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Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2001 12:45 am
by Magus
@all: Sorry. I’ve been out of it for the past few days. I’ve hardly touched the computer, much less get on the Internet. I’d like to focus more on my character, and less on the overall story, if you guys don’t mind. It’s been hard directing the entire story, and attending to every subplot. I’m afraid my creative powers have reached their breaking point :)

@craig: There isn’t a mage in this battle. There’s 8 Shadow Thieves (you, Llira, and 3 thieves each blocking either side of the Black Helm party). The Black Helm party originally consisted of 5 fighters, but Calahan killed one and another died so far in the battle. That leaves Calahan, Xandax, and one fighter.

@Xandax: You’re welcome to continue/control the battle. If you don’t, I’ll see if I can think of something tomorrow. I don’t have any master-plan in mind right now, so feel free to take creative license. Just don’t kill off Calahan; he’s obviously an important figure.

* * * * *

After visiting with the head cleric of the Temple of Ilmater, Faisal decided that some soul searching was in order. Tempting as Magus’s offer was, he felt somehow…incomplete. He embarked on a quest to find a deity, temporarily escaping the turmoil brewing in Athkatla. But though destiny can be delayed, it cannot be avoided, and somehow Fas knew that he had not seen the last of the troubled City of Coin…

{OOC: I think that’s a good way of putting Fas’s character on hold, not to mention it continues something that Fas himself started. If he wants, he can update us occasionally on Faisal’s progress, or merely cram it into a brief post when he gets back. Or he can keep it a secret, revealing it to us piece by piece…}

* * * * *

While part of his mind digested the rest of Rail’s information, another part pondered the meaning of Lazal’s mysterious acceptance by the council. He knew for a fact that the Council looked upon Lazal with a great suspicion that would never be allayed by mere bribes. A few in particular would sooner perish than even think of dealing personally with him. For the members of the Council were for the most part good men; a rarity indeed in Athkatla these days. Hot-tempered and irrational at times, but good men nonetheless. Their acquiescence to the likes of Lazal did not bode well…

Beware! We have company. The sudden message prompts a step back, causing him to almost trip right over Void’s feline form. Rail instinctively slips into the nearby shadows, knowing that his presence would only complicate matters.

Seconds later a group of four competent-looking Cowled Wizards turn the corner. Spotting the black-robed mage standing alone in the alley, one breaks away and comes forward.

“You there. You’re new to this city, correct?”

“Newly arrived, but not new. I come from the northern borders, a battlemage in the service of the Amnish border patrol.”

“What brings you here, then?” the wizard asks suspiciously. “Do you admit to desertion?”

“I think not. I was relieved of my duty by my commander, who complied with the Cowled Wizard’s order recalling inactive mages to headquarters.”

“Then let’s see your transfer orders.”

Magus reaches into a pocket in his robe, withdrawing a worn but neat scroll of parchment. Opening it, the wizard inspects it closely.

“Hmm…the seal checks out. Regardless, you must accompany us to headquarters. Resist and your stay in Athkatla shall be cut short…permanently.” The rest of the Cowled Wizards advance sternly.

* * * * *

[ 08-06-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2001 3:35 am
by Rail
“Hmm…the seal checks out. Regardless, you must accompany us to headquarters. Resist and your stay in Athkatla shall be cut short…permanently.” The rest of the Cowled Wizards advance sternly.

Rail moved along the shadows, silent as a plague. The cold grip of the venom-laced dagger echoed his hatred for the men confronting Magus, and his knuckles grew white in anticipation. He felt the ever present excitement rush through his veins as it always did before a kill, pleasant and painful at the same time.

The mages were unsuspecting. They stood before Magus and his "cat" in the commanding, arrogant, condescending stance of a cowled wizard, all their corruption gloating forth in their posture. The assassin longed for the strike. Fools, Rail thought with all the scorn pent up from his forced association with the corrupt group. Rail could sense no protections from physical attacks, and he knew the signs. No. These fools were expecting a wizard, not steel.

In tense anticipation, the assassin held back, just within the shadows, but a step away from the back of the outermost mage and waited for the signal from his friend.

