Athkathla II
@Fas: Your homeland really is a foul word in Athkatla
@all: Just so everyone knows, this is the correct spelling of the city we’re in: ATHKATLA. I finally got around to looking it up, as I constantly misspell it too.
@Xandax: quote: "Or maybe this stranger is in need of help, this seems like the city where people come for solving their problems." People come to a city on the brink of revolution to SOLVE their problems?
@Xandax + Fas: You continue doing a superb job.
As the drow gets away, a band of stout-looking adventurers rises from their table.
“How about we’s go teach that darkling a lesson, me boys? I’m sure the Black Helm would be paying mighty well for that one’s head on a stick!” a well-armored dwarf boasts, grinning. The rest grin back, restless after days of dull inactivity. The veteran group includes the dwarven fighter, a human swashbuckler, a darkly clad assassin, a black priest of Cyric, and a mysterious mage, whose face is concealed by the large hood of his blood-red robe. When he stands, a look of fear crosses several nearby mage’s faces, and they quietly move away from him. The group throws down a couple of gold and leaves to track down the escaped drow.
{Faisal, Xandax, and Thryn can talk to/confront them before they leave}
Kierran is amazed by the guard’s single-handed disposal of the band of skilled assassins. This Calahan would make a fine ally indeed in this foreign place...
“Ye rascal, ye’re going to get yerself killed wandering ‘round here like that!” Shocked, Kierran spins around to see none other than Old Fitz.
“Er...sorry about that. Do you know anything about what just happened here?” Kierran asks, motioning to the fresh corpses of the fallen assassins.
“Ye better not be getting fool notions in your head, young ‘un. Best for us all that ye stay clear of this poor city’s troubles. But if ye really have to be know, that there’s the handiwork of one damn good fighter. Goes by the name of Calahan. He be one of the higher ‘ups of the Black Helm I told you ‘bout. One of the lieutenants he is. And looks like some fool Shadow Thieves paid the price for crossin that one.”
“I thank you for your information, Old Fitz.”
“Bah! Ye don’t need to be thanking this old man. Just keep yer young arse out of trouble, and I’ll be happy. Now let’s get a move on. Dawn’s a’coming soon, I’d wager.”
Magus stands in his study as dawn arrives in Athkatla.
“I think it’s about time I checked out the situation in Athkatla for myself,” he mutters to himself, quickly gathering the necessary items for a brief trip.
-Then I shall accompany you.- comes a whisper in his mind.
Magus smirks, turning to face Void, his hakeashar familiar. Slanted red eyes peer back at him, shining with a ruby-red light from a mass of writhing shadowy vapors. A creature of powerful magic, Void has served Magus loyally for a time now. Though “served” may not exactly be the right word. For Void most definitely has a mind of his own, and is no mere lackey for Magus to order around. His skill in psionics nearly rivals Magus’s, a fact made ruefully apparent to many of the Rift’s guests. His favorite hobby seems to be harassing its infrequent visitors, though a few of Magus’s close friends have penetrated Void’s formidable unfriendliness in the past.
Even Magus cannot budge Void when he’s made up his mind, and this time he doesn’t even try. He nods, and they teleport away, arriving in the Copper Coronet an instant later.
Edit: Corrections have been made to allow for the little "bar brawl"
[ 07-11-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
[ 07-11-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
[ 07-12-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
[ 07-12-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
[ 07-14-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
@all: Just so everyone knows, this is the correct spelling of the city we’re in: ATHKATLA. I finally got around to looking it up, as I constantly misspell it too.
@Xandax: quote: "Or maybe this stranger is in need of help, this seems like the city where people come for solving their problems." People come to a city on the brink of revolution to SOLVE their problems?
@Xandax + Fas: You continue doing a superb job.
As the drow gets away, a band of stout-looking adventurers rises from their table.
“How about we’s go teach that darkling a lesson, me boys? I’m sure the Black Helm would be paying mighty well for that one’s head on a stick!” a well-armored dwarf boasts, grinning. The rest grin back, restless after days of dull inactivity. The veteran group includes the dwarven fighter, a human swashbuckler, a darkly clad assassin, a black priest of Cyric, and a mysterious mage, whose face is concealed by the large hood of his blood-red robe. When he stands, a look of fear crosses several nearby mage’s faces, and they quietly move away from him. The group throws down a couple of gold and leaves to track down the escaped drow.
{Faisal, Xandax, and Thryn can talk to/confront them before they leave}
Kierran is amazed by the guard’s single-handed disposal of the band of skilled assassins. This Calahan would make a fine ally indeed in this foreign place...
“Ye rascal, ye’re going to get yerself killed wandering ‘round here like that!” Shocked, Kierran spins around to see none other than Old Fitz.
“Er...sorry about that. Do you know anything about what just happened here?” Kierran asks, motioning to the fresh corpses of the fallen assassins.
“Ye better not be getting fool notions in your head, young ‘un. Best for us all that ye stay clear of this poor city’s troubles. But if ye really have to be know, that there’s the handiwork of one damn good fighter. Goes by the name of Calahan. He be one of the higher ‘ups of the Black Helm I told you ‘bout. One of the lieutenants he is. And looks like some fool Shadow Thieves paid the price for crossin that one.”
“I thank you for your information, Old Fitz.”
“Bah! Ye don’t need to be thanking this old man. Just keep yer young arse out of trouble, and I’ll be happy. Now let’s get a move on. Dawn’s a’coming soon, I’d wager.”
Magus stands in his study as dawn arrives in Athkatla.
“I think it’s about time I checked out the situation in Athkatla for myself,” he mutters to himself, quickly gathering the necessary items for a brief trip.
-Then I shall accompany you.- comes a whisper in his mind.
Magus smirks, turning to face Void, his hakeashar familiar. Slanted red eyes peer back at him, shining with a ruby-red light from a mass of writhing shadowy vapors. A creature of powerful magic, Void has served Magus loyally for a time now. Though “served” may not exactly be the right word. For Void most definitely has a mind of his own, and is no mere lackey for Magus to order around. His skill in psionics nearly rivals Magus’s, a fact made ruefully apparent to many of the Rift’s guests. His favorite hobby seems to be harassing its infrequent visitors, though a few of Magus’s close friends have penetrated Void’s formidable unfriendliness in the past.
Even Magus cannot budge Void when he’s made up his mind, and this time he doesn’t even try. He nods, and they teleport away, arriving in the Copper Coronet an instant later.
Edit: Corrections have been made to allow for the little "bar brawl"
[ 07-11-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
[ 07-11-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
[ 07-12-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
[ 07-12-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
[ 07-14-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
{Don't mind my "edit" Craig. It doesn't really matter after all. Go ahead and follow Virdel if you want, but it'd probably be better if you stayed in the Copper Coronet, for now.}
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
{OOC: Well my character dosen't know this - has no preknowlegde of Athkatla.Originally posted by Magus:
@Xandax: quote: "Or maybe this stranger is in need of help, this seems like the city where people come for solving their problems." People come to a city on the brink of revolution to SOLVE their problems?![]()
All he knows is he is there to find "fun", and has met Fasial who are there to find money. - so I'd say it is a valid statement
Xandax and Faisal walked towards the cloaked man. Xandax could feel the eyes of the man examining him.
”Hello” the cloaked man said.
“God day, Sir” Xandax said “Seeing as my friend and I, are new to this area, and somehow has ended up with an extra mug of ale, we were thinking if we might join your table?”
The quest for information from this character was all but a failer. All he said was his name “Thryn”.
Asked what he was doing in Athkatla, Thryn replied. “I’m here to sell something”.
What this something was Faisal and Xandax didn’t get to know because suddenly there was commotion in the Copper Coronet.
Another cloaked man ran through the bar with a couple of armoured men following him and in the doorway another armoured man lay dying.
Instinctly Xandax drew his sword and readied his shield – then remembering Faisal state he yelled out.
”Faisal get in the corner behind me”
The area was falling apart, all around all the other patrons in the bar was fighting each other, and one of them came menacing towards Xandax and Faisal.
“Don’t kill him” Faisal cried out as he saw Xandax about to charge the man.
Hearing Faisals words, they made perfectly sense to Xandax.
“Of course they would be blamed for the death of this man and properly some of the others if they were to charge.” Xandax though - “Wise kid.”
Using his shield Xandax incapacitated the attacking patron.
The area was starting to calm down a bit, as Xandax examined the body of the dead guard in the doorway. The dead guard had an insignia on his uniform. “Hmm – a black helm, this was the group, Faisal had mentioned” Xandax noticed a dagger on the dead man which he took “Can never get to many weapons” He smiled to himself.
Suddenly another band of adventures were working their way out of the Coronet.
“How about we’s go teach that darkling a lesson, me boys? I’m sure the Black Helm would be paying mighty well for that one’s head on a stick!” One of them said.
”Darkling?” Xandax thought. “A Drow, here?”
“Wait” Xandax called out to the band of adventures. Waiting to see their response.
Xandax lowered his sword, but still wielding it in his hand, just in case of trouble.
[ 07-12-2001: Message edited by: Xandax ]
Insert signature here.
Virdel made his way down the twisting streets of Athkatla with little trouble. He had long lost his pursuers, and was making his way back to his employer, and report the incident with the lone gaurd and Shadow Theives. As he weaved through the streets, not so much running, but almost in a jog, he rubbed the side of his face. He was careless enough to let himself run into a full plate of steel. Not the brightest move. His entire body was aching, not only from the two fights he had, almost consecutivly, but from his carelessness. He would take along time cursing himself over this one.
