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Posted: Tue May 15, 2001 8:12 am
by scully1
Originally posted by Vivien:
<STRONG>Just got through BG1 again, and have a leather wearing female thief to show him what women are all about ;) </STRONG>
You go, girl ;)

Welcome to the Harem...we're all a little warped...if you haven't noticed :D

Posted: Tue May 15, 2001 8:18 am
by dragon wench
Hi Vivien,
welcome :)
By the way is that studded leather? ;) ?

Posted: Tue May 15, 2001 8:33 am
by Vivien
loner72: Well..when I first played BG2, I thought Anomen was very hot, so I'm glad I'm not the only warped one around ;) And, thanks for the welcome :)

DragonWench: Studded shadow leather (I used Gruntboy's *hit the space bar* during BG2 load and got to keep my equipment). I just love the look of black leather, and found some great female thief picture's for my main character :) And, thanks for the welcome as well :)

Posted: Tue May 15, 2001 8:42 am
by Georgi
A bit late, but anyway...
Welcome to Anomen's Harem ;)

Somehow I doubt that the details of the romance will be changed at this stage (maybe, if we posted 6 months ago, there would have been a chance!). Still, it's probably worth telling them what we think... and you never know maybe some nice programmer will take pity on us and make a patch :D

Posted: Tue May 15, 2001 9:09 am
by dragon wench
I've also seen Depp in other stuff and I found him on the effete side too. But then I saw him in "Chocolat", and oh my.... My only regret is that we didn't see more of him.
Of course, these things are very subjective. Some people really like Mel Gibson, but he doesn't do that much for me. And the roles that actors play are themselves very subjective. I find Ralph Fiennes intense, sexy and very masculine in "The English Patient", but in "Ocsar and Lucinda" he's effeminate and uninspiring (for me anyway).

Ah, the magic of attraction.......I hope they never find out what truly creates it.

But, back to Anomen, I love his complexity and the way he changes depending on how you handle his quests. Somebody mentioned that it's this aspect that makes him a better romance option then the female ones. And I'm inclined to agree. While you can't completely change your lover (and I wouldn't want to), you do affect their life, just as they help to mold yours. So I find this element of the Anomen romance very real. Emotional support has such a huge impact on a relationship, and the game developers deserve to be commended for their attempts to achieve this.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2001 10:36 am
by jennabard
hi i'm back and my how we've grown, :)

had to limit my time on the computer to work on other hobbies. :D

as to the list for bioware, loner and dragon already stated my peeves on anomen. what i wish is that bioware would script in a few conversations where the pc needs some reasurance so to speak, after all a relationship is not a one way street. someting like this.

anomen: do you have a moment, my dear? i'd like to speak to you privatly.

pc: sure, what is it?

anomen: lass, you've been too quiet for you own good. whats wrong?

pc: nothing really. just been you think i'm damned no matter what i do? that i'm...cursed?

anomen: no your not cursed don't ever think that. as to being damned, all i can say is i have faith in you. we all do. you will rise above those damn prophecy and show them what it means to be a hero.

and if not, i could always follow you into hell and resuce you. i've followed you there before and i won't be so shocked by it.

pc: thanks, anomen, i need to hear it.

what do you think?
welcome aboard viv!
i was visiting a site called one of my favs.
and they have a few fictions for balder's gate. not many though, i hope it will change.
maybe buck satan will create a section for fanfiction? that will be fun with so many in the forum being very good writers.
maybe georgi's will be the first ;) :D

Posted: Tue May 15, 2001 11:03 am
by Vivien
Jennabard: I do like that conversation, reassurance is always nice :) Afterall... I was awfully reassuring during his confusions! ;)

Posted: Tue May 15, 2001 11:14 am
by jennabard
i know, i was shocked when i turned slayer for the first time. i was wondering if i was even human anymore. none of the npc talked about it, so you don't know how they feel, much less, anomen.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2001 11:15 am
by dragon wench
Yes, moral support from Anomen would be great!!!
Although to be fair I'm not sure if Jaheira et al, provide a male pc with that kind of support. I know for a fact that Viconia does not. Admittedly she's in character, and rather encourages the PC to pursue the power flowing through his veins (while simultaneously stating that he's only male and therefore unworthy to even consider it).
I suppose we should also consider that there's only so much space for that kind of stuff. Let's face it, if Bioware came up with ideal romances for all 4 NPCs, the game would be so huge that only a few of us could actually run it. Well, as I've said elswhere we (women in particular) just want it all. :D
Maybe what might have worked would have been to cut both the Viconia nad Aerie romances and really focus on Jaheira and Anomen. Although I get the sense that they've already spent considerable time on Jaheira. And perhaps, as well, limiting the choice would upset other people. Although IMO, jaheira and Anomen are the only really interesting romance scripts anyway.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2001 12:05 pm
by jennabard
true ;)

