Seems to me you've decided you don't like DA:O, so no one else should either! lol
NO i am saying that no one here should be saying something is great when they have nothing really to compare it to because they are making blind judgements soley based off of only what they know.
So instead of stepping back and saying ok there are 2 things here A and B, and since I only know what is in A and not B, maybe I should get the infromation out of B then compare botyh B and A to each other before trying to present a one sided arguement with someone who has the infromation from both A and B.
Any normal person knows that information from A and B over rides anyone who only has information from just A.
And too bad people here think that all they need is what's in A.
Sorry but if there was a situation where it came down to trusting someone who only knew A and trusting someone who knew both A and B, a lot of people here would be screwed. But what is going on here is people here only have the information from A only, while I have the information from both A and B.
Sorry you gotta have all the information in front of you before making a proper decision not just the information from one source.
Also, the lack of us for not getting answer to the other question surely isn't because of lack of comprehension, as you never gave any.
I'll let you in on something:
Minus very few things, Dragon Age Origins is literally almost a carbon copy of Summoner and it's the only game that can really be compared to DAO in how it's set up because it's the only game that has literally almost the same exact set up that Dragon Age Origins Copied
So here is your answer, go play Summoner on the PS2, and you will see exactly how a story driven adventure is supposed to be put together.
Go play Summoner at least 3/4 of the way through, and you will have your answer.
This now is not me telling you anything is fact or trying to force my opinions onto you, this is me giving you something to use that is a solid comparison, so you can see the results for yourself.