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Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2001 8:40 am
by Aegnor
While attempting to romance Jaheira, she is imprisoned by a lich. Even without her , my party manages to defeat the creep. After casting a freedom spell, she reappears as a non-party member. Before I can even invite her back into our fold, she splits in a huff for the Harper's Stronghold, hurt and resentful. I immediately left my quest (forget which one it was) to get her, only to find the romance aspect forever forgotten. Then I realized I'd been relying on autosaves for the past few days. D'oh. Oh well, there's always Viconia....

Aegnor the Stalker

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2001 9:21 am
by Ubik
Something like that: I was fighting Kangaxx (damm sob...) and I was able to defeat him. In the process, he imprisoned both my fighters, Korgan and my self made (I started this out from a multiplayer with two self-made characters) Barbarian (I called her Druna - tough bitch). I casted Freedom to get them both out and, ta-dah!, here they are. I talked Korgan again into my party (he demanded 500 golds, ofcourse... "will be paid well far this") but my Barbarian stood there and there was noway I could start a dialogue with her (I got the appropriate message too... doh!)
That was so bleeding annoying... I reloaded, killed that mfsob again (after two tries) and the same thing happened again!!! So I just copied the file into the mpsave folder, loaded and imported Druna back - then I had to save, copy the new save into "save" folder etc.

P.S. The second most doh thing happening to me, is the unseeing eye quest flop: Just the same that happened to Mr Sleep

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2001 10:05 am
by rapier
Originally posted by Nighthawk:
Heh, I don't think it was until my 4th time through that I suddenly realized I could store amulets and rings in gem bags!
D'oh, I figured it out today...-_-*

Pretty pretty walks the night, pretty pretty fears the light.
Pretty pretty has no soul, pretty pretty black as coal.

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2001 2:07 pm
by vixen
I was in the asylum and doing that riddle thing- where you twist something on the walll
and it ( i think its some kind of statue) lets you inside its circle and wallops you if you get its questions wrong. well- after about the twelth and last riddle it finally gave me something- i then got inventory full, item dropped in the middle of the circle. i can't get back in there and i can't figure out what i dropped. D'OH!!

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2001 6:06 pm
by Weasel
Originally posted by vixen:
I was in the asylum and doing that riddle thing- where you twist something on the walll
and it ( i think its some kind of statue) lets you inside its circle and wallops you if you get its questions wrong. well- after about the twelth and last riddle it finally gave me something- i then got inventory full, item dropped in the middle of the circle. i can't get back in there and i can't figure out what i dropped. D'OH!!
The patch is suppose to fix this bug.

The Defender of Truth ;)

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2001 6:19 pm
by Grimbold the Unlovely
Nalia (in copper coronet): 'We must go to my castle now! At once! No delay! My family is in peril! I Mean NOW!'

Nalia (in her castle): 'Why are we here when there are poor and needy to be fed?'


Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2001 11:30 pm
by Ubik
roflmao Image Image

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2001 1:29 am
by Rail
I spent 6 hrs getting ready to fight Kangaxx with a low level party. Did all the quests, went to Ribalds and bought some scrolls to help and the Staff of Rynn +4, the only weapon I would have that could hurt him. After all that, I triggered him and hilled his lich form, only to realize I had no one who had staff proficiency! Hit him so seldom that I could see he was regenerating. So seldom, in fact, that the scroll of prot. from magic would wear off before he was dead.

Took 4 more hours just to figure out how to kill him. All that for one ring!

[This message has been edited by Rail (edited 01-22-2001).]

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2001 4:05 am
by Black Hand
Doing the Underdark Illithid Dungeon. After countless reloads I finished the damn Mindflayers and their brain.
Then I checked my priests spellbook and found 'Chaotic Commands'! AAARRRGHH#@"!

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2001 11:09 am
by Bill
(I have posted this before in "Stupid move")

I killed Firkraag before exploring the upper dungeon-so i haven't found dragonslayer,red dragon shield etc.Now imagine a lvl 9 cavalier with 90 HP trying to kill the red dragon with flail of ages (only proficient) while he is specialized in long swords.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2001 11:28 am
by Saumerez
D'oh D'oh D'oh

I keeled Gall and never got the darn key!!!!


Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2001 1:48 pm
by FoulDwimmerlaik
Still haven't been paid a visit by any cowled wizards after my pc mage finished the Planar Sphere, I hadn't realized that the knights needed help, and so didn't, then they disappered, and now I can't seem to do anything with the Sphere....No Sphere! D'oh!!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2001 1:58 pm
by Drakron Du´Dark
And how about going for the "Staff of magi" with a low level party, after my 50 reload I give up.

"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not became a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss gazes into you..."
Friedrich Nietzsche

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2001 2:31 pm
by Minerva
I have just received the phone bill... Doh!!

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2001 4:17 pm
by KN
Never realized that you can turn the traps off in the first dungeon with wand keys or go around them. I put protection spells on my characters ran through them. Half way through I was almost dead so had to sleep and heal then went the through the rest of them. Did the same thing on the way back. DUH!

After 5th reload I finally killed Kangaxx but Korgan made the killing blow the same time that he got imprisoned and was removed from the party and the party got no EXP for the kill so I had to do it all over. Took 3 more reloads. DUH!

Also killed the whole Eyeless cult off and ended up having to import the key in so I could do the Kangaxx quest.

"Four thousand throats may be cut in one night, by a running man."
- Klingon Crewman "Day of the Dove"

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2001 5:19 pm
by FoulDwimmerlaik
KN is the winner so far IMHO, with his first item.

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2001 6:00 pm
by KN
Yeah, I believe posting that on the internet for everyone to see is another big "D'oh" moment for me. LOL

"Four thousand throats may be cut in one night, by a running man."
- Klingon Crewman "Day of the Dove"

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2001 8:19 pm
by Cybane
You can disable those wands? D'oh! I just kinda slowly walked around the traps there...Minsc and his stupid hamster wandered into the traps for a reason unknown to me, and he nearly got himself killed by a flurry of Magic Missiles. How do you turn the damned things off? I couldn't find anything to click on around there....I had all the keys though, just ended up tossing em away when I escaped.

Grunk's Thought o' the Day
"Wot be you?"

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2001 12:04 am
by Grimbold the Unlovely
I just came across this classic. Keldorn, hearing that his wife is having an affair with one Sir William of Thorpe, declares:

"Sir William must be hung!"

I'm sure he must be, Keldorn, but I think you mean "hanged." (Silly Americans.)

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2001 12:18 am
by Cybane
Here's another moment I just picked up for your readin' pleasure...

I was going to make a thief character, so I start up a new game, and begin the quests in Irenicus's Dungeon. I get to Llych(something like that, the dude with the acorns), kill him, then procede to step right into the trap beyond his room, killing my thief instantly. I realize I haven't saved since the auto-save at the very beginning, so I decide to go ahead and restart since I want a thief bad. So I get back to Llych or whatever his name is, kill him, and proceed to step right onto the trap again, killing my thief....again. But would I try again? HELL NO! Grunk is going to continue on his reign of terror, and I say screw all humans and their stupid romances.

Only the insane have the will to prosper;
Only those that prosper, truly judge what is sane