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New Mini Games

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Post by Macen Press »

Down with mini games they re boring. Add more missions.
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Post by mr_sir »

[QUOTE=Macen Press]Down with mini games they re boring. Add more missions.[/QUOTE]

i agree add more missions but they should keep mini games - after all they are optional so if you find them boring then you don't have to do them. i personal quite like mini-games within a game (they are sometimes i welcome break if you just feel like relaxing on your pc for an hour or so and don't really feel like playing properly)
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Post by marten0305 »

You are all wrong, the difference between pod racing and swoop racing is one is done with a pod racer hence pod racing and the other is done with a swoop bike hence swoop racing. podracing is around a course and swoop racing is a straight point to point. And since they probably didn't have podracing in the kotor times i think they could fit in one on one swoop races. You have to remember that one on one was just an option in my idea, i didn't subtract the beat the time swoop race.

The OPTION to do a mini-game is one of the great things about kotor, why would you want to get rid of it? It's not like you have to do it hence option

And different subject, none of you had comments on the hunting thing, none of you liked or disliked it?
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Post by mr_sir »

must have missed that hunting idea. i think hunting would be great as i liked wandering around tatooine in kotor1 but was disappointed that you were so limited with what you could hunt and where. for example, hunting in the shadowlands would have been so much fun.
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Post by marten0305 »

The whole hunting and bounty hunting are two cool ideas, i know that would be one of the first things i do in the game.
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Post by Hill-Shatar »

You are all wrong, the difference between pod racing and swoop racing is one is done with a pod racer hence pod racing and the other is done with a swoop bike hence swoop racing. podracing is around a course and swoop racing is a straight point to point. And since they probably didn't have podracing in the kotor times i think they could fit in one on one swoop races. You have to remember that one on one was just an option in my idea, i didn't subtract the beat the time swoop race.
Not all wrong, just with slightly different or incomplete views. While an opponent might be fun, could you imagine trying to have two swoops going on the same sized tracks as the last two games?

It wouldn't exactly be the same type of swoop racing that we started with... which I rarely played anyways in the second one.
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Post by marten0305 »

I guess you got a point there, but i'm sure there must be away to fit it in somewhere in the game.
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Post by micahel »

an xbox live/network play option where you can load your saved game characters and fight in arena battles(like on Taris in KotOR 1)
dejarik would be cool, as would more opportunities to use the turrets
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Post by KyLewin »

Kotor was originally going to start out with the PC and Carth at a Republic base that gets attacked by the Sith and then have to find/rescue Bastila within the mostly destroyed base. At one point the PC would have had to use a turret to take out some circling fighters. Personally, if there's any sort of base on a planet visited in the next Kotor, I wouldn't mind shooting some Sith out of the sky above a planet (it's the same as shooting them in space, but the change in senary might be kind of nice... like using the gun in Kotor II to take out the Sith in the hanger).

I also think a bounty hunter minigame could be fun. Maybe actually have the character have to solve some clues or something to figure out exactly where the person with the bounty is at (rather than just going door to door until you find the person). And hunting could be interesting if it's done right. Mostly it would depend on how much of the planet is explorable. I know they tried having it in Kotor I and it was mediocre at best, but if there had been more of Tatooine open for exploration, it could have been interesting. Just so long as they don't have the exact same number of animals in one of three spots (that rotate in sequence) everytime you enter the area... that was part of what made it boring in my opinion.

I was thinking that some sort of lightsaber-construction minigame might be fun (or annoying if you hate minigames). If nothing else it could let your character make his or her lightsaber somewhat unique rather than something that is so ordinary that it stacks in your inventory with the lightsaber of every no-name Sith you slaughter on your journey. I'm not nearly creative enough to think up how such a minigame would work, but it obviously wouldn't be the twitch-type game that Swoop racing is and not too based on luck like Pazaak... some sort of happy medium, perhaps? Obviously it would have to be different from the regular workbench upgrading that you do, but I don't think that would be too difficult. Anyway, at least it would be something new.
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Post by FighterTundra »

i think of a turret-tower mini-game, which has blaster-mini-guns (the ones that bring you down in kotOR II when you land the shuttle on the telos surface).
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Post by mr_sir »

there is a point on onderon where you can actually operate a blaster turret to shoot down ships attacking from the sky, but i agree they could have it as a minigame as well.
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Post by FighterTundra »

the blaster turret is already a mini-game, but what i mean is instead of the normal blaster turrets, turrets with miniguns on em, that shoot really fast.
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Post by Darth Mason »

are you talking about the AD ( air defence) turrets on the surface of telos?
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Post by FighterTundra »

[QUOTE=Darth Mason]are you talking about the AD ( air defence) turrets on the surface of telos?[/QUOTE]
That was exactly what i was thinking about :D
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Post by I.allah »

What about a NORMAL pod race ( like in episode one ) and the so-called holo-chess' name is Dejarik, with big red carnivores and small wide herbivores. :p
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Post by Darth Nero »

remember the battle arena in kotor 1? how about a battle arena with free for alls.
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Post by riotfellow »

What about a pazaak tournament on one of the planets and the prize for winning could be 10K credits or something like that.
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Post by FighterTundra »

I don't know if it is mentioned before in this thread, but what about something like a hunting mini-game, and not just search and kill, but like you have to kill a krayt dragon, or a rancor, where you really need a good tactic to succeed.
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Post by DesR85 »

I have an idea for an existing mini-game, though its sounds off-topic(sorry if I can't think up of any new mini-games). As for swoop racing, I think if they used racing tracks that twists and turns just like pod-racing in Episode 1 or the Need for Speed style tracks, it'll be a blast. Opponents will be shown on screen and will race just like any conventional racing game. Makes the game more challenging. Was starting to wonder if swoop racing is a space-age drag race or vice versa.
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Post by Phreddie »

I like the idea of bring back an arena. Perhaps the only way to gain access to one on one duels, or just a different path altogether, would be to fight in a massive free for all, winner takes everything.
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