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Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 2:35 pm
by dragon wench
BlueSky wrote:Have the same problem when sending you a comment... :D
and what's worse is knowing we live in the same area....:laugh:
In other words.... there's lots of BS in KY... :p

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 7:44 pm
by Bloodstalker
Hey McBane. Nice to see you around. You never complained about payment before, what's the problem now? :p would not believe how much.:speech:

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 3:49 am
by Maharlika
dragon wench wrote:there's lots of BS in KY... :p
He can be referred to as BSKY! :laugh:
McBane wrote:I would think the vast amount of legal fees you owe me would motivate you enough to finish your degree and improve your income potential!

I can only be paid in beer and moonshine for so long... :D
Ahoy, Big Mac! :cool:

What's the matter? Sensei's moonshine is getting watered down lately? :speech:

Shame on you Sensei. :mad: No way to treat the person who would constantly bail you out god knows how many times. :laugh:

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 9:26 am
by Claudius
Whatever you do do it full force. If you don't want the degree then think whats next? What would that choice bring? I kind of want to tell you too at least get the degree on paper. Just do what you need to do. Write the thesis. Study the crapola and pass the test.

Then if you don't want what that degree is leading towards its no problem. But at least you got some satisfaction out of it and you won't regret giving up. My father was very close to his doctorate but he was back from vietnam and he wanted to get on with life. I understand that. He was already lined up for a job he didn't need an advanced degree.

I personally spent 7 years in graduate school with mental illness and finally got the damn paper. I'm too ****ed up to work steady at least I got that damn paper and its framed. Thats how I feel about it.

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 9:32 am
by dragon wench
Maharlika wrote:He can be referred to as BSKY! :laugh:
That sounds like BS trying to sing "The Alphabet Song" after too much moonshine.... :D

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 6:08 pm
by Maharlika
dragon wench wrote:That sounds like BS trying to sing "The Alphabet Song" after too much moonshine.... :D
Actually I was thinking more on AC using it as a term of endearment for Sensei :o ...

You know,[sweet helpless voice] "Oh BSKY, dearie, can you mow the lawn for me please?" [/sweet helpless voice]

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 6:20 pm
by Aqua-chan
Maharlika wrote:Actually I was thinking more on AC using it as a term of endearment for Sensei :o ...

You know,[sweet helpless voice] "Oh BSKY, dearie, can you mow the lawn for me please?" [/sweet helpless voice]
I'm a fawning damsel for BlueSky now? When did this happen? :confused: :D

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 6:43 pm
by Bloodstalker
I truly appreciate the helpful nature of your comment Mah, but at this point the last thing I need is an identity crisis compounded by added competitions for Ac's affection.....especially when said identiy crisis could confuse me just enough to where I start fighting myself over her. I have enough of an uphill battle as it is, I'd hate to think just when she decided to succumb to my charms, I would end up arguing with her. :D

See what I mean? That's even hard to type, much less read....:speech:

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 6:43 pm
by dragon wench
Aqua-chan wrote:I'm a fawning damsel for BlueSky now? When did this happen? :confused: :D
Unless Mah was actually referring to Bloodstalker... Or maybe he thinks you are a fawning damsel for both? :eek: Of course.... it could be a moderator thing.. you know.. all of those deviant activities we get up to at times... :speech:

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 6:56 pm
by Aqua-chan
dragon wench wrote:Unless Mah was actually referring to Bloodstalker... Or maybe he thinks you are a fawning damsel for both? :eek: Of course.... it could be a moderator thing.. you know.. all of those deviant activities we get up to at times... :speech:
Darn it, DW. How do we get everyone to believe we're normal people when you keep thwarting our efforts? :rolleyes: :D

At any rate, I am a fawning damsel for no one. :mad: And if I am, be wary -- I'm probably up to something. :mischief:

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 6:57 pm
by Bloodstalker
Ok, Im having a hellva time imagining AC "fawning" over anyone.... :D

I would, however, to advise people to rethink this new name. Is anyone sure they want to put the initial BS with KY and trust that combination to me to be mature enough to handle? :p

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 6:58 pm
by dragon wench
Aqua-chan wrote:Darn it, DW. How do we get everyone to believe we're normal people when you keep thwarting our efforts? :rolleyes: :D

At any rate, I am a fawning damsel for no one. :mad: And if I am, be wary -- I'm probably up to something. :mischief:
Normal? How many Game Banshee members have you ever see, mod or otherwise, that could be classified as "normal?" :p

You? Up to something? I'm aghast... nay.. shocked... horrified even... :speech:

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 3:33 am
by Maharlika
To BSKY or not to BSKY...

That's pronounced BEE-ski. :laugh:

Pick your choice then, BS or Blue Sky? :p

Of course, if there's anyone you positively fawned over, that would be...


