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Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 1:51 am
by Scottg
9. FB, 3 skill points saved, Feat Able Learner.
10. FB, Heal 6
11. FB, Heal 1, Spot 2
12. Fighter, *Strength 1*, Spot 3, Feat Blind Fight.
13. Fighter, Heal 1, Spot 2, Feat Improved Critical Scythe
14. NeverWinter Nine, Heal 2, Spot 3.
15. Fighter, Heal 1, Spot 2, Feat Improved Power Attack
16. Fighter, *Strength 1*, Heal 1, Spot 2, Feat Weapon Focus Scythe.
17. Fighter, Heal 1, Spot 2.
18. Fighter, Heal 1, Spot 2, Feats: Greater Weapon Focus Scythe, Weapon Specialization Scythe.
19. Fighter, Heal 1, Spot 2.
20. Fighter, *Strength 1*, Heal 3, Feat Greater Weapon Specilization.
21. FB, Spot 3, Feat Great Strength 1.
22. FB, Heal 1, Spot 2.
23. FB, Heal 2, Spot 1, Feat Great Strength 2.
24. FB, *Strength 1*, Heal 2, Spot 1.
25. FB, Heal 2, Spot 1, Feat Epic Weapon Focus Scythe
26. Divine Champion, Heal 2, Spot 1.
27. DC, Heal 2, Spot 1, Feats: Epic Prowess, Extended Rage.
28. DC, *Strength 1*, Heal 2, Spot 1.
29. DC, Heal 1, Spot 1, Taunt 1, Feats: Overwhelming Critical Scythe, Power Critical Scythe.
30. DC, Heal 1, Spot 1, Taunt 1.


*DO NOT DEVIATE FROM THIS BUILD*.. there are lots of "tricky" reasons for the class selection at each level and the feat selection at each level.

Basic thoughts on the build:

This gets back to the original intent of the build you had chosen. The opportunities for criticals won't be as good as the original, nor will the critical damage, BUT your non-critical damage will be higher and your attack numbers will be higher (which will allow you to critical more often).

The Scythe is chosen as your weapon - 2-handed needed for Power Attack/Improved Power Attack. Its also a weapon where the critical damage *feels* like a critical, especially with Improved Power Attack on. Use the Scythe once you hit 12th level and start using Power Attack at that point for every battle. You really shouldn't rely on your longsword/shield combination, instead use healing kits during battles to heal those wounds that your lower AC may subject you to.

The FB levels early-on get you up to the Enhanced Power Attack feat. Note that I have NOT chosen to get the Improved Power Attack feat until a few levels latter. 2 Reasons: 1.You should have Blind Fight as early as you can get it, 2. the -6 to your attack is to much at level 12. You do have the full Improved Power Attack though when you can better use it, AND before the 2 most difficult fights in-game for the OC (..assuming you do just about everything quest-wise).

For MOTB I chose to continue with the FB for both the enhancement to your Frenzy and the +4 additional damage via the 10th level FB's "Supreme Power Attack". The Divine Champion filled in the remaining 5 levels without sacrificing feats (..i.e. with this build it offers just as many as a Fighter). Additionally it gives you bonuses to your saves. :) It also gives a few other perks, BUT those perks rely on Charisma bonuses. ( can get Charisma bonuses via attribute enhancing items in MOTB.)

Finally we get to skill selections:

You need the feat Able Learner to reduce skill point "expenses". MOST builds need this feat, and a good build usually has this feat at the very beginning to maximize your skill points.

Then we needed to "unlock" the skills Heal and Spot. I also wanted to do it without compromising your attack number and without other "costs" (like feats). 2 Class did this: Ranger and Neverwinter Nine. Of the 2 Neverwinter Nine fits with the build theme, fits with the game, and also adds the perk from the "aura" - so it was chosen at a time when you should be able to select the class.

We've already gone over why heal is so important, but Spot is also *extremely* important. It, along with Blind Fight, allow you to better hit certain "concealed" or even stealth/invisible opponents - without both some opponents will be nearly impossible to hit.

