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Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 9:52 am
by Darth Omi
Great idea sort of.
Reaver32 wrote:Ive been thinking about a storyline for some time now. the idea of starting out as a kid is ok, you could kind of do the same thing that Fable did with the kid to teen to young adult. but to make it fit in, you need to explain revan and the exile. when you are making a char, there are new races; however, you don't chose a class. you also answer some questions in a prolouge. this will set up revan as good or bad (or neither), male or female; and also set up the exile the same way. you start the prolouge off in a new jedi acadamy (on dantooine or someplace like that), and you are learning about history (current) when you say if revan was good or bad. since you are young (not like 3, maybe 10ish), you share a teacher in the acadamy. you get to select what 'classes' to take: force meditation, combat, or focus. depending on which ones you develop, sets up you class (a little more freedom in your char). instead of there being a feat list, you have a feat 'tree' that sets up your path for your epic class (if that is still used). if you start on dantooine, you can wander out to the cave with the crystals (lightsaber). you find a crystal and then one of those spiders attack you. you dont fight it, but a jedi (gonna be your master) saves you, and tells you that you shouldnt be there. now that you have a crystal, you begin making a lightsaber (with no help). the person who saved you finds out and tells you that you are not ready for a 'real' lightsaber (you have a padawn saber= weaker). you can either listen to him (good), or continue (bad) which will set up the color of the lightsaber (blue or red). howver, you make it right away, you become his aprentice and you travel around for a little while. you go from planet to planet(new ones, should be about 15 i think, way too short otherways), learning from your master. you and your master get into some trouble and s/he saves your life again, but s/he is injured. you choice to kill him (bad), save him (good), or leave him(none).if you want to kill him, you have your lightsaber (that he told you not to make), and it is red. you kill him and start to feel the affects of becoming a sith. you can save him (using your lightsaber), and you have a blue one. if you leave him you have a green/yellow saber based on being neutral. from there you return to the acadamy and tell/lie about what happened. this is when you and your master are called to the council which is made up of: Disciple, Bastila, Mission, Handmaden, the yoda looking guy (still alive no matter what side you selected), and some new jedi masters. turns out you are called there because they feel something is 'conflicting' in the force, and since you are of the right age(young adult now), you are no longer an aprentice. the council wants you to travel around and talk to other jedi that are stationed on different planets. bastila also asks you to keep in contact with who you meet(revan anyone). you get a ship from the jedi (little smaller than the ebon hawk), and leave to rest. | have a scene/dream where you see this small fleet of ships drifting in outerspace. moves through the deck towards the bridge where you see a chair facing the front (there are soldiers, jedis, sith, mandalorians... fliying this cammandship). camera zooms to the chair where you can see a black robe. the figure stands up and turns. its revan with the mask and armor on (will be male or female depending on you answers at the begining). a crewmember tells revan that they are almost at there destination, and s/he turns and gives the order to man all battlestations. now you see the outside of the ship and there is a HUGE fleet of damaged ships coming towards them.| back on the farm... acadamy, you wake up from the dream and can tell somebody about it or not. the council summons you to a meeting, where you meet your first 'partner'. s/he is at the same stage as you, just out of the acadamy, and wants to explore outerspace.
I have more, but this is a good start i think.
Great idea but what happened to the exile! I say him/her should be one of the jedi you find on your quest.
Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 6:55 pm
by Kyp Torvyn
KOTOR III: The Dark Tides
Picture this, the exile, having chosen the path of Revan, took Kreia's advice disbanding his/her party. Following the instincts and disturbances of the force, the exile departs from his comrades entering the shroud of darkness covering the Unknown Regions. Under the influence of Atton, the Hand Maiden, Visas, and Bastilla Shan, a New Jedi Council is resurrected. Aiding the stabilizing yet suffering republic, the New Jedi set out to rebuild the Jedi Order. 15 years after the Malachor Five destruction, a young Jedi, from unknown origins begins to suffer from prophetic dreams, showing much destruction and darkness on the horizon. From the planet of Coruscant the Dreams are vague yet grow stronger with every passing hour.
