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Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 2:17 pm
by Mandalorianx
once when i was running naked in bowerstone and farting( i admit i was bored
),one of the boy always say ''one day i wanna be a hero like you''(ehm
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 5:25 pm
by Exude
If I ever wanted to get a good laugh, I got everyone in the room drunk.
Works for me.
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 4:54 pm
by Moosekid
OneWingedAngel wrote:oh i got another. When your finding the Archiologist in the demon door, and you have to hit the stones, if you hit the stones, it will say S-H-I-T. i first did that and i cracked up.
I read somewhere that doing that triggers two balvarines, lol.
So near the end of the game where you're collecting the souls, you get the choice to kill the guildmaster. I took on all of his guards and won, then there's this cutscene:
Guildmaster: So be it. I warn you, I am no defenceless, old man. why, I could-
Hero: *Cut's the guildmaster down in mid-speach*
I'm like.. LOL. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 9:28 pm
by Assassin Reaper
I thought that one of the names you could get was funny. I was looking through names and i spotted it. I didn't even look at the others it was one of the first five. It was assassin. In every game i'm either an assassin or thief or a stealth pertaining class (when you can pick classes). Well I thought with that name i'd be feared. I was wrong. I only did good deads because they paid a lot. But now I walked through the dark forest with my assassin suit on which was hard to find. But I saved the traders from a balvorine and they started saying my name. They said there goes the proud hero assassin. And ohh look dear it's assassin. and the girls were like ohh look at the muscles on assassin. it was funny. Once I just got mad and some trader said my name and clapped after I killed all of the bandits in the area where there are only bandits and whasps, (somewhere near orchard farm) And I lost it I started killing him, He tried to defend so I merely assassin rushed behind him and killed him with a final blow of bursurker mode. Basically I overkilled him. But it was funny what they said about me with my name. And then I paid this singer to sing. And he was saying stuff which made me laugh. Hence the name assassin. But I believe there was another name called reaper. So I like reaper It's like I pluck the mortal souls silently. Now that truly is Death. It's like I'm the next Grim Reaper. but i'm silent. It sounds awsome and if you actually think about it which I know most of you guys don't do it is basically like what death does lol. Wow I noticed something in about every post I do I always get side tracked lmao
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 9:23 am
by Bob Dole176
mirage4 wrote:In Bargate prison during the race, i accidently hit a guard and he and all his friends came running after me. i laughed my head of first but then the killed me and i was sad
I kinda did the same thing, but I punched a guard a few times, and some of them were shooting at me. What I did was i got in front of the other people in the race and they got shot!
too funny
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:23 pm
by zykethehellfire
My favorite funny part on fable was in the sick child quest.if you stand by the sick kid for a while he say a lot of funny things but the best is when he says "Go away headless monkey...i dont like your eyes"first time i heard that i cracked up so bad i couldnt breathe.And then the two stoners in the lookout point are pretty funny to.the "man i think fairies have burrowed teir way into my gums."that always makes me laugh.(btw i play on the xbow so if it dont work on the pc or something then there's the reason)
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 2:38 am
by Cazza Fable
Guildmaster dying
The funniest thing in Fable TLC is definitely when the Guildmaster says, "You cannot even begin to imagine..." and you punch him in the face. Ha ha ha.:laugh:
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 10:26 pm
by Gifford
Man, the funniest thing HAS to be the grave stones. "your standing on my head," PRICELESS.
Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 9:22 pm
by Gothboy
One of the funniest things i saw i just encountered about my 10ish time through when your in the bordello and you come in wearing a redhead wig and a bright dress how the madam ask if you want to be a working girl and if you click yes youl be able to go to the top room with one of the customers then grope and you get paid each time and how people there actully think your a woman also how if you hire the henchmen from the bandit camp and the one outside temple of avo how there always fighting about whose better.
Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 10:59 pm
by Mrweum
I'd have to say "A love story"
about the trophy wife. I honestly Lol'ed at it.:laugh:
(yay first post on gamebanshee for me!)
Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 2:06 am
by AmpaSand
I compleated avo and scorm and the game glitched and so for the five or so min befor it forze i was neural with ALL alingment affects and people saying auh sentius or whet ever the name was then running away in fear. plus i did look pretty wack!
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 2:13 pm
by G-Sus
you wanna have a good time? then just go do ANYTHING drunk off ur arse lol. its friggin awsome! for example: the arena quest DRUNK! the final battle DRUNK! u get my point
oh yea tha guildmaster thing in TLC is awsome. me n my friend tried it for tha first time n we laughed our asses of cause my friend thought tha guildmaster was going to be some crazy-good opponent lol
n dessin up like a chick when ur all buff n have scars all over tha place with tattoos, it just look wrong
Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 5:36 pm
by Anarchy Nooblet
mine was when i killed the guildmaster while wearin the chicken hat and killing him with the fryin pan.lolz he got owned...then fried
Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:42 pm
by G-Sus
Assassin Reaper wrote:I thought that one of the names you could get was funny.
you want a funny name? get arse face :laugh:
you kno wat gave me a chuckle playing thru tha gaem? when u reach snowspire for tha first time and scythe asks you to "talk" to him about tha journey there. this always gives me a lil laugh cause, well, you never really talk
Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 5:38 pm
by wing
this just happened to me today, i was in my house in knothole glade(or hook coast, cant remember) and my wife was there too. a guard walked in, said "you enjoy yourself" and walked away. shortly after that she asked me to have sex.
Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 12:08 am
by Yuri
I was grinding and went into the hobbe cave and casted Infernal Wrath and all the hobbe's were stuck in the air. There arms were moveing and they had this one long tone scream they that always do.
Ended up pulling a great hammer out and knocking them on there back sides.:laugh:
Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 4:05 pm
by onewithout
Funniest Fable Quote (TLC)
Hearing Jack's voice mutter " There is an important quest card waiting for you at the bottom of a grave.... " while in Hook Coast (TLC)! Didn't exactly hear the last part because I was laughing, but it went something like grave, pit, or swamp.
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 8:28 am
by SpiNe
My first time playing, at the start i found the cheating man and took his gold coin then wnet straight to his wife and took that gold coin aswell
Also the comments that the fire heart prophets make are pretty funny.
Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:03 am
by Taotaomona
Watching my mind controlled guards chasing peasants, thats what got me.
Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 5:49 pm
by Hellblazer112
One of the things I laughed at was the troll from the arena 'Groyn'. Also swearing repeatedly.