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Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 12:57 pm
by Draven29
I think force flame would be cool (shoots out fire like the droid flame thrower.)

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 9:59 am
by Darth Zenemij
Well, I would like to see that force power palpatine was talking about, to save one from death.

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 2:20 pm
by Chimaera182
Who would you revive like that? Anyway, doesn't KotOR II have something like that? You can bring your party members back during battle and give them so much health.

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 8:01 pm
by Darth Zenemij
Some one who can join your party, you save their life and they owe you a life debt or something like that, and if you don't have the power oh well.

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 6:02 am
by Macen Press
I would like to see a proper mind trick where you can turn enemyies against each other.

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 6:27 pm
by Chimaera182
Isn't there that power already? I think we already have that option.

But would they become full-time party members? Or maybe they would be something along the lines of Diablo 2's Necromancers (you can revive a slain demon who will fight with you for a period of time, and either be killed or expire)? It would be kinda dumb to revive every person you kill and have them permanent party members.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 2:51 pm
by Snakerock
Id like to see the lightsabres actually slicing things like in the movies

Darth Maul getting cut in half, classic

lightsabres cut thru metal, how can a sword block it? anyways just mroe focus on lignthsabre functions would be cool

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 2:47 pm
by Caden
Or how about, Force Lightsaber Activation? Turn on your enemies lightsaber while it is on their belt and cut them in half before the fight starts. Either that or ensure they won't be overfueled by testosterone anymore.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 3:27 pm
by Darth Zenemij
@Smake rock, almost all the swords have a special feat, cannot be destroyed by a light saber. Just read the description.
@@Chim, no sence he ows you a life debt then he won't die on you afet you just saved it.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 1:54 pm
by vinmi pasu
I have always found the balance between light and dark powers to be too much in favour of the darkside player.
All the powers are more pleasing to the eye, and do more damage.
I hope to see some damage making lightside powers, I agree with the opinion that some sort of pull line of powers would be good, and would like to see that.
What we must not forget in all the excitement, is Jedi are not mages, and the whole plague line for me should just go, replaced with a mind affecting line, that reduces saves and stats.
Force storm is just too powerful, and an idea I read somewhere on this board about it having only splash effects on surrounding enemies was a good one.
Is this game going to be out for the xbox360? anyone have any info.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 2:21 pm
by Caden
If you look at the lightside powers, the point is to disable your opponent, not kill them. If you want to do reckless destruction that is why the option of darkside is available.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 3:12 pm
by Chimaera182
There was a debate in one of the other threads about which side was supposed to be stronger, light or dark. Someone said it was the light side, because of something said in the original movies; someone said it was the dark side, because that's what George Lucas reportedly said. The fact really is that neither side is stronger (I have to depart from my Force neutrality to say this, since I don't see the Force as taking sides, just the person who uses it).

What I said in the debate was that the dark side "appears" stronger because you can wreak so much havoc with the Force. You cause all this damage, death, and mayhem, and it makes you appear strong. Aggressors always tend to look strong to others, and that's why the dark side appears stronger. The light side is centralized on defense and knowledge. This makes the Jedi look like they're not powerful, which is why so many looked down on the Jedi Council during the Mandalorian Wars. They thought the Jedi were afraid to face the Mandalorian threat, which made them look weak. Yet the Jedi Council foresaw what would happen by acting with haste, and as such they pretty much knew what would happen if the Jedi ran to face the Mandalorians. As such, they may have appeared weak to others, but they pretty well predicted the entire outcome of the Mandalorian war: with the start of the Jedi Civil War. But since Jedi never use the Force to attack (Yoda says as much, but obviously you can in games like this), there aren't going to be very many light side attack powers.

So in the interests of "balance," the dark side powers will always appear to be more powerful because they cause instant destruction. The light side powers do not appear more powerful because they encourage pacifism, patience, and defense. To a dark sider, the best defense is a good offense. To a light sider, the best defense is a good... defense. So dark side powers will always look to be stronger merely because it's our perception of them.

