Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2001 9:25 am
People like you cause and perpetuate wars rather than prevent them.This may have cost more lifes but it would be soldiers lifes, not civilians.
You might think that a life is always a life but:
Everyone is responsible for thier own actions, a soldier have choosed to kill other people for a cause. Any soldier who does not think the cause he is fighting for is good enough reason for giving up his own life shall not fight for that cause.
Send someone else to do it right? They're in the army so they're paid to die? Don't like hearing about civilian casualties over your Kellog's Frosties so send others to lessen your guilt?
That opinion makes me want to vomit. It is the primary reason I decided NOT to join the army in 1998.
What about "Citizen Soldiers"? What about draftees? Whatever happened to defending your nation? Why should we squander the lives of people who pledge to protect us?
Invasion: lots of Japanese deaths, lots of Allied deaths.
A-Bomb: relatively fewer Japanese deaths.
Yeah, its a God-awful choice to make but it is the lesser of two evils.
Those soldiers you want to die didn't have a choice. The Axis powers brought war to the world.
Are we to apply this logic now? Soldiers should die because they believe Terror is wrong? Everyone else whistles why they walk away because they don't give a damn?
NO. We make anyone who ever wants to contemplate commiting such attrocities look at what we did to the Terrorists and make them never think of doing it again. Deterrence. Peace through superior firepower.