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Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 3:36 pm
by FighterTundra
chopping enemies in half, would not be a good idea. and it was enoying that you lightssaber goes right trough an enemie. what about that the lightsabers/swords just would hit a guy, do damage, and than bounce off.

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 2:58 pm
by marten0305
It's the difficulty and challenge that makes a game interesting, one slice with a lightsaber and the players opponent is dead kinda takes the challenge out of trying to find a way to kill a really hard opponent and takes the difficulty away from the game, making the game uninteresting and easy to beat.

p.s. a player can venture around without a party and just be a jedi and kickass all over the place, personally i like having to choose the right partner for each challenge.

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 7:06 am
by Kadaver
I'd like to see when you put on gloves for example, or belts, that it is actually visible in the screen. (if you're player is naked now, and you put on gloves, you can't see it).
And when you turn handmaiden to the darkside, she still keeps whining about a bad deed you commited, i suggest that when you turn players to the darkside, there comes a point that they actually become cruel etc.
And i want to have difference in lightsaber forms, so that when you are using ataru, you are jumping around like a green puppet.
And the sniper shot should add + 5 to attack -5 to defense and x6 critical hit, and put away the whole stun part

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 10:13 am
by FighterTundra
I would like that the game has harder to solve puzzles and mysteries, the ones in kotOR 1 and 2 were quite easy. I would really like to put myself on the test of how smart i am in kotOR 3.

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 2:02 pm
by kaggen
lvl lock back!

I really would like the lvl lock back! I think that KOTOR 1 crushed KOTOR 2 because of the non-random location of items and the lvl lock. U couldn't just run around and kill people til' u had enough lvl and enough stuff, you had to plan your char and scan the area for good items. And for gods sake, more non-linear play. The intro on KOTOR 1 was from my point of view taris and the ship, maybe 10-15% of the game, but in KOTOR 2 it was peragus and telos when u had no options of planet at all in about 40% of the game. I'd like more planets, more NPC, more places with high-ranked items, non random locations and the lvl cap back. And of course, a lot of sidequests! I LOOOOOOVED the assassin guild!