Anyway, on to the next build. :p

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 2:34 am
by Scottg
9. Cleric, Diety Liera (for Kukri weapon focus), Heal 3, Feat Able Learner, Domains: Trickery, War (which give feats Feint and Weapon Focus Kukri respectively).
10. Fighter, Bluff 3.
11. Fighter, Bluff 3, Feat Blind Fight.
12. Fighter, *Dexterity 1*, Bluff 1, Heal 1, Feat Two-Weapon Fighting.
13. Fighter, Bluff 1, 2 skill points saved, Feat Improved Critical Kukri.
14. Invisible Blade, Bluff 7.
15. IB, Bluff 3, Spot 2, Feat Weapon Specilization Kukri.
16. IB, *Dexterity 1*, Bluff 1, Spot 4.
17. IB, Bluff 1, Spot 4.
18. IB, Bluff 1, Spot 4, Feat Greater Weapon Focus Kukri.
19. Fighter, Bluff 1, Heal 2.
20. Fighter, *Dexterity 1*, Bluff 1, Heal 2, Feat Improved Two-Weapon Fighting.
21. Fighter, Bluff 1, Heal 1, Spot 1, Feat Great Strength 1.
22. Fighter, Bluff 1, Heal 1, Spot 1, Feat Epic Weapon Focus Kukri.
23. Fighter, "same skills", Feat Great Strength 2.
24. Fighter, *Strength 1*, "same skills", Feat Greater Weapon Specialization Kukri.
25. Fighter, "same skills", Feat Great Strength 3.
26. Fighter, "same skills", Feat Overwhelming Critical.
27. Fighter, "same skills", Feat Great Strength 4.
28. Fighter, *Strength 1*, "same skills", Feat Epic Weapon Specialization Kukri.
29. Fighter, "same skills", Feat Great Strength 5.
30. Fighter, "same skills, Epic Prowess.

Again, do NOT deviate from this build. (..actually this one could be altered to achieve greater two weapon fighting during MOTB - if you are interested let me know.)

This build is designed for utilizing *2* Kukris. It is NOT a power attack user, rather the 2 levels of Frenzied Berserker are exclusively for Supreme Cleave.

The Kukris (while using 2 weapons), minimizes the attack penalty. Kukri's also have a smaller "threat-range" for their critical range - so they critical more often (if with less damage). Increasing your number of attacks by utilizing 2-weapons increases your chance of a critcal further.

Note that this build only goes up to 2 additional attacks via Improved Two Weapon Fighting. Here it was a case of not wanting to go beyond 17 in Dexterity. What I wanted to do was maximize the attack number and the damage per attack via a higher Strength.

In addition to more criticals happening more often, you also have the ability to "Feint" with the Invisible Blade's "Bleeding Wound". Unfortunately however, (like criticals), critically immune opponents will not be harmed by this. When it does work though, it works exceptionally well. :mischief:

Of course your Strength damage modifier AND the weapon specilization(s) damage modifiers will always be there.

The major damage for the build however will be with the increased number of attacks PLUS weapon enchantments with elemental damage.

As far as skills:

Skills are far more compromised in this build due to the need to increase the skill "Bluff" for Feints. Note that its particularly weak with Heal for the OC. Fortunately though just 5 points in heal can provide some decent healing, but it *IS* something to seriously consider before deciding on this build. ;)

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:36 pm
by junmishima
that is awesome!!

hi there Scottg..

awesome build there...i think i'm going to try with the first option since its looks better (from my untrained eyes :D )

all this would take me some time to digest but i'll try it first..
you said something about sacrificing the dialogue skill... i just wondering.. how important is the dialogue skill? will be hard to play the game without it? or will it break the game? else i'm fine with sacrificing the dialogue portion of the build. :D
its needed FOR THE 2-WEAPON CHARACTER because
when you say this.. does it mean 2-handed weapon? or dual-wield weapon? my assumption would be "2-handed weapon", right?

i always have a thing about using Scythe with my character although be able to use sword & shield would make the PC looks cool.. :D

i heard that a good Scythe will not be around until at almost the end of the game is this true? any specific Scythe i should aimed for?

i'll be back with more questions :D

thanks again :D

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 11:17 am
by Scottg
junmishima wrote:hi there Scottg..

awesome build there...i think i'm going to try with the first option since its looks better (from my untrained eyes :D )

all this would take me some time to digest but i'll try it first..
you said something about sacrificing the dialogue skill... i just wondering.. how important is the dialogue skill? will be hard to play the game without it? or will it break the game? else i'm fine with sacrificing the dialogue portion of the build. :D

when you say this.. does it mean 2-handed weapon? or dual-wield weapon? my assumption would be "2-handed weapon", right?

i always have a thing about using Scythe with my character although be able to use sword & shield would make the PC looks cool.. :D

i heard that a good Scythe will not be around until at almost the end of the game is this true? any specific Scythe i should aimed for?

i'll be back with more questions :D

thanks again :D
The first option is better over the life of the build.. nearing 20+ levels the second option *can* be excellent.

Sacrificing Dialogue should not make it that much more difficult to play, but it will alter the story-line. Still, it gives you a reason to re-play the game again latter with a different type of character that *is* good with dialogue.

2-Weapon ='s DUAL-WIELD. (i.e. the second option.)

