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Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 1:20 am
by Lorya
Corellia, home of Han Solo.Maybe we can meet one of our party members there (the one that's Carth/Atton type of guy). There is no point on puting Korriban again there is nothing there anymore. The Sith Academy is destroyed, tombs are sealed, we pretty much found all there was to found in first two games.

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 12:17 pm
by Revan Reborn
The planets I think should be in Kotor III :

Yavin 4

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 8:21 am
by Darth Moudi
[QUOTE=Jedi Thomas]Maybe Endor meeting the Ewoks
Maybe back to Manaan to help with there restoration.
Tatoonie, I loved fighting the Sand People
Naboo would be nice
Coruscant, Visiting the abandon Jedi Temple
What ever planet Yoda went to, explain why it was a place of dark force.

Those are my choices for Planets. There name and a brief explanation why.[/QUOTE]

Yoda went to.... now i cant spell it to good.... Diegabah

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 8:22 am
by Darth Moudi
@Darth Moudi: Stay on topic. Spam is not allowed. - Chanak, forum moderator

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 12:05 pm
by KyLewin
I'd like to see almost all new planets. I realize that there will probably be some reason to have at least one repeat, but no more having people just going to all the same planets that have already been visited in previous games. I don't think there's really much reason to go to Kashyyyk, Manaan, Dantooine, Korriban, or Tatooine as most of them either have nothing really there anymore or didn't have much there to begin with. Kashyyyk and Manaan could maybe be brought back, but I'd rather they weren't.
Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing some outer rim worlds that can be completely original and unexpected. When we were going to Dantooine, Kashyyyk, and Tatooine, everyone knew what those places would look like for the most part, there was no surprise... it was even a little boring.
However, if we get all new worlds or ones that are only mentioned in passing in the movies/books, then who knows what's going to greet us when we step off the ship?
Still, I suppose there will have to be a start off world and it will probably be one that people have heard of, so I wouldn't mind seeing a Coruscant or an Alderaan, but after that it'd be nice to get something new.

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 3:18 pm
by Hill-Shatar
Its Dagobah, Darth Moudi, and I agree Kylewin, we should have at least some new original planets. Ones that arent one biosystem. Like the sand planet or the ice world. It gets kind of boring after a while. You wont find anything new there... and that makes it too much of a predictable game,in some cases.

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 7:52 pm
by Sylock
i think what we will see in kotor3 (hopefully) is a more diverse selection ranging from planets in the mid rim, outer and unchartered space. due to the events from kotor1 and 2 we see dantooine as a possibility, merely from significance.
korriban was in 2 times however i feel the history lessons learned from korriban arent needed to thicken the plot, coruscant is a big possibility, telos definately if there is years passed since kotor2, if no time has really passed, give or take a month or so i doubt it will be in there. the worlds will be war torn again, remants from mandelorian bombardments imo. though, if they are making this game, and if they are smart about the layout and dont have to be in a rush i would have to say that alot of mid rim worlds and unknown worlds will be in effect. thats my view

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 3:10 pm
by Darth Moudi
[QUOTE=hill1]Its Dagobah, Darth Moudi, and I agree Kylewin, we should have at least some new original planets. Ones that arent one biosystem. Like the sand planet or the ice world. It gets kind of boring after a while. You wont find anything new there... and that makes it too much of a predictable game,in some cases.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for correcting me that was bugging the heck out of me. I just hope there are a lot more Sith to fight. btw there is some good news on KOTOR III in 1 of these threads or forums.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 11:15 pm
by Darth Yanza
The planets I think should be in Kotor III :
Mandalore(homeworld of mandalorians)
Dxun(want to see if there is some mandalorians that stayed in Dxun and didn't follow mandalore)
Tatooine(i love to kill sand peoples)
Nar Shaddaa(bounty hunters are cool)

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 4:46 pm
by Alien_Newborn
Stammen, so I could fight off a bum-rush of Hssiis BAAAAAABY!!!!! :D

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 7:19 pm
by Ayame
If KOTOR 3 starts with another new character, then i'd want:

-Corusaunt (sp)
-Rakatan Planet

If the story continues with Revan or the Exile, then they should create new worlds in the unknown reigons as someone said above..

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 7:32 pm
by Kythras
Ok... here they are... with wee explanations

-Alderaan or Naboo. I just reckon they need to have some "Earth" kinda worlds, sure crazy alien worlds are good, but familiarity is nice sometimes as well
-Coruscant. Can anyone think of a more interesting place to do a whole bunch of cool Urban missions.... didn't think so
-Mon Calamari. No-one gives the fishmen any credit, though it may bear a little too much resemblance to the... other *forgets* watery planet in KoTOR1
-Bothaiwue(sp). A whole bunch of cool spyish, sneaky missions could come from here... perhaps nfoltrating the Spynet or something
-Yavin 4. Hey, I'm a sucker for jungles, and ancient Sith Temples just make me weak at the knees. Indiana Jones style methinks.
-Mustafar. History repeating itself... perhaps...
-Kuat. Take aroiling cesspit of illegal businesses and political intruige, add the largest shipbuilding industry in the galaxy and you've got Kuat, what mroe could you want.
-Dathomir. Force-witches, matriachal society and the galaxies meanest Rancors... did someone say gladiatorial arena?

