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Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 2:32 pm
by Annette
Siberys wrote:Cool, I'll look over the whole thing later but as for your backstory, I'm curious what you'd like to know?
I've pretty much given out any information I can think of and short of the final titan (which will include underdark information), I'm not sure what else to tell you. So...anything in particular you're looking for?
Well, if there's nothing else, then I'll go ahead and write it. I was sort of curious about the city of Rhodes, though. Who inhabits it? Are there power struggles? Who rules? That sort of thing.
By the way, I updated my character sheet to show that I worship Fos.
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 2:53 pm
by Siberys
Well, if there's nothing else, then I'll go ahead and write it.
Sorry, didn't mean it like there was nothing else. Giving out ample information about a brand new world is an abstract idea and rather hard to think of one particular relevant thing to say.
I was sort of curious about the city of Rhodes, though. Who inhabits it? Are there power struggles? Who rules? That sort of thing.
Who- Underdark and Surfacer alike.
Demographics include:
Humans 25%
Elves (including underdark) 21%
Gnomes (including underdark) 20%
Dwarves (including underdark) 17%
Halflings 13%
Orcs (including underdark) 4%
Other (including underdark) 2%
The city is a huge metropolis (roughly 600 square miles) with about 600,000 denizens (1200 people per square mile).
The government type is a six pointed council acting as a democracy. Six ambassadors to each titan, all quite powerful as they are intelligent, representing the ideals and beliefs of their citizens.
Segregationists of titans are looked down upon and not allowed to vote, this includes anyone who does not receive a titans blessing even if they do worship one.
The system is simple. Once every 10 years, a campaign is held for 18 champions of the titans, 3 for each. Voters must present their mark of their worshipped titan, and are only allowed to vote for champions of said titan (i.e. those who worship Skia won't be able to vote for any Champions of any other titan than Skia). The champions demonstrate their power, their intellect and their rationality to the people in a one month event. At the end of the month, one of each champion of the six sets will win their place as an Ambassador.
Any Ambassador who wishes to run again as a champion of their titan after a ten year period may do so as many times as he wishes.
The oldest and longest running Ambassador is Drikki Pyrfeet, a middle aged dwarf on his eighth term who worships Pyrkagia.
There are often athiest insurrectionists who pop up every now and then demanding their right to be heard but are often too radical to be kept alive and are publically executed for their crimes.
Some people, even titan worshipers, question the fairness of this law though, and demand that the crimes they commit be public. To this day, not one crime has ever been made public.
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 7:57 pm
by Treblin
Siberys wrote:Glad to see you're willing to join Treblin.
I will point out that there are a lot of issues with your character sheet.
First, you've spent too many points in the point buy.
STR-10 (2)
DEX-16 (10)
CON-16 (10)
INT-10 (2)
WIS-14 (6)
CHA-10 (2)
This adds up to 32 points and you only have 28 points to spend.
Apparantley it does, first time doing a point buy system, the one i googled displayed the above as 28, not a problem.
Siberys wrote:Secondly-
Attack- Masterwork Longsword +6 (3 DEX+2 BAB + 1MW)
Attack- Longbow +5/+6 (3DEX+2BAB +1w/ MW arrows) (50 MW arrows)
Attack- Masterwork Warhammer +6 (3 DEX+2 BAB + 1MW)
Longswords and Warhammers do not gain benefits from weapon finesse. You'll have to use your strength modifier for these weapons, or another weapon entirely to use weapon finesse.
Light weapons, Rapier, whip, Spiked Chain, and Unarmed Strike are the weapons that function with weapon finesse.
I am aware of this, I actually did the weapons before I selected my feats, was going to be part of the cleanup process.
Siberys wrote:Third, you've spent 14 skill points and only have 12.
3 in Tumble counts as 6 for cross class, +4 from intimidate, +2 from listen and +2 from spot.
Oversight, thanks for pointing that out.