He came a large, well maintained, building on the corner of the Gate district. He casually aproached the building, and took the brass knocker in hand, and slammed it upon the wooden door. He only waited a few seconds before he heard a response.
"Who're ye?" came the response, somewhat muffled, but audible, even if barely. A grizzled old man poped his head to a slit in the door. Virdel hated dealing with Sadem. Always so uncouth, and vulgur, much different then what this Drow had become.
"Let me in, Sadem." Virdel replied coolly. "I am back from Ferchens's mission."
Sadem looked him over, and his eyes went wide when he saw the bandage on Virdel's arm, and the large bruise over his left eye.
Virdel heard a chuckle, Sadem obviously finding it funny that the dark Elf had been hit. With the chuckling, he heard the wooden door creak open, and the light from inside filled the street. Virdel made his way in, past Sadem, and to a room in the back. In but a few moments time, he was standing before Ferchen, and awaiting to report his mission.
Ferchen looked up from her chair. Her appearance cought Virdel off every time. She looked to much like a debutaunt, and she just didn't look as if she had been an adventurer, and warrior since her early years. Those thoughts quickly faded when he remembered her killing an agent who betrayed her, and the rest of the orgainization. She stood from her chair, and made her way over to Virdel, and stopped just in front of him. The top of her head only reached the tall Elf's chest, but this didn't stop her from being an imposing figure. She stood far enough back, that neither party had to tilt their head to make a eye contact. A pleased smile overcame her face after studying Virdel's grim one.
"So the mission was a success?" Ferchen asked, a question that was always never necessary when it came to the Dark Elf. Not once in his three years of service to her, and her cause had he failed her, in anyway. She turned her head from Virdel's grim expression, and towards his wounded arm. Her smile quickly faded when she saw the bandage. "Your hurt, someone catch you off gaurd?" If anyone either then herself had asked that question, Virdel would've slit their throught. But Fercen was different, more then just an employer to him. She was also the first human to accept him, even though he was Drow. His thoughts were interupted as he felt her soft hands untie the field dressing, and examine the wound.
"It's nothing to be concerned about" Virdel mentioned. He felt Ferchen rub the wound, playing a small game she always did when he came back wounded. She enjoyed this game, and even though Virdel wound never admit it, he did too. "The man you sent me to follow, the one from the Black Helm" Virdel said this with all intention of getting back to buisness. Ferchen got the hint, and released his arm, and took a step back, brushing a bit of her auburn hair out of the way in process. "The Shadow Theives did attack him." Virdel's look then turned to one of confusion. "But the man was not killed. Instead there about eight dead Shadow Theives this night, all killed by one man. I have seen a feat like since I saw the Ranger, Drizzt Do'Urden, in combat."
Ferchen nodded, and turned to a ledger on her desk. She quickly jotted down a few comments, and turned back to Virdel. "Anything else to report?" Virdel nodded, and went into accounts of the cloaked figure he pursued afterwards. Again he earned more nodding, then a smile from Ferchen. "Thank you Virdel. As always, you have been a good agent. You serve the Ranger well." She smiled again, and realized how close this man held on to Drizzt. His obvious hero in life, and his cause for fleeing the Under Dark, and Drow society.
"Okay, Virdel. You may go now. You have Melikki's love. Again, we are sorry to keep you in Athkatla, butwe feel their is some unnatural force in here." Virdel turned, and began to walk out of the room. Ferchen stpped him one last time. "Perhaps one day you'll drop your fighters spirit, and join me... er, us in the Rangers." She smiled, and Virdel left.
@All: So you all know, we are not the only ones reading this. I have recently took it upon myself to submit this, as we go, to [url=""][/url] . I just thought it would be neat to have are game being read as a story, and if anyone has objections, I can easily take it off the site.
He came a large, well maintained, building on the corner of the Gate district. He casually aproached the building, and took the brass knocker in hand, and slammed it upon the wooden door. He only waited a few seconds before he heard a response.
"Who're ye?" came the response, somewhat muffled, but audible, even if barely. A grizzled old man poped his head to a slit in the door. Virdel hated dealing with Sadem. Always so uncouth, and vulgur, much different then what this Drow had become.
"Let me in, Sadem." Virdel replied coolly. "I am back from Ferchens's mission."
Sadem looked him over, and his eyes went wide when he saw the bandage on Virdel's arm, and the large bruise over his left eye.
Virdel heard a chuckle, Sadem obviously finding it funny that the dark Elf had been hit. With the chuckling, he heard the wooden door creak open, and the light from inside filled the street. Virdel made his way in, past Sadem, and to a room in the back. In but a few moments time, he was standing before Ferchen, and awaiting to report his mission.
