kmonster wrote:
The blade of Aihonen is a 2-handed sword.
Restored Blade of Aihonen (
Long Sword +1, +5)
Damage: 1D8+1, +5 within a dragon's flight distance of Lac Dinneshere
THAC0: +1, +5 within a dragon's flight distance of Lac Dinneshere
Special: +5 Maximum Hit Points within a dragon's flight distance of Lac Dinneshere
kmonster wrote:
The best weapon in the game is 1-handed btw, a random drop.
Hmmm... implying Shocking Flail +4? It's 1d6 +5, +50% 2d3elec, which is basically 8.5+2elec=10.5. OTOH, Static Two Handed Sword +4 is 1d10 +4, +50% 2d3elec as well, which neats to 11.5! It's common sense... onehanders offer more protection (because of possibility to use shield), while twohanders are for more dps.
kmonster wrote:
The paladins "protection from evil" lasts forever and stacks even with PfE from other sources, so paladins have permanent +2 AC and +4 to all saves. With Pale Justice shield +3 they have +6 AC and +4 to saves and a more damaging weapon which is quite a lot.
Argh, who ever needs defence... offence is da key! As for "more damaging weapon"... did you use Detect Evil a lot?

Do you know that even Bladed Skeletons are NOT evil? Hehe... You can assume that it's a +7 sword against 2/3 of the enemies, at best - and +4 against others (which neats to +6). And, +6 sword in the hands of useless weakling unable to put more than 2 points in weaponskill is exactly as powerful as a common +3 sword used by a fighter with 5 points in weaponskill.
kmonster wrote:
At level 9 fighters can have +++++ in a weapon which will give them the same number of attacks as a ranger and additional +2 to hit and +3 to damage. At level 12 they can also add a third star to the ranged weapon, making them superior both ranged and in melee, they also level faster.
Well DOH! I had to learn this hard way (as usual). I've been too damn tempted by 2.5 attacks at the very start of the game... Just finished IWD for the second time. Well, actually, it was like 2.5th time - I've started with a leading (and tanking) human thief at first, with intent to dual him into fighter after gaining lvl8 (i.e. 100% find/disarm traps with Girdle of Gond, and 45% pickpocket). But, once I've dualled it and became fighter - it didn't "unlock" fighters' str bonus, leaving him at 18str. It was like ARRRRRRGH!!!, erasing savegame and staring from scratch

These 1.5 games have provided me with some rules to follow:
- Humans are only good for dual-classing. Otherwise, they have no visible advantages over half-elves - there is not a single item usable by humans and unusable by half-elves.
- Dwarves are useless. You'd want to have more defence rather than more hps, while dwarves can't start with 18 dex.
- Halflings are utter crap