Bastilla seeing the possibility of what such nightmares could with hold, takes the padawan, at age of 21, old for his position, as her apprentice. Departing for Dantooine, after basic training is complete, The Master and Apprentice study the arts, developing his connection to the force and finding an old friend, Atton who joins the crusade to get to the bottom of the seers visions. Just as plans to depart are finished, the young seer (you) has another vision, this time revealing a dark figure poised to attack Bastion. Bastilla and Atton immediately plan departure taking you with them to investigate the disturbance.
Once their, the vessel is ambushed by a flotilla of planetary defenders and forced to crash on the planet. It is here that they search for their way off the dark world and discover a plot of succession from the republic spilling through the planets populace. Tracking down the source with the help of yet another old friend, Mira, the party discovers a dark and troubling culprit. Their source tells that the name of their propagandist is Revan. Just as the culprit is named the "True Sith" Attack nearly decimating the planet. Luckily Bastilla covertly had Admiral Carth Onasi and the entire republic navy following at a staging distance. Fighting along side the Republic the Sith Warships are pushed back yet not without great losses.
Granting the party the rights to HK 47 and T3, Carth hopes their aide will lead the republic to the Exile and Revan who they believe to be the enemy now. Bastilla is gravely suspicious and hurt by the discovery on Bastion. Taking the growing party from the world, the Seer has yet another vision, this time of the same dark figure strangling a serious of people who he believes to represent a series of worlds and turning them against himself. Now the journey becomes open ended as the party travels through a series of worlds looking for clues to the Sith whereabouts and the succession that distills throughout the Republic outer planets. The planets and people found are Miraluka- young Miralukan Girl Torza: Rhen Var- Spacer Team Kyp Torvyn and Rodian Twitch: Bespin- Bounty Hunter Johbonsun Fett; Mandalore- Mandalore Canderous Ordo (recruits Fett): Taris Restoration- Mission Vao; Onderon/Dxun- Hand Maiden.
Across these worlds you either thwart or fuel the dark thoughts of rebellion falling into the dark of embracing the light. Slowly the dreams become more and more vivid, as you re-assemble a journey secretly taken years before by the Exile during exile. Combining the information of the party members, knowledge of revans journey and the exiles journey, a call whispers from three worlds Myrkyr, Yavin IV, and Korriban. Searching the dark worlds for clues an ancient SIth Empire begins to unravel before their eyes. Korriban having to be the last of the planets to search reveals a dark holocron from one known as king Adas of long ago. Taking the information, the party prepares to leave, yet are ambushed by a massive Sith force. Captured aboard what looks like the Leviathin Malak and Revans old warship the party perform a daring escape, discovering a new secret as what is believed to be Revan attacks the Seer and Bastilla. That secret being that the seer is truly the son or daughter of Revan and Bastilla.Carth Onasi and the Republic Fleet Quickly fly in to provide cover allowing for a full escape. The Sith resettle Korriban. Heading Ziost a the planet revealed to them in the holocron the Seer and the party discover the remains of an ancient civilization. It turns out to be the once stronghold of King Adas the ruler of a band of sith species and dark jedi. On this world you find the crashed Ebon Hawk, and another familiar face the Exile. He explains that he had fought with Revan for the last five years after searching long and hard for him, yet they were separated recently, and he crashed here after Sith ambush. He joins the party pointing them in the direction of an uncharted unnamed planet in the unknown Regions where he last saw Revan.
Here the Seer infiltrates an ancient and mysterious academy as a fake Sith. It is here your decisions truly reflect the end of the game either truly finish your path into Sithdom, or find your way to the top where you face one of the Sith Lords and either take his title or cast the dark side into the light. Here you also discover the beaten and battered Revan who discover never fell to the True Sith but was simply captured by their Sith OverLord Darth Vaalor. Joining the Party Revan apologizes for leaving all his comrades and scolds them for following him. Carth then informs the party via transmitter that the Sith have massed a massive force upon Korriban, including the SIth who were in their second civil war.