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2001 9:03 pm
by Magus
@craig: Thanks for editing your post. It’s most appreciated.

* * * * *

-No, fool!- comes a hiss in Rail’s mind. -Do not blow our cover-

“Well! Is this the welcome a member receives from his fellows these days? Bullying and completely unconcealed threats? Count your blessings that I am yet loyal to the guild, and in a far better mood than you apparently are. I will go, but only because I was on my way to headquarters anyway to report my arrival.”

“A wise choice. Come then,” says the wizard, beckoning Magus forward. He complies somewhat snootily, his black cat trailing behind, and an instant later the entire group vanishes through a dimensional door.

* * * * *

Llira’s arrow flies true, embedding itself deep in the gap between helm and shoulder plate. The mercenary falls to the ground, clutching convulsively at the area around his neck. She grins, then glances at Thryn. She sees him fumble the shot, missing his target by a horse-length to clink uselessly against the side of the cliff.

Spinning around, she yells, “What the hell are ya do’in?”

* * * * *

@Xandax + craig: That help?

[ 08-06-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]

[ 08-06-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2001 9:43 pm
by Aegis
@All: I'm going to remove Brink from the story, namely to send him to scout out the Shadow Thieves. I don't think he'll mind, mostly because he seems to have lost interest a while back...


Virdel stood outside the door to Ferchens room, patiently waiting for her and Kierran to finish their meeting. It had been a little over an hour, and Virdel was begining to grow curious. As he stood, waiting, he had been fiddling with a small, iron pendant, nothing special. He would have continued, patiently, if he hadn't heard the creak of the door open, and the voices of the two Rangers exiting the room.

"I am glad you agreed, Kierran." Ferchen led the way, showing Kierran to the door of the building. "This will be of great help to the Rangers in Amn. We must be able to maintain peace here, and keep everyone safe. Come back in one piece." Kierran nodded, and stepped out of the building, stopping once outside.

"I will do my best, Ferchen. Perhaps, if Mielikki is kind to me, she will guide me safely back." He smiled, and drew his hood over his face, masking his features. He then slowly made his way down the streets of Athkatla, dissappearing into the corridors of stone, and wood. Ferchen said a silent pray, and turned inside to face Virdel.

"Virdel." She began, "Your companion. I fear I may've sent him on a suicide mission." virdel looked questioningly towards her. "We needed someone to find out what the Shadow Theives were planning during this whole mess." She shook her head. "Well, if his faith in Mielikki is strong, he will return." She willed a smile, and made her way next to Virdel. He only nodded in response, not knowing much of Kierran, he was not sure how he would fare in the midst of the Theives.

"Ferchen, I'm afraid I can not stay long." Virdel looked towards her, a hint of fear in his voice. "The man I met, Magus. He has spoke of a lot of trouble brewing in Athkatla. He has also asked me to help him." Ferchen nodded, understanding every word. "I have decided to do so, in my own way. I am Drow, and I am a fighter." Ferchen could see where this was going, and she choked back a few tears, trying to keep her feelings hidden from Virdel. "I am going to work my way into the Black Helm. I have enough skills that they will accept me, but not as Drow. I need you to help me conceal my identity, and appearance." Virdel looked directly to Ferchen, who had bowed her head, and was holding back her tears.

Ferchen nodded. "Yes... As I said, we will help you." She took a second to re-assemble herself. "But you must know! The Black Helm send their new recruits on death missions all the time! And the slightest imputence, and they have you executed! I would much rather have you remain working for us here." Virdel just put a reassuring hand on her shoulder, and gave her the same confident look he always had. "Come. I know a few people in the city that will help change your appearance to that of a Human."


Virdel stood, a day later, at the door to the Rangers building. Fercehn was next to him. He was still getting used to the magical enchantment over him, and having the pink tone flech covering his body. His white mane had been replaced by long brown, and his height had been giving the appearance of being taller. He kept his hood down, as to not draw attention. "Thank you Ferchen. For everything."