jaheira is much more interesting. i'm at the point where i'm trying to wake her up from a nightmare. she's been dreaming of kalid's death :( and wondered how i handle losing someone close. i think i may have change my opinion of her after all.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2001 1:16 pm
by Georgi
I agree, it would be nice to have something supportive like that... AFAIK the other romances don't either, but I could be wrong...
I think the problem is, NPCs tend to initiate dialogue when they have something specific to say, and the programmers don't know when the PC will want to talk... but I guess you could have options:
1. No, Anomen, I'm fine.
2. Do you really think I'm cursed, etc.
3. I was just thinking that we're nearly out of cream, and 'tis several days journey to the nearest grocer... :D
Interesting suggestion, though as DW says, there has to be a limit to the romance. I will be sure to mention it though, it could be they never thought of the romances from this angle.
We'd probably get fed up if he kept saying "are you ok?" when you have nothing to say, and just want to get on with a quest...

@DW - yes, in fact Phoenix is rather effete in Gladiator, IMO... but not in Quills! :D

@jennabard - There are some BG fan fiction sites around, I don't know the URLs though.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2001 1:49 pm
by scully1
I just love it when Anomen calls the PC "lass" :)

All right ladies, I say that if we don't have more nominations for our sig, we go with the "in the name of the Razor etc." that dw came up with...shall we put it to a vote?...

Assurance from the love interest...great idea. But in a way, leaving so much up to our imaginations can be even better, don't you think?...For example, after the crimson rhodelia bit, Anomen says he will continue courting you, but we never hear it (i.e. dragon wench's suggestion for more "flame and flower" stuff...). We're free to conjure it up :)

Posted: Tue May 15, 2001 2:08 pm
by Georgi
@loner72... but then you could imagine the whole romance! Since they bothered putting it in, they could include that kind of stuff...
I like "lass", but I'm not sure it seems right when Anomen says it... He doesn't really seem the type. But it is sweet :)

I vote for DW's sig.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2001 2:22 pm
by scully1
Point taken, Georgi :)

Posted: Tue May 15, 2001 2:26 pm
by jennabard
i love being called lass!! :D no body says it anymore, at least not in the states. but i find being called 'woman' by my man endearing too, so maybe i'm a bit sick. i think it fits with anomen to call the pc 'lass' especially towards the end, where he is more open and comfortable in the relationship.

i guess i'll cast my vote for ' inthe name of the razor...' too :D

be prepared though, we'll get into trouble with the boys for being coy :D

Posted: Tue May 15, 2001 2:32 pm
by scully1
I guess the "lass" thing sounds like a Scottish thing to say, and Scotland being famous for the kilt, I make the association...there's just something about a guy in a kilt (and not for the famous reason, either :o )...

[ 05-15-2001: Message edited by: loner72 ]

Posted: Tue May 15, 2001 6:35 pm
by dragon wench
Did I screw up :( ?
My paladin got the flower dialogue from Anomen, and some time after that we went through his lingering uncertainties and his gratitude re:my having helped him. Instead of saying that he was already on way his before I came along (the way I did last time), I decided to vary it a little and simply said thank you or something. That seemed to go over ok, although he said something about thinking (I wasn't paying that much attention at the time so not sure). Well since then I have freed Nalia's castle from trolls, liberated Garren's child, done all the Paladin quests (except Firkragg) and I have not heard anything from him. I have this nasty feeling that I chose the wrong dialogue option (although it really seemed inocuous, usually the poor path is pretty obvious), but I'd really rather avoid starting again. Oh well, at least I could export my character. Argh...I've always hated multiple choice!!! :rolleyes: :( :rolleyes:

Posted: Tue May 15, 2001 6:51 pm
by jennabard
have you check your lovetalk? maybe it stalled somewhere or has he yet recieved his knighthood?

Posted: Tue May 15, 2001 7:14 pm
by dragon wench
I should try to check the lovetalk, I'm really abyssmal at the techie stuff though. Yes, he has passed his knighthood, and the last dialogue occurred not that long after.
Well, I'll take a close look at Georgie's instructions, and see how it goes.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2001 7:26 pm
by scully1
I'm assuming you've rested in amongst all those quests...the next dialogue you should get is triggered on resting, and it should be the "lie with me" dialogue. Although remember, I did not get that the first time through, it just went straight to the commitment dialogue after a while (can't remember how long...). I have no idea why that dialogue sometimes skips. Has anyone else skipped it? Bugs :mad: