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Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 3:53 pm
by Magrus
Fiberfar wrote:Welcome back Mag :)

Tsk.... I need some spam now :D

Buy a bottle of booze :D
Thanks! I'll ask him what he wants. *nods* ;)
Juniper1028 wrote:LOL!!! You are too much!! Red wine has always been a painful experience for me!!
I've heard that I'm too much before, I'm always unsure of whether to take that as a compliment, or an insult. :confused:

The problem is, it's like sucking down grape juice. On Rachel's 21st everyone started worrying about me when I discarded the glass in favor of not having to pour any longer and double fisted wine bottles. :o Luckily, she was right there with me, dried out like a raisin and too sore to move the next morning to suffer with me. :p
Well, sometimes it is wise to give the 'ole liver a break....and a night out can be less expensive!!
Ahh...the bonding of siblings....!!!
What else would your brother like?
To be honest, nothing I'm able to give him. Allowing him to get wasted and forget his problems for free for a night might be the best thing I could do for him.

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 4:03 pm
by Luis Antonio
[QUOTE=Magrus]*stretches* I've just come back from being away for this long, and I still have more posts than the rest of you in this thread. :p [/QUOTE]

Oh my <censored> God!

Maggie dude, you here!

Weeee! :D

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 4:09 pm
by Magrus
[QUOTE=Luis Antonio]Oh my <censored> God!

Maggie dude, you here!

Weeee! :D [/QUOTE]

Hey, how's life down there and how's your cousin and sister? :p Man, I've missed your humor. It's been sad the chats I'm forced to endure lately with the locals. :(

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 4:12 pm
by Luis Antonio
[QUOTE=Magrus]Hey, how's life down there and how's your cousin and sister? :p Man, I've missed your humor. It's been sad the chats I'm forced to endure lately with the locals. :( [/QUOTE]


Hey I'm fine. Things are about to change, dunno how, dunno when, but they'll change a lot. I've missed your humour too, little hand-and-a-half friend. Btw, I have a bottle of nice good and old José Cuervo here labeled "if Magrus Return" :laugh:

How's your perverted fun facts list?

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 4:19 pm
by Magrus
MSN won't let me sign in any longer. :mad: I'm on Yahoo until the family wants me for "quality time", hopefully Jenica gets around to getting back to me soon. All of her "I need you" messages I found today regarding her boyfriend intrigued me.

Oooh, I suppose this means you're having fun tonight on account I'm back then? No fun facts, to be honest, I've avoided trying to hook up with anyone for a while. It's helped my sanity, well, I'm not sure there's any left, but I'm trying to grow some, you know?

I think I've missed the Citadel most out of the rest of GB. Isn't that wierd?

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 4:43 pm
by Luis Antonio
Hehehe the HC is the best place in the world, except perhaps the lap of a nice lady :D

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 4:46 pm
by Fiberfar
[QUOTE=Luis Antonio]Hehehe the HC is the best place in the world, except perhaps the lap of a nice lady :D [/QUOTE]

Only one? :p :D

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 4:47 pm
by Luis Antonio
[QUOTE=Fiberfar]Only one? :p :D [/QUOTE]

I'm out of Mag influence for a long time, so for now its only one, but I'll bet he'll come with five or six :D :laugh:

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 4:48 pm
by Magrus
[QUOTE=Luis Antonio]Hehehe the HC is the best place in the world, except perhaps the lap of a nice lady :D [/QUOTE]

*nods* I concur most heartily. ;)

You know, I was all thrilled that I'd gotten online for a while for the first time in nearly two months and I'd get a load of new DC comics. Then, I was sadly dissapointed. There's only like 3 or 4 new strips since the last time I checked! :mad:

Psst, whats up with this Phreddie guy kicking my liqour? Is he in need of medication or cement shoes? :confused:

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 4:56 pm
by Luis Antonio
Phred is ok, he just think he is the king of the world...

Cement. Plenty. And duct tape. :D

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 5:03 pm
by Magrus
If he threaten's my booze he'll be king of the underwater country of tires and garbage dumped into Lake Ontario near here. *nods*

Multiple women in a romantic situation with one male cause a stress factor based on:

Age of each woman (X)
Age of male (Y)
# of Women (A)
Stress Factor (Z)
Amount of money male has (M)
Chance of Bobbot Disorder (B)

X - Y to the A power = Z

If Z is > the square root of M, quadruple for chance of B.

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 5:04 pm
by Demortis
I can help with the cement shoes, i know a perfect lil lake aswell :D

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 5:05 pm
by Athena
MAGRUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Huge Hugggggggg* How ya been?

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 5:05 pm
by Ravager
@Mag, Hah. Nice! :D
What's Bobbot Disorder? :confused:

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 5:08 pm
by Magrus
[QUOTE=Athena]MAGRUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Huge Hugggggggg* How ya been?[/QUOTE]

I've been frustrated, not sure if the hug helps or makes it worse. :confused: How about you?

@ Ravy; Oops, Bobbit I do believe is the correct spelling? :confused:

Help is always appreciated Demo. Cement is a pain in your back to mix.

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 5:11 pm
by Athena
Teehe! I'm so happy you're here! *Gets Mag a big bottle of whatever he wants* Salute, a cent anni! (cheers to a hundred years en Italian) Wo hoot! Welcome back! Yesssss! *jumps up & down*

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 5:12 pm
by Demortis
[QUOTE=Magrus]If he threaten's my booze he'll be king of the underwater country of tires and garbage dumped into Lake Ontario near here. *nods*[/QUOTE]

This i can help with

[QUOTE=Magrus] Multiple women in a romantic situation with one male cause a stress factor based on:

Age of each woman (X)
Age of male (Y)
# of Women (A)
Stress Factor (Z)
Amount of money male has (M)
Chance of Bobbot Disorder (B)

X - Y to the A power = Z

If Z is > the square root of M, quadruple for chance of B.[/QUOTE]

And I thought math didnt have a use :D

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 5:15 pm
by Ravager
Don't take all the good stuff Demo! :devil:

@Mag, I still don't know what it is.

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 5:16 pm
by Magrus
[QUOTE=Athena]Teehe! I'm so happy you're here! *Gets Mag a big bottle of whatever he wants* Salute, a cent anni! (cheers to a hundred years en Italian) Wo hoot! Welcome back! Yesssss! *jumps up & down*[/QUOTE]

I was not aware my presence got such a reaction out of you... didn't you mention something about possibly visiting next month? Oooh, and and and umm, I want cherry vodka. Cherry vodka makes me happy and bouncy. *nods*

Math can be useful Demo, most of the advanced forms are garbage for the average person however. :p

Google "bobbit" Ravy, check the first hit, then you'll see.

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 5:19 pm
by slade
[QUOTE=Athena]*jumps up & down*[/QUOTE]
*watches athena jumping up and down*....why have you stopped? ;)

@Rav, I think Mag is referring to the bobbit accident......*snip snip*...if you know what I mean