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Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2002 3:17 pm
by Yshania
Originally posted by Bloodstalker

The clean upstanding side I was trying (unsucessfully apparently) to portray. :D

@Ysh, in the interest of trying to maintain the image I was trying to portray, then yes, indeed I was asking of your shoe size. :rolleyes: ;)

*makes note to work harder on his harmless image.* :cool:

Yes...of course you were! ;) I would look like a golf club if I had size 12 feet :D

Well I have two nights of lost sleep to catch up on, so I am heading now :)

Goodnight BS, Dottie and lurkers :)

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2002 3:18 pm
by Yshania
Originally posted by Dottie

What? are you allowed to do that? I thought I would have a nice time off now that she's away...

LMAO! :D yes and so did BS picking on her in his tunnels in her absence! :D (Great post btw, BS! :D )

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2002 3:21 pm
by Dottie
Originally posted by Yshania

yes and so did BS picking on her in his tunnels in her absence! :D (Great post btw, BS! :D )
Im sure he will get away with it... :mad: ;)

And yes, its great stories BS, keep it up. :)

Im heading out as well. Bye Ysh&BS. :)

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2002 3:23 pm
by Bloodstalker
Night Ysh. ;)

and did you think I would be brave enough to pick on CE when she was around? :rolleyes: :D

Later Dottie.

Returns to his bottle. :cool:

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2002 11:02 pm
by Tamerlane
*Hears the commotion from within yet again*

Humph! *Goes to find the tunnels*

I'll take my chances with the tunnels. Those gnomes don't scare me. Image

Not sure about those little green monsters though... Image

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2002 12:24 am
by Eerhardt
the actions of Eerhardt

** returns from the lab and notices all the exits have been closed ** That's odd, can't remember anyone locking up the Rolling Thunder TM ** opens up the back of the truck and pushes the back doors open ** Hi, Tam, sorry about that - come on in ;) !
@BS: during weekends and past office hours, most of the Rolling Thunder SLURRs don't post in here, but like I said, Dusty can always take care of the orders, while Flammie keeps watch ;)
@Mysty: still having trouble running NWN smoothly :( - looks like I need to get a Geforce 3 card
@Ysh, Sleep and Dottie: glad you decided to drop by
@Kam: here's Monty Image - we had to test the Fuzzy Handcuff Shooter when you weren't here and there was little other choice ;)
@Georgi: I think I'll wait for re-runs of 24, since I missed the other episodes :rolleyes:

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2002 12:37 am
by Tamerlane

Still waiting for the show to actually begin (24). The station that currently has the rights is in its Big Brother obsession at the moment. :rolleyes:

How was the weekend Eery ;)

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2002 12:49 am
by Eerhardt
the actions of Eerhardt

Apart from the cursing and swearing at my bloody graph card, it was alright ;) . Yesterday was bad, but overall, the weekend was ok - still, I wish I had my holiday ** pours himself and Tam a mug of C.C.B. each ** Big Brother a big hype over there too, then? It was here (probably still is), but I myself lost interest halfway the first BB episodes. How was your weekend :) ?

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2002 12:58 am
by Tamerlane
Re: the actions of Eerhardt

Nothing beats the combination of verbal and physical abuse directed towards electronic appliances. I sometimes think that the computer is mocking me, or it could also be that I'm doing all my programming activities late at night. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Eerhardt
How was your weekend :) ?
Hmmm, where do I start :eek: :D I recaught the flu, due to the terrible weather that we are still having, and I once again cheated death. :o :rolleyes:

*Thinks of never going wind surfing again*

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2002 1:05 am
by Eerhardt
the actions of Eerhardt

** takes a drink from his C.C.B. ** Sorry to hear, man :( (catching the flue - not successfully cheating death ;) ). Weather has turned lousy again here too... so much for the summer :(

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2002 1:11 am
by Tamerlane
Well it was my fault really, we were wind surfing and it started to rain, and I'm not talking about the little showers, it was pouring, and then the wind blew over the infernal sail whilst I was out from the shore.

So you can just imagine staying out there in the rain :rolleyes: :D struggling to drag the sail back up to get to the shore. Well it took a little bit of persisting but in the end I made it back to shore although with a flu. :rolleyes: :D

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2002 1:18 am
by Eerhardt
the actions of Eerhardt

I can imagine the struggle - must have been some muscle work-out ;) - although wind surfing isn't as popular over here (the weather over here is like that most of the time, even this summer it seems :rolleyes: ) ** finds comfort in the fact that he's now inside the Rolling Thunder TM with a nice, hot mug of C.C.B. **

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2002 1:22 am
by Beldin

**stumps in from the direction of his cabin, holding a broomstick**

Hey mates ! How are y'all today ?

**realizes the broom in his hand and throws it in the air where it vanishes with a faint 'poof'**

Stupid martial arts training... :D ;)

So I started in "Thief of Time" this weekend - mostly because it started raining. Seems like the first heatwave for this summer is finally over :( ...

**pours himself a C.C.B.**

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2002 1:24 am
by Tamerlane
Well as tempting as it is to say yes that brute strenght won out over the windly elements, it wasn't the case. :o :D The wind died down for a few moments and I got the sail back up. Mind you I wasn't the worst in the group, a few others got caught out further in the deep seas. They used the muscle work to get back.

And for the first time since I've turned 18, I heard my parents telling me that they forbid me from going wind surfing again. :D

EDIT- Good morning Beldin ;)

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2002 1:29 am
by Eerhardt
the actions of Eerhardt

@Tam: parents :rolleyes: :D - you got back in one piece didn't you (not counting the flu, of course)?
@Beldin: LOL :D - always remember Rule One ;) - I'm halfway "The Fifth Elephant", mate. No party at the pool this weekend, then :( ** makes his mug Irish and offers to make the others Irish too **

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2002 1:34 am
by Tamerlane
Re: the actions of Eerhardt
Originally posted by Eerhardt
@Tam: parents :rolleyes: :D - you got back in one piece didn't you (not counting the flu, of course)?
Well yeah its not like I'm doing mountain bike riding or anything :rolleyes: :eek: :D

But then again, we did try to "play" despite ignoring a weather warning and those dark clouds on the horizon. :rolleyes:

EDIT- Runs off, later guys. ;)

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2002 2:10 am
by Eerhardt
the actions of Eerhardt

Later, Tam ** takes a drink from his mug ** @Beldin: I found Thief of Time pretty confusing for a first read, but it was good, nonetheless. I probably should read it a 2nd time with the things I know now in mind.

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2002 2:14 am
by Beldin

@Eerhardt: Since "ToT" is the newest Pratchett book you need to be familiar with his style, and some of the cast....I recommend reading ALL of them from "Tehc Colour of Magic" onwards....

Talking 'bout "onwards" - let's move out.....Ode's not here this week and Tam just left us , so we donÄt need to wait for anybody....

**climbs in the drivers seat and starts punching coordinates into the 'port 'puter ;) while the engines heat up**

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2002 2:26 am
by Kameleon
*jumps on the roof of the cab*

Heya - where are we going? Everyone have a cool weekend? I was at a LAN party - all went fine until I had to reformat my hard drive... :mad: I'll tell you the story when we reach our destination...*sits back as the acceleration pushes him back into his seat*

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2002 2:28 am
by Beldin

**slowly moves out from the Home of the Depraved**

**shouts down to the lab**

Everything secured down thar', E-Man ?

**hits the floor with the pedal and picks up quite some speed**
