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Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2001 1:41 pm
Some Biblical exegesis is in order here. For the record, money is NOT the root of all evils. Paul writes in 1 Timothy 6:10. "The love of money is the root of MANY evils." There's a big difference between "many" and "all." For example, I have MANY dollar bills in my savings account (about 752 - whoa!). I wouldn't be spamming here right now if I had ALL the dollar bills in the world. Just thought I should clear that up. Pride and selfishness, I believe, is the root of all evils.

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2001 1:44 pm
by Darkpoet
Originally posted by EMINEM:
<STRONG>Some Biblical exegesis is in order here. For the record, money is NOT the root of all evils. Paul writes in 1 Timothy 6:10. "The love of money is the root of MANY evils." There's a big difference between "many" and "all." For example, I have MANY dollar bills in my savings account (about 752 - whoa!). I wouldn't be spamming here right now if I had ALL the dollar bills in the world. Just thought I should clear that up. Pride and selfishness, I believe, is the root of all evils.</STRONG>

What about lust, then?

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2001 1:57 pm
Lust? I'd say lust stems from selfishness. It's a difficult question to answer, that, apart from a Biblical world view. Christ makes no difference between lusting after a woman in your heart and actually having sex with that woman IRL (see Matthew 5:28). And in the Biblical world view, any kind of sex outside of marriage is wrong. Consequently, to lust is to sin, to sin is to put your desires and pleasures before obedience to God, and to put yourself before God is an act of selfishness (and pride, too, if you understand it to be wrong but deliberately do so regardless).

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2001 2:05 pm
by KramoR
Originally posted by EMINEM:
<STRONG>Lust? I'd say lust stems from selfishness. It's a difficult question to answer, that, apart from a Biblical world view. Christ makes no difference between lusting after a woman in your heart and actually having sex with that woman IRL (see Matthew 5:28). And in the Biblical world view, any kind of sex outside of marriage is wrong. Consequently, to lust is to sin, to sin is to put your desires and pleasures before obedience to God, and to put yourself before God is an act of selfishness (and pride, too, if you understand it to be wrong but deliberately do so regardless).</STRONG>
Then what would Christ say, about playing all these RGPs?

With the violence, demons, god worshipping, and anything else the bible says not to do.

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2001 2:12 pm
by Waverly
Christ makes no difference between lusting after a woman in your heart and actually having sex with that woman IRL (see Matthew 5:28). And in the Biblical world view, any kind of sex outside of marriage is wrong. Consequently, to lust is to sin, to sin is to put your desires and pleasures before obedience to God, and to put yourself before God is an act of selfishness
God is a real downer. He must be awful boring... and bored as he only has the company of a couple Jehovah's witnesses, unless they pissed him off with their door to door spiel, in which case he probably smote them soundly and placed their souls in an easy bake oven.

[ 07-11-2001: Message edited by: Waverly ]

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2001 2:22 pm
by Darkpoet
Originally posted by Waverly:
<STRONG>God is a real downer. He must be awful boring... and bored as he only has the company of a couple Jehovah's witnesses, unless they pissed him off with their door to door spiel, in which case he probably smote them soundly and placed their souls in an easy bake oven.

[ 07-11-2001: Message edited by: Waverly ]</STRONG>

A couple of them? I heard there is over 6 millon Jehovah's witnesses and growing, all over the world. What have they done to you, other than wake you up in the morning, to talk to you about the bible?

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2001 2:26 pm
I think Christ world say, "Play on! Just don't forget your other obligations." He himself was quite the party-goer.

There is a contiguous association between lust and a whole host of sexual acts including pornography, masturbation and sex outside of marriage. I think it was His intention to nip the petal in the bud by targeting the place where it all begins - in the mind. If you don't think it, you won't do it.

I doubt the violence, killing, and demon worshipping in a number of RPGs translates into meaningful action IRL. If there is a contiguous association, I'd question the emotional stability of those who suit their actions to what they experience from playing BG2.

@Waverly: If that's who you think God is like, I probably wouldn't believe in him either.

