Loner said:
"I've heard it asked many times by many different people, why does God allow suffering? That is one of the questions of the ages for which there is no quick or easy answer. All I can do at a time like this is speak from my own personal belief. As a Christian, I look at the cross of Jesus and see God sharing in our suffering. Expressing solidarity with us in our suffering. We do not have a Creator who is indifferent to our grief. He understands it intimately, from the inside, as it were. From our own point of view. He is intimately acquainted with not only suffering but death itself."
I am a Roman Catholic, and proud to be one. Working here in Thailand gave me a good opportunity to relate with "non-believers" (I get to meet a lot of people from different countries here esp when I go on vacationat the beach or hangout at Khao San Road) therefore such experiences broadens one's mind and perspective. It's really hard to be very objective about one's convictions when you are practically surrounded with people who share the same faith as yours.
As I read some of the posts I can't help but feel offended about words such as "religion is crap" and all that. But hey, everybody is entitled to his opinion... so I DO respect everybody's opinion and beliefs.
RCism is more than just going to church on Sundays. I guess I owe my parents, school and community for still being a Catholic despite being surrounded with Catholic Hypocrites. These are the people who make the RC Faith really look bad.
In my country we call them
"Banal na aso, santong kabayo." (Holy dog, Saintly horse)
Catholicism is a religion to live by and make your life meaningful (I guess, just like other religions). It is more than just rosaries, and Sunday masses (or virtuous women
). However there is also the belief in JC as the bridge to Paradise.
For me, Man was given the ability to think, therefore has the tendency to think logically.
This is the reason why faith is called Faith. There are just things that you just do because you feel that you want to and have to and not to intellectualize with them.
Hmmm... a closer example would be individual who still stick it out with their significant other despite and in spite of how bad their partner treats them. You stick it out through thick and thin because, well... you just feel it is the right thing to do. I'm talking about the behavior of the individual and I'm not alluding to my faith as a bad partner.
On another note, a number of short-sighted people are harrassing muslims around the world. For God's sake man, these people are giving (assuming the terrorists were Muslims) the perpetrators a justified cause for what they have done.
Peace, man, peace!
Oh, yeah, let justice be served...