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Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 12:54 pm
by Siberys
I'm not sure if Westan knows our characters and consequently may not be able to just join us. Though, I could have missed something in the plethora of text in the campaign thread, so if he does know our, or at least your character, then yeah we can wait.
Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 1:04 pm
by malinzaro
Annette wrote:Sure, malinzaro. For simplicity's sake, you came into the inn right after Shar'ra's conversation with the half orc, so you didn't hear that part. I realize that it would probably make more sense for Shar'ra to have arrived last, since she wandered around the city for a bit, but I think it'll be easier for everyone if we assume the posts are for the most part in chronological order unless otherwise noted (for example, in the post I just made in the Campaign thread, I mentioned that Elliah is a few minutes behind everyone else.)
And your suggestion is a good one. Like I said back when we started, I've never been involved in a forum-based game before, so I'm very open to suggestions right now.
Thank you Annette for your explanations! As you have thought I presumed I did heard the discussion between Shar'ra and the half orc. Either way I believe it doesn't matter much now.
I am trying to improve our experience and make it as smooth as possible though I notice I am a bit out of schedule compared to Siberys and Moogleman.
Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 3:42 pm
by Moogleman
That's probably my fault, I've been posting whenever I can but I'll slow down. I thought since I did so poor on my knowledge(history) check (I rolled a 1

) it would be best to find out the stuff your characters already know as fast as I can.
Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 3:51 pm
by Annette
No problem, things are bound to be a bit out of sync considering our time zones. Really, Ellie and Siberys are at an advantage, since the three of us are all in the same time zone (I KNEW knowing those would come in handy...), so I'm able to move the game along while they're active. You're pretty much on the same timeline as Moogleman and Siberys now, though. It's just Ellie who's a bit behind.
Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 4:43 pm
by Siberys
With being out of sync, that's another advantage of this thread as it doesn't rely on the timespan in the game. It assumes that if we have a conversation in a bar, no matter how little or how much we say to each other, the amount of time that passes in the game will be the same.
Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 9:04 am
by Annette
Since everyone is either engaging or about to engage in conversation, do you guys think it might be worthwhile to arrange a time when we can all be active? Otherwise, our sporadic post times could make this take days...
Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 9:19 am
by malinzaro
Annette wrote:Since everyone is either engaging or about to engage in conversation, do you guys think it might be worthwhile to arrange a time when we can all be active? Otherwise, our sporadic post times could make this take days...
Usually this is how the things go when we talk about play by post, though during weekend I might be available at strange hours too. But this also depends on the others and their schedule. Just a reminder I am GMT+2.
Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 11:05 am
by Siberys
That is also correct, though as far as I am aware no one knows who actually built this tombs, their purpose or what they might hold within them. I for sure don't want to spend more than necessary in this tight ass city. Is there anything that worries you about them?
"What worries me is the desecration of this tomb and a queen who willingly lets this happen, it's a major disturbance to be sure, regardless of who built the tombs."
I step up for a moment, noticing the strange dwarven girl with the even stranger animal seemingly attached to her shoulders. I walk over and introduce myself.
"Excuse me, I couldn't help but notice you from earlier. With a creature as foreign to the desert as that, might I assume you've had your fair share of travels?
If so, I'd like to request your opinion on the matter of these tombs. Would you care to join us?"
Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 5:57 pm
by MistSonata
Elliah watched the serving girl leave her presence, only to have another take her place. She didn't recognize the race that she came from, but she took care to not to draw attention to it, lest she offend.
"Excuse me, I couldn't help but notice you from earlier. With a creature as foreign to the desert as that, might I assume you've had your fair share of travels?
"You would be correct, m'lady. I've known little else since I was very small." she said, smiling wryly to her tressym, and reaching down to gently stroke her coat.
If so, I'd like to request your opinion on the matter of these tombs. Would you care to join us?"
"I'm afraid I must disappoint you, m'lady. The breadth of my knowledge on tombs—particularly in such foreign lands—is rather thin. I will join you, however." she said, standing with a small grunt, "I've been drawn into the politics of this city not an 'alf hours glance from arriving at the gate. Seems that there's no use trying to avoid it."
She took her backpack and moved to the next table over, nodding to Ehren as she sat down. Aesenyth following after her with one deft jump from one table to the other, her wide yellow eyes trained on Ehren as she curled up on the table in front of her master once more, almost as if guarding her. "By the way, good ser," she finally said to Ehren, "I don't mean to alarm you, but the guard who took your weapon at the gate wasn't a guard at all. I do not think they mean to return it either."
Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 6:35 pm
by Siberys
"Currently I've discussed the possibility with Ehren here of taking up a dispute as to why raiding and desecrating a tomb would ever be allowed. Apparently the queen herself allowed this.
Combine that with the knowledge of the guards you just gave us, perhaps this goes politically deeper than expected.
My personal current course of action is to question the adventurer's guildmaster as to why this is going on, Ehren has already stated he felt the same. Perhaps you and Westan here should join us, maybe the four of us can help coerce him into shedding some light on this situation."
Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 6:56 pm
by Moogleman
Ehren smiled at the dwarf as she joined the table, giving her small companion a quizical glance at her interest.
"By the way, good ser," she finally said to Ehren, "I don't mean to alarm you, but the guard who took your weapon at the gate wasn't a guard at all. I do not think they mean to return it either."
His heart stopped. You fool, he thought, so wrapped up in your sulking when you should be paying attention. This is a foreign land and you hand over The Temperate Star to the first person that asks for it, without even taking his name. "What?" He gasped. "Please, what I have lost is more than a mere a weapon to me, you must tell me all you know!" His eyes blazed with a shameful fury.
Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 7:04 pm
by Siberys
I look over at Ehren who is distraught with fury at this point. "Calm yourself, your weapon is taken, not destroyed.
It is no trifle getting it back, by force or not." My lips smoulder with a hint of fire and heat while my eyes glow bright red as I state this.
Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 7:17 pm
by MistSonata
Aesenyth half sprung to her feet, hissing at Ehren and flaring her wings outward as he stood and seemingly threatened her master. "Calm, Aesenyth," she said soothingly in Druidic, scratching behind the tressym's ears, "he means no harm." Once sated, she lies down once more, folding her wings to her body. Her eyes, however, stayed on Ehren.
"Take comfort then, human, for it would seem that fortune smiles upon you. After some negotiation with the men, I learned that they are loyalists plotting to unseat the queen through a rebellion. They took your weapons to arm their men, so there's a good chance that they are safe where they are. Also," she said, pulling the piece of parchment that the man gave her out of her shrouds, "he was kind enough to give me an address where I might contact him."
Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 7:26 pm
by Siberys
"It does not matter the intent young one," Shar'ra turns to the dwarf. "It is not theirs to take and use as they please, regardless of who or what cause they are loyal to.
In a commerce town, one would expect ownership to be quite prevalent."
Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 7:54 pm
by Moogleman
Ehren spared the Asherati a look, the glimpse of fire seeping into her features clearing his head a little. His attention returned to the dwarf and after hearing her say she had an address for the pseudo gaurd he was focused once again. Banashing thoughts of charging off into the night, although only just, he sighed and said, "There is nought to be done tonight. Even if I were to get it back tonight I can't carry it on my person whilst in the city anyway." He turned to Shar'ra,"I'm sorry, I know I said I would accompany you to the Adventurers guild on the morrow but I must retrieve my weapon."
Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 7:58 pm
by Siberys
"That may be dangerous my friend, so I ask that you allow me to accompany you.
I want to get to the bottom of this as well, perhaps this new course will lead me to my answers anyway."
Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 8:57 pm
by malinzaro
Westan watched Elliah unfold her side of the story with great surprise and as she finished he suddenly stroke the table with his fist making the glasses cling,
We should go and see the Adventurer's Guildmaster at once. Afterwards we might want to take a visit at that address and pay the guards a quick visit.
His eyes return to Ehren,
Don't worry! We will recover your weapon friend. I understand this is an important item to you. May I ask why?
Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 9:49 pm
by Siberys
So what exactly are we doing, we've kinda flip flopped around a bit.
If westan is going to confront the guards, which I still think is a dangerous and currently unnecessary idea, I'm going with him but if we're going to the adventurer's guildmaster, I'm going there.
Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 11:21 pm
by malinzaro
Well, just to make things a bit clearer, Westan wants to join the Adventurer's Guildmaster meeting since he is a person avid for knowledge and he is interested in the tombs and what they might hide, on the other hand he sympathize with Ethran and his wish to obtain his special mace back, so he would help him out.
Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 4:00 am
by Siberys
Wait, sorry, my mistake. I keep confusing characters to players.
It sounds as if Ehren and I are going to confront guards, so what are westan and elliah doing?