Ferchen looked up from her chair. Her appearance cought Virdel off every time. She looked to much like a debutaunt, and she just didn't look as if she had been an adventurer, and warrior since her early years. Those thoughts quickly faded when he remembered her killing an agent who betrayed her, and the rest of the orgainization. She stood from her chair, and made her way over to Virdel, and stopped just in front of him. The top of her head only reached the tall Elf's chest, but this didn't stop her from being an imposing figure. She stood far enough back, that neither party had to tilt their head to make a eye contact. A pleased smile overcame her face after studying Virdel's grim one.
"So the mission was a success?" Ferchen asked, a question that was always never necessary when it came to the Dark Elf. Not once in his three years of service to her, and her cause had he failed her, in anyway. She turned her head from Virdel's grim expression, and towards his wounded arm. Her smile quickly faded when she saw the bandage. "Your hurt, someone catch you off gaurd?" If anyone either then herself had asked that question, Virdel would've slit their throught. But Fercen was different, more then just an employer to him. She was also the first human to accept him, even though he was Drow. His thoughts were interupted as he felt her soft hands untie the field dressing, and examine the wound.
"It's nothing to be concerned about" Virdel mentioned. He felt Ferchen rub the wound, playing a small game she always did when he came back wounded. She enjoyed this game, and even though Virdel wound never admit it, he did too. "The man you sent me to follow, the one from the Black Helm" Virdel said this with all intention of getting back to buisness. Ferchen got the hint, and released his arm, and took a step back, brushing a bit of her auburn hair out of the way in process. "The Shadow Theives did attack him." Virdel's look then turned to one of confusion. "But the man was not killed. Instead there about eight dead Shadow Theives this night, all killed by one man. I have seen a feat like since I saw the Ranger, Drizzt Do'Urden, in combat."
Ferchen nodded, and turned to a ledger on her desk. She quickly jotted down a few comments, and turned back to Virdel. "Anything else to report?" Virdel nodded, and went into accounts of the cloaked figure he pursued afterwards. Again he earned more nodding, then a smile from Ferchen. "Thank you Virdel. As always, you have been a good agent. You serve the Ranger well." She smiled again, and realized how close this man held on to Drizzt. His obvious hero in life, and his cause for fleeing the Under Dark, and Drow society.
"Okay, Virdel. You may go now. You have Melikki's love. Again, we are sorry to keep you in Athkatla, butwe feel their is some unnatural force in here." Virdel turned, and began to walk out of the room. Ferchen stpped him one last time. "Perhaps one day you'll drop your fighters spirit, and join me... er, us in the Rangers." She smiled, and Virdel left.
@All: So you all know, we are not the only ones reading this. I have recently took it upon myself to submit this, as we go, to [url=""][/url] . I just thought it would be neat to have are game being read as a story, and if anyone has objections, I can easily take it off the site.
Distracted by the cloaked figure Xandax didn't notice Thryn running after him and was surprised not to see Thryn.
Thryn did not see the figure leave but he had gone, to where he did no know, but he couldn't give chase, the suspicions would grow and that would not be good,
He returned and spoke to The man"You and your friend?Do you know that man I may need to speak to him, by the way what is your name?as I have told I am Thryn i come from reaching wood.I have lied i am not here to sell anything I have some busines with the black helm, i was hunting a mage of theirs he had cursed my forest and held the town near it at ransom he did in the end dispell his foul magic but,"
"Yes"asked fasial
"Many of my fellow elves have been permently cursed and have come for revenge.
Thryn did not see the figure leave but he had gone, to where he did no know, but he couldn't give chase, the suspicions would grow and that would not be good,
He returned and spoke to The man"You and your friend?Do you know that man I may need to speak to him, by the way what is your name?as I have told I am Thryn i come from reaching wood.I have lied i am not here to sell anything I have some busines with the black helm, i was hunting a mage of theirs he had cursed my forest and held the town near it at ransom he did in the end dispell his foul magic but,"
"Yes"asked fasial
"Many of my fellow elves have been permently cursed and have come for revenge.
{OOC: @Magus: Do you have somekind of plan with the encounter of this other adv. band in the copper coronet - because I choose to confront them *duh* - as you can see in my last post
@Aegis: it's okay by me - this "Ficfiction" is this right, because I can't connect to them - I'd think it might be and what is the story called in there?
EDIT: N/M Aegis I found it
EDIT EDIT: Aegis - maybe you should add some spacing in the text - it is imposible to read/make sence of when cramped together like that
[ 07-12-2001: Message edited by: Xandax ]
[ 07-12-2001: Message edited by: Xandax ]
[ 07-12-2001: Message edited by: Xandax ]
@Aegis: it's okay by me - this "Ficfiction" is this right, because I can't connect to them - I'd think it might be and what is the story called in there?
