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Post by CM »

Bah, never, i rather get incriminating pictures of BS with other men...and blackmail him and sell them of course and give out his address so more men flock to him.
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? - Khalil Gibran

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Post by Aqua-chan »

Go for it. :D :D
"There are worse things in the world than serving the whims of a deadly sex goddess." - Zevran
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Luis Antonio
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Post by Luis Antonio »

CM, what if he likes it??? :D
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Post by CM »

You had to say that didnt you? :p You had to say he may like it :( There goes that plan. But hell i will do it anyway. BS deserves all the men he can get in his life. After all he is getting no where with AC :D
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? - Khalil Gibran

"We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!" - Winston Churchill
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Luis Antonio
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Post by Luis Antonio »

:eek: BS and AC???

Yeah, you'd better keep them separate... :D

Btw, I dunno, but he may like it. He is BS, after all. :D
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Post by Aqua-chan »

[QUOTE=Luis Antonio] :eek: BS and AC???

You haven't been here long, have you? :p
"There are worse things in the world than serving the whims of a deadly sex goddess." - Zevran
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Post by CM »

The thing is BS is always hitting on AC and AC is always turning him down. But she only does that because she loves the constant attention she gets if she turns him down. IF she said yes, there would be no more attention and she cant have that :p :D
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? - Khalil Gibran

"We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!" - Winston Churchill
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Post by Aqua-chan »

So, what? You want me to say yes? Fine. I will. Where's that drunkard? :p
"There are worse things in the world than serving the whims of a deadly sex goddess." - Zevran
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Post by Luis Antonio »

[QUOTE=Aqua-chan]You haven't been here long, have you? :p [/QUOTE]

Nope, I'm just a frenzied newbie... But God bless you! You must be a saint :D
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Post by CM »

[QUOTE=Aqua-chan]So, what? You want me to say yes? Fine. I will. Where's that drunkard? :p [/QUOTE]

Yes i do. I hope that will stop the constant flirting. I hope.....

Saint? Hardly she is a DF and thus a demon :p
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? - Khalil Gibran

"We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!" - Winston Churchill
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Post by Aqua-chan »

[QUOTE=Luis Antonio]Nope, I'm just a frenzied newbie... But God bless you! You must be a saint :D [/QUOTE]

Now this is a quote for the books. :D
"There are worse things in the world than serving the whims of a deadly sex goddess." - Zevran
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Post by Taco Magus »

[QUOTE=Aqua-chan]So, what? You want me to say yes? Fine. I will. Where's that drunkard? :p [/QUOTE]

i can be a drunkard too :D
Dungeon Crawl Inc. Bruoght to you by GB's own Kayless :D

"This is between us and the chickens, ma'am, and im going to ask

real nicely that you stay out of it" -Child of Baal
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Post by Luis Antonio »

[QUOTE=Aqua-chan]Now this is a quote for the books. :D [/QUOTE]

PM'ing Fable to stick this thread :D
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Post by CM »

I thought you already had your present humping rat? :p
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? - Khalil Gibran

"We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!" - Winston Churchill
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Post by Aqua-chan »

[QUOTE=Taco Magus]i can be a drunkard too :D [/QUOTE]
Yes, but you haven't been intently chasing me for nearly two years. ;)
"There are worse things in the world than serving the whims of a deadly sex goddess." - Zevran
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Post by Taco Magus »

actually ive been meaning to get that changed...but really, leaving the burrito humping mouse out of this
Dungeon Crawl Inc. Bruoght to you by GB's own Kayless :D

"This is between us and the chickens, ma'am, and im going to ask

real nicely that you stay out of it" -Child of Baal
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Post by CM »

Why? I say he adds flavour to SYM :D
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? - Khalil Gibran

"We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!" - Winston Churchill
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Post by Taco Magus »

[QUOTE=CM]Why? I say he adds flavour to SYM :D [/QUOTE]

I bet thats why you go to taco bell so much too :D
Dungeon Crawl Inc. Bruoght to you by GB's own Kayless :D

"This is between us and the chickens, ma'am, and im going to ask

real nicely that you stay out of it" -Child of Baal
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Luis Antonio
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Post by Luis Antonio »

[QUOTE=Aqua-chan]Yes, but you haven't been intently chasing me for nearly two years. ;) [/QUOTE]

- :eek: -

Can I start chasing you too??? :D Seems to be the favourite game of 4 among 6 symiers... :D
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Post by Sytze »

From what I gathered here, BS is constantly after AC. However, Weasel also seems to be in the picture. Either as a dad, or a former "lover". If it's both, then I'm leaving this place right now! Ohh yeah, AC might also be Z's sis.

Plus there was something with Sleep and Georgi...I think....

[QUOTE=CM]The thing is BS is always hitting on AC and AC is always turning him down. But she only does that because she loves the constant attention she gets if she turns him down. IF she said yes, there would be no more attention and she cant have that :p :D [/QUOTE]

You just summed the behaviour of the average woman up, CM
(see how I tactically say "average"? :p ).
"Sometimes Dreams are wiser than waking"
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