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Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 12:38 am
by Eerhardt
the actions of Eerhardt
** takes a mug of C.C.B. ** Yeah, with any luck, I can give you my first impression of the single-player game tomorrow. I think I'll swing by the Dreamland store once more, on my way back from work ** crosses his fingers ** BTW, I've just sent you guys the updated sidestory V4.01.
Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 12:48 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
Very cool.

What class were you planning on starting as?
Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 1:09 am
by Beldin
**wakes up, feels rotten, gets up, showers, enters the Rolling Thunder via an dimensional portal**
G'morn, mates !
@E-Man : Yeah, tell us as soon as you tried it... **shivers in anticipation**
@BS : Welcome back ! How'sa goin' ?
@Ysh, Mysty & DW : Glad to see you again...we've sorely missed you gals..
@Ode: You wanted to know that - the first test of the Ice-bong idea on our guests was a success....

*I* already knew that, but now the idea is spreading...
**gets himself some C.C.B.**
Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 1:24 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
Glad to know they liked it, mate. The more that know about it the better, it's the only way to bong on IMO.
Were you planning on getting NWN too?
Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 1:27 am
by Eerhardt
the actions of Eerhardt
@Ode: I think I'll try a half-elven fighter first and see how I like it

@Beldin: good job, mate

** takes a drink from his mug of C.C.B. **
Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 1:28 am
by Beldin
I will get NWN as soon as my bank account recovers from the expenses for the pool

. I'm completely broke now...but wait for another month, and we might start talking about getting it...
**downs another coffee brew to shake of the lingering aftereffects of some certain ice-cold testing**
Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 1:48 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
@Eerhardt-dualled to a mage, by any chance?
@Beldin-Let me know what you think when you get it, I'm still undecided as to whether to buy it or not. Not really being able to get a good multi-player connection I'm not certain if it's worth it.
Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 1:54 am
by Beldin
@Ode: I'll let you know - and I'm looking forward to try NWN Online -maybe with the Rolling Thunder Crew in Attendance
**pours a glass of J.D.**
Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 1:54 am
by Eerhardt
the actions of Eerhardt
Why, how did you guess, Ode?

- don't know at which level, though. I would have to check the experience tables from the manual.
@Beldin: ah, with the sun shining it's probably healthier to buy a pool than NWN

. Either way, I'll let you know what the singleplayer campaign is like (not having a multiplayer connection...

** takes another drink from his mug **
EDIT - @Beldin: a SLURR merchant MOD would be sòòòooo

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 2:09 am
by Beldin
Re: the actions of Eerhardt
Originally posted by Eerhardt
(not having a multiplayer connection...period)
@Eerhardt: Change that to "(not having a multiplayer connection...
We'll talk about a Mod when I've played it in the "original" version....but even there we could join at some time for a game-party......

...preferably in autumn, when the weather gets bad and on a weekend....

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 2:18 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
If I get NWN and Eerhardt gets an internet connection then we'll have to try an all-SLURR multi-party.

Maybe even use our DF characters (I would anyway, mind you, I have a thing for elven archers

Stil already has it, so he's available too.
The only question is whether Neverwinter is really ready for a bunch of SLURRs running amok through it...

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 2:20 am
by Beldin
Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 2:24 am
by Eerhardt
the actions of Eerhardt
@Beldin: point well taken... give me at least few more months before moving out and getting an apartment with internet connection

. The Neverwinter Plague

** finishes his mug of C.C.B. and orders a pint of
purple beer **
Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 2:29 am
by Beldin
No worries, Eerhardt - if NWN was REALLY worth the wait we'll probably play it for a LOOOOONG time....(just you remember how long BG, SoA and ToB kept us occupied...

) ...and I'll definitely not play online for any extended stretch of time while it's even remotely "summery" outside...

- I'm not THAT addicted to computers....but I AM a sun-addict...

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 2:36 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
Once again @Beldin I feel obliged to point out how much you'd like the weather here in Oz. I get sick of quite so much sun sometimes, to be honest.
Autumn is my favourite season at the moment, don't ask me why.
I find at night is the best time for playing videogames.
Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 2:41 am
by Beldin
Originally posted by Ode to a Grasshopper
I find at night is the best time for playing videogames.
That might be a problem - considering our different timezones... so YOU play at nights, and us Europeans in the afternoon - on we might have a chance to pull it off...

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 2:46 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
That should work, it's around 5pm here at the moment. I only have dial-up and a 56k modem, and the phone-lines won't handle anything faster than about 37 kbps.
In other words I can't host the game. We've never tried BG2 in multi-player either.
Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 2:50 am
by Beldin
Wait and see.....

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 2:53 am
by Eerhardt
the actions of Eerhardt
@Beldin: is that a Pratchett thing (PM me if you don't want to give it away)?

Like I said, I only read Thief of Time so far... ** takes a drink from his pint **
Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 3:04 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
@Eerhardt-Not as far as I know it isn't.
@Beldin-Okay. **Sits back with glass of nice wine**