BS wipes the sweat from his brow. For some reason, everything was getting warm, correct that, everything was downright hot. Still, his optimism was not diminished. Hot = sun and sun = bikini's. His pulse raced as he imagined his passion in a scorching 2 piece ensamble, and he eagerly made his way to the tunnels end.
Peering through the floor, he was dismayed. No sun, no bikini's, just a huge furnace in the corner with Hell labeled across the opening. the room was taken up with all manner of surveilance equipment, evidently all geared to constantly monitor SYM. Well, at least half of them anyway. The other half were all trained to spy on one Weasel, Bringer of Dispair and Breaker of the Boards, so the title at the top of the screen said. Then he saw it.
A mighty image, huge, horned and redskinned. Smoke engulfed the figure, swirling around it as he scanned every username for clues that would tip off another attempt of Baassie to re-enter the realms. a roar issued forth as the figure sensed an alien presence in his domain. Truly, this was the mighty Buck Satan himself. BS cringed as he wondered what the punishment would be for intruding. Then something caught his eye.......
In the darkened reaches of the room, a curtain slipped open. A small, frail figure of a man was furiously working dials and levers. His hair was snow white, no doubt from constant exposure to the shenanigans of SYM. he caughed as the smoked swept by him. His eyes were glazed as one who had been too long in charge of the assylum.
A voice boomed in the room...."Pay no heed to the little man in the booth"
But it was too late. The true Buck Satan had been discovered. The figure came forward and addressed BS, "Is there something that you wanted?"
BS felt his pulse quicken. if anyone would know the location of his desire, surely it would be Buck Satan himself.( OOC....I just noticed me and Buck have the same initials....makes typing his name a chore....oh well)
"Can you tell me were I can find khgityrhhrtr" asked BS, unaware that Buck had altered his keyboard to hide the identity of his love. " My map is a little jumbled"
Buck took the map, and smacked BS in the head with a pitchfork...."You do realize that you are using the map for the sewers from our BG walkthrough, right?"
BS was appalled. "Of course, it has never steered me wrong before!"
Buck mumbled something under his breath and gave BS a real map of the tunnels of SYM. He dismissed BS , complaining about that weasel sliding around in peoples computers, two drunks taking over every bar thread, A Mod who wears a toga and another who is pantsless, a male chauvenist stirring up the dark flames, and now, to top it all off, he has a crazy drunken man tunneling under SYM in cheap cologne and a zoot suit.
BS figured it was best to be off before he got in trouble, so after having to promise that he wouldn't break anything, he lowered himself into the tunnels.
Smiling broadly, he felt his luck had taken a turn for the better. A real map, a true map would now be his guide. Whistling softly, he began to make his way happily down the tunnels, blissfully unaware of the fact that his map, accurate as it was, was tuned upside down as he read it..........