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Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 2:24 am
by Suicide Girl
I don't know whether this is relevant, but I followed klesk's link; correct me if I'm wrong, but the date of the article seems to be 16/08/2004. Maybe I'm just being very very optimistic, but a lot could have changed since then.
Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 2:37 am
by klesk
I found a few more articles about this and they were dated 2005, but I can't find them anymore. I could say from the other news that KOTOR3 is still in the que.
Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 3:34 am
by Hill-Shatar
@ Bastila_Shan: The only 'unknown' Bioware (making a stab, but it is the only one that comes to mind anyways) game coming out for the Xbox 360 is most likely Mass Effect. I can also say with a fair amount of certainty that I came across something confirming Jade Empire II as well, along with, I believe, Fable 2.
Some seem a little before there time, but perhaps it is possible that they are releasing soem games early. Does this make me any more optimistic? Not really. Not until the newsletters that I read say that KotOR III is in the making.
Some of the other titles on that list look familiar, but I think many feel that way due to the first names.
By the way, your souce link is broken.
Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 12:35 am
by Bastila_Shan
Hello I was just browsing Obsisidian and I came across this. thought you might like to read this:
More KOTOR III hints? here you go...
But while Obsidian is hard at work trying to finish up Neverwinter Nights 2 for a summer release, they're also hard at work on another unannounced project. All we have at the moment is speculation based off of some concept art of dwarves resembling those popularized by Snow White but we do know is that this new game will use Unreal Engine 3. Urquhart also mentioned their desire to do a Knights of the Old Republic 3 should LucasArts desire it in the future. I'd be surprised if they didn't.
Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 5:03 am
by Phreddie
It looks like Obsidian is making a LOTR type fantasy game... unless those dwarves were green, carried light sabers and had hair growing out their ears...
However that is GRRRRRRRRREAT news (FROSTED FLAKES THEY"RE MORE THAN GOOD!:laugh: ), apparently all we need is the go ahead from lucas arts... and enough time to say... finish... the game. I would much rather bioware make the game, but thats for another thread. Hopefully the big daddy (LA) will give the o.k., and i would prefer it happened say, yesterday. But now we may have a little less time to wait since obsid's intentions are out in the open, the eager public might take into ther own hands to convince LA to start soon.
soon... soon... i can almost taste it!
Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 6:15 pm
by Hill-Shatar
[QUOTE=Bastila_Shan]Urquhart also mentioned their desire to do a Knights of the Old Republic 3 should LucasArts desire it in the future. I'd be surprised if they didn't.[/QUOTE]
Well, it is good to see this, however, this confirmation could be no more than a team member voicing his opinion on the subject, not whether or not the entire group wishes to.
Besides, it said should Lucasarts desire it in the future. I using this to be diplomatic in the ways I say things... basically, we are ok with it, if they are, but will not do anything more on the subject unless they ok it.
Anyways, this was in, well, an Neverwinter Nights preview, which does not help my opinion. It would if anyone, including myself, came across something similar to this in an announcement... although these are getting closer together. Guess this means looking around for a bit... see if anything pops up.
Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 6:06 pm
by Bastila_Shan
Just went back to and and found this.
heres some talk about KOTOR III (again)
posted by Com Raven from
Kotor 2 Yes? No? Maybe..
Since I am getting a lot of e-mails asking about any news on the KotOR 3 front, I will just post it here for everyone to read:
From everything I know, there will be a KotOR 3 at some point in the hopefully not too distant future. We know that LucasArts already had an internal team do some prototyping for the game, but then that team (along with some other employees) were laid of in the summer of 2004. Since then, the only official word from LucasArts has been that they still consider KotOR as a franchise with potential (read: their most successful series after Battlefront I+II).
Who will develop it? An internal team? Possibly. However, in a recent interview on IGN about Neverwinter Nights 2, Obsidian's president Feargus Urquehardt (in case you forgot, Obsidian created The Sith Lords) mentioned that they would be very interested in getting another stab at the Star Wars universe (thanks to Gregg Eschenbrenner for letting me know via mail!).