Planning a grand assault of the Planet your party acts as a Vanguard of the attack. Entering Dareshdae you fight your way through the ruins and temples and tombs along side Jedi forces led by Visas, and the other Jedi Masters. Above the Republic Armada engages the phenomenally large Sith Force, eventually you face the Dark Overlord himself and destroy him either taking his position or casting the Sith Empire back into the unknown regions. However in a turn of events the old nemeses Nihilus appears before the thought victorious party. A Battle then ensues as you discover he was truly a betrayal above even that of Kreia's. In this battle many of your party will die. Most by sacrifice. Eventually through the combined strength of the Seer, the Exile, Revan , and Bastilla Nihilus is defeated. As he dies you have the choices before you, take his power learn what you can from him and turn on your allies, or let the force have of him what it will, and stay with the light side. Those that survive follow the Sith empire into the unknown regions never to be heard from again. Dark or light the Empire recedes back into the darkness succeeds their goal, ensuring the taint of the dark side always remains in the galaxy. The true Sith are discovered to be the darkness within the heart and thus themselves.
(If Revan was a woman in your game then Bastilla will train you and after Dantooine she will leave your party replacing her with Carth. Bastilla will then act as the military support instead. Though if it were me Canonically Revan is a guy and it should be made canonical fact.)
The End...
So like it???
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 6:58 am
by bigredpanda
Certainly one of the better ones I've read, Kyp.
I liked a lot of it... especially the idea that you regroup characters and learn from their experiences as to how the story is unfolding... it's a nice twist on the pattern that the previous 2 games have had.
My main objection owuld be the inclusion of Revan and Exile as such defined figures. I'm ardently against any of this "let's just presume he's male LS" or whatever. I would vastly prefer it if you were to, say, discover the graves of the Exile and Revan, and a datapad or something of their recorded journeys, and gain a substantial force boost or something like that. I know I'm in the minority around here int hat preference, but ho hum.
But I really liked the rest of it.
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 7:50 pm
by Kyp Torvyn
Well here is my feelings on why such presumptions must be made. It is necessary as part of the extended galaxy stories that a canonical path must be chosen. By using my star wars knowledge it only makes sense that in both cases the lightside or more specifically the lightside endings won. In furure installments I must agree with you but you cannot have anymore titles that directly link to eachother,
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 6:15 am
by obrad
Generally, I like it, it really is worthy of being a Star Wars episode, alltought there are some contradictions. Like Nihilus. He evaporated, remember? There are also some other characters that can be dead or(like Carth)trapped on the unknown world.And I think Revan's son should be trained by Vandar(Yoda looking guy).
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 4:54 pm
by Darth Zherron
star wars kotor 3 should have a well thought out and in depth story line to it, it would be hard to find the ebon hawk after malachor V, perhaps the exile did seek out revan and in the end revan's charisma and knowledge of the dark side led to the exile becoming his sith lord apprentice, the storyline would be very complicated to think of, but somehow the characters you once done all that hard work with on kotor and kotor2 could be the enemies you seek, i can only think of a start to the game, in which involves madalore (candaros) telling you of where the ebon hawk is (malachor V). From there you unlock the navi computer and speed across the galaxy in search of revan, he could perhaps have a secret sith accademy on some ancient planet? but one key to the game could be unlocking the secrets of the ebon hawk from malachor V , dating back to when revan ruled the ship and getting valuable tips of revans whereabout from planet to planet, you could get your first clue by unlocking the Navi computer which T3 tries to keep hidden, you would need a high skilled hacker though, and from there on you travel the galaxy, picking up party memebers, and a big clue on each planet of where revan is.
