mzz wrote:
[*]hollywood/andrei.dlg: line 6 confuses my parser. It thinks it is a new npc line, with line 7 a pc line for line 6 and zero choices for line 5. Does this work properly in the game (is line 6 ignored)?
Yes, everthing in [] is ignored.
[*]santa monica/chunk.dlg: line 221 is flagged as unused, but it reads:so that one is probably intentional?
Yes. The sound file is broken, the comment is from Robert Morley who checked similar issues once.
[*]santa monica/killer.dlg: some of the choices below line 111 have a tab character where there should be a space between the "5" and the "&" in "Humanity -5 & ...". This happens three times.
Fixed, although I don't think these matter.
[*]main characters/regent.dlg: line 1001 (and 1011 and 1021 reachable only from it) is unreachable (looking at just the .dlg files). Is this triggered through script somehow or is this more content to restore? Part of one of the endings, but I really do not remember if I saw it in the game.
[*]downtown la/prince2.dlg: line 1151 is weird. Target of a reply to 1141, but 1151 itself has no choices (Auto-Link or Auto-End). Does that work in the game?
[*]downtown la/prince2.dlg: choices but unreachable: [271, 961, 971, 981, 1071, 1091, 1111, 1131, 1221]. These are probably all accessible through script, but I have not checked that.
[*]giovanni/nadia.dlg: choices but unreachable: [221, 411, 421, 431, 441, 451, 461, 481, 491, 601, 611, 621]. Most of these are probably scripted again, and the last three should definitely be unreachable
Those are part of scripted scenes.
[*]downtown la/hannah.dlg: lines 141 and 146 are unreachable. Accidentally unused or are these intentionally unused duplicates?
[*]santa monica/therese.dlg: line 562 confuses my parser, I think. Line 561 is reachable through script (played through a telephone at some point), I think? It flags it as unreachable because it does not ignore 562, which I think the game does.
[*]downtown la/damsel.dlg: 231 and 241 are unreachable. These might be intentional, looks like they're duplicated elsewhere in the file.
[*]santa monica/mercurio.dlg: choices but unreachable: [381, 401]. Not sure if these are intentional, some very similar lines are used.
[*]santa monica/stan_gimble.dlg: choices but unreachable: [221, 231, 241], but those seem to be part of a (scripted) intercom conversation.
[*]downtown la/boris.dlg: 271 is unreachable. This might be another line of unused content.
Unused duplicates, I'll fix as appropriate.
[*]generic/doll2.dlg, doll3.dlg, doll4.dlg: lines 31 and 61 are unreachable. This is very minor (everything reachable from 31 and 61 is apparently also reachable some other way).
[*]downtown la/chunk2.dlg:511: choices but unreachable: [511, 521, 531, 541] and chunk3.dlg:511: choices but unreachable: [481, 491, 501]. Probably just reachable through script and the Auto-End confusing my checker?
These are probably triggered by random dialogues.
[*]downtown la/dema.dlg: line 11 is unreachable (or only reachable through script but has an Auto-End). If it is only reachable through script you might want to check if the script on the Auto-End actually runs.
[*]santa monica/clinic_guard.dlg: line 51 has an Auto-End but is unreachable. Scripted line again?
Hmmm, those seem to be unused. I restored them for 6.0!
[*]main characters/jack.dlg: the final starting condition has an invalid (empty) target (line 11). Probably not a problem because one of the starting conditions above it always matches?
I think so.
[*]main characters/mingxiao.dlg: line 435 tries to jump to line 591, which is empty. Is that a bug or am I misreading something?
No, this should be 491 of course. Fixed.
[*]main characters/beckett.dlg: line 1001 is unreachable but has an Auto-Link. This is the "Wait!" where Beckett warns you about the sarcophagus near the end of the game, which if I recall correctly occasionally breaks. I wonder if it is a coincidence that that line is sometimes buggy and also picked up as weird by my script...
I don't think this is connected as Beckett normally doesn't even appear.
[*]downtown la/prince2.dlg: invalid (empty) target 1181 in the starting conditions. Bug or a .dlg feature I do not understand?
Strange indeed. It's probably triggered by the Prince ending script but I nevertheless linked it to 961.
[*]asianvampiretest.dlg: amusing but unused:
[*]tutorial_security_guard.dlg: interesting but I have no idea how much of the rest of it is present. I guess you already found this one yourself?
[*]danecopconvo1.dlg (and 2 and 3). Are these used? If they are you may want to add the missing column.
All of these are not used with no sound files to restore them, but the last two are done as wav conversations.