EDIT: N/M Aegis I found it
EDIT EDIT: Aegis - maybe you should add some spacing in the text - it is imposible to read/make sence of when cramped together like that
[ 07-12-2001: Message edited by: Xandax ]
[ 07-12-2001: Message edited by: Xandax ]
[ 07-12-2001: Message edited by: Xandax ]
Insert signature here.
@all: We have a slight time problem, now. Xandax chose to confront the band (which is perfectly alright, I even suggested it), but the band MUST leave before Magus arrives (I have my reasons). So Magus will not arrive until the band leaves. I’ll edit as necessary once we get through the matter.
@Aegis: Cool. Good luck with the editing, though.
BTW, I agree with Xandax. You need some sort of separation between individual posts. You know, like the 5 stars I use to divide my posts whenever I change perspective/location? Otherwise it doesn’t really make sense. Some credits might be nice, if no one minds their screenname being put down. (If that’s completely naive and foolish, please tell me...I’m new to this Internet security thing)
@craig: Your posts are kind of hard to understand. Is English a second language for you? I’m assuming “the man over there” you’re talking about is Magus. If that’s the case, remember that Magus will not appear until the adventuring band leaves.
@Xandax: Do I have a plan? Of course I do...sort of
The adventuring band is not plot critical, if that’s what you mean. Just giving Virdel the hard time he deserves for foolishly letting his identity slip. Well, most of the people in it are not plot critical...
The site our story is posted on is [url=""][/url]
The party stops and turns around. The dwarf sizes up the armor-clad warrior.
“What ye be wanting, mommy’s boy? Speak quickly, or me axe be making a new home in yer head, it will,” the dwarf yells, itching the haft of his red-glowing axe. The others laugh derisively, though the mage remains silent. The assassin begins to creep around to Xandax’s side, unbeknownst to him or Faisal.
The sun peeks over the horizon in Athkatla as a new day begins. As Virdel walks along the dark alleyways, he suddenly sees a flash from a nearby building. Battle cries and an inhuman shriek reach his ears. Curious, he slips over and peeks through a broken window. Inside the darkened building, a dozen hooded figures charge a hideous pit fiend. The thieves move quickly and efficiently, but they look to be no match for the frenzied demon. Before his eyes a thief is gutted on its razor sharp claws. A flick of its wrist sends the corpse crashing through a window right next to Virdel.
@Aegis: You can finish up the battle if you want. No surprises least for the battle itself. I’ll handle the aftermath.
@Xandax: Since this post is reasonably short, I don’t mind posting again today. I’ll check back periodically to see what’s going on. I took a nap so I should be up for a while more.
@Aegis: Cool. Good luck with the editing, though.
@craig: Your posts are kind of hard to understand. Is English a second language for you? I’m assuming “the man over there” you’re talking about is Magus. If that’s the case, remember that Magus will not appear until the adventuring band leaves.
@Xandax: Do I have a plan? Of course I do...sort of
The site our story is posted on is [url=""][/url]
The party stops and turns around. The dwarf sizes up the armor-clad warrior.
“What ye be wanting, mommy’s boy? Speak quickly, or me axe be making a new home in yer head, it will,” the dwarf yells, itching the haft of his red-glowing axe. The others laugh derisively, though the mage remains silent. The assassin begins to creep around to Xandax’s side, unbeknownst to him or Faisal.
The sun peeks over the horizon in Athkatla as a new day begins. As Virdel walks along the dark alleyways, he suddenly sees a flash from a nearby building. Battle cries and an inhuman shriek reach his ears. Curious, he slips over and peeks through a broken window. Inside the darkened building, a dozen hooded figures charge a hideous pit fiend. The thieves move quickly and efficiently, but they look to be no match for the frenzied demon. Before his eyes a thief is gutted on its razor sharp claws. A flick of its wrist sends the corpse crashing through a window right next to Virdel.
@Aegis: You can finish up the battle if you want. No surprises least for the battle itself. I’ll handle the aftermath.
@Xandax: Since this post is reasonably short, I don’t mind posting again today. I’ll check back periodically to see what’s going on. I took a nap so I should be up for a while more.
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
@Aegis: Just another suggestion for when you get around to editing the story. You know how we use UBB code to bolden and italicize some parts? Well, that didn't transfer over when you posted the story. Sometimes it's important for the words to be bolded or italicized. Like when Magus says:
It doesn't really make without bold and italics, even if you are familiar with AD&D. Similarly, when Void talks the italics help you to *feel* his whispery mind speech.