Aesthetics aside (think of your character as a *true* reaper :mischief: ), a Scythe whoops @ss on just about every other weapon - with massive criticals, very good base damage, and 2 types of damage (to possibly overcome damage resistance/reduction). Trust me; start playing it with your enhanced power attack and you'll not go back to longsword and shield. ;)

You should be able to find Scythes in a number of areas in the OC. I *think* a Port Lhast merchant has some that even have a few enchantments. What will really improve your Scythe is simply enchanting a *standard* Scythe with the enchantments you want.. Enchanting is something you'll have to search for on your own.. look to the "thievesguild" web pages for information.


Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 1:03 pm
by Claudius
I would definitely go with the first option. The scythe is going to do lots of damage on crits overwhelming critical will actually be a decent 3d6 extra damage. Plus no AB hit for dualwielding, and the dualwielder doesn't get many extra attacks to make up for the AB hit (though an extra attack with 15d6 element is tasty I'd reroll a character with perfect two weapon fighting to experience that). Finally in order to feint you have only a bluff of 23 + d20. That would have to beat the enemy monsters spot + BAB + d20 + modifiers (nonhuman +4 eg). Ok so even a human with zero spot in MoTB might have 20 BAB easily which means that you only succeed on a faint against that easy monster 65% of the time and thats a lot of micromanagement and only working against trash monsters and casters. With items it might still work (15d6 elements +CHA items etc) but still I'd go with the first build for sure. Another problem with a Fezerker and Kukri is that you cannot power attack the Kukri for much effect.

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 3:08 pm
by Scottg
Claudius wrote:I would definitely go with the first option. The scythe is going to do lots of damage on crits overwhelming critical will actually be a decent 3d6 extra damage. Plus no AB hit for dualwielding, and the dualwielder doesn't get many extra attacks to make up for the AB hit (though an extra attack with 15d6 element is tasty I'd reroll a character with perfect two weapon fighting to experience that). Finally in order to feint you have only a bluff of 23 + d20. That would have to beat the enemy monsters spot + BAB + d20 + modifiers (nonhuman +4 eg). Ok so even a human with zero spot in MoTB might have 20 BAB easily which means that you only succeed on a faint against that easy monster 65% of the time and thats a lot of micromanagement and only working against trash monsters and casters. With items it might still work (15d6 elements +CHA items etc) but still I'd go with the first build for sure. Another problem with a Fezerker and Kukri is that you cannot power attack the Kukri for much effect.

For attack numbers the builds are something of a "draw".

For build #1:the -3 for Power Attack, and then latter -6 for Improved Power Attack drop the attack numbers quite a bit. You'll get +1 to +2 (first 20 levels) for the Strength modifier in comparison to the #2 build.

For build #2: -2 to attack for two-weapon fighting utilizing Kukris. -1 for the Cleric class. +1 from Weapon Focus is selected much earlier to compensate.

The net result is that Build 1 WITH IMPROVED POWER ATTACK "on" from levels 15-22, will actually have WORSE attack numbers than build #2.. but not enough worse for either campaign. Of course this does NOT consider the addition of occasional use Frenzy in Build 1 which can completely offset Improved Power Attack's additional -3 (over regular Power Attack).

Even at a full 30 levels the two builds have very similar attack numbers (excepting Frenzy).

Next we look at damage:

For build #1 at 12th level the base damage is 2D4 +10 (..+ an extra point of damage via Strength vs. the 2nd build). Criticals are massive at *4, but they rarely occur. Of course at level 13 we decrease the threat range with Improved Critical, and it isn't until then that Criticals become "viable" assuming a non-critical-immune opponent. At 15th level its 2D4 +20 (with Improved Power Attack).

For build #2 at 12th level the base damage is 1D4. Criticals are small at *2, BUT they occur fairly often with these weapons (and more so at level 13) again assuming a non-critical-immune opponent. At a latter point you add-in Feint + Bleeding Wound again, against a non-critical-immune opponent. Feint can be improved with Charisma modifiers and Bluff modifiers.

The net difference between the builds here is *entirely* dependent on the type of opponent. WITHOUT looking at differing number of attacks (which I'll get into next), The 1st Build is superior in damage until about level 17. At 17+ levels the #2 build can be better. Most of its dependent on *if* the opponent is immune to criticals or not, but it's also dependent on the number of hitpoints the opponent has. A higher hitpoint character will be killed faster with bleeding wound ASSUMING THAT BLEEDING WOUND WORKS. ;)


Next we look at number of attacks:

A high BAB class is:

BAB (n) Attacks per round
0-5 +n
6-10 +n / +(n-5)
11-15 +n / +(n-5) / +(n-10)
16-20 +n / +(n-5) / +(n-10) / +(n-15)
21-25 +n / +(n-5) / +(n-10) / +(n-15) / +(n-20)
26+ +n / +(n-5) / +(n-10) / +(n-15) / +(n-20) / +(n-25)

For #1 build this is it. At 12th level the first two attack are likely to hit. That 3rd attack however is questionable with the -10 attack penalty (even considering decent attack number modifiers).

