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Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 12:38 am
by Eerhardt
the actions of Eerhardt

** takes a mug of C.C.B. ** Yeah, with any luck, I can give you my first impression of the single-player game tomorrow. I think I'll swing by the Dreamland store once more, on my way back from work ** crosses his fingers ** BTW, I've just sent you guys the updated sidestory V4.01.

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 12:48 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
Very cool. :cool: What class were you planning on starting as?

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 1:09 am
by Beldin

**wakes up, feels rotten, gets up, showers, enters the Rolling Thunder via an dimensional portal**

G'morn, mates !

@E-Man : Yeah, tell us as soon as you tried it... **shivers in anticipation**

@BS : Welcome back ! How'sa goin' ?

@Ysh, Mysty & DW : Glad to see you again...we've sorely missed you gals.. ;) :D

@Ode: You wanted to know that - the first test of the Ice-bong idea on our guests was a success.... ;) *I* already knew that, but now the idea is spreading... :D

**gets himself some C.C.B.**

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 1:24 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
Glad to know they liked it, mate. The more that know about it the better, it's the only way to bong on IMO. :D
Were you planning on getting NWN too?

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 1:27 am
by Eerhardt
the actions of Eerhardt

@Ode: I think I'll try a half-elven fighter first and see how I like it ;) .
@Beldin: good job, mate Image ** takes a drink from his mug of C.C.B. **

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 1:28 am
by Beldin

I will get NWN as soon as my bank account recovers from the expenses for the pool :rolleyes: . I'm completely broke now...but wait for another month, and we might start talking about getting it... ;) :D

**downs another coffee brew to shake of the lingering aftereffects of some certain ice-cold testing**

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 1:48 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
@Eerhardt-dualled to a mage, by any chance? ;)

@Beldin-Let me know what you think when you get it, I'm still undecided as to whether to buy it or not. Not really being able to get a good multi-player connection I'm not certain if it's worth it.

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 1:54 am
by Beldin
@Ode: I'll let you know - and I'm looking forward to try NWN Online -maybe with the Rolling Thunder Crew in Attendance :D ;)

**pours a glass of J.D.**

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 1:54 am
by Eerhardt
the actions of Eerhardt

Why, how did you guess, Ode? ;) - don't know at which level, though. I would have to check the experience tables from the manual.
@Beldin: ah, with the sun shining it's probably healthier to buy a pool than NWN :D . Either way, I'll let you know what the singleplayer campaign is like (not having a multiplayer connection...period) ;) ** takes another drink from his mug **
EDIT - @Beldin: a SLURR merchant MOD would be sòòòooo :cool:

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 2:09 am
by Beldin
Re: the actions of Eerhardt
Originally posted by Eerhardt
(not having a multiplayer connection...period) ;)
@Eerhardt: Change that to "(not having a multiplayer connection...yet)" ;) :D

We'll talk about a Mod when I've played it in the "original" version....but even there we could join at some time for a game-party...... ;) :D ...preferably in autumn, when the weather gets bad and on a weekend.... :cool:

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 2:18 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
If I get NWN and Eerhardt gets an internet connection then we'll have to try an all-SLURR multi-party. :cool: Maybe even use our DF characters (I would anyway, mind you, I have a thing for elven archers ;) ).
Stil already has it, so he's available too.
The only question is whether Neverwinter is really ready for a bunch of SLURRs running amok through it... :D

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 2:20 am
by Beldin
Originally posted by Ode to a Grasshopper
The only question is whether Neverwinter is really ready for a bunch of SLURRs running amok through it... :D
We'll just have to find out , wouldn't we ? :D ;)

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 2:24 am
by Eerhardt
the actions of Eerhardt

@Beldin: point well taken... give me at least few more months before moving out and getting an apartment with internet connection ;) . The Neverwinter Plague :D ** finishes his mug of C.C.B. and orders a pint of purple beer **

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 2:29 am
by Beldin
No worries, Eerhardt - if NWN was REALLY worth the wait we'll probably play it for a LOOOOONG time....(just you remember how long BG, SoA and ToB kept us occupied... ;) ) ...and I'll definitely not play online for any extended stretch of time while it's even remotely "summery" outside... ;) - I'm not THAT addicted to computers....but I AM a sun-addict...Image

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 2:36 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
Once again @Beldin I feel obliged to point out how much you'd like the weather here in Oz. I get sick of quite so much sun sometimes, to be honest.
Autumn is my favourite season at the moment, don't ask me why.
I find at night is the best time for playing videogames.

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 2:41 am
by Beldin
Originally posted by Ode to a Grasshopper

I find at night is the best time for playing videogames.
That might be a problem - considering our different timezones... so YOU play at nights, and us Europeans in the afternoon - on we might have a chance to pull it off... ;)

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 2:46 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
That should work, it's around 5pm here at the moment. I only have dial-up and a 56k modem, and the phone-lines won't handle anything faster than about 37 kbps.
In other words I can't host the game. We've never tried BG2 in multi-player either.

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 2:50 am
by Beldin
Wait and see..... ;) TRUST ME.... ;) :D

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 2:53 am
by Eerhardt
the actions of Eerhardt

@Beldin: is that a Pratchett thing (PM me if you don't want to give it away)? :confused: Like I said, I only read Thief of Time so far... ** takes a drink from his pint **

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 3:04 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
@Eerhardt-Not as far as I know it isn't.
@Beldin-Okay. **Sits back with glass of nice wine**