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Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2001 6:26 pm
by Garrett
Is anyone alive on this topic. I want to know what the best thief skill proficiency is. And can I join please? :p

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2001 4:39 am
by Kayless
Originally posted by Garrett:
<STRONG>Is anyone alive on this topic. I want to know what the best thief skill proficiency is. And can I join please? :p </STRONG>

Of course you can join ;) :D We mostly hang out in the Shadow Mages topic now Garrett, but the old Shadow Guild is always open for business. Image As for proficiencies, I prefer katanas, and long/short swords (since thieves can only get proficient in weapons it makes them branch out more then say, a fighter with grand mastery). Katanas will get you the most for your money since they do crap load of damage (Celestial Fury is one of the best weapons in the game).

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2001 11:14 am
by TheDude
oh i didn't even see this topic gained a couple of posts :o :D
welcome garret :D

long swords are also great to porf. along with scimiltars.
i justed the Fury and the Daystar through the game with my assassin they backstab real good :D

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2001 9:24 pm
by Kayless
Ah, memories. Seeing as the Shadow Mages are nearing their 1000 post I figured I’d revisit the old Shadow Guild. Some good times were had. *Sigh*

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2001 1:08 am
by nael
ahhh, yes...the true spammign came from the thief side of the guild from the old mage icons and the mention of prunes...btu the shadow mages have vanquished all foes in its path...even girls in anything longer than a miniskirt

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2001 5:02 am
by TheDude
*snik Image sigh*
yes memories, great memories,
where they all went the Mage Bashing, Guild Wars AND GREAT MOVING SPAM :D

i really mis it.

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2001 7:08 am
by Kayless
Ah Auld Lang Sine baby (For old long ago). Just bumping a classic for the hell of it. ;)

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2001 8:44 am
by The fallen one
Well since this is a Guild for the mighty Thievies I was woundering if I could join up with you. If so that would be great.
And how many members is there in the guild?

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2002 6:59 am
by TheDude
ok i was looking for the old Dwarven Throwers topic to see what it was all about and look what i found!! :D :D :D

just take a look ad al that Mage Bashing and other great spam :D

*sigh* ahh sweet memories *sigh*