For the #2 build we add:

+n at level 12 for a net of: +n/+n/+(n-5)/+(n-10). Again that -10 penalty is far less likely to hit. (..excepting the other attack penalties we have already discussed.) Note that the extra attack is at the full attack number.

The net difference here between the two builds at level 12 is basically:

Build #1 = 2 attacks per round.
Build #2 = 3 attacks per round.

That's a pretty big difference, especially if you get your damage from other sources like increased criticals and additional elemental damage.


Say you have 2d6 + 2d6 of elemental damage in each weapon at level 12. ("d" calculations as half damage for an average amount of damage.)

Build #1 would be per round:

Attack 1 = 2d4 + 10 + 1 + 2d6 + 2d6
Attack 2 = 2d4 + 10 + 1 + 2d6 + 2d6

Net = 8 + 20 + 2 + 12 + 12 = 54.

Build #2 would be per round:

Attack 1 = 1d4 + 2d6 + 2d6
Attack 2 = 1d4 + 2d6 + 2d6
Attack 3 = 1d4 + 2d6 + 2d6

Net = 6 + 18 + 18 = 42.

So in this example, (as an average excepting criticals), the 1st build is better at level 12.

One thing to note here: as you add-on additional attacks for dual-wield, those attacks are decreasing in effectiveness. Because of this the "Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting" is often substantially *over-rated*. Even with a high BAB character build TYPICALLY the best you will achieve of a "Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting" build over a "Greater Two-Weapon Fighting" is one additional attack on average per round. With a Medium BAB its less than one additional attack per round. (Note though that against substantially lower level opponents the error level correction to those opponents AC means that those additional attacks will hit a lot more.) The differences in the attribute requirements however are *3 times* more difficult to achieve (i.e. a 6 point increase vs. a 2 point increase). (..Dexterity 19 vs. Dexterity 25.. accepting the Ranger's bonus feat.)


I think that the above pretty much does favor #1 build over #2 - excepting Bleeding Wound. Still though, they aren't that different in overall effectiveness as long as you have good-to-excellent elemental damage modifiers in the weapons.

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 9:59 pm
by Claudius
Yeah I didn't crunch the numbers, but I think I'd go with the scythe wielder, personally. If I wanted to go dualwielding I'd reroll a PTWF = 12 attacks for at least some 20s. Maybe some feint feats and shadow thief of amn = +4 bluff and 2 feats/2d6 sneak.

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 7:07 pm
by junmishima
Scottg wrote:The first option is better over the life of the build.. nearing 20+ levels the second option *can* be excellent.

Sacrificing Dialogue should not make it that much more difficult to play, but it will alter the story-line. Still, it gives you a reason to re-play the game again latter with a different type of character that *is* good with dialogue.

2-Weapon ='s DUAL-WIELD. (i.e. the second option.)

Aesthetics aside (think of your character as a *true* reaper :mischief: ), a Scythe whoops @ss on just about every other weapon - with massive criticals, very good base damage, and 2 types of damage (to possibly overcome damage resistance/reduction). Trust me; start playing it with your enhanced power attack and you'll not go back to longsword and shield. ;)

You should be able to find Scythes in a number of areas in the OC. I *think* a Port Lhast merchant has some that even have a few enchantments. What will really improve your Scythe is simply enchanting a *standard* Scythe with the enchantments you want.. Enchanting is something you'll have to search for on your own.. look to the "thievesguild" web pages for information.

it seems that i'm "sold" on the idea of being a true reaper.. then scythe it is :D this will be the first as i mentioned earlier.

my sacrificing dialogue, you really give me a reason to play it again later as to see the "sacrificed" dialogue... :D


- a very detail number crunching post you got there and a very good read.. now i got a lil bit of understanding on how the number works in the game.

now a bit of a question on #1 Build:
1. what are the advantages of investing to "Spot" and "Taunt"?
2. i'm assuming, the need for more point on Heal would make the healing more effective?
3. Is there anyway to make sure that "Bleeding Wounds" works everytime? :D
(i'm being greedy here :laugh :)

now that you mentioned "enchanting", so can give link to the "thievesguild" you mentioned above? :D

will continue with my game tonite

thanks "SUPER" a lot in advance guys :D

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 10:20 pm
by Scottg
junmishima wrote: -------------------------
now a bit of a question on #1 Build:
1. what are the advantages of investing to "Spot" and "Taunt"?
2. i'm assuming, the need for more point on Heal would make the healing more effective?
3. Is there anyway to make sure that "Bleeding Wounds" works everytime? :D
(i'm being greedy here :laugh :)

now that you mentioned "enchanting", so can give link to the "thievesguild" you mentioned above? :D

will continue with my game tonite

thanks "SUPER" a lot in advance guys :D
1. Taunt sounds like a good idea, but you never really wind-up using it. The idea was to lower your opponents AC by "taunting" them before battle. The problem is that battle happens all to quickly - usually giving you no time to "taunt". This is just one area where turn-based roleplaying does not translate well into a "real-time" game like we have here.. even with extensive/expert use of "pause".
Taunt - Neverwinter Nights Wiki - NWNWiki

