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Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 11:30 am
by FighterTundra
if you compled both games in like half a day, you should try some side quests next time you start a game. Because kotOR I and II arent short, they are long if you compare them to other games.
Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 1:21 pm
by Sadiki
Sequel and prequel
The next Kotor game should be a prequel and sequel. Or something like that. The sequel(s) needs to leads us through Revans past. Possibly starting when he joined the Jedi and take us to the Mandolorian war(s) and what happened when they vanished of the face of the galaxy. Up to the fall of Revan and rise of Darth Malak. The next one would possibly be in between a sequel and prequel informing us of how the Exile is related to Revan and what happened to him during the Mandolorian war(s). And then hwo he came to be upon the Ebon Hawk. The prequel should be of three parts. The first telling us what happened to Revan and his crew, the second what happe to the Exile and his crew and the third showing us what is happening now. And how this is possibly going to end the triolgy or turn into a Star Wars movie.:laugh:
Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 12:15 pm
by Gizka
Just like KotOR 1
Since I liked KotOR1 so much, I wouldn't mind if KotOR3 had the exact same story as KotOR1, just with better visuals, more item upgrading options (like in KotOR2) and a longer Jedi training. <-- just to get more into the game and make it more realistic.
And of course everything should be in HD if KotOR3 would come out for Xbox360.
Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 2:30 am
by Drunkside
little after 2
Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 4:59 am
by Mandalorianx
think it would be good if the game take place 50-60 years after that the jedi could get some time to build a new academy and get some student(padwan, jedi and some knights)
Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 5:33 am
by DesR85
Mandalorianx wrote:think it would be good if the game take place 50-60 years after that the jedi could get some time to build a new academy and get some student(padwan, jedi and some knights)
So long??

How do you complete a trilogy (assuming that the KOTOR series is a trilogy) with that large a gap?

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 8:16 am
by Mandalorianx
DesR85 wrote:So long??

How do you complete a trilogy (assuming that the KOTOR series is a trilogy) with that large a gap?
if there will be a jedi academy in the game they will need time to train the jedi and training dont take a day or 2it takes years.... but i think ive gon alittle far in years....or maybe ther have been some1 building a academy in the time the exil tryd to find the jedi master..dunno...
Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 10:04 am
by Leet
it shuld be
I think it should be around 10-14 years by then the Jedi can probably put together some little group and not too much would happen in that time period well because u defeated the sith, so youd come bak wen the republic and jedi need you cauz thers another threat or somting or another war? maybe u can play in some kinda war that happend around that time if ther is ne?
Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 10:07 am
by DesR85
I thought that there is an existing academy on Coruscant?

Personally, I hope that the gap between KOTOR 2 and 3 will be like in a few days so as to complete the story of both Revan and the Exile plus be the final trilogy of the whole KOTOR series.
Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 11:26 am
by Mandalorianx
DesR85 wrote:I thought that there is an existing academy on Coruscant?

Personally, I hope that the gap between KOTOR 2 and 3 will be like in a few days so as to complete the story of both Revan and the Exile plus be the final trilogy of the whole KOTOR series.
dont think there are any one left there in K2 sins the jedi master left...but maybe some1 came back or something...
Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 1:29 am
by DesR85
Mandalorianx wrote:dont think there are any one left there in K2 sins the jedi master left...but maybe some1 came back or something...
There could be other Jedi masters aside from Masters Vrook, Zez-Kai Ell and Kavar that are alive and well. They could still be in hiding but that's just speculation on my part but that's my gut feeling.
Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:06 pm
by Vega
on MX's post: it is possible that the jedi the Exile trained (mira, atton, handmaiden) (LS) help recreate the jedi, or perhaps some were in hiding during TSL
on this topic: i think 3 shouldnt be far from 2. It could actually open up with the ebon hawk cruising away from malachor? But rather, i would like it to open up with Revan walking in a dark hall and he sees or does some mysterious thing, like we see the robes of another dark jedi or something, he lights up his lightsaber and we are then transported to another clip or something or the exile lands on a planet where revan is in the beginning
not more than 10 years though, i think maybe 2 years would be good
Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 1:50 pm
by Mandalorianx
Vega wrote:on MX's post: it is possible that the jedi the Exile trained (mira, atton, handmaiden) (LS) help recreate the jedi, or perhaps some were in hiding during TSL
on this topic: i think 3 shouldnt be far from 2. It could actually open up with the ebon hawk cruising away from malachor? But rather, i would like it to open up with Revan walking in a dark hall and he sees or does some mysterious thing, like we see the robes of another dark jedi or something, he lights up his lightsaber and we are then transported to another clip or something or the exile lands on a planet where revan is in the beginning
not more than 10 years though, i think maybe 2 years would be good
vell about the post to me