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2001 2:26 pm
by Waverly
@DP: Well then they have a bit of a logistics problem. Their doctrine states that only 144K people get to visit the big G. Seems some people are avoiding 'sin' for naught and are going to be terribly disappointed.

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2001 2:29 pm
by KramoR
Originally posted by Waverly:
<STRONG>God is a real downer. He must be awful boring... and bored as he only has the company of a couple Jehovah's witnesses, unless they pissed him off with their door to door spiel, in which case he probably smote them soundly and placed their souls in an easy bake oven.

[ 07-11-2001: Message edited by: Waverly ]</STRONG>

WTF Waverly, next thing you will say is, it was the Jews fault that the Germans were trying to exterminate them. Were the f*ck you get off on ripping someones beliefs, when they are not agreeable to yours?

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2001 2:32 pm
by Darkpoet
Originally posted by Waverly:
<STRONG>@DP: Well then they have a bit of a logistics problem. Their doctrine states that only 144K people get to visit the big G. Seems some people are avoiding 'sin' for naught and are going to be terribly disappointed.</STRONG>
Gee Waverly, it seems to me. God created the earth for all to enjoy. Me I rather stay here, instead of going somewhere I don't consider myself worthy.

Can you truely say that about yourself?

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2001 2:36 pm
by Waverly
@Kramor: I fail to see the connection, I say something you don't like and next thing you know I'm an anti-semite?

I used that sect as an example because 1) they have a very strict doctrine, and 2) the travel door to door. Everything else I said may have been blasphemy, but was not poking fun at any person in particular.

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2001 2:38 pm
by KramoR
:D I know, you just got your ass, sandbagged that's all. :D :D :p

[ 07-11-2001: Message edited by: KramoR ]

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2001 2:40 pm
by Weasel
Religion what a nice subject. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: How many people had died for it?? How many more will have too?? How many died for lack of religion??

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2001 2:43 pm
by Brink
Originally posted by Weasel:
<STRONG>How many died for lack of religion??</STRONG>
Less than those who died for/because of religion :rolleyes:

[ 07-11-2001: Message edited by: Brink ]

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2001 2:46 pm
by Waverly
@DP: I agree that the world is here for all people, and no I'm probably not foremost among them in the niceness department :D

Let's just say I'd rather know someone who is good or kind because they simply want to be that type of person than a person who is good or kind because they fear the fire and brimstone.

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2001 2:49 pm
by Darkpoet
Originally posted by Weasel:
<STRONG>Religion what a nice subject. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: How many people had died for it?? How many more will have too?? How many died for lack of religion??</STRONG>
It must be not enough, Weasel. Because the are still killing each other in the name of God.

"Can't we all just get along?" Rodney King

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2001 2:50 pm
Originally posted by Brink:
<STRONG>Less than those who died for/because of religion :rolleyes:

[ 07-11-2001: Message edited by: Brink ]</STRONG>
You couldn't be more wrong. More people have died under Communist/Atheistic regimes than all religious wars put together.

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2001 2:53 pm
by Mr Sleep
WTh have i started :eek: BTW this was not necessarilly a religious debate. But since it is your opinion i will respect what you have said (all accept Waverly :D :D ). I hav to say that most of the people who have posted in this thread are on similar wave lengths to me, the idea that it is the nets fault is laughable, it is the individuals fault. :

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2001 2:55 pm
by Waverly
Originally posted by EMINEM:
<STRONG>You couldn't be more wrong. More people have died under Communist/Atheistic regimes than all religious wars put together.</STRONG>
This sounds like a statistic, do you have numbers? or is this just your opinion? Besides, if DP kills 10 puffins, can I kill 9 and still be a good person because I killed less?

[ 07-11-2001: Message edited by: Waverly ]

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2001 2:59 pm
by Brink
@Mr. Sleep-Sorry for spamming up your thread

@Eminem-That may be true, but (please refer to Weasel's post ;) )

[ 07-11-2001: Message edited by: Brink ]