Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 12:41 pm
Is the DA story line better than vanilla Oblivions? Without a doubt, but that's as far as I'd go. On side quests in fact Oblivion is far superior, the side quests in DA are crap frankly.Tenser wrote:Err, I'm sorry, but Dragon Age beats Oblivion three times over, for me.
Real story with tons of side quests and background lore, real party with party interaction and romances, much much better rulesystem with challenging fights - hooray !
I'm not sure what you mean by 'rules system', if you mean the basic engine, yet again Oblivion is superior, in fact the DA engine is primitive by comparison.
The fights are about equally challenging in as much as most of them aren't challenging at all.
When you factor in third party mods, then it isn't even close, Oblivikon blows Da away, mainly because the engine lends itself to modding and isn't primitive.
DA is a one run through game, worth the one run through, but will stay on the shelf for ever now I've done it.