Of course, editing's going to be a real pain, I know. I certainly wouldn't want to do it. So it's your choice if you want to take my advice, or anyone else's for that matter.
It doesn't really make without bold and italics, even if you are familiar with AD&D. Similarly, when Void talks the italics help you to *feel* his whispery mind speech.
Of course, editing's going to be a real pain, I know. I certainly wouldn't want to do it. So it's your choice if you want to take my advice, or anyone else's for that matter.
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
@Magus: Okay, I have taken the advice, and added more of those five star things to seperate the locations/perspectives. I have also added the second "chapter", if you will, to the story. Also, if no one has the objections, I will add your screen names, so you all have do credit. Heh. Magus, is that Dwarf the one I'm thinking he is? I mean, glowing red axe... Sure it shouldn't be hmm... Pink?
Virdel watched the man tossed across the room like a rag doll, and the others valiantly try to fight the creature off. It also notice how futile the task was. A Pit Fiend was no easy battle, and he easily guessed the outcome. The men, regardless of how many, stood little chance of defeating it. Virdel could not deny his instincts here. He did not follow the path of the common Drow, and could not turn his back on these men. He smirked, as he thought about what Ferchen had said about Melikki, and the Rangers.
He hesistated no longer, and drew both scimitars from their scabberds. He glanced quickly at the hilt of Justicar, and checked to make sure the obsidion stone was in place, for he felt he may need it in the common battle. He leapt into the wndowsell he had observed the battle from, and then to the gound in the building. He let out a battle cry, startling the Theives, but no doubt being welcomed by them. They wanted the help, Virdel knew this, and at this point, they did not care of the source.
As Virdel charged into the waiting Pit Fiend, he caressed his tumb of the obsidion stone, bringing to mind the mental image of the Earth. To his side, a pale green mist formed, shrouding everything to his right. A dark form began to materialize beside him, charging as he did. The large Earth Elemental charged headlong into the fight, recognizing the fiend as the obvious threat. The Elemental went right, and Virdel went left.
As Virdel swung hard to the left, his focus on the Pit Fiend's massive arms, he let his scimitars loose a barrage of thrusts, cuts and jabs. His hands became a whur of motion, and the blades became no more then streaks of silvery light. The Pit Fiend Hollowed with rage as he felt the powerful scimitars sig into it's arm, and side. It sawted it's mighty hand down, towards Virdel's body, but was no match for lilthe Drow, as Virdel kicked back, and just out of reach of the unholy creatures attack. Virdel, recovering quickly from the attack, drove Lash Bearer down upon the Fiends fingers, attempting to dismember them from the hand, but to no avail. Virdel, too, had has underestimated the creatures speed, and his weapon only met the solid ground.
Virdel charged in again, this time leaping on the creatures forearm, and gripping on tightly with his legs. He began to slash madly at the arm of the beast, feeling the scmitars slowly hack away at the Fiends strong hide. The Fiend, now truly annoyed, swated at Virdel with his other hand, catching him right in the rib cage. Virdel let out a loud gasp, and sucked his gut in. His legs buckled, and he dropped to the ground, gasping for air to return to his lungs.
The Earth Elemental fared slightly better than Virdel. The Massive chunk of rock swung and batted at the creature with all it's might, ignoring almost anything the creature turned back on it. With Virdel throughly distracting the creature on the other side, the elemental swung it's rocky fist into the Pit Fiends rib cage. The powerful was enough to strike through, and the sounds of bone cracking could be heard under the skin. The Elemental repeated the attack twice more before backing up, and moving to a new approach. When The Pit Fiend saw Virdel dive onto it's arm, it had raised it's right hand to swat at it. The first time, the Elemental caught it, and attempted to crush it's wrist. It had broken free with a twist of his arm, and with the strength possed by the Fiend, it had removed one of the Elementals mighty arms in the process, then went bck, and swated Virdel off it. The Elemental continued it's attack regardless, charging headlong into the melee again, raising it's lone fist to jaw level of the beast. With one mighty swing, the Elemental tore the jaw of the beast off, sending a wave of putrid smelling blood across the floor, with the bone and jaw alongside.
The Theives, having backed off to watch the impressive Drow work, had seen the him get hit by the beast. They had also seen the Elemental remove it's jaw, distracting it long enough for of the braver men to go and retrieve Virdel from the fate the Fiend had in store. The Valiant fight had also raised their spirits, and their courage, and they again attacked the weakend Fiend. A wave of blade and arrow could be seen striking the Fiend, which could no longer withstand the attack, and after a few more minutes of fighting, the Pit Fiend gave out one last sigh, and collapsed to the ground, dead.