: it depens on the exil is a DS or LS....when DS they die on malacor V.
Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 11:45 am
by Drunkside
I still think it should be few years after k2,and it should have 2 separate stories:1 for the revan and 1 for the exile
Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 4:48 am
by Macen Press
Now tht i fink about it as much as it would be good to find out what happened after the first 2 i would like another era like say the clone wars or even the invasion of the yusangvong ( sorry bout the spelling of tht lol) but yh i would like 2 see another era but maybe tht could be for another game and not kotor.
Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 6:39 am
by Ender04
The problem with having the storyline take place immediately after and be following both Revan and the Exile is that they have already been played. How are they going to explain both Revan and the Exile losing all their powers so our game can start over. They would have to introduce a brand new player character and he would have to be just as important and grand as both Revan and the Exile, or else he wouldn't be going after them. Talk about some big shoes to fill, LOL. The problem with a prequel is that one of the coolest aspects of KOTOR is that the future changes based on your decisions. If KOTOR3 is about Revans fall then you won't get a chance to choose light side over dark side because the whole point of the game would be for Revan to fall to the dark side. I dunno... Lucas has me stumped on this one... LOL...

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 10:35 am
by DesR85
Ender04 wrote:The problem with having the storyline take place immediately after and be following both Revan and the Exile is that they have already been played. How are they going to explain both Revan and the Exile losing all their powers so our game can start over. They would have to introduce a brand new player character and he would have to be just as important and grand as both Revan and the Exile, or else he wouldn't be going after them. Talk about some big shoes to fill, LOL.
The developers don't need to strip both Revan and the Exile of their powers and downgrading them all the way to level 1. They could still keep their levels and whatever powers they have at those levels. However, they don't need to play that much of a major role in the game, even though they can be the main focus of the whole game, be they playable or not. And as for the idea of making both Revan and the Exile go DS/LS freely, no way. I'd rather you choose what alignment and gender both of them are and that's it (If Revan is at this alignment and gender, the Exile will be the same as Revan). Then the new character can go in whichever alignment he/she wants. Much simpler that way.

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 2:15 pm
by Mandalorianx
DesR85 wrote:The developers don't need to strip both Revan and the Exile of their powers and downgrading them all the way to level 1. They could still keep their levels and whatever powers they have at those levels. However, they don't need to play that much of a major role in the game, even though they can be the main focus of the whole game, be they playable or not. And as for the idea of making both Revan and the Exile go DS/LS freely, no way. I'd rather you choose what alignment and gender both of them are and that's it (If Revan is at this alignment and gender, the Exile will be the same as Revan). Then the new character can go in whichever alignment he/she wants. Much simpler that way.
agree with you.....revan may be the main char of the game STORY, but it would be better if your a jedi/sith and try to find revan and the exile, or something......... but if your gonna have revan in the party, maybe it would be good if he join you later in the game(like when you get top lvl 20 or so).......
back to topic...... it would be great if the time between k2 and k3 is as minimum as posible...
Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 11:26 pm
by DesR85
Mandalorianx wrote:agree with you.....revan may be the main char of the game STORY, but it would be better if your a jedi/sith and try to find revan and the exile, or something......... but if your gonna have revan in the party, maybe it would be good if he join you later in the game(like when you get top lvl 20 or so).......
Well, the game doesn't need to include either Revan or the Exile in your party. I'd much prefer if they have a role in certain parts of the storyline than be in your party. It may make the game slightly linear but that's the only idea that I have in mind for a game that wants to focus on all three characters.
Anyway, as you said, lets get back on topic. I would rather that the game takes place one or two months after the events of KOTOR 2, seeing how it might take the Exile a while to find Revan.
Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 5:05 am
by Macen Press
Its a terrible thing to say but i reckon sum willl agree but because kotor 2 ending was so crap they should forget about kotor 2 and carry on from kotor 1 or from a different perspective other then revans but yh i think kotor 2s ending was crap so maybe it would be beter to imagine it neverrrrr happened!!!