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Baal Runs / Hammerdin

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Post by FireLighter »

[QUOTE=FireLighter]With the best gear (enigma, HotO, Maras ammy, sojs, arach, magefist, war travs, HoZ, Shako (or 2 paly skills resist 20 fcr circlet type helm) and charms) your pally should do around 13k damage with concentration, hammer, and syns maxed. :D If you're playing solo as in single player you could get an editor and get those items no problem just to see the kind of damage you can do. I myself did that dmg with my hammerdin in 1.10.[/QUOTE]
Heres some of the abbreviations spelled out, as I use those on bnet where i play.

HotO-Heart of the oak runeword weapon
SoJ-Stone of Jordan ring +1 all skills 25% increased maximum mana
Maras- Maras kelidoscope ammy +2 all skills up to 30 resist all
Arach- Arachnids mesh +1 all skills belt 20 Faster cast rate
War Travs- War travellers up to 50% mf boots
HoZ- Herald of zakarum +2 pally skills +2 combat skills resists added
Shako-Harlequin Crest unique shako helmet +2 all skills adds to life/mana 50%mf
Combat paladin skill charms and/or offensive aura skill charms
Hellfire torch-+3 to a certain characters skills and + stats and resists
Annihulus-+1 all skills + to all stats/resists/extra EXPERIENCE from monsters (goes up to 10% i believe.)
Hope that explains it for you.
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Post by C Elegans »

@Joe: Remember that you absolutely don't need any "godly" equipment to play the game and finish it. Without trading, playing in a clan (a team) or using duped items, it's quite difficult to find for instance the runes to Enigma. 99.99% of all Enigmas on battlenet are duped. Duping items or playing open characters that you can edit so they have all the perfect equipment, takes away the difficulty of the game, so don't view it a must have, view it just as optional if you are lucky and happen to find such items.
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Post by FireLighter »

Aye, im not sure if my enigma was duplicated as I traded for it, but I know my heart of the oak was legit as I found all the runes and the vex in a hell cow game when leveling my mercenary.
"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."
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Post by joe05 »

Got it !
That's helps: now I don't have to kill myself looking for "all greatt equipment".
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Post by FireLighter »

With optimal easily found uniques and equipment, you should get around 7k which is still plenty to kill stuff in hell. So good luck in your hunting.
"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."
-Sun Tzu, the Art of War
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