By now, Virdel had regained his breath. He stood, albeit rather shakily, and retreived his fallen weapons. He also commanded the Elemental to return to the earth. He looked around at the carnage wreaked by the monster. Five of the twelve theives had been slain, and three more were wounded. Virdel now had a nasty bruise, and possibly a broken rib to add to his growing list of injuries from the past two days. He approached, who he assumed, to be the leader of this group of Theives.
"Where did this Fiend come from" Virdel questioned, still breathing heavily. He placed his swords away, and straightend up, and looked directly at the man...
@Magus: At leave it their for you, because something tells me you had an alterior motive for that Fiend.
Virdel watched the man tossed across the room like a rag doll, and the others valiantly try to fight the creature off. It also notice how futile the task was. A Pit Fiend was no easy battle, and he easily guessed the outcome. The men, regardless of how many, stood little chance of defeating it. Virdel could not deny his instincts here. He did not follow the path of the common Drow, and could not turn his back on these men. He smirked, as he thought about what Ferchen had said about Melikki, and the Rangers.
He hesistated no longer, and drew both scimitars from their scabberds. He glanced quickly at the hilt of Justicar, and checked to make sure the obsidion stone was in place, for he felt he may need it in the common battle. He leapt into the wndowsell he had observed the battle from, and then to the gound in the building. He let out a battle cry, startling the Theives, but no doubt being welcomed by them. They wanted the help, Virdel knew this, and at this point, they did not care of the source.
As Virdel charged into the waiting Pit Fiend, he caressed his tumb of the obsidion stone, bringing to mind the mental image of the Earth. To his side, a pale green mist formed, shrouding everything to his right. A dark form began to materialize beside him, charging as he did. The large Earth Elemental charged headlong into the fight, recognizing the fiend as the obvious threat. The Elemental went right, and Virdel went left.
As Virdel swung hard to the left, his focus on the Pit Fiend's massive arms, he let his scimitars loose a barrage of thrusts, cuts and jabs. His hands became a whur of motion, and the blades became no more then streaks of silvery light. The Pit Fiend Hollowed with rage as he felt the powerful scimitars sig into it's arm, and side. It sawted it's mighty hand down, towards Virdel's body, but was no match for lilthe Drow, as Virdel kicked back, and just out of reach of the unholy creatures attack. Virdel, recovering quickly from the attack, drove Lash Bearer down upon the Fiends fingers, attempting to dismember them from the hand, but to no avail. Virdel, too, had has underestimated the creatures speed, and his weapon only met the solid ground.
Virdel charged in again, this time leaping on the creatures forearm, and gripping on tightly with his legs. He began to slash madly at the arm of the beast, feeling the scmitars slowly hack away at the Fiends strong hide. The Fiend, now truly annoyed, swated at Virdel with his other hand, catching him right in the rib cage. Virdel let out a loud gasp, and sucked his gut in. His legs buckled, and he dropped to the ground, gasping for air to return to his lungs.
The Earth Elemental fared slightly better than Virdel. The Massive chunk of rock swung and batted at the creature with all it's might, ignoring almost anything the creature turned back on it. With Virdel throughly distracting the creature on the other side, the elemental swung it's rocky fist into the Pit Fiends rib cage. The powerful was enough to strike through, and the sounds of bone cracking could be heard under the skin. The Elemental repeated the attack twice more before backing up, and moving to a new approach. When The Pit Fiend saw Virdel dive onto it's arm, it had raised it's right hand to swat at it. The first time, the Elemental caught it, and attempted to crush it's wrist. It had broken free with a twist of his arm, and with the strength possed by the Fiend, it had removed one of the Elementals mighty arms in the process, then went bck, and swated Virdel off it. The Elemental continued it's attack regardless, charging headlong into the melee again, raising it's lone fist to jaw level of the beast. With one mighty swing, the Elemental tore the jaw of the beast off, sending a wave of putrid smelling blood across the floor, with the bone and jaw alongside.
The Theives, having backed off to watch the impressive Drow work, had seen the him get hit by the beast. They had also seen the Elemental remove it's jaw, distracting it long enough for of the braver men to go and retrieve Virdel from the fate the Fiend had in store. The Valiant fight had also raised their spirits, and their courage, and they again attacked the weakend Fiend. A wave of blade and arrow could be seen striking the Fiend, which could no longer withstand the attack, and after a few more minutes of fighting, the Pit Fiend gave out one last sigh, and collapsed to the ground, dead.
By now, Virdel had regained his breath. He stood, albeit rather shakily, and retreived his fallen weapons. He also commanded the Elemental to return to the earth. He looked around at the carnage wreaked by the monster. Five of the twelve theives had been slain, and three more were wounded. Virdel now had a nasty bruise, and possibly a broken rib to add to his growing list of injuries from the past two days. He approached, who he assumed, to be the leader of this group of Theives.
