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Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 5:52 pm
by rmemmett84
I have serious doubts about a new patch or ladder reset. With Blizzard's main focus being on D3 I doubt they are paying much attention to D2. What the heck if its been that long since you played your accounts are probably gone'll be just like a ladder reset for you.:laugh:
Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 2:16 pm
by terran698
necro ftw
i must say i love me necro and always have and always will. a close second fire sorceress but due to the amount of fire immune mobs i like my necro more.
p.s. with my lvl 82 necro on uswest server (nonladder now that ladder reset) i cannot remember the last time i drank a potion

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 2:24 am
by michaels
Sorceress, no doubt. I can't live without teleport for sure!
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 3:52 pm
by Courtade
Necromancer foreva! It's just so much fun to play it. Skeletons are okay, but on Hell, they suck bigtime. While controlling revieved behemoths or ghouls hurling meteors is awesome. Speaking of them, I never got tired of the necro-set. In the corridors leading to Baal there are a lot of those enemies calling meteors and it's just so fun to vanish somewere, putting on the last piece of the set to revel in the chaos as your party flees as you set (harmless) walls of fire near their feet or when they try to attack you and can't

So much fun. A teleporting necro is also fun in pvp as you set out those homing projectiles to your previously slowed opponents.
The druid is a looser. Despite looking like an idiot, it's just a wanabee summoner. What does he know with his flowers and squirrels against the legion of the dead >D
My other favourite got to be the Assassin. Fast as hell, summons shadows and literally kicks ass. Lightning traps are fun, but the pvp assassin has to be the martial artist. So awesome when she gathers a few tiger strikes (maybe some phoenix too but not necessarily) on unsuspecting mobs, then suddenly out of nowhere BAAM teleport kicks the fool down, killing it instantly in a single moment with damage of 5 digits and he's like "WTF just happened?"
So cool.
Maybe summoning my shadow just to avert his attention before the lethal strike (mostly against sorceresses) whenever it's necessary.
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 3:55 pm
by Crenshinibon
That's not entirely true. Skeletons can definitely hold their own in hell difficulty, and you tend to rely on them most of the time anyway, before you get your revives, which have a limited lifespan.
Druids are equally powerful, if not more so, especially when specializing in the elements. Their hurricane slices through enemies like it was nothing.
Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 12:45 am
by tinaniur
I love the amazone
It's my faforite charcter in all my single player games
I reaLly HAVE fun with it.