Ferchen smiled. "You know your always welcome. Also, if you need help, you can find us easily enough." Virdel nodded, and turned towards the streets. As he began down the street, he was stopped by a hand on his shoulder. He turned around, and met with Ferchens face. For the first time in years, she let her feelings go. She kissed him softly, and gave him a hug. As she pulled back, she looked to Virdel. "Don't get killed. I need you to come back at some point." She smiled and sent the disguised Drow towards the Black Helm...


@All: I think that frees up Brink's character. Also, I know that Xan is also in the Black helm, but it's the only option for Virdel so... I'll try and come up with stuff to do about it later. Also, we should try and meet the group up again.

@Magus: If you had any ideas for the future of this story, perhaps you can e-mail them or PM me about them. I'll help you out with the story development (And I bet Rail will too), but we need some collaberation.

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2001 4:23 am
by Rail
@Magus- I figured your plans to be such, but this was the first time Rail had encountered a real live Cowled Wizard in either story, so I had to show an itchy trigger finger. ;)

@All- I'll try to add more soon, but I'm gettin' swamped IRL, so it'll probably be a few days. I'll try to add something soon.

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2001 10:08 pm
by Magus
The group of wizards appear just inside the entrance to the Cowled Wizard headquarters. Erected soon after the banishment of the demons a decade ago, it is a testament to the guild’s expanded power. A grand structure, its marble magnificience is only surpassed by the powerful wards seemingly scattered about the place. They serve to restrict members to certain areas of the building. The way to gain clearance remains a closely guarded secret. Supposedly even few of the senior members themselves know how they are able to pass through into restricted areas. It is a veritable fortress, and even the Shadow Thieves dare not enter uninvited. Though countless many have surely tried…

The leader of the group is approached by another wizard, and they talk quietly for a moment. Then he turns to address Magus.

“The High Wizard awaits. Go through the door over there,” he says impatiently, pointing to a nearby door on the left.

Entering, Magus finds a well-kept room, adorned with various symbols of the Cowled Wizards. An old-looking man sits at a clean wooden desk. He looks up from his work as the door shuts, studying the new arrival carefully.

“Nabalad, I take it? I apologize for the rudeness of my subordinates. Just a while ago there was an alarming magical disturbance. They had orders to apprehend anyone suspicious on the spot.”

Nabalad nods. “Yes, I thought I sensed a burst of magical energy when I neared the city. Though it was odd…it certainly was no magic I’ve ever encountered.

The man raises his brows in surprise. “Very astute of you.” He pauses, as if trying to decide something. “Hmm…I think we might have a use for you after all. Very well, listen closely. The magic was none other than the corruption magics wielded by the devilish rakshasa. You’ve heard of them, yes? Well, then you know that having one roaming around Athkatla is an acute problem. We’ve already hired some genies to track it down, but perhaps having one of our own in pursuit will speed the process. Go talk to the Dao djinn we hired for more details. They should be in the Slums District, searching for clues at the site of the casting. I’m sure someone of your experience will be capable of finding them without too much trouble. You are dismissed.”

He goes back to reading a message on his desk, taking little notice of Nabalad’s departure, or the black cat curled up behind a nearby waste-basket...

* * * * *

@craig+Xandax: You guys okay? I'm trying to give you more control over what happens.

[ 08-08-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2001 10:17 pm
by Magus
@Aegis: Sent you a private message.

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2001 12:52 am
by Xandax
@Magus: I know - I just don't think I can get this updated before (tomorrow) I go on vacation :( and I won't be back for another 10 days :eek: )

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2001 9:45 pm
by Magus
@Xandax: Sorry. The date slipped my mind. Have a good trip!

@craig: I’ll play Xandax temporarily, but Thryn needs to react to what just happened.

* * * * *

On an assignment for the Cowled Wizards, Nabalad doesn’t hesitate to teleport to his destination. He appears in the familiar surroundings of the Slums district. The genies would undoubtedly be shrouded by invisibility. But care would have to be taken in dealing with them. Experienced in combating corruption magics, and already searching for its signs, appearing before them disguised as he was could only lead to disaster.