Spot is for *targeting* opponents. If you can't *target* an opponent then you will never have the chance to attack them (..excepting area attacks like thrown bombs/alchemist flasks or whirlwinds).
Spot - Neverwinter Nights 2 - NWN2Wiki: your guide to everything Neverwinter Nights 2

2. Here is Heal.. the bottom portion (Ex.) is the most useful information.

3. There is no way to have Bleeding Wound work every time (..though there might be a console cheat). Bleeding Wound attacks are essentially "Sneak Attacks". Opponents who have either immunity to criticals or sneak attacks will always defeat a Bleeding Wound attack.

As for opponents you CAN sneak attack..

Well most of the time a "fighter" character is NOT going to make a traditional stealth-based sneak attack,

(even quaffing a potion of Invisibility is unlikely to work because of Armor Check penalties which will ruin your Stealth ability.. i.e. your opponent may not be able to Spot you, but they will likely Listen to your movement in armor and therefor know where you are.)


A fighter-type could conceivably perform 3 maneuvers in a normal battle:

1. With the feat Feint.. using Feint and relying on your Bluff vs. their Spot skill. Note however that truly stupid (0 intelligence) opponents are immune to Feints.
Feint - Neverwinter Nights 2 - NWN2Wiki: your guide to everything Neverwinter Nights 2
In practice it works pretty well at higher character levels as long as the Bluff skill is maxed at each level-up.

2. Flank opponents (a.k.a. "Backstab"). This is more difficult to do, AND it depends a great deal on IF the opponent being flanked is otherwise distracted (usually by another fighter-type). It sounds good, but in practice it often doesn't work out that great.

3. "Immobilized" or "Blind" opponents. Most of the time when the opponent is either immobilized or blinded - its usually from a spell, HOWEVER: *KNOCKDOWN* is a temporary form of Immobilization. In fact BECAUSE Knockdown not only allows for Bleeding Wound but ALSO **keeps the opponent from attacking you** - it is far preferable to the other methods as long as it works. If it doesn't then you just go back to Feint until you can try a Knockdown again.

Knockdown requires High Strength. Against much larger creatures you really need "Improved Knockdown" for a chance to work. (..Improved Knockdown also requires a minimum 13 in Intelligence.)
Knockdown - Neverwinter Nights 2 - NWN2Wiki: your guide to everything Neverwinter Nights 2


Thieves-Guild.Net - Your Portal to everything Neverwinter!


Have FUN! ;)

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 7:04 pm
by junmishima
i'm back...

so last night i continue with the game and then start the Level-Up as suggested.. after i'm done with the level-up.. i noticed that how precise and accurate your build suggestion is :speech: :D and i was wondering.. how do you do it? any special program you use to do the build up? or based on your years of experience in the game :D its really amazing :)

i found a scythe+1 and use it with my PC after the level-up.... and in found out (based on my observation) the damage is not so great "yet"... you did suggest for me to wait until level 12 before using the Scythe right... :D

what i found was in average the damage done is around 11-16 per hit.. hopefully this would improve with time... but for now i think i'm going to stick with my Blade of Gladiator & Tower Shield +1 until i hit level 12 or after i have the Feat Improved Critical Scythe.


so the "Heal" skill will come into play when i use Healing Kits right? will need to restock those...
and i finished with ACT 1 last nite... but i think probably i'll replay the end of Act 1 again (Githyanki Cave) and this time around i'll bring Khelgar with me... Cassavir is just too weak for my taste.. (my party when meeting Zeerie = my PC, Qara, Cassavir, Bishop) :) )


i'll continue with the build up and will report my progress with it here with the used of this FB class. :D

thanks a lot for all the help thus far.. :D

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 8:37 pm
by Scottg
junmishima wrote:i'm back...

so last night i continue with the game and then start the Level-Up as suggested.. after i'm done with the level-up.. i noticed that how precise and accurate your build suggestion is :speech: :D and i was wondering.. how do you do it? any special program you use to do the build up? or based on your years of experience in the game :D its really amazing :)

i found a scythe+1 and use it with my PC after the level-up.... and in found out (based on my observation) the damage is not so great "yet"... you did suggest for me to wait until level 12 before using the Scythe right... :D

what i found was in average the damage done is around 11-16 per hit.. hopefully this would improve with time... but for now i think i'm going to stick with my Blade of Gladiator & Tower Shield +1 until i hit level 12 or after i have the Feat Improved Critical Scythe.


