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Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 7:36 pm
by Hill-Shatar
Well you welcome Tony, but I think you may be holding your breath for a while. :rolleyes:

Well, today I am going to be searching for any articles that GameBanshee News may have missed and add them on under GameBanshee News.

Out of curiosity, who is currently reading any updates, since I regularily update the top post, I just want to make sure that people are actually checking to see if it is... updated. ;)

Anyways, other than that, if there is anything people want me to specifically search for, go right ahead and PM me, or, for convienience, post here...unless you are too shy. :p

EDIT: Also found this --> Also known as: Mass Effect: Chapter 1, BioWare RPG [Untitled Project]

EDIT again: Sorry, I could not find anything new.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 7:52 pm
by TonyMontana1638
I'm checking the Mass effect updates here, along with the Dragon age, witcher and (infrequently, but still) Dark messiah updates. Don't worry Hill, your efforts have not been in vain :D .

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 9:27 pm
by ch85us2001
From what I see, many have voiced there opinions both here and elsewhere that they are making a major mistake by keeping this to the Xbox 360. Whether or not they maintain that (ie The first titles make enough money that Bioware wants to extend to the more avid RPG players in the PC department) is unknown, however, there is always hope. Titles have always switched to other platforms, so you can never be sure. [/QUOTE]
I don't mean to spam your thread hill, but it's my duty and calling.
IMO, there keeping it on the Xbox 360 because there in Microsofts backpocket.
Xbox likes to slap this nice little "Only on Xbox" tags on games.
Therefore more people will buy an Xbox 360 to play this game (they hope).
Bioware probably hopes this works in reverse to.
But, that's just my speculation and Xandax will probably crush my hopes and dreams with a nice little article or piece of logic as soon as he sees this. j/k. :laugh: ;)
This game *does* look like it *may* turn out better than I originally thought though :rolleyes: .

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 8:29 pm
by Hill-Shatar
No, you are right, but a lot of us try to be optimistic.

This game, along with others, is going to be Xbox 360 exclusive. The console is supposed to be impressive technologically, but from I read, the PS3 is apparently going to be far superior. Whether or not this is true, I do not know. All I know is that Mass Effect is a game that is worth keeping an eye on.

As long as Microsoft has this game, and others, then they hold a lead over the market. These games are actually going to be using Xbox's technology to the limits. Considering the graphics being used in some of the games for this console on release date, that is saying something.

From what I see, this nice little group of games popping up only for Xbox 360 is a great way to increase profits for the game. It is a serious pain for PC players, however.

On another note, not much has popped up lately. Searching around the internet has actually brought up little. Going to go on a search for more soon.

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 7:28 pm
by Hill-Shatar
Well everyone, this is quite the news. [url=""]GameBanshee now has a subsite dedicated to Mass Effect![/url] :D

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 9:44 am
by ajdaha
Let me start by saying that, I have been playing Bioware games since early 2003.
Its clear that Bioware developers are fans of motion pictures as they try to make their games feel very much like an entertaining and emotionally involving movie.
However, you have to understand that these are games and games are better than movies. There is a reason that games were invented, its to give us world to excape into. Not just a world we can watch.
My point is, that even though the story was great in your previous games, like Kotor II, one important element was missed. The gameplay.
In this next game, I believe you have a hit as you are basically combining everything that has made other sci-fi movies succesful. And the concept art is simply stunning, the vividness of one particular concept piece (the one with the outdoor swimming pool) makes me want to help you out so that you can get this vision out to the public in the absolutely best manner possible.
Just please, remmember, include a dynamic world, one with which we can interact. Static objects are a major downer for games, remeber that you have the Xbox 360, its a powerful machine, dont put it to shame, like so many of its games are doing. I want to be able to jump when not in combat. If I have some sorts of phsycic powers (i'm not sure how dark matter powers shall work) I want to be able to use my abilities dynamically outside of combat. Like the G-gun in HL2.
PS: About PoV, I think the 3rd person view is good, maybe if you could, a third person view with a cross-arrow can be used. I'm not a big fan of the first person view.
Anyway, good luck, I dont usually post about developing games, but I have been charmed by you, and I hope you take the right path.
: )
(PPS: almost forgot, I dont like micromanaging the team. I dont like having a team at all. Could you make it so that if we play without a team we can become more powerful, - team members than a person playing +team memebers.) otherwise I feel like I am almost forced to play with them to become as powerful as possible.
: )