Nabalad cloaks himself in invisibility, then wills away his disguise momentarily, storing the energy within his staff for later use. Then he weaves a unique illusionary spell that homes in on other active spells of illusion, guiding him to the hidden genies. One appears as he rounds a corner of the abandoned house he had used not long ago to weave his disguise.

“Interesting spell you use there, mortal. Are you one of the so-called Cowled Wizards?”

“I am.” Magus doesn’t cancel his invisibility.

“Ho-ho! The mortal wishes to remain unseen. Why might I ask? Let us see…”

The djinn’s divination spell fails to reveal the newcomer. He looks surprised, and more than a bit impressed. He chuckles. “A powerful one of your kind, you are. Very well, remain unseen if that is your wish. Now, if I might ask, for what reason do you grace us with your presence?”

“I was sent to assess your progress, and aid you finding this rakshasa, if possible.”

“Fair enough. Some investigating we have done, analyzing the spell residue and such. The results were interesting, yes. Corruption magics permeate the place, yet faint glimmers of other magics not wielded by the rakshasa there are. Astral and psychic energies: these not be used amongst the rakshasa. Perhaps this rakshasa had an accomplice, yes? An illithid, maybe? T’would certainly be an odd alliance, don’t you agree?

“Yes, it would, though highly unlikely I would suspect. Have you determined the method of escape?”

“It’s fairly apparent. There is a crack in the side wall, large enough for man or rakshasa to crawl through. A clever one it is. No magical or physical trail there is. With the evidence at hand, I can say with certainty that we’ll get no closer to finding the little devil. But fear not. They are a predatory kind, and soon we’ll be able to follow the trail of disappearing mortals. It’s only a matter of time.”

“That is unacceptable. A trail of disappearances would defeat our entire objective, which is to keep this hushed.”

The djinn chuckles. “Unacceptable, eh? Well, do YOU have a better plan, mortal?”

“You’ll see…” A smile crosses Magus’s invisible face. It would be risky almost to the point of foolhardiness, but it had sure been a while since his fighting days…

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2001 4:59 am
by Craig
The second Thryn saw the look on Lliras face, he drew his cloak hood and vanished sliding silently down the cliff side, he leapt, sword high, dagger ready.
"Scum!!!!!" came the cry from Calahan, as Thryn landed his sword on a massive 2-Handed sword, quickly he slipped his dagger threw(sp) the plate mail.Jumping back, thryn saw that his dagger, that had before finished many people, had barely scratched this warrior,
"Ha, your puny knife is not that good!"Taunted Calahan, whilst Thryn parried the his sword strikes,
"This is not you fight," said a voice in Thryns head...

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2001 10:39 pm
by Magus
@craig: Calahan usually wields his magical blue halberd, but he would be proficient in other weapons as well, I suppose.

* * * * *

Xandax hesitates, watching as Thryn jumps down the cliff. He shakes his head as he realizes his target. “His brashness will get him killed,” he mutters. Any thoughts of going to Thryn’s aid are dashed as the three thieves to the rear loose their arrows. He drops and rolls out of the way, then charges. They each pull out an oddly discolored long sword, then fall back as Xandax comes within striking distance, deftly encircling him. “They’re good,” he thinks as he picks his target and lunges.

* * * * *

Llira fumes as Thryn leaves his position. Damn greenhorn! This wasn’t part of the plan. Thanks to him, their systematic ambush was now nothing more than a chaotic free-for-all. He would pay dearly when this was all over. Scowling, she springs after him to deal with the guard leader.

* * * * *

The fight turns from bad to worse. This guard’s speed and strength was incredible. It’s all Thryn can do to dodge and deflect his powerful sword slashes. A thrust by his own sword bounces off of tough steel plate with a resounding ring, followed by a countering horizontal slash that Thryn barely manages to duck.

Thryn sees a dark flash behind the warrior, followed by the screech of steel on steel. The guard spins, slashing downward, missing Llira’s cartwheeling form by mere inches. A volley of three arrows hit his back plate as he recovers, deflecting off with a clink.