so the "Heal" skill will come into play when i use Healing Kits right? will need to restock those...
and i finished with ACT 1 last nite... but i think probably i'll replay the end of Act 1 again (Githyanki Cave) and this time around i'll bring Khelgar with me... Cassavir is just too weak for my taste.. (my party when meeting Zeerie = my PC, Qara, Cassavir, Bishop) :) )


i'll continue with the build up and will report my progress with it here with the used of this FB class. :D

thanks a lot for all the help thus far.. :D

I'm a freak'n GENIUS.. :p

Ok.. maybe not :o :

Vordan's Hero Creator -- Neverwinter Nights 2 Vault


Yup, wait until level 12.. AND TURN ON POWER ATTACK (one of the little icons in the lower *right* hand corner of you screen), if it isn't already on. Don't wait until level 13 when you get Improved Critical Scythe. At level 12 it should be 2d4 + 16 with power attack on (and Enhanced Power attack) and your Strength bonus and the +1 enhancement to your Scythe.

Note (enchanting weapons):

..while elemental damage (differing types) is very good overall and particularly against a few opponents, that you should *also* consider having your primary scythe enchanted with the max enhacement bonus + piercing and slashing modifiers. The enhancement bonus effects both your damage AND YOUR ATTACK (..that's the "+ #".. like your +1 Scythe). The other two enchantments AS PIERCING AND SLASHING (instead of elemental), will be calculated in with your Critical damage (should you roll a critical hit). Elemental damage does NOT get added to critical hits. That could be a difference of up to 2d6 +2d6 *4 = potentially 96 additional damage on a critical hit that elemental damage would NOT offer. Your "spare" Scythe should probably *just* contain elemental damage i.e. up to 2d6 of Acid + 2d6 of Electric + 2d6 of Sonic damage.. leaving out the enhancement bonus or the other types of damage modifiers. Perhaps even having a 3rd Scythe with an Enhancement Bonus AND two types of Elemental damage.

Don't forget to also make use of Knockdown when appropriate (..which is a feat in your feat section of your character sheet.. drag and drop it onto a "quick slot"). Its great against virtually all magic casters in particular.


Purchase as many healing kits as you can.. spend ALL of your cash if you have to - you may not get the opportunity to latter. In fact I don't even remember the location of resellers for them, BUT I think that the fort you have been to had a reseller with an "infinite" stock. If so, that reseller goes "bye-bye" latter in the game (..I think).

Yes, I also though Cassavir was weak - both in combat AND as a story-line character.

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 7:40 pm
by junmishima
loving the Scythe!!
Scottg wrote: Yup, wait until level 12.. AND TURN ON POWER ATTACK (one of the little icons in the lower *right* hand corner of you screen), if it isn't already on. Don't wait until level 13 when you get Improved Critical Scythe. At level 12 it should be 2d4 + 16 with power attack on (and Enhanced Power attack) and your Strength bonus and the +1 enhancement to your Scythe.
i believe now i'm at level 13.. and beginning to use my Scythe+1 for the firts time.... and OMG:speech: the damage!!.. i think so far the highest i saw is a critical hit at around 91 damage,,... and i can see that somehow my PC for a few Critical Hit in one battle and quite often also.. and most of the time the Critical hit is >80 damage. For regular hit its around 26-35 damage per hit... pretty awesome... i guess in my next build.. i'll use Scythe all the way... beginning to love the Scythe.. :D
Note (enchanting weapons):

..while elemental damage (differing types) is very good overall and particularly against a few opponents, that you should *also* consider having your primary scythe enchanted with the max enhacement bonus + piercing and slashing modifiers. The enhancement bonus effects both your damage AND YOUR ATTACK (..that's the "+ #".. like your +1 Scythe). The other two enchantments AS PIERCING AND SLASHING (instead of elemental), will be calculated in with your Critical damage (should you roll a critical hit). Elemental damage does NOT get added to critical hits. That could be a difference of up to 2d6 +2d6 *4 = potentially 96 additional damage on a critical hit that elemental damage would NOT offer. Your "spare" Scythe should probably *just* contain elemental damage i.e. up to 2d6 of Acid + 2d6 of Electric + 2d6 of Sonic damage.. leaving out the enhancement bonus or the other types of damage modifiers. Perhaps even having a 3rd Scythe with an Enhancement Bonus AND two types of Elemental damage.
so basically it would be recommended to enchant my scythe with the following summarization of what you said.. right? (i'm trying to understand the whole enchant thinggy) :D :
1. "Primary Scythe"-Max enchantment Bonus + piercing/slashing modifiers
2. "Secondary" - Elemental damage
3. Spare - Mix and match of the elemental and bonus

i for one always like the idea of having a weapon with those "Vampiric" properties which mean that you get some HP when you hit an opponent.. does this a good enchantment to have on weapon and maybe add a Bonus & Elemtal damage as well... any thought on such weapon.. in my case it most probably be the Scythe.. :D

