Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 7:16 am
what about Cyan that color rules it needs to be in Kotor III it just does
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wat about a quasar which is a galaxy with a black hole centred in the middle of it huh think about itCaden wrote:Lightsabers are made of light. Isn't black the absence of light? I don't think a black lightsaber is possible.
i believe they're only called lightsabers, but the essence of the blade is not light, but in fact energy. if they were light, then in theory the blades would just phase through each other and wouldn't really be able to deflect blaster bolts, whereas energy is more likely to do that. but even then, the saber wouldn't be able to absorb light. it travels at a very high speed. i believe it travels at (i could be wrong, and someone please correct me if i am) about 300,000 km per second. the energy required to start sucking in that kind of power and to absorb it would be massive, and would more than likely suck in the person trying to hold it before it would do the same to light. but a lot of other stuff from star wars is extremely difficult to actually do, even if it's possible (which i doubt), but it was still put into the story, so do whatever ya wantCaden wrote:I'm confused. The reason a black hole is black, is because light cannot reflect off it. Thus, the absence of light is why it is black. Are you suggesting they create a lightsaber that is not made of light? The reason light cannot reflect off a black hole is, because black holes collect light with their immense gravity. So are you suggesting they create a lightsaber that absorbs light? Light cannot absorb light.
with those colours added to the existing list of colours from K1 and K2, the bang would be quite the horrific blend of colours, in my opinion. *begs for K3 to be blue green violet red and yellow? didn't think so *Yuri wrote:A light saber is made of pure energy not light. It is indeed possible for a black blade to be produced, as seen in many books and fan canon. (Has yet to be produced in a comics)
This leaves an open door for tat possibility even though it seems extreamly remote.
I my self belive that they will bring out some of the comic book coulors such as:
If they do make a 3rd they will most likely be going out with a bang.:speech:
- White
- gold silver
- silver blue
- magenta
- yellow green
- Bronze
- Emerald
- Turquoise
then i hope they bring out other weapons too. a lightaxe...*droooool*Yuri wrote:I hope the bring out the lightwhip. It offers a whole new form of combat right there.
Ya.. if you're looking for rare colors like cyan, orange or silver there's a couple vendors that have around a 2% chance to stock them.Hill-Shatar wrote:That may be true. I dont believe that shop inventories are randomly generated. but someone please correct me if you know Im wrong.
I agree. They should definatly let us use the lightwhip. that would make the game so much coolerYuri wrote:That may be true. Although they could restrict them to different organisations to follow with the story line.
Silver was used by the Imperial Knights so maybe they will have something to that matter in game.
I hope the bring out the lightwhip. It offers a whole new form of combat right there.
Isn't black the absence of light, though?Visaira Vaner wrote:I have always wanted to see a black Lightsaber. Im sure the people could make that possible to see in the new game...
actually, black is a shade. an absence of light would be "dark". but i see what you mean. and light is not what a lightsaber is made of, it's made of energy. that being said, a black saber should be possible, although i prefer the traditional 3, along with violet. i really didn't see the need for Obs. to have put in the 6 or 7 different colours that they did in K2.bigredpanda wrote:Isn't black the absence of light, though?
they could, but that'd restrict dark side to red, possibly violet and MAYBE blue. not that i go outside those colours if i go DS, anyway, but maybe some people want to rule the galaxy with a green or yellow saber. or save the galaxy with a red saberDarth Visaira wrote:Yeah. Not really a need for colors. Just for show, and seeing that no one will really see it but you they are kind of useless. Just cool. They could it make it were in the new game were your color reflects you allingment.