So, to make a long story short: There should be a KotOR 3, but we have no clue about it so far
enjoy the chat From Com Raven.
Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 3:03 am
by Bastila_Shan
More KOTOR III Talk?
I hope you guys don't mind me posting more KOTOR III stuff I just can't help it . OKay I was just browsing and it just very briefly said something about Star Wars KOTOR sequel. I'm not sure if they mean't KOTOR II or not but I think they are more likely refering to KOTOR III. But any way take a lookie for you self.
Xbox360 In Bad Need Of RPG's
We know that sometime in the future, the Xbox 360 will have RPGs like Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Mass Effect, Jade Empire sequel, Fable sequel, Star Wars: Knight of the Old Republic sequel and the like. But Microsoft should not give up getting established RPG franchises and if they have to make big deals with the respective owners of them, then they should go for it!
Linkie: ... ox-360/p1/
I just stumbled upon this by accident. Of course I was looking for KOTOR III in the list and they did mention somethnig about a KOTOR word.
any way
Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 3:55 am
by Bastila_Shan
I was just surfing another Kotor fourm and this person *claims* Kotor III is anounced but I just take it as a rumour. Have a look for yourself any way.
Just take this as a rumour because I can't see any offical source from Lucasarts.
This person claims:
Kotor III Rumour
Kotor 3 Rumors: Well its true! There are announcements from lucas arts of a new knights of the old republic game. They are already at a finish for the game and is planning for a release in 2006. It will hit the new big X Box 360 with all the new amazing graphics. You will be able to have more features in the game as such as ruling your own empire. More Kotor 3 games news will be announced whenever Lucas Arts does.
Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 4:58 am
by Phreddie
If only, if only...
Well, I dont know about empires, but owning ones own bussiness wouldn't be bad.
Too bad Lucas Arts hasn't anounced to the public, I do believe GB wouldnt have missed that one. although a late '06 release is feasible if they have been secretly working on it for a while and are almost done with it.
Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 8:21 am
by Bastila_Shan
I found more talk on Kotor III specuation. I must admit there is qutie a bit of talk about it.
Even More KOTOR?
What happen to Kotor 3? Last time I heard it was being made for Xbox and its story was to involve finding out more about the robots that where chasing you in Kotor 2.
But Xbox 360 is out and Xbox slowly dying, I doubt that Microsoft would bring a "Killer App" to Xbox. And with Mass Effect in the work, I was wondering what the plans are for Kotor 3?
Matt T
Portsmouth, Rhode Island
The notion that there will be a third Knights of the Old Republic game seems like a foregone conclusion. However, the game itself has not been officially announced yet, so any info on said game is purely speculative at this point. Again, there's no doubt in my mind that there will be a third game. Odds are, though, that it would come sometime after Mass Effect's release, and I certainly wouldn't be surprised if it were a 360 game.
And for the record, please don't use terms like "killer app" around me. It makes my head and face swell with rage. -- A.N.

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 12:34 am
by Bastila_Shan
Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 1:16 pm
by marten0305
what exactly do you do to find the info do you just surf the internet to find this info cause i'd like to see all this info.
Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 5:52 pm
by Hill-Shatar
No it's not.
Knights of the Old Republic III will come out Q3 probably of 2006. Obsidian, the same developer that made The Sith Lords is doing it.
I imagine it'll be for the XBOX 360 as well as the PC.
It is more than likely to follow the story of Revan and the Exile into the Old Sith Empire. Very cool, too bad you couldn't bring Visas Marr with you, she was the best...
It appears to be yet another speculation post. Another poster who wants to show off any information she may have, or, more likely, does not have. Some of what she says is a given... such as the part about it being on the Xbox 360.

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 1:12 am
by marten0305
well i would still like to know where to find info on the game.
And doesn't she mean it will follow Revan and exile story into the True Sith cause isn't that where they went if i'm correct?
Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 2:35 am
by Bastila_Shan
Ladies and Gents!
I went to my news agent today and I brought a Xbox360 magazine. To my shock and excitement, I found something on Kotor III. Inside with the Xbox Magazine was a "confidential Internal use only booklet" stating that there were 23 Xbox games yet to be revealed-and guess what! Kotor III was one of them! So far! in side the booklet it says!
In front of the booklet it says:
Welcome to the top secert document microsoft didn't want you tooo see-declassified. Packed with secert games MS and its army of publishers haven't yet conformed, this 36 page file reveals-in some cases, for the first time-huge 360 titles still under the radar: the rules don;t apply around here-so get inside and feast your eyes on the next years biggest anoncements.
Games inside booklet are: (inorder as shown)
3.Bioware ame
4.Brute Force 2
5.the Chronicles Of Riddick 2
6.Brute Force 2
7.GTA 6
8.Half-Life 3
9.forza Motorsport 2
10.Halo 3
11.Hitman 5
12.Man With No Name
13.Jade Empire 3
14.Ninja Gaiden 2
15.Outrun Coast 2 Coast
16.ProEvolution soccer 6
17.Rallisport Chalange 3
18.the Sims 3
19.Splinter Cell 5
20.Star Wars:Knights Of The Old Republic III <---
21.Turok Next
22.Unreal Tournament 2007
23.WWE Wrestlemaina 360
Star wars knights of the old republic III
from Obsidian out Late 2006.
What we know: "are you planning to purchase an Xbox 360?" asks the currant poll on LucasArts offical site. As well it might-because a third round of Jedi justice is already coding up nicely, we hear. Osidian cut chunks of KOTOR II's story that "[didn't make sense when put in the context of the final game"- they'll likely be reinstalled for a juicy tying together of the trilogys's
This is no joke, I swear!
I will scan the proof for you shortly.
UPDATED 23RD of DECEMBER 2005 !!!!!!
Here is some proof !!!!
here an minor article of Kotor III ... 7775em.jpg
here is the front cover of the booklet that the article came in ... 5554bo.png
here is the first page of the booklet that the kotor III article came in. ... /kotor.jpg
heres another thread whos talking about it too!
Sorry for the quality of the images. My internet up loads seems to be such a bother
I could scan the while booklet for proof but trhat wouls take to much time. any way I really hope you enjoy this post.
Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 2:59 am
by Suicide Girl
The first and third picture feature Darth Bandon and Sion.
Seeing how this officially came from a magazine, I don't know what to say. Well, I know what to say - wow.
I sincerely hope it's true.

*goes into irrational euphoric frenzy*

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 1:38 am
by Hill-Shatar
Mmm... most seem to be sequels of games already out, and if I am not mistaken, some of these games appear to be skipping sequels. Such as Jade 3, when Jade 2 has not yet been announceed, nor as Bioware shown any overt interest in the project.
From reading through the thread, I read that another one of the games that was mentioned seems to have missed 2/3 sequels, although that may have been a typo on the writer's part.
Also, some seem contradictory on the list to the thread you posted, which is strange. They said that Bioware had another project in the making, and that it was not Jade 2. Then, Jade 3 is on that list?
Also read something about the same information coming from a magazine like this, or the same one, who put in information on Halo 3 which turned out to be... false?
The screenshots with Bandon and the like make no sense either, especially since they appear to have been dropped on the skyramp. I am heavily leaning towards little fact and heavy rumour. Sorry to spoil the euphoric mood. Hopefully it will come out, eventually...
Am I confused, or did I miss something vital?
Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 7:19 pm
by Bastila_Shan
Actually I seemed to have mis-typed a dew games. I just gotta get aroun to editing my post when I can be bothered too. ;/
Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 10:18 pm
by Hill-Shatar
Still Bioware has denied, fairly frankly, not to mention forcefully, that they are not currently working on anything regarding Jade 2, other than perhaps a team seeing whether or not it would be worth it.