OOC: {@craig: Your move now. Just to make sure everything’s straight, there’s three thieves attacking Xandax, and Thryn, Llira, and three other thieves (shooting arrows currently) are engaged with Calahan.}

* * * * *

“You’ll see…”

Magus gestures in the language of magic, and he, the visible djinn, and the hidden djinn disappear through dimensional gates. They step out at the bottom a deep, arid valley, the buildings of the city nowhere in sight. It is dark, and dawn is not far away.

“What is the meaning of this, mortal?” booms the hidden djinn, dispelling his invisibility.

“This must be done where it won’t be noticed.”

Magus pulls a fist-sized red ruby from a hidden pocket, which instantly becomes visible. It glows with an ominous blood-red light, and the stench of evil emanating from it is almost suffocating. It burns in his hand with an unholy fire, and Magus reflexively hurls it to the ground, rubbing his singed hand ruefully in instinctive distaste. He had forgotten how truly despicable the artifact was.

The djinns’ initial astonishment turns loathing, then nervous fear. “You dare unveil that vile gem, foolish mortal! Have you a death wish?! That will draw every demonic being within miles!” cries the first one.

“Calm yourself!” Magus snaps, no longer acting. “How many demons are there in one area of the Prime-Material at a single time? All it will bring are a few that’ve just been summoned. And this saves us the trouble of finding the rakshasa, doesn’t it?”

“Mortals!! It’s a wonder that your kind hasn’t yet ceased to exist!” mutters the other one, drawing his katana.

“Shut up and prepare yourselves! They’re here…”

* * * * *

@all: This artifact is my idea, btw. Kind of like Creshinibon, except not nearly as powerful, and it only attracts extra-planar creatures of evil origin. Created by the rakshasa. Also, I’ve completely lost track of time in Magus’s plot, so just accept that it’s almost dawn for simplicity’s sake :)

@Aegis: It's the afternoon of the same day for your character, right? Sorry for holding you up. How about you finish disguising yourself in the morning? Just a suggestion if you don't want to wait for us. It might take a while to wrap up both battles.

[ 08-10-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2001 6:57 pm
by Magus
The next part of my vacation starts tomorrow. I may not be able to get online for as much as 2 weeks. I'll probably be back here in a week, though. And (this is unlikely) I may not be gone for more than a day or two. I'll just have to see what happens. It all depends on if the phone services are free.

Feel free to advance the story if/while I'm gone. You guys can go ahead and play Magus if that's what it takes to keep things going. I'll see if I can come up with an update before I go later today or tomorrow. :)

[ 08-10-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2001 8:54 pm
by Aegis
@Magus: I'll try and hold down the fort. I'm waiting a bit to proceed with my part a while, because it will tie in with Xandax when he returns from the canyon...

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2001 10:50 pm
by Magus
“They’re here…”

Silence hangs in the air for a few precious seconds. Then comes the tingle of gathering magical energy. Suddenly half a dozen magical gates spawn on all sides. Out pop a couple of cornugon, a pair of glabrezu, a pit fiend…and none other than a ta’naari balor.

Total chaos erupts as the power of the glowing jewel on the ground flings them into a voracious frenzy. Demon fear, thick and terrible pollutes the very air. Magus barely manages a resist fear spell before the effects can overwhelm him. One of the cornugon madly charges a glabrezu, rending it deep with its claws, causing the ta’narri to shriek in wounded rage. The cornugon lunges for a killing rip with its jaws, but one powerful swipe from the side by the balor crushes its skull, killing it instantly. It then decapitates the wounded glabrezu without a moment’s hesitation.

Meanwhile the other cornugon races for the first djiin. He suddenly disappears in a poof of smoke. The cornugon’s frustrated howl is cut off by the katana thrust down its throat. But as it falls its claws carve a deep gash in the upper-right section of the genie’s chest.

The other djiin is beset by another bloodthirsty glabrezu. A wall of icy flame springs up around the genie, of which the glabrezu gets a mouthful of instead of flesh. A mighty downward slash of the katana ends its scream before it even begins.