Starting with 17str is like, eh, FIVE LESS DAMAGE per hit compared to 18/00 other races!
- One gnome is a must - to have advantage of using Helm of the Trusted Defender (see previous paragraph).
- Elven +dex bonus is not really useful unless for ranged spot, because 18dex and 19dex offer the same AC. One elf might be useful to counter dex malus of either Joril's Axe or Ring of Strength (we've got Kaylessa's Gloves to counter another item malus).
- The rest of the party has to be half-elves!
- Any pure classes but fighter are not worth it. You are never going to deal as much damage with spells as with weapons, which can easily be proven. As for protection/control spells - fighter multiclasses can offer them as well. Pure thief is JUST useless - increased backstab damage doesn't really matter in a long combat...
- Paladins suck because of the reason stated above: no extra attack, no extra points in weaponskills. Pale Justice is available too damn late in the game, and even THEN Valiant is better because of extra attack!
- Rangers suck as well, but it took me 2 full games to realize... At first rangers deal like 25% of the party kills each (because of 2.5 attacks per round)... but fighter catches up at lvl8 or so, and quickly excels after.
- Dual classes are not worth is, with a SINGLE exception. Fighter dualled to any class at lvl2 still sucks, because of gaining THAC0 as second class, and missing his targets a lot... no matter of extra half an attack. Any class dualled to fighter sucks because other classes start with 18str at best, which is -4 to damage! An exception stated above is thief dualled into fighter at lvl8, in case it is ranged attacker: you don't need thief skills any higher, nor you need str for using bows/xbows.
- Multiclassed chars have to be half-fighters, with a single exception: as a multiclass, you lose access to putting 5 points into weaponskills anyway, but keep rangers' extra attack, so you'd better to be ranger multi rather than fighter. Too bad, there is the only ranger multi in the game: ranger-cleric...
Soo... my latest party was the following:
- Half-elf Fighter (tank), Large Swords (x5)/Missiles (x3) - 20str with Large Shield of Strength +1 and Ring of Dwarven Bone, doing (1d8 +2+8+5+4) = 23.5*4 = 94 damage per round with Valiant.
- Half-elf Fighter, Halberds (x5)/Bows (x3) - my hero, 19 str with Girdle of Stromnos, doing (1d10 +3+2fire+7+5+4) = 26.5*4 = 106 dam/round with Doom Halberd +3 and Ring of Reckless Action.
- Helf-elf Ranger, Axes (x2)/Bows (x2)/some others - well, crap is crap, but I was too late to realize that... even 19str with Ring of Strength and Joril's Axe didn't help to fix that. Next time there is going to be elf fighter instead!!!
- Half-elf Ranger/Cleric, Maces (x2)/Missiles (x2)/Flails (x2) - 19str too, after quaffing Potion of Life Transference: (1d6 +3+7+2+4) = 19.5*4 = 78 dam/round with Fast Flail +2.
- Human Thief-8 -> Fighter, Bows (x1)/Large Swords (x1)/Crossbows (x3)/Great Swords (x5): (1d8 +1+4+3+4) = 16.5 * 4 = 66 dam/round with Heavy Crossbow of Speed, Bolts +1 and Ring of the Warrior Thief.
- Gnome Fighter-Illusionist, Bows (x2)/Great Swords (x2)/Axes (x2): (1d6 +2+4+2+4) = 15.5 * 5 = 77.5 dam/round with Long Bow +4: Hammer and Arrows +2.
Looking at my own calculations on the previous page, where I assumed 2 melee or 3 ranged attacks per round to be maximum - now make me *LOL* and "CRY* @ myself... :laugh:
Melee group started with 18/00 str everyone (yes I rolled A LOT). Warthief with max dex/con/int/wis for max lore, 15str for certain bows. Warmage with max dex/con/int/cha for lowest prices, 15str too. Most of the party has my preferred alignment (or should I say - MY alignment?): Lawful Neutral, with exception of rangers, which were made Neutral Good (because they have to be good - and, well, to be able to use Blessed Helm of Lathander

). Btw, here is a fun part! FAQ on this forum lies when it goes for mechanics of Righteous Wrath of the Faithful spell

It is said that ones who want to receive +2dmg and +1 attack bonus have to fully share align of the caster... and lies twice here. First, it has nothing to do with caster (cleric) or target of this spell - but rather about having same align with char #1 in the party. Not its current leader, but char that was #1 at party creation! Second, Lawful Neutral chars are considered having "same" align with Neutral Good char, but NOT with Lawful Good! I guess it just calculates "sum" of the alignments :laugh:
timortis wrote:
Right now, I'm playing the game in HoF mode from scratch with a fresh level 1 party, and I couldn't possibly survive any battle without a caster heavy party. Casters are very powerful when played right.
Sometimes I wonder if we are playing the same game... is HoW THAT hard to play? or you're playing at maximal difficulty? My party has -13 AC tank (-16 with Holdfast and Mystery of the Dead), about -5 AC everyone else. They have killed Malavon without letting him to teleport twice. They've obliterated Belhifet in about 4 rounds, without losing 20 hps!

What elems you are talking about? I only use them as umber hulk tanks, because these f**kers tend to turn my own powers against myself... the rest is tanked with sword/shield fighter EASILY! At the begin of the game, though, they just kill everything with bows/slings (unless inside crypts - i.e. at short distance).
timortis wrote:
The fundamental strategy is to scout with your Thief, find a choke spot on the map, lure enemies to your choke spot and bog them down with summons and disabling spells like Web, Grease, Entangle then unload AoE damage on them. You also have to use saving throw lowering spells to make sure they get stuck and resummon monsters as they die.
Oh my... I wonder if you sleep after every combat. I've started with lvl1 party as well, but finished the game in 57 days (was 108 days when I did it for the first time). Actually, I could have did it in 50 days or less, if not my greed (returned to Kuldahar/Severed Hand from UDD/LDD to sell stuff - should have sold to Nym instead)...
timortis wrote:
You need the casters from the beginning, because none of your characters can withstand more than a couple of hits from a monster, Fighter or not.
Fighters in splint/plate? Fully ranger party? Still doesn't work? Then there is something wrong with HoW
Finally, the things I didn't get... What the point of cleric scrolls? Cleric gains his spells for free at levelups anyway! And... what is "force attack", how do you perform it? I could have sacked Kuldahar once I completed Mythal quest (i.e. once I don't need it anymore), but my warthief was at lvl8 warrior stage back them (with thief skills inactive yet)... so I was unable to provoke attack with failed pickpocket, and still having no idea how to attack a NPC otherwise. Had to wait till 1 more level, waste 5 more days for travelling and return again later...