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 8:28 am
by Phreddie
I tihnk that ther shuld be a mix of core and rim planets, maybe say, the True Sith have found away into the republic and are attacking plaents at random to cripple the republic so most definetly:
Yodas home world- under attack (lots of green midgets flying everywhere killing and getting ripped in half......)
Ithor- to see wat the tree huggers do in wartime.
atleast two planets in the Unknown region one possibly in the True Sith empire
an asteriod place where u maybe meet Revan (kinda like that tmining facility in KOTOR II but actually alive like a real city
Yavin IV
and i tihnk its called Ossus- the place that is strong in the force, ther was a great big jedi temple and library there i think and ther a re lot of artifacts bearing its name in both games

and anything else they can thing of but they all must have more than one city and those cities must be larger that the standard 2 blocks

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 2:33 pm
by Lucita
Ossus - depending on the timeframe, either a great Jedi Temple with all kinds of archives or later a scarred world, ideal for exploration

Coruscant or another high tech core world ( maybe Correlia ).

The rest...a good mixture of landscapes, doesn't have to be one of the prime movie planets. Mentioned worlds can be interesting too, Like the Empress Teta system from the Krath Uprising, Mon Calamari, Sullust and so on....

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 11:56 pm
by apollo003
Ok here is a list of the planets i want in kotor 3 and a short reason why.

Dhagobah- Maybe to explain bout the dark cave a little and just looks cool
Taris- Just loved the planet and maybe for a restoration effort
Alderaan- Home planet of Leia of course and would like to explore it
Coruscant- Would be cool to explore abandoned jedi temple and looks cool
Hoth- Ice planet. enough said. it would be freakin awesome
Onderon- Was a cool planet and would like to see it again
Mustafaar- Freakin awesome planet, would love to have lightsaber fight there.
And the planet i want to see the most
MANAAN- Manaan was my favorite planet out of both games. It was awesome in every way. Love the selkath and everything on the planet!!!!!!

Please please please no more Tatooine, Dantooine, or Kashyyyk.

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 1:25 pm
by marten0305
I think KOTOR 3 should take place in both the outer rim (battling the TS) and the known space. (preparing for the battle with the TS) Having all the possible planets from the known space (the previous games) and new planets in the outer rim.

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 4:11 pm
by Darth Kronos
I think that they should put Coruscant and Naboo in KOTOR III

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 7:45 am
by Orfinn
Oh I really hope they can stuff the game with as many planets as possible!

Telos- Wonder how far they got with the restoration project :rolleyes:

Tatoonie- One of my favos, visiting the cantinas from Episode 4 would be cool!

Coruscant- The opposite of Nar Shaada in a way but still a city planet.

Kashyyyk-Big, and hairy barbarians, maybe we can meet the forefathers of Chewbacka and Hanhaan.
Endor- Cute, cunning little bears a must.

Nar Shaada- Definately my favorite planet, with bounty hunters and smuggling.

Yavin 4- I would like to study the Massassi temples there.Wonder how it was there bofore the rebellion settled down there and lukes new Jedi Academy.

Korriban- This planet is somewhat creepy , wonder if there is anything more to explore? Yes we only saw a small part of it in Kotor I & II

Nal Hutta- The slimy hutts home planet, want to kill some worms? This is the place.

Hoth- Not hot but quite the opposite, want a vacation away from hot Tatoonie? Take a trip, but beware of the beasts there.

Sullustan- Always wanted to visit the big ears home planet they are hilarious :laugh:

Naboo- A paradise, a must

The other sith planet i cant get the name on, was introduced in Jedi Knight 2 The mysteries of the Sith expansion.

and plenty others.........

And please, the game shouldnt be only history based! Include tons of other planets for even more quests!!!!

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 2:03 pm
by Quinlan

I hope they make planets a little biger 1st of all. and my favorite planet is the sith capital planet. anyone heard of Ziost??? it's a planet present in the star wars eu (expanded univers) and was the capital planet of the true sith during the golden age of the sith (read the story on the gamebanshee kotor II site).
the true sith are a breed apart (look at my avatar to see how a sith really looks). they come to use the force after a fleet of dark jedi (banished from the republic) invaded their planet and made them slaves to their will. eventualy the sith learned to wild the power of the force themselves and came to have theyr own dark lords like marka ragnos, and naga sadow.

this planet ziost is a MUST have 4 kotor III. the planet is a cold dark planet, no sunlight, just hard ice and evil creatures lurking through the dark. the leaders of the sith live in a very cool stronghold on the planet. this planet might be destroyed after "the fall of the sith empire" but i tell u, it's still there somewhere, licking it's wownds in darkness

the planet ossus is partialy destroyed but it could take the place of korriban, cuz it was the home planet of the jedi of that time. a lot of relics to be discovered there, very important artefacts and so. the planet should look something like peragus, half destroyed and covered with ash and ruins... something like hell

coruscant and other big important planets woldn't be cool to have. can't see what can u do on em'

the planets that were in kotor II can't be in the game. if u played lightside those planets are too peaceful (thus boring) or too destroyed (thus even more boring)

I wold like to see a destroyed manan. and mustafar should be in the game cuz in sw galaxies u can find some broken old republic crusers on it, thus some war took place there. maybe that's the reason why it's a vulcanic planet.

if obsidian puts these planets in the game it will be cool... i hope someone reads this post

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 2:06 am
by marten0305
I agree with most of your idea.

They shouldn't put planets like corusant because they have Taris already and they were on one side of the planet when he destroyed and thats because they couldn't find Bastilla so they had no reason to barrage the whole planet and they only destroyed the buildings i dont remember the game saying the planet was destroyed just the part where we could travel to.

Mustafar that is a really interesting way to put it so basiclly i agree with you there. Just it using that idea would mean it wouldn't be a wasteland in the game only after the game.

As for the other planets in the "known space" you really think the designers cant come up with reasons, conflicts, and ideas to reuse the planets of "known space". They are the designers they could do anything they want.

But increasing the size of the planets by putting more cities and land between them is a great idea.