The pit fiend had appeared only a couple meters away from Magus. With its acute sense of smell, invisibility was no protection. A lightning bolt bursts from unseen hands, smiting the demon straight in the chest. The blow knocks it back a few steps, but it recovers almost immediately and leaps across the distance to the source in one giant bound, slashing horizontally with its razor-sharp claws. They find their target, but instead of ripping through tender flesh they screech across solid stone. An icy blast spews forth in a cone as if in reply, freezing the offending arm and pin-cushioning its body with thousands of tiny icicles. The demon stumbles but does not fall, instead hurling itself at the hidden assailant. The blow would have flung him to the ground, helpless, stoneskin or not. But the word “DIE!” rings forth, the creature mere feet away, and Magus sidesteps the fiend’s carcass as it crashes to the ground…

* * * * *

@Aegis: I sent you a personal message.

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2001 3:21 am
by Craig
As the battle wears on Thryn relizes their meager wepons have no chance, and even the expert Archers barely scratch the Full plate, a cunning idea springs to Thryns mind, in stead of slashing with his sword he gives an almighty kick on the back of the plate unbalancing the giant warrior, then he runs for his life.
Pride hurt Calahan throws aside his sword, and draws his menicing Halbred swinging round to catch Thryn,
"Blasted Elf!"Screams Calahan, soon following the near blur of Thryn, but Llira sees his plan.
Soon Thryn is nears a fountain, quickly calahan strikes at Thryns Blur, missing and falls into the water...

[ 08-11-2001: Message edited by: craig ]

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2001 9:36 pm
by Aegis
@All: I think that was long enough a break. Personnally, I want to finish this...


Calahan, having chased Thryn a few feet, and near a small desert pond, lets a powerful swing loose. Raising the Halberd over his head, and then striking it down, hitting nothing but the water. As his weapon hits the liquid, a bit of it splash's into his face, blinding him for a moment. He takes a step back, almost stepping over Thyrn's waiting blade.


Thryn, whose plan had worked perfectly, stood behind Calahan, waiting to send his sword through the fighters back. He prepped his sword arm, ready for the ayyack, waiting for Calahan to come withen striking distance...


Xandax xharged at the Shadow Theif directly in front of him, sending a small cloud of dust in his wake. The man was quite skilled with the blade, and parried Xandax's attack. Unfalterenly, Xandax continued his attack, sending his blade in an arc from his mid-section. The Thief dropped his blade to defend himself, sending his partners a quick glance to ensure they were closing in on Xandax.

Xandax, having blade blocked a second time, brought his knee up towards his oppenants gut. winding the theif. He then drew his blade back, and jabbed it fiercly into the mans throat. While doing this, one of the remaining theives had snuck up on Xandax, wielding a small, poisin tipped dagger. The man drove it readily into Xandax, whose armour just barely protected his vital areas.

Xandax felt the blade sink into his skin, just below his rib cage, and he felt the burning sensation of the poisin. He turned to meet his new attacks, who had now encompassed him, and were ready to attack...


Magus, stepping over the corpse, quietly found his next target, another Pit fiend. He raises his hand, and without breaking a sweat, five glowing orbs emit from his fingers, and shoot out towards the creature. As each one hits, the Fiend shrugs them off. Magus had no intention of the Magic Missile's to do any harm, just to get the Fiend's attention. The Pit Fiend responded, violently. It charged towards the mage, who had already prepped his next spell.

The Fiend came to a screeching halt as he saw Magus vanish through a Shadow Door. It looked about for moment, it's last. From the back of it's head, it felt a searing pain before it felt nothing at all. Magus re-appeared behind the creature, a grim look on his face. The death that had been wrought from Magus's one finger had sent the creature to it's after life, with ease.


Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2001 7:54 am
by Xandax
OCC: I'm back - and will asap get back into the story - properly will post tomorrow local time :)

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2001 8:53 am
by Aegis
@Xandax: Welcome back Xan. Have a good break?

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2001 9:39 am
by Xandax
Originally posted by Aegis:
<STRONG>@Xandax: Welcome back Xan. Have a good break?</STRONG>
Nope - boring :eek: :D

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2001 11:10 am
by Aegis
Well, win some lose some. Shall we continue the story?