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Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2002 4:44 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
I regularly get mistaken for a (supposedly quite pretty) girl when I have my hair untied...It's a bit of a worry sometimes, to be honest.
I should probably be glad I haven't been beaten up yet. :rolleyes:

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2002 4:48 am
by Mr Flibble
Originally posted by frogus
I make up for in wearing girls clothes....wait a second! :D

LOL - This reminds me of when I went to school once wearing a semi-transparent PVC shirt, black corduroy flairs and crimson silk paisley braces...a girl came up to me and said ' You do realise that that actually makes you look quite camp?' :cool: :rolleyes: :D
LOL. frogus is there something we should know about you? :D

@Ode, if you had black hair, you'd look exactly like a guy I used to work with.

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2002 4:50 am
by frogus
Originally posted by Mr Flibble
LOL. frogus is there something we should know about you? :D
I think you know quite enough for the moment :D .

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2002 8:08 am
by Tybaltus
Originally posted by Ode to a Grasshopper
@Frogus-much as I hate to admit it, not all the blokes here on SYM look like blokes... :o
Holy crap, Ode. You look like youre about to tear someone to shreds in that picture, or you are possessed. :D ;) Maybe that should be your avatar. :D :cool:

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2002 8:42 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
You think that one's moody, check out this one... :D

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2002 8:42 am
by T'lainya
Great pic Scayde :)
Great pic Mr. Flibble :)

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2002 8:56 am
by Tybaltus
Originally posted by Ode to a Grasshopper
You think that one's moody, check out this one... :D
Yes, that was the first picture I saw of you. I imagine you could stare down a fly, if you wanted to. :D ;)

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2002 9:03 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
Originally posted by Tybaltus

Yes, that was the first picture I saw of you. I imagine you could stare down a fly, if you wanted to. :D ;)
Or at least slice it up a little. :D

Is this one any better?

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2002 9:59 am
by Tybaltus
Originally posted by Ode to a Grasshopper
Or at least slice it up a little. :D

Is this one any better?
Any better than what? I dont understand the picture......*smiles and nods* :D

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2002 9:59 am
by frogus
T'L! Tell Ode to stop it...he's giving my dad nightmares!

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2002 10:16 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
Originally posted by Tybaltus

Any better than what? I dont understand the picture......*smiles and nods* :D
It was taken when Victor and I were listening to Pink Floyd in the dark, while I was a bit toasted... :o :D

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2002 1:27 am
by Maharlika
Hungry Eyes...
Originally posted by Scayde
Great Pics guys... :D Well it took a little nerve, but I can be as brave as the next guy....Please don't say anything too mean...BTW, I'm the one in the white shirt and dungarees... :o :o :D, my, my... Scayde Scarlett Ma'am...

Image just took my breath away...

...sure glad I allowed being tied up by you. Image

@Ode: In of those pics, you sure reminded me of Lestat the Vampire of the Anne Rice Vampire Chronicles. Image

@Mr. Flibble: You just look like my Canadian friend here whom I get to see during workouts at the fitness club....

...and great-looking sister too. Image

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2002 5:09 am
by Scayde
Thanks Guys, Y'all are sweethearts. *Blush* *Huggles*

@Mah: Thanks for letting me tie you up. ;) :D

@Ode:Nice pic yourself :) except the scarry one... ... :eek: ;)

Sleep, & Frogus: You guys are really nice looking... :)

@Tam: I'm still trying to find one of you...You sound Cute... ;) :cool:

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2002 5:29 am
by Mr Flibble
Re: Hungry Eyes...
Originally posted by Maharlika
...and great-looking sister too. Image
@Mah, may I direct your attention to guy rule number 5, which clearly states: If you've known a guy for more than 24 hours, his sister is strictly off limits forever, unless you actually marry her.

You have been warned! :D :D

You just look like my Canadian friend here whom I get to see during workouts at the fitness club

Only I haven't set foot in a gym in 6 years. Hmmm, should probably do something about that so I don't wake up one morning a fat bastard :D

@Scayde very nice photo. And if you don't mind my asking, how did you manage over 600 posts in a month?

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2002 5:53 am
by Scayde
Re: Re: Hungry Eyes...
Originally posted by Mr Flibble

@Scayde very nice photo
Thanks Mr Flibble. Glad you like the pic. :)

. And if you don't mind my asking, how did you manage over 600 posts in a month?

:o :o :o Umm...600???, I gues I wasn'r paying attention... :o :o :o

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2002 6:40 am
by Tybaltus
Re: Re: Re: Hungry Eyes...
Originally posted by Scayde

:o :o :o Umm...600???, I gues I wasn'r paying attention... :o :o :o
Its all good. I have almost 4k and 3700 of them have come in the last 2 months. :D :cool: Youre just a barfly like me, and thats cool. :)

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2002 7:15 am
by Mr Sleep
@Mah, may I direct your attention to guy rule number 5, which clearly states: If you've known a guy for more than 24 hours, his sister is strictly off limits forever, unless you actually marry her.
She is very attractive, maybe that is an option ;)

@Scayde, no one ever says i look dangerous, i am always "nice" egadz i am never going to score with "nice" tatooed on my forehead! :D

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2002 7:21 am
by Rob-hin
They say nice guys finish last... :p

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2002 7:23 am
by Tybaltus
Originally posted by Rob-hin
They say nice guys finish last... :p
Referring to your post count? :D Ah well. It takes you 2 years to get 1500, I do that in 3 weeks! :D ;)

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2002 7:26 am
by Rob-hin
Actually, just one year. :D
But no, I wasn't referring to my post count. I guess I'm not so much a barfly like you.

spammer :D :p