jehovah along a vast railroad stretching from the Middle East through Russia to south China.

Billington's point is one I've made before, that changes of government often reflect the surface shift of a culture, but not any deep alterations within the culture, itself. Il'in is offered up, above, as a bridge between the early medieval Moscovites with their love of the cannon and bells, and the former seminarian Stalin, with his obsession for artillery and machinery sounds. Russian Communism, to Billington, is at least in part a messianic journey away from the evils of Western materialism and into a soul purged of guilt through brotherhood.

How does the passage strike you? Does anyone besides myself note the messianic character of Bolshevism?
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Post by Chanak »

Originally posted by Scayde
This speaks to the point I was trying to make. If the countries courting these contracts insisted on fair labor practices, in a unified maner, more of the money generated would remain within their borders. While the sweatshops you mention do in fact exist, I would lay the responsibility on the governments of the exampled nations. It is in the interest of the companies to do business with these nations for a number of reasons, the lower average wage being only one. These governments have a great deal of leway in the process. The same companies which pay 2.50/hr in Bengladesh pay 14.50/hr in the States. At the table, if the deal was pitched that the wage be set at 5.50/hr+a school+a clinic+community housing, the companies would still be making money, and spending less per employee than they do in Pittsburg, Pa. It would not detract the investor, adn it would keep more profit within the borders of that country, while improving the general living conditions of the population. It is not working as well as it could right now, because these countries are, like America was in the first 100 years, new to the process. It will take time, but their prosperity will come... :)

@Scayde: Well written...*hug* :)

For at least the first 100 years of it's existence, the United States was essentially a "Third World" country. We were a poor country and sparsely populated by anyone's standards (back then, and most certainly now), yet somehow we attained unprecendented prosperity and growth during the following 100 years. That was not accomplished by foreign aid and World Bank loans...after all, such things did not exist at that time. Rather, it was done by establishing a system which promoted growth and prosperity. It was a hard road, to be sure, fraught with lean times and often poor working conditions. Yet in time all of these things were not only addressed, but improved upon, while still maintaining a structure that promoted success both corporately and privately. Personal freedoms were always held to be of the upmost importance, and the result speaks for itself. :)

Like Scayde points out, this process is something which developing nations are undergoing at this time. Ultimately, it is in their own hands to insure their growth and one else's. "Poor" nations who have been receiving foreign aid and World Bank loans are in actuality poorer than they were before they received such aid. Most often what occurs is that most of this aid is used by tyrants to build their own personal empires, as we have seen time and time again.
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