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Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 10:46 am
by Sensei
LordTerror wrote:I have never heard about this.

Could you give more info about it?
Sorry - it is actually a necklace (the greenstone amulet) but the picture looks like a ring. Now to get it you have to do some side quest from the thief master or was it part of Jan's quest (I'm leaning more towards Jan's quest). You have to battle it out at an inn in order to get it and depending on how powerful you are battling these 2 mages is a bit difficult not to mention the limited time you have to destroy the M-sword ( a 7th level spell - so you can guess how powerful your opponents will be) if you can even do it before it is unsummoned.

Now if you have the latest patches (and TOB installed at the beginning of the SOA game) this necklace will no longer be available because a lot of these unique one of a kind items (and semi-cheats) have been removed (since in a pre-Tob installment - you could actually make the necklace by yourself if you could cast the M-sword spell - although this necklace was a bit different since it had charges rather than unlimited protection).

So depending on when you installed ToB you may or may not be able to find this item anymore (but if you installed ToB later in the game then these patches don't seem to affect getting this item which is a bit odd but nevertheless allows these items to continue to exist.)

Hope this helps some.