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KOTOR III Main Theme

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to LucasArts and BioWare's Star Wars: The Old Republic MMORPG.
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Post by Mandalorianx »

Darth Magmius wrote:In Kotor 2 didnt Carth say he wasn't going to search for Revan
maybe but remember that carth asked the exile if he/she found revan to say to revan that he was looking for him/her....

BTW carth is dead if revan is DS so it's gonna be hard to putt carth in the game....
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Post by Alak »


i have a few points, i'm really tired and hopefully this will open up a few new idea's for everyone to think about. first the grey perspective or what ever its being called, i'm not sure as too what that pertains, unless its what i do, where i decide on the situation as to what to do, and use both light side and dark side technuiqes, or to something else. i mrean personally in Kotor 2 i was a good guy, i had a good guy ending, but i did have the dancer romono working as my slave and i did in fact let the red eclipse continue its work as long as they paid me. the point is no matter what the grey factor will always be there, no matter what they base the game on. the point of kotor is to let your choices influence the game, and its evuntual end, but the game is so loose with the desisions you make that there will be 'grey' moments, ther will be 'grey' jedi/sith and there will be the factor of you influencing everyone around you and the planets themselfs, with out these facts then it would not be kotor at all. secondly i do believe the game will play heavily on the true sith, if you read the little dialauges as i have when i got REALLY bored, you find out that sith are not true sith, but dark jedi who took the sith name when they were banished. i hope that doesnt sound condecending, its just a recap and a fill in for those who forgot or dont know. i believe that they will pull a kotor two and somewhere in the very begining wiether threw conversation or threw some sort of multiple awsers, will let you reload your old data, such as wiether revan was a guy/girl and wiether he was good or evil, and i believe that they will do the same for the exile, of coarse this being if it is a sequil of sorts and not a prequil and doesnt drift away from the story line. you might probably have a whole new character, and threw you choices probably do get to talk to revan, or the exile, or hopefully both and work with them, i believe the game will be massive, after all watching the end of part two, they are given everything, not only the planets you've been on but also the entire outer rim and beyond, given that it will be on nex gen consoles *fingers crossed* then they will have a huge ammount of data that they can use, meaning more level ups and what not. for now i have to go, i hope though that this spawns new idea's for those of you who are thinking about the game like me
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Post by bigredpanda »

Alak wrote:i have a few points, i'm really tired and hopefully this will open up a few new idea's for everyone to think about... for now i have to go, i hope though that this spawns new idea's for those of you who are thinking about the game like me
Dude, I would have read through some of the topics on the forum if I were you. You're echoing what's already been talked about at some length... that's not to say your contribution isn't worthwhile and interesting, but I'm struggling to see how you're "opening up ideas" here.
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Post by magic80 »

'Threw' vs 'Through'

Alak, I found it immensely annoying that you seem to use 'threw' instead of 'through.'

I may sound a bit odd, but I personally don't think that Revan and the Exile should be playable or even main characters until the end of the game, if they are in the game.
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Post by stanerz »

Mandalorianx wrote:maybe but remember that carth asked the exile if he/she found revan to say to revan that he was looking for him/her....

BTW carth is dead if revan is DS so it's gonna be hard to putt carth in the game....

If revan does go DS he/she doesn't actually kill Carth, he just runs off. Also there's the ship Bastila left on top of the temple for Carth to get away in so it's not that hard to put Carth in the game.

Secondly I've heard a lot about the grey area and revisiting the past but the state KOTOR 2 left the galaxy in really needs to be cleaned up. Rather than searching for Revan and the Exile you'll probably go as one of them (probably the exile since Revan can be put in his/her mask and robe) and your mission will be to fix the galaxy somehow.
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Darth Spawn
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Post by Darth Spawn »

this may sound wierd and dosent really hav anything with the topic but what happened when revan left carth on that unknown planet
take a quess how many fingers im holding up i dare u :)
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Darth Omi
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Post by Darth Omi »

It depends
Darth Spawn wrote:this may sound wierd and dosent really hav anything with the topic but what happened when revan left carth on that unknown planet
If your good you don't leave him behind, if your a evil female than he will reapear on the star forge, and if your male well honestly i don't know about male but prabbrably nothing.
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Kyp Torvyn
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Post by Kyp Torvyn »

I believe male dark side you kill him and male light side he sorta just acts as your escort off the ship. If I am wrong about the DS I believe maybe he does the same as in the light but I doubt it
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Post by Birdman »

You guys have some great ideas and all and i really want a game about the unknown region and true sith and all, but i would rather enjoy a game that goes back to the past where you actually particapate in either The Mandalorian War or the Exar Kun war. You could start out either as a simple Jedi or even as a soldier and work your way through the war meeting characters like Revan or Jolee and people who were in the wars. Would never happen, but would be awesome if you could start out as a lowly unalligned man who has to choose between different factions to join such as the Republic, Sith, or Mandalorians(dont quite know how you would be able to chose to be them yet)
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Kyp Torvyn
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Post by Kyp Torvyn »

I would love a game about the Exar Kun War or Mandalorian Wars, but I feel that this story must be finished and put under wraps first.
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Post by PUmPsTA-BR!K$ »

Yes! The Best

Yes i may be A Newbie here but i am da Ultimate KOtor Meastro...
with u guys of coarse now the main theme is as follows:

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic III: Jedi Betrayel...
It is about The Betrayel of Jedi In the past, but You can choose ur species e.g

And Nomi Sunrider is the Second Role Character e.g (Bastila) (Kreia)
And if you read the books it will be about Nomi and the Main character.
ur hilts you can design:
Emmiter Custimization:
Handeling Customization:
Grip Of Saber:
Power Cell:
You can choose in character customization (Note to self: Customization is a fond word lol) JEDI/MERCINARY
If Merc you can Customize your gun:
Ammo Holder:

The Villian should be a Male Sith Lord (Darth Ultima) and he has two Sith 18 Year old Apprentices One Male Sith Assassin and one Female Sith Maurauder
1. PLAYER should'nt always move their head around and change expression
2. PLAYER should be able to do force jump whenever (Like JK)
3. PLAYER should make saber grazes along walls
4. ANYONE can get scars that are not deep which can dissapear / and scars which are deep stay (ANAKIN'S SCAR)
6. NEW animations for attack moves (Prince of Persia II & III moves)
7. Freedom of control.
10.Falling over must Be ALLOWED (E.g Getting kicked by someone)


Online gaming is official. (if idea chosen)
Armour color design
Work bench can make clothes and armour and any weaponry and amoury.
Kotor... it calls... It needs me... I am being consumed... KOTOR III action packed coming out November 2007!
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Post by Mellban »


My opinion about the game is that i think if you're are a Sith then i think you control the whole army like Vader, that would feel nice. I really like the love in the story, i want it that u can choose which female u have in the game, or liek choose on 3 or 2 atleast. Anyways I'm despretly waiting on KOTOR III, and i really hope its gonna be very great
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Post by OftheRepublic »

Sunrider can not be part of the KOTOR franchise due to some copywrite issues Vima Sunrider was suppose to be the mentor instead of Bastilla in K1
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