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Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2002 5:41 pm
by Vivien
Originally posted by Tybaltus

Not too bad. The humidity and heat is pretty bad over here, but heat tends not to bother me too much. Im starting to worry about college a bit. Only 1 1/2 more weeks until orrientation and I have no idea what classes I want... sure to not let them rope you into being a Classics major, that's the biggest advice I have :D

What are you interested in? :)

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2002 5:45 pm
by Tybaltus
Originally posted by Vivien sure to not let them rope you into being a Classics major, that's the biggest advice I have :D

What are you interested in? :)
History, geography, communication, writing....math wouldnt hurt either.

Well I have been in 3 classical literature classes already through highschool:
1)Shakespeare Lit
2)Biblical and Classical Lit
3)Early British Lit

Biblical and Classical was the only one I did really well in, and I played tic-tac-toe with my best friend in that class most of the time. :cool: I miss those times-Being a slacker and still getting an A-. :D

EDIT-Oh boy the Lightning showers are starting....hopefully the power wont go out...

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2002 5:49 pm
by Vivien
Originally posted by Tybaltus

History, geography, communication, writing....math wouldnt hurt either.

Well I have been in 3 classical literature classes already through highschool:
1)Shakespeare Lit
2)Biblical and Classical Lit
3)Early British Lit

Biblical and Classical was the only one I did really well in, and I played tic-tac-toe with my best friend in that class most of the time. :cool: I miss those times-Being a slacker and still getting an A-. :D
Hmm....*Viv tries to think of what will give him the best job*

Communication and Math are probably the most 'practical'. But History can be so fun :)

No...Classics as in Ancient Greek, Ancient Latin etc.. :) I don't 'member any of it, but I have the diploma :)

Did you enjoy the biblical lit?

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2002 5:54 pm
by Tybaltus
Originally posted by Vivien

Hmm....*Viv tries to think of what will give him the best job*

Communication and Math are probably the most 'practicle'. But History can be so fun :)

No...Classics as in Ancient Greek, Ancient Latin etc.. :) I don't 'member any of it, but I have the diploma :)

Did you enjoy the biblical lit?
Well I did take a history class in Ancient Greece and Rome. That was a class I was so mediocre in but I had fun and learned a lot. He didnt like my style of writing and I didnt like his style of tests. Dont get me wrong, though, he was a great teacher.

Biblical and Classical lit was fun. I liked going deeper into the bible and looking at it in a literature sense rather than religeous. Though I like the religeous view a bit better. It means more to me. The Classical part is what bothered me. I couldnt stand the Odyssey. I mean I like the general story, I just didnt like the way it was written. The plays like Antigone, and Oedipus Rex. Those were good plays.

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2002 6:00 pm
by Vivien
Originally posted by Tybaltus

Well I did take a history class in Ancient Greece and Rome. That was a class I was so mediocre in but I had fun and learned a lot. He didnt like my style of writing and I didnt like his style of tests. Dont get me wrong, though, he was a great teacher.

Biblical and Classical lit was fun. I liked going deeper into the bible and looking at it in a literature sense rather than religeous. Though I like the religeous view a bit better. It means more to me. The Classical part is what bothered me. I couldnt stand the Odyssey. I mean I like the general story, I just didnt like the way it was written. The plays like Antigone, and Oedipus Rex. Those were good plays.
Ah, yes the Oedipus complex . :rolleyes:

*mutters to herself about freud somehow having corrupted the greeks*

I agree that the Bible is so ...well, it's fascinating to look at in a literary sense! All of the poetry, stories :) I feel I first started appreciating 'song of solomon' at the time I realized that the Bible contained such rich writing.

Have you read 'Medea'?

How so the style of tests vs. style of writing? :)

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2002 6:06 pm
by Tybaltus
Originally posted by Vivien

Ah, yes the Oedipus complex . :rolleyes:

*mutters to herself about freud somehow having corrupted the greeks*

I agree that the Bible is so ...well, it's fascinating to look at in a literary sense! All of the poetry, stories :) I feel I first started appreciating 'song of solomon' at the time I realized that the Bible contained such rich writing.

Have you read 'Medea'?

How so the style of tests vs. style of writing? :)
Medea....Yes Ive read it, but can you remind me what its about....we only spent a couple weeks on it, so I can hardly remember it. :(

Style of his tests: LONG multiple choice answers-they confused me, I thought I knew the answer than I read the other answers and they seemed logical too so that threw off my balance and answers went down with it.

Style of my writing: Sometimes I throw in a couple of tangents to try to prove my thesis, some teachers like it, some hate it. I have to learn what each teacher likes. Sometimes when I dont like a topic of writing, the teacher can tell that I had no enjoyment. Once I was forced to do a 10 page research paper, and I didnt support the fact we didnt have a whole lot of time to work on it, so I voiced my protest by making it the dryest most boring factual papers I could make it. It was like reading a text book. Well I got a C+, but I didnt really care, as my grade was already a C+ that term. But that was only that once. Sometimes I like to experiment with certain things in each class, to figure how certain things are graded. Ive done "experiments" at least 4 different times.

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2002 6:22 pm
by Vivien
Originally posted by Tybaltus

Medea....Yes Ive read it, but can you remind me what its about....we only spent a couple weeks on it, so I can hardly remember it. :(

Style of his tests: LONG multiple choice answers-they confused me, I thought I knew the answer than I read the other answers and they seemed logical too so that threw off my balance and answers went down with it.