@Sensei: Hey, the greatest person one can compete with is yourself. ;)

And that's your BE. :cool:

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 10:15 pm
by Ode to a Grasshopper
Stick at it mate...I felt the same way at the end of all my studies, but it's a lot of effort to put in only to have it all be for nothing.
Also, 'alcoholic with an Arts degree' beats plain old 'alcoholic' as far as descriptions go. ;)

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 10:52 pm
by fable
Ode to a Grasshopper wrote:Also, 'alcoholic with an Arts degree' beats plain old 'alcoholic' as far as descriptions go. ;)
That's as insightful a remark as any I've ever heard. :)

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 10:56 pm
by dragon wench
[QUOTE=fable]That's as insightful a remark as any I've ever heard. :) [/QUOTE]
Indeed... :D
You know, I've heard of "padding one's CV," but Ode's approach is definitely a novel one :p

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 10:28 am
by McBane
Bloodstalker wrote:Hey McBane. Nice to see you around. You never complained about payment before, what's the problem now? :p would not believe how much.:speech:

Ok, well I'm not actually complaining.... :cool:

You do realize that I'll have to bill you for my time on these responses... ;)

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 6:40 pm
by C Elegans
Bloodstalker wrote: I can't make myself care about this. So, I need some help. Someone motivate me, hell, kick my ass even.
What took me through my undergrad years was just do it. I personally think motivation is highly overrated when it comes to minor, specific tasks. You must have a strong intrinsic motivation for you overall aims and your chosen profession, but believe me, you don't need motivation to finish minor, specific steps on the way like an exam, a seminar series, or an essay. I viewed my master thesis as a "minor" step on the way and I was highly unmotivated writing it. I just wrote it up, working day and night for about 3 weeks and it was good enough to publish later with some editing.

Honestly, I think looking for deeper motivation for tasks that are only a step on the way, is a waste of time and energy. Instead, focus on what you need to do (the actual tasks) and what is keeping you from doing it.

Don't feel like going to class? Well it doesn't really matter, go anyway. Not feeling like going does not in fact prevent you from going. If the lecture is so boring or so poor that you actively suffer, bring an iPod or a paper to read under the desk. When I was an undergrad, I always had a couple of scientific papers in my rucksack. If a lecture turned out to be uninteresting to me, I just read my papers under the table instead. That way I felt I did not waste my time.

Don't feel like studying for an exam? Doesn't matter either. You don't need to be motivated for your memory to work. Reading large amount of texts feels better if it's interesting, but if it's not - then read anyway. You will remember a lot of what you read anyway as long as you keep you attention high enough. Since it's difficult to stay vigilant when you're bored to death, you can use various techniques to stay alert. I used to listen to loud but not complex music, have very bright lights, take cold showers, sit on my stationary bike and peddle like crazy for 5 minutes etc, to keep up my vigilance. Other people I know went out for a brisk walk or run, meditated, studied at noisy places with a lot of people around then like street cafes or pubs.

Don't feel like writing? That's a bit more tricky. What works for me when I have to write stuff I hate writing (like ethical applications, research protocols, grant's application and other very important but very boring stuff) is to start by writing just key words. Nothing detailed. No well formulated sentences perfect enough to publish. Just start by opening a document and write down a few titles and key words. Then add reminders to yourself what you are going to fill each paragraph with. Split up what you are writing in fragments, and write a tiny little wee bit on each part. For example, if you write a lab report you can divide your document into "Introduction", "background", "methods", "results" and "discussion". The introduction can be divided into for instance 2-3 general sentences about the topic, one paragraph to go through previous findings, one paragraph to position the present study in relation to previous literature, 2-3 sentences stating the rationale and aims for the study, 1 sentence stating the hypothesis. Only write down a few key words, then go on to the next section as soon as you get stuck for even a few seconds. Don't think too much, that disrupts the flow at this stage. Don't care about chronology, internal consistency or to fill each section with something. Just write a little here and there, and go back and forth in your document. This should help you get started, and since you write down reminders to yourself (ie references you are using, facts you plan to use, conclusions you plan to discuss), it's easy to pick up writing next time you open the file even if it's after a couple of days.

Good luck! I was bored to death and quite annoyed during most of my undergrad years. But I surivived because I was very motivated to become a scientist, and I focused on that overall long term goal and simply did not focus on the fact that most of what I did at uni was boring, tedious, uninspiring and hard work for nothing.

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 1:55 am
by The Z
Summer break is around the corner! One more little push and you've got plenty of time to kick back with any of the vices that you enjoy.

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 10:06 pm
by Ode to a Grasshopper
dragon wench wrote:Indeed... :D
You know, I've heard of "padding one's CV," but Ode's approach is definitely a novel one :p
What else would you expect from Time Magazine's [url=""]Person of the Year (2006)[/url]? :D