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 12:34 pm
by vinmi pasu
Sound argument, worthy of the Jedi council.
Although I maintain that something needs to be done about the fact that the darkside player can pretty much walk through the game post level 18.
I suppose this brings back the argument for level caps. On kotor you didnt get storm until you were pretty much about to end the game.
In kotor 2, you get it as early as the 2nd or 3rd planet (depending on various variables) after that you might as well put away the saber.
On the final level on K2 I didnt use my saber once (well until the final battle) I just used varying combos of wave, death field, and storm.
Even as a guardian I had more than enough fp and i strolled through it.
When I played ls I didnt "cheat" and take storm, or df I used proper light side powers, with force enlightenment thrown in on the odd occasion.
The level took me longer, was more challenging, and ultimatley more fulfilling after I beat the *****!
I guess my point is, they need to balance out the powers and get rid of the plague line of powers! Jedi aint mages!!!!!!

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 5:59 pm
by Hill-Shatar
I wouldnt mind seeing some new moves, but what about some of these old ones. In the first KOTOR 2 stasis field was really powerfuk and all, and destroy droid did a lot of damage. Now either rarely diable and the the droid one barely damages.

I think it would be kind of nice of they made a couple of the other LS powers a *little* bit more powerful.

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 7:32 pm
by Chimaera182
[QUOTE=vinmi pasu]Sound argument, worthy of the Jedi council.[/QUOTE]

Lol considering that out of the maybe 10 times I've played this I've only been a Jedi twice, how rude. :p Anyway, it's the facts, but we all know how little the Jedi like to use the facts. Lies, deception, misleading others. The Sith use the truth as a weapon, and I merely brought you the truth. So which side do you think I'm actually on? :p

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 10:01 am
by tj_92
well like i was thinking about the force grasp where you can like throw them across the room it would be good if you like had a time limit on it like 10 seconds and gets more as you get higher level or upgrade it but you can click on them when in the air and move the mouse round and they follow and like throw them around i think that be good

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 2:34 pm
by vinmi pasu
@chimera: maybe youre one of them fence sittin grey area types.

I for one am well and truly sith!
I would be like Batjedi, using the force to protect the innocent, all the while trying not to enjoy the suffering I create.
I would want people to fear me when I entered the room, I enjoy nothing more than emptying that hunting lodge on tatooine!
I would be an avenging Jedi, not vengeful, avenging.
Back to the point though, DS powers are cool, LS powers are not.
Something needs to be done to redress the balance.
And how do you play a Jedi rpg without being a Jedi???
I assume you just dont use force powers or a saber??
So let me guess Jolee is your fave??? (lol)

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 7:10 am
by mrthingyx
Make 'throw lightsaber' useless against a Jedi who's watching what you're doing - it falls in line with a Jedi's ability to pick things up using the Force: seeing a lightsaber twirling toward them and they just stand there? Doubtful.

I know I'd like to see the Jedi just 'catch' the lightsaber using the Force, basically the attacking character only has a Force grip on the weapon so if they try and do it against a more powerful Jedi, that Jedi just plucks it out of the air and keeps it: makes sense to me.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 10:00 pm
by Jedi Thomas
Man that would be funny

That would be hillarious every single time you use throw lightsaber on a jedi you have to make a new lightsaber. My only objection would be if they were going dual or Double-Bladed. How can you catch something if both hand are full. To use this skill they would have be using only one single hilt lightsaber. The exception would be if they had more than two arms but I have never seen one in any Star Wars game. I have seen one in Star Wars III the movie however but I wont say anymore for possiblity of a spoiler.

If they did add an aggressive LS power i'd say it would have to be like a stasis field thing that acted perminant. Like if you got to lvl 20 you would get the option of getting. You could only cast it on one opponent at a time. But that in itself could be a little bit too powerfull.

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 10:07 pm
by LastManStanding
dont hurt me!!!!!!!!!!!!

I enjoyed not having the level cap in Kotor II. I always enjoy the feeling of being a bad-A**. I liked the fact that you can walk into a room and kill 11 royalist gaurds in one hit with force storm. I liked the fact that i was level 30 when i fought kriea I killed her about 4 minutes and swelled with pride that my sith lord was the strongest being the galaxy jedi, sith, alien, or human I kill indiscriminatly and I got some satisfaction from that. I didn't like the feeling in Kotor 1 as even though I was the dark lord Revan for some reason still had to hit, even at level 20, a conscript sith footsoldier with a lightsaber 4 or 5 times to kill him. By the end I didn't feel as powerful as everyone said Revan was in the game. So I liked the feel of limitless power in this game.