- i'll try to dig more information from the thievesguild site you refered me to on the ingredients neede to make those "vampiric" weapon.
- any idea who in my party/game that should be the best character to enhance & make the weapon by default?
Don't forget to also make use of Knockdown when appropriate (..which is a feat in your feat section of your character sheet.. drag and drop it onto a "quick slot"). Its great against virtually all magic casters in particular.
thanks for the tip... now i'm using this Knockdown on almost all spellcaster i found in the game.. :D pretty effective.
Purchase as many healing kits as you can.. spend ALL of your cash if you have to - you may not get the opportunity to latter. In fact I don't even remember the location of resellers for them, BUT I think that the fort you have been to had a reseller with an "infinite" stock. If so, that reseller goes "bye-bye" latter in the game (..I think).
- so the Heal allocation in the character Level-up is to make the Healing kits more effective.. right?
- and i cant seems to find the merchant that sell the Helaing kits? and i'm in Act 2 now.. can anyone give some pointers on the merchant with that infinite supply of Healing kits?
- you're referring to Fort Locke merchant?
Yes, I also though Cassavir was weak - both in combat AND as a story-line character.
- now i'm using Khelgar all the way... :D


- Now i'm in Act 2 and just finish the Trial... man.. the lack of diplomacy/doalogue option sure make the game a tad bit difficult.. and as you said... Sacrificing dialogue is a big sacrifice indeed... will need to replay the game (if i got the energy) to see the alternate dialogue.. i sure would love to get back to Torio in those Trial with some word play..

- sometime in the game.. i say that somehow i become so Lawful Good that i receive a message that i cannot advance in FB anymore... so anyway to counter this? maybe give a more "unappropriate" reply to NPC? so that i gets more "chaotic" ? or give an evil response once a while? :rolleyes:

- will continue on and see how this love with scythe gets me in the game.. sure would love to get my hand on the "Death Handmaiden" scythe... :) ) seem like a good in-game scythe without resorting to enchanting. :D

cheers... ;)

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 10:05 pm
by Scottg
It sounds like you are starting to really enjoy the game.. both the good parts and the bad. :)

Use a Sorcerer build next time through (skip melee, scythe, etc.) .. VERY different experience, (IMO more fun). If you do the build right with various classes and feats then you should come-up with an excellent dialogue character.

BTW, those criticals are probably occurring more often only partly because of the reduced threat range.. perhaps more so because of level differences (i.e. the opponents are considered "easier").

..and just wait until you get Improved Power Attack at level 15.. Then you'll get to see some epic damage.

That's the correct combination of Scythes.. and yes, vampric regen is excellent - use that for your 3rd Scythe (..enchancement bonus + vampiric regen + acid).

The "all elemental" Scythe is there for those occasional nasties that don't have great AC, but DO have damage reduction to just about everything BUT elemental damage.. i.e. certain golems.

The enhacement + piercing/slashing is just there for getting more out of your critical (against an opponent that can be critical'ed) - good against single "uber" opponents.

The enhancement + vampirc + acid can keep your character alive in a fight against numerous opponents or anticipated prolonged battles.

Definitely look over the Thievesguild site.. its complex. If I remember correctly.. Something like using the Bard to sing inspirations to improve skills and perhaps one or more magic users. Don't forget to add the appropriate feats (craft arms and magical armor & craft wonderous items) among those spell casters. Frankly it's as or more tricky than building a proper character, and it isn't my area of expertise. :(

Death's Handmaiden has "Keen" on it that uses-up one of the three enchantment "slots".. because of that - AVOID IT. (.."Keen" overlaps with Improved Critical Scythe - so its wasted.)

Wicked Union (..enhancement + vampric) however has STUN as one of its enchantments.. useful, so long as the opponent can be stunned AND only if the DC 14 of the weapon is likely to work.. On stronger opponents it becomes increasingly less effective to a point where it won't work on anyone. Basically this means its probably somewhat effective up to about character level 16-17 or so. Once you have the "keep" you should have that for sale by the keep's resident weapon smith.

Enchanting is THE way to go (even if its just upgrading an enchantment).. learn it. ;)


That's right about Heal. I think it was Fort Locke.. possibly the Cleric there. Search *every* merchant.

From another post I found this:

"Fort Locke, Galen: Healer's kit +1, seems to have an unlimited amount
but available if you saved him and before he left (I'm not sure if he
will really go away).

Highcliff, Branson Marlek, the weapon smith: Healer's kit +1, seems to
have an unlimited amount."