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 7:06 pm
by Kyp Torvyn
At first I had no Nihilus character. I was like you in agreeal that the character was done for, and was simply a fill in villain. However as I read others idea about the true Sith and mixed them with mine, the character of him seemed much like it.
For instance yes he was aggressive and destructive yet his anger and hate were not full of emotional maelstroms but instead almost a coolly collectedness. As if he was hate and anger instead of used and had hate and anger. Big difference.The way he was disintegrated was much like the becoming one with the force idea that we saw with Obi-wan in the A New Hope.
What if it was all his plan, become one with the force to strike in a new day. To sustain his life in an encasement of armor. Or in this case his robes. Yet his arrogance developed from being in the real space Star Wars Galaxy and his hunger caused him to crave to have more, and slipped up at the end of this game finally sealing his fate.
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 7:14 pm
by Kyp Torvyn
Oh and I forgot to mention that I believe characters such as Bastilla, and Carth and many of the old ones still need to finish their purpose opening way for newer characters in future separate installments. These characters were all huge impacts on the course of events and I believe should have a hand in the last installment directly. Just Imagine. Revan, the Exile, Bastilla, and your new character locked in mortal combat, all giants of the force. ANd below in the rugged and abandoned tombs and battlefields, Mission, Visas, the Jedi, Canderous and the Mandalorians, Mira, and Atton all fight and die defending you as you cut off the head of this colossal hidden enemy.
And Above Carth and the Republic Navy Valianty fight alongside Mandalorian Warships staving off the growing fleet of Sith Warships. A Battle of the giants, for hold of the future. And in the end, either way the story ends, for good, tieing all the loose knots, ending the long and epic trilogy.
Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 10:53 pm
by tetanista
random idea
ok this its totally upsidedown but it sounds so cool.. well as in kotor I they talk a lot about revan and.. they always say the have no idea how he became so powerful.. and stuff i think the game should be before kotor I... like when revan and malak went to the jedi academy an the things they did to become what they are in kotor I and how they fell to the dark side.. and the creation of the starforge and the FIRST search of the starmaps.. and the game could end in revan's ship were he's betrayed by malak and killed by bastila's jedi strike team

heheh im just so in love with SWKOTOR I , II i would kill to live that "fantasy" in soul and body... hehe im not a freak

i just love GL's work.. he have created like some sort of lifestyle.. like a religion a parallel world! hes amazing!
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 7:43 am
by Jeff_31
Your idea sounds interesting, but I'd like it to be used only after Kotor III.
heheh im just so in love with SWKOTOR I , II i would kill to live that "fantasy" in soul and body... hehe im not a freak
:laugh: :coughs:
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 8:20 am
by pwn3gpadawan13
heres another idea thats kinda been fermenting inside my mind for a long time...
you start out as another character, and you are aboard a republic ship with bastila that is exploring the depths of space in the unkown regions. your ship gets intercepted by a great sith lord. the ship gets into a big battle with the sith lords ship and crash lands and end up on the planet where the exile and carth fled away too. you talk to the exile find out about his search for revan. he teaches you the ways of the force and you join him on your hunt for revan. you and bastila search different planets for revan, picking up different party members on the way. you pick up jolee and mandalore. eventually carth contacts you via comm unit that you get from him and says that the exile was captured by the sith lord that attacked you in the beginning and he barely escaped with his life. he also learned that the sith lord also has revan. you go to the planet where carth is and you join up with him and you set off for the sith lords ship. you find the ship docked with the star forge and you take carth and bastila into the star forge and find out that the sith lord is trying to absorb the force of the two jedi to destroy the propechy. you team up with revan and the exile and you battle the sith lord. he eventually escapes and you have a conversation with revan and the exile and they say that they learned that the sith lord is named darth sidious.
keep in mind that this is just a theory and there are probably holes in it so it cant work, but you never know with george lucas.