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 8:25 pm
by TonyMontana1638
Yay! A subsite that contains all of the exact information that we get here thanks to Hill :D .

I have an announcement to make: I AM GETTING AN XBOX 360!!!! :D :D :D
... Or well at least my friend is, he stayed inline from 8 in the morning till 8 at night to get one, and, naturally, I'm gonna be using it more than he is!!! :D :D :D
I may actually get to play this game sometime!

@ Ajadha: What's wrong with parties? I think they definitely add more to the experience than going it alone (take Morrowind for example). It forces Bioware to create more personalities, stories, etc. for these characters: what was the best part about BGII for example? The story and ungodly amount of gameplay, yes, but also the NPCS! They gave the game so much more depth, made it so much more immersive! All of the best mods for the game that are being/ have been created are created NPC characters that make you wanna go back and play again, just so you can figure their story out! In all honesty I enjoy team-rpg types more than solo ones...

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 8:30 pm
by Hill-Shatar
Yay! A subsite that contains all of the exact information that we get here thanks to Hill :D .
It was Buck all the way. :)

I wouldn't mind if they made it possible to go wtihout parties in some areas of the game, or at least have actual AI's for the party members.

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 3:08 am
by ajdaha
Aye, sure is a good thing : )

Yes this subsite shall be home to much good I can see.

About parties: Sure, its good when you wish to enjoy a storyline that involves multiple characters to enjoy it from, but I really dont like having to pick these characters up (like in the Kotor games). Since they are not my character they end up (for me at least) absorbing some of the attention and involvement that I would give to my main had there been no party at all. As an end result they ended up taking away from my experience with the main. I'm sure this is the opposite reaction that was expected when Bioware decides to include multiple characters to control.
The party members at least in Kotor (I and II) weren't important when you advanced to the higher levels, they ended up as nuisances as I took the time to choose their skills at level up. I found that I really didn't care about them, because the game didn't make use of their skills at the turning points in the story, that's something that I hate. If you do make team members a must, could you at least make sure that unlike every other rpg game to date the actual skill levels of all the characters make some sort of a change in how people react to you. I mean if you're in a bar and you're bulging with muscles you wouldn't expect a loner to start a fight with you. And in the same way, when in between a major boss batle, if with one single shot I decrease the enemies health to half its original, I expect that enemy to run for his life! Not continue his egotistic laughter and keep swinging at me.
You made a good start with Kotor, with the persuade system and things like that. But maybe (and I know I sound like a certain kid in an orphanage) you could add some more?
Good luck...

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 11:12 am
by Phreddie
Hill, in the xbox evolved section you quoted above the "we're working on not just one, but two Xbox 360 titles. Enough said " part, unless that is a hint at JE2 (has that been anounced yet?) it is possible he could be refering to a KOTOR 3? or am jujst being to hopeful?

I like the Idea about vehicles, the only problem would be combat with that.. ridding around on an uncahrted world, you might run into a few hostile creatures... could you just run them over, or shoot them out the window? i tihnk id like futuristic drive bys...:mischief:

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 7:23 pm
by Hill-Shatar
I've heard rumours for both, but as of yet, neither have been confirmed. However, if you want to know more, check out the KotOR III forum's rumour thread. :)

On topic, Mass Effect has had another article written on it. Check it out [url=""]here[/url]!