Buy a "truck-load" of the things.. Should fill at *least* one full inventory sheet, and more like 2. ;)


1. You shouldn't be progressing in FB for the rest of *this* game.. but you will need to change your alignment for MOTB.

2. Change to Chaotic: Near the School in the Blacklake district there is a merchant and a cage with imps.. free them. If you don't have that ability because you have already spoken with them.. then RELOAD (to a point in the game where you do have that ability)! :eek: Alternatively, you can install Vordan's Hero Creator and then load in your saved/exported character (from near the very end of this game), and use the "pixe" to change your character's alignment and export/re-save your character again.. making sure that when you start MOTB that you use the correct saved character. ;)

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 6:17 pm
by junmishima
hit a road block!!

i dunno what happened.. but it seems that i cannot progress further to level 14 Neverwinter Nine prestige class....

i follow the level-up exactly and my attributes so far will be as follows..

Code: Select all

Lawful Good

STR 23 +6
DEX 15 +2
CON 16 +3
INT 12 +1
WIS 11
CHA 11

Fighter (8) FB(5)

Base Attack Bonus:13
i try to look arounf and find the requirement of Neverwinter Nine to be as follows:

Code: Select all


Base Attack Bonus: +6

Special: Member of the Neverwinter Nine. 
- so what does it mean by BAB +6?
- do i qualify with BAB=13? or do i need to do something to have my BAB to "+6"?
- and how to be a Member of Neverwinter Nine?

in game.. i'm now going to the Moonstone Mask to find Melia.. :D

any thought?

TIA :)

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:21 pm
by Scottg
I was afraid that might happen.. it's a plot-based class. It doesn't happen until just after the start of Act III. :mad:

Make this alteration:

14: Fighter, save all skill points
15. NWN, Heal 3, Spot 5, Feat: Improved Power Attack..

Same basic build.. you just don't get as many points in Heal and Spot as quickly. :o

(..BAB is your "base attack bonus" which you had at +6 at level 6 because all your classes are High BAB classes and therefor your BAB is equal to your class level.)

If you make it to level 15 and still don't have NWN available then let me know.. ;)

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:01 pm
by junmishima
Scottg wrote:I was afraid that might happen.. it's a plot-based class. It doesn't happen until just after the start of Act III. :mad:

Make this alteration:

14: Fighter, save all skill points
15. NWN, Heal 3, Spot 5, Feat: Improved Power Attack..

Same basic build.. you just don't get as many points in Heal and Spot as quickly. :o

(..BAB is your "base attack bonus" which you had at +6 at level 6 because all your classes are High BAB classes and therefor your BAB is equal to your class level.)

If you make it to level 15 and still don't have NWN available then let me know.. ;)

sure i'll made the modifications... plot based hmm.. so meaning that sometime in the OC campaign i'll be promoted as a Member of Neverwinter Nine is it?

no worry.... i'll try as suggested tonite.. you'll hear from me again tomorrow :D


Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 8:39 am
by Claudius
You can also wait to level up that particular character until the plot twist. I think if you have crafted some items and leveled up the other party members you will be able to defeat the monsters without leveling.

You also get more xp by waiting to level up. It is called 'level squatting'.

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 8:36 pm
by junmishima
Claudius wrote:You can also wait to level up that particular character until the plot twist. I think if you have crafted some items and leveled up the other party members you will be able to defeat the monsters without leveling.

You also get more xp by waiting to level up. It is called 'level squatting'.
i was doing that earlier in the build.. but why didnt i think of doing it this time around?:laugh:

so the "level squatting" is true? if thats the case i might end-up doing it... but i need to hit another level first to test the selection of NeverwinterNine class first...

now getting ready to storm Crossroad Keep... and also bought a scythe "Nature's Scythe" from a merhcat in Port Llast with these special abilities

Code: Select all

Special Properties
Enhancement Bonus [+ 1]
Enhancement Bonus vs. Racial Group: Human [+ 4]
or maybe i should that the Scythe + 2 instead.. hmmm


Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 3:32 pm
by Scottg
Any update?

Is the build working out OK?

Have you learned to craft/enchant weapons?

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 7:25 pm
by junmishima
Scottg wrote:Is the build working out OK?

Have you learned to craft/enchant weapons?
hi again scott..
i'm still at level 14.. not yet progress to level 15 thus cannot select that Neverwinter Nine class yet.. but getting there...

now i'm in the middle of raiding the Gem Mines near Riverguard Keep and in progress of rebuilding the Crossroad Keep... oh and the Scythe+5 Jacoby have for sale is mighty tempting.. if only maintaining the Keep not taken so much gold.. i would have bought it :laugh:

also i started to try to rebuild the golem with the help of Grobnar...

hopefully i'll be able to hit Level 15 soon and i'll update if there's still any problem selecting NeverWinter Nine class...

any idea what to do if i still cannot advance to Niverwinter Nine class after i hit Level15?

thanks in advance