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 7:34 pm
by Ammar87
Uh...what? I played a DS character in KOTOR 2 and my ending was the one where Kreia told me about Revan's whereabouts. And no I didn't turn DS after meeting with the council on Dantooine, I was evil all of the time. Although I did do the LS quests (Helping the Ithorians, helping the refugees etc) But I did kill one or two jedi masters and they later attacked me on Dantooine and then Kreia came up and gave the DS speech about how she failed with Revan and now failed with me BS
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 8:13 am
by pwn3gpadawan13
whoops. i forgot to mention that if they come out with two discs (LS and DS) that this will be the LS one. I know it probably doesnt work out.
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 9:04 am
by intombed
like i have said a thousand times before that you got to look at the story lines of the first two. I have said this before kreia train both the exile and revan and said that she see's in the exile the death of the force and revan the life of the force meaning if you were revan than you probly have to fight the exile and the other way around at the end i bet in the beginning you can pick to be revan or the exile and in the middle you work with the other and than at the end they have to fight each other unless your light because than you would have to persuade ant i bet the will hav the same chacaters and more from the first two. and new sith unless you are.
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 5:36 pm
by Ammar87
intombed wrote:like i have said a thousand times before that you got to look at the story lines of the first two. I have said this before kreia train both the exile and revan and said that she see's in the exile the death of the force and revan the life of the force meaning if you were revan than you probly have to fight the exile and the other way around at the end i bet in the beginning you can pick to be revan or the exile and in the middle you work with the other and than at the end they have to fight each other unless your light because than you would have to persuade ant i bet the will hav the same chacaters and more from the first two. and new sith unless you are.
That would be a GREAT idéa! And it would bring closure to the series
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 10:15 pm
by sith4life
Kaja Sinis wrote:Me personally, I chose the LS every time because, and again this sounds ridiculous, but I couldn't stomach the Dark Side. I absorbed myself into the role and made the decisions that I would personally make in the situations. The fact is, if you all as human beings would truly act as one whom wields the Dark Side, then I really have lost hope in humanity.
lol unable to stomach the DS path

anyways a prequel chronicling the first jedi civil war with exar kun or even earlier to the times of ajunta paul and naga sadow.
Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 10:19 am
by intombed
it doesn't take a genus to figure it out. ya it would but than the wouldn't be continuing the story and that would be stupid. you would want to finish the story before you start making the beginning
and ulic is way more cooler than exar even though he is cool its his friends story that would be more fun to play.because its more interesting
Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 7:50 pm
by Fox Mavrick
stroy line idea
you should start of on Coruscant you are one of the few jedi Knight's remaining while on Coruscant you run into an old, crippled trask ulgo who tells you a little of the back story explaining that he was not killed by darth Bandon and that he had lied to Revan about killing trask to anger and turn Revan back to the darkside. next you would go to the Jedi temple where you find that Jolee bindo is the new master in charge of the academy and that after revans leaving he finially came to grips with his wife death and the jedi order you then train and take your apprentice with you on the mission jolee gives you through your travels you notice your apprentice has questable behaviors (depending on light or side you are playing) as for revan it should show that he has a vision of kreia appars to him as a ghost explaining that what she did was to keep the exile from detroying himself and explain why when the exile killed her he was not killed also due to their bond that they had.
sorry that as far as i have got in my thinking.
Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 6:30 pm
by Darth Huddz
I like a couple of the storylines that people have said. The ones i most like are either being revan or starting out as a kid and then progressing until your an adult. The one thing i don't like about Kotor is that in both of the games they always choose the light side version. Personally i prefer being a dark sider and i wish they would make an option in number 3 where you can choose whether revan and the exile were jedi or sith.
I hope they make a Darth Bane game in the future.
Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 7:27 am
by bigredpanda
Darth Huddz wrote: The one thing i don't like about Kotor is that in both of the games they always choose the light side version.
Can you just clarify what you mean here? Do you mean you always start off in the LS position? Because in K2 I thought that was pretty much ambiguous... or did you mean something else?