Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2001 12:02 pm
Anyone in Canada seen "Talking to Americans"? Let the Americans make fun of us, eh? I'm from Canada, and I don't care if anyone makes fun our country. I get the magazine Computer Gaming World and they opened up a "Canadian Corner" in their letters section to make fun of Canadians. At first, we were royally pissed of, but after 2 or 3 month everyone was laughing. They shut it down after a few months, but I the last issue they had a "map" called "The world according to Americans". I won't get into details to insult anyone, but it was funny! Also they got a letter from the so-called canadian "Department of foriegn letters". I was a letter of apology to the magazine for the angry complaints of some Canadians. It said that free health care and firearms laws were something many americans are scared of, like the canadian fright of southern americans and american teenagers. Quite funny.