"Where did this Fiend come from" Virdel questioned, still breathing heavily. He placed his swords away, and straightend up, and looked directly at the man...
@Magus: At leave it their for you, because something tells me you had an alterior motive for that Fiend.
“What ye be wanting, mommy’s boy? Speak quickly, or me axe be making a new home in yer head, it will” the dwarf called out.
Xandax concentrated on finding a useful strategy.
”I don’t want to fight you, Sir” Xandax said carmly while taking his sword in his left hand and sneaking the dagger previously owned by the dead guard in the doorway down into his right hand.
“I just would like to know – what, if anything, you know about this supposed Drow and what he might be doing in the city and what is your interest in him.”
“I got to bide time, they need to get restless” Xandax thought. “The mage is the threat, he got to go down first – and quickly”
{OOC: well it seems there is also timing problems with Thryn and his return to Copper Coronet, it seems he has to return after the "showdown" with this
[ 07-13-2001: Message edited by: Xandax ]
Xandax concentrated on finding a useful strategy.
”I don’t want to fight you, Sir” Xandax said carmly while taking his sword in his left hand and sneaking the dagger previously owned by the dead guard in the doorway down into his right hand.
“I just would like to know – what, if anything, you know about this supposed Drow and what he might be doing in the city and what is your interest in him.”
“I got to bide time, they need to get restless” Xandax thought. “The mage is the threat, he got to go down first – and quickly”
{OOC: well it seems there is also timing problems with Thryn and his return to Copper Coronet, it seems he has to return after the "showdown" with this
[ 07-13-2001: Message edited by: Xandax ]
Insert signature here.
@Aegis: Heh heh, just met up with Drizzt’s party a couple of hours ago. Let’s just say they’ve been...disposed of
Got some great mithril plate from you know who. But no, the dwarf isn’t Bruenor. You might have noticed he’s a bit too bloodthirsty to be Bruenor. And he travels with a cleric of Cyric, which the good old Bruenor would never do.
The thief leader, grateful for the assistance, decides to indulge the stranger, drow though he be. “We came here to hit our target, one of those arrogant Cowled Bastards. But seems like he was waiting for us. Soon as we breached the place, he summons up that there Pit Fiend. He doesn’t even stick around to watch, just teleports off, laughing all the way. Must have though we’s as good as dead, and we surely were. Must not have counted on you coming along. Who are you, drow, to be helping us strangers?”
“That’s none of your concern. Just be grateful for your life this day. Not many face a dreaded pit fiend and live to tell the tale.”
“As you say, stranger. Off we are then. Come my boys, and let us leave this tomb. Don’t forget your comrades weapons and armor, for the Bloodscalp doesn’t take kindly to waste.” The thieves collect the arms of their fallen, then start to the door.
The Cowled Wizard watched as the drow turned the tide of the battle, slaying the gated pit fiend. The Shadow Thieves had thought he teleported away, but actually he used a Shadow Door spell to slip aside and observe his handiwork.
Damn that drow, he thought. He would pay dearly for crossing the Cowled Wizards...but first, he had a task to complete...
A fireball comes out of nowhere, blasting right into the middle of the astonished thieves. The searing heat devours flesh and armor both. Virdel manages to roll away mostly unscathed, being farther away. He spots a blurred form just before it teleports away, for real this time. Rubbing his singed skin, he knows he’s made some powerful enemies this day.
The thief leader, grateful for the assistance, decides to indulge the stranger, drow though he be. “We came here to hit our target, one of those arrogant Cowled Bastards. But seems like he was waiting for us. Soon as we breached the place, he summons up that there Pit Fiend. He doesn’t even stick around to watch, just teleports off, laughing all the way. Must have though we’s as good as dead, and we surely were. Must not have counted on you coming along. Who are you, drow, to be helping us strangers?”
“That’s none of your concern. Just be grateful for your life this day. Not many face a dreaded pit fiend and live to tell the tale.”
“As you say, stranger. Off we are then. Come my boys, and let us leave this tomb. Don’t forget your comrades weapons and armor, for the Bloodscalp doesn’t take kindly to waste.” The thieves collect the arms of their fallen, then start to the door.
The Cowled Wizard watched as the drow turned the tide of the battle, slaying the gated pit fiend. The Shadow Thieves had thought he teleported away, but actually he used a Shadow Door spell to slip aside and observe his handiwork.
Damn that drow, he thought. He would pay dearly for crossing the Cowled Wizards...but first, he had a task to complete...
A fireball comes out of nowhere, blasting right into the middle of the astonished thieves. The searing heat devours flesh and armor both. Virdel manages to roll away mostly unscathed, being farther away. He spots a blurred form just before it teleports away, for real this time. Rubbing his singed skin, he knows he’s made some powerful enemies this day.
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?