Style of my writing: Sometimes I throw in a couple of tangents to try to prove my thesis, some teachers like it, some hate it. I have to learn what each teacher likes. Sometimes when I dont like a topic of writing, the teacher can tell that I had no enjoyment. Once I was forced to do a 10 page research paper, and I didnt support the fact we didnt have a whole lot of time to work on it, so I voiced my protest by making it the dryest most boring factual papers I could make it. It was like reading a text book. Well I got a C+, but I didnt really care, as my grade was already a C+ that term. But that was only that once. Sometimes I like to experiment with certain things in each class, to figure how certain things are graded. Ive done "experiments" at least 4 different times.
Medea...mother who kills her children. But I blame Jason. Stupid, macho Argonauts.

With multple choice answers...I find randomness works well :)

What type of experiments?

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2002 6:30 pm
by Tybaltus
Originally posted by Vivien

With multple choice answers...I find randomness works well :)

What type of experiments?
Random is always good :cool:

I knew youd ask that! :D

11th grade Trigonometry-hated the class so I did an experiment:
Quarter 1-Did homework-didnt study for tests-result-B+
Quarter 2-Didnt do homework-didnt study-result-D+
Quarter 3-Did homework-did study-result A
Quarter 4-Random-result-C

11th grade Chemistry
Decided not to do a project because it was supposed to be 3-d-Im inept at 3-d, so I didnt hand it in-grade slipped from A- to a B-

11th grade The Novel
Decided to write a note after a poorly done paper-saying "Its obvious I didnt like the book, nor the writing assignment because of my lackluster paper-and lack of a conclusion paragraph" Still got a B- on the paper :D

And then there was the text book style 10 page paper.

Im probably never going to do such experiments again, but it was fun to try. :cool:

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2002 6:57 pm
by Vivien
Well at least you had fun :) *hug*

I myself would have never tried such stuff, but then I merely day dreamed during classes in highschool :)

*hug* leaving for a bit :)

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2002 7:01 pm
by Tybaltus
Originally posted by Vivien
Well at least you had fun :) *hug*

I myself would have never tried such stuff, but then I merely day dreamed during classes in highschool :)

*hug* leaving for a bit :)
Well I daydreamed too. I drew, played tic-tac-toe, and still managed to take notes and pass each class. I think maybe I shouldnt have experimented, but its too late now.

*hug* Hopefully I will still be around SYM when you come back, Ill step out for a bit in a couple hours I think, but I will look forward for someone to come...

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2002 7:31 pm
by Aqua-chan
(It's my thread, I can spam if I want to. :D )

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2002 7:32 pm
by Tybaltus
Originally posted by Aqua-chan
(It's my thread, I can spam if I want to. :D )
Wasnt there a song about that? ;)
Hows your night, AC?

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2002 7:33 pm
by Aqua-chan
Originally posted by Tybaltus

Wasnt there a song about that? ;)
Hows your night, AC?
Around the same concept. :D
Things are fine. I've just been accused by Frogus that I called Dottie "depressing" as an insult. :rolleyes: Otherwise... :)

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2002 7:37 pm
by Tybaltus
Originally posted by Aqua-chan

Around the same concept. :D
Things are fine. I've just been accused by Frogus that I called Dottie "depressing" as an insult. :rolleyes: Otherwise... :)
No worries, Frogus is just playing around.

Out of curiousity, (Dont you hate it when a sentence starts like that? :D ) What preperation have you made for the teaching role?

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2002 7:40 pm
by Aqua-chan
**disgusted face**

The *last* thing I want to talk about right now, Tibby... :(

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2002 7:42 pm
by Bloodstalker
Dottie is depressing, and he works hard at it so he deserves the recognition. wherever you are Dottie..... :p :D

Who's here? :D

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2002 7:43 pm
by Tybaltus
Originally posted by Aqua-chan
**disgusted face**

The *last* thing I want to talk about right now, Tibby... :(
OK. Sorry. :D

Uh oh....I think BS is going to post in Frogus' love among SYMmers thread. Should be interesting to say the least.
BTW-Thanks for including me on the list, it makes me feel good that Ive made friends here at SYM. :)

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2002 7:43 pm
by Aqua-chan
Originally posted by Bloodstalker
Dottie is depressing, and he works hard at it so he deserves the recognition. wherever you are Dottie..... :p :D

Who's here? :D
**jumps in BS's lap and put her arms around his neck**

Where ya been? :D

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2002 7:44 pm
by Tybaltus
Originally posted by Aqua-chan

**jumps in BS's lap and put her arms around his neck**

Where ya been? :D
Well then. Thats a sure "Howdy Do".... And you were saying the romance between you to hasnt built up... :rolleyes: ;) :D

EDIT @BS its the usual crowd here tonight. It seems were are the constant 3 and Im always the 3rd wheel.... :( ;) :D

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2002 7:48 pm
by Aqua-chan
Originally posted by Tybaltus

Well then. Thats a sure "Howdy Do".... And you were saying the romance between you to hasnt built up... :rolleyes: ;) :D

EDIT @BS its the usual crowd here tonight. It seems were are the constant 3 and Im always the 3rd wheel.... :( ;) :D
I'm tellin' ya! Get me introduced to Wiwimu and I'll convince her to hook up with ya! :D

I don't care what they say anymore: we're just friends. :D