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 8:02 pm
by TonyMontana1638
Bioware has mentioned that MAss Effect is intended to be a trilogy... Is it possible they were referring to one of those other games?

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 8:12 pm
by Phreddie
Maybe, but if I were BioWare, I would wait to see how Mass Effect does, it will msot likely sell well initialy due to it being form BioWare, but they will (or should I think) wait a month or two until after Mass Effect is successful to start development beyond the ideas phase.

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 9:39 pm
by Hill-Shatar
No, they are not working on two games of a trilogy at the same time. Besides, why would they possibly want to do that while making a new game?

I mostly agree with Phreddie, although I have a feeling that they will wait longer than a month or two beyond that point. :)

It sounds a lot like either KotOR III, or Jade 2.

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 10:32 pm
by TonyMontana1638
Well no obviously they aren't hardcore developing a game when its predecessor isn't even complete yet :rolleyes: , but it just seemed from the way it was mentioned that it pertained to another in the series: I was thinking more along the lines of writing script maybe? That shouldn't require the other game to be released...

I admit it seems most likely it's of a completely different title, but I just interpreted it that way: like "we're almost done with this one and we've got another in development", that sort of thing. Maybe I just interpreted it wrong then... I never said I was smart :rolleyes: ... Nope, in fact that's the one thing I know I've never said...

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 10:54 pm
by Hill-Shatar
There has been a lot of talk about this game being the beginning of a series of games based in the same genre, perhaps a trilogy. however, I think we are getting a little ahead of ourselves discussing something down the road. :) By all means, do talk about it if you want to, but considering that the first is still at least a year and a half from being released... :p

However, the idea that they do want to develop the game this far suggests that they do have plans for this game, and that they think it will be a great game indeed. A good sign.

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 5:05 am
by Phreddie
Tony, in one article I read it appeared they had already written the storyline for all three, or atleast put together a basic shell, although they may be tweaking, tuning, and filling in the scripts for the last two, they are probably still doing that for number one (albeit on a smaller scale). Ach, thats just me hoping that other game is Kotor 3, *wonders if Bastila Shan has that link on the Rumor/News thread* although my money is on JE2.

Just read another article that said there is some sort of magic force, any speculation on how it is going to be used, like the force in Star Wars, or like magic in the Elder Scrolls?

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 1:05 pm
by Hill-Shatar
Sorry for not answering sooner, Phreddie, I was reading up on some of the interviews.

Basically, that magical force, as you called it, is a substance called Dark Matter. The way you increase your skills is through learning more about manipulating Dark Matter. That was the last I heard.

I'll go and search around, and something should pop up, but I think I read something akin to that in the GameBanshee interview. :)

[QUOTE=GameBanshee]Greg: The world of Mass Effect features a powerful physical force based on dark matter, and humankind’s harnessing of this power is fundamental to the story of the game. Mastery of these powers is one of the paths that characters can follow through the game. [/QUOTE]

Also, come back later today, I should have found some more screens and links for you all. ;)

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 3:24 pm
by ajdaha
Erm, I strongly advise against using dark matter as the mediator force for the character. Use some other, non-real particle. I mean, knowing the properties of dark matter, how would you explain that we can control them?
Then again you would probuably face the same challenge if using telekenisis in-game anyway.
I prefer the complete fantasy element of the anime show called Outlaw Star when considering magic/phsycic powers. I believe it was called Tau magic and had no refference to anything in real life, hence it would not upset the gamers that actually know about the subject (ie dark matter) in real life.

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 3:30 pm
by Hill-Shatar
Dark Matter, for the moment, is theoretical, as far as I can tell. It is also impossible for us, at our current level of development, in my opinion, to catch any glimpse of what we already know, pass a certain part. :)

For now, I think using it as a form of advancing skills is an interesting choice. They wanted the game to be more based around technology than anything magical, from what I know, and being able to manipulate a real life particle of any sort, whether real or not, is quite interesting.