yeah...the soundtrack was ****...anyway
I thought the bit with the motorbikes was dumb

. The graphics looked apaaling!! anyway it was a quality movie, I love the way (similar to Zen in a way) Jet Li is constantly trying to jump out of the system and break down cliched Kung-Fu movie stereotypes, but his movies just get chock-sock after chock-sockier...

. Bless 'im.
Yeah I loved the final fight too...that was mean with the flipping over the bars

. I liked the fight with the first (black) Multiverse Agent too, he was just so massive but still Jet Li was kicking seven shades of buggery out of him

It could have been an interesting movie as well (although in the end the plot was as thin as a rake

) I thought that they could have done an interesting ending, to make it more relevent to Buddhism and Karma etc, where they thought it would 'destroy the balance', but actually it would be revealed that the strings of life-force are constantly shortening, lengthening and snapping, and that it just had to be that way, and it was part of a cycle.
Also they should have ended on the Jet Li vs Jet Li fight, with the two Li's somehow working themselves into an inescapable stalemate. They would carry on fighting for ever, one Li trying to upset the balance, one trying to enforce it...but in the end cancelling each other out. That way the could have had an interesting and symbollic Yin-Yang, Eternal-Warrior, Harmony In Dischord ending that wouldhave been better than the more heven/hell thing that they did go for...I think it would have been good to blurr the line between good/evil, and just be left with the more ambiguous greed/selflessness...anyway, will shut up now..