Siberys wrote:Fourth, you only get one language, Common. Your intelligence is 10 so no bonus languages.
Unfortunatley you've lost me on this one, I was always under the impression that Common was an automatic language, and your character gets a minimum of 1 and no bonus for intellegence due to the modifier, however I may be thinking of Forgotten Realms, needless to say, I have no issue with speaking only Common
Siberys wrote:Finally, and I don't mean to be offensive about this, I just wanna make sure this is what you want to do. Are you sure you want to have a carbon copy character from Anette? I mean, to me, choosing the same obscure, homebrew customized race as another player seems rather...odd. Same race, same alignment, nearly the same hair features; I have no problem with this but I just want to make sure it's what you want.
No offense taken, Once Anette questioned about Silverbrows being allowed I was actually quite excited, as the benefit of having both the bonus feat and feather falling ability is quite situationaly useful, If you'd prefer to have everyones race different, I'm not opposed to switching to a Strongheart Halfling. The hair style simularity was intentional, I liked the idea of the silver streaks, shrug. I'll have the reworked sheet done tonight, hopefuly more to your tastes.
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 8:48 pm
by Siberys
Unfortunatley you've lost me on this one, I was always under the impression that Common was an automatic language, and your character gets a minimum of 1 and no bonus for intellegence due to the modifier, however I may be thinking of Forgotten Realms, needless to say, I have no issue with speaking only Common
Unfortunately, no.
The way languages work is based on your race first.
At character creation, you gain all automatic languages. For humans, this is Common only. You can then select a series of bonus languages for each point of intelligence from the race list alone. There is the exception of druids adding druidic to automatic known and sorcerers adding Draconic to bonus languages at character creation.
The only way to gain any other languages not on your race, such as Auran, Aquan, is through the skill Speak Language.
No offense taken, Once Anette questioned about Silverbrows being allowed I was actually quite excited, as the benefit of having both the bonus feat and feather falling ability is quite situationaly useful, If you'd prefer to have everyones race different, I'm not opposed to switching to a Strongheart Halfling. The hair style simularity was intentional, I liked the idea of the silver streaks, shrug. I'll have the reworked sheet done tonight, hopefuly more to your tastes.
No no, not at all. You are more than welcome to be a silverbrow human if you like.
I'll be honest with you, and this is biased I realize but it's why I asked in the first place. When a new member with only a couple of posts basically copies a character and makes minor changes, it looks as if they don't know how to play the game very well, and don't care to learn other features to the game. (Kind of like the episode of south park with world of warcraft where Butters started playing WoW for the first time and just -happened- to make the exact same character as Cartman down to facial features and hair).
Hence why I asked. Now that you've made it clear you do know what you're doing and know the rules of the game, I have no issues with your decision.
One other note.
I noticed you put Aera as who you're worshiping on there. Just keep in mind that she is probably the most complicated and difficult Titan to worship. As long as your up for that, by all means.
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:54 pm
by Treblin
Siberys wrote:Unfortunately, no.
The way languages work is based on your race first.
At character creation, you gain all automatic languages. For humans, this is Common only. You can then select a series of bonus languages for each point of intelligence from the race list alone. There is the exception of druids adding druidic to automatic known and sorcerers adding Draconic to bonus languages at character creation.
The only way to gain any other languages not on your race, such as Auran, Aquan, is through the skill Speak Language.
That's not a problem, I'll chalk that up to a houserule, since 3rd edition was released my group has always interpreted it as I stated.
Siberys wrote:No no, not at all. You are more than welcome to be a silverbrow human if you like.
I'll be honest with you, and this is biased I realize but it's why I asked in the first place. When a new member with only a couple of posts basically copies a character and makes minor changes, it looks as if they don't know how to play the game very well, and don't care to learn other features to the game. (Kind of like the episode of south park with world of warcraft where Butters started playing WoW for the first time and just -happened- to make the exact same character as Cartman down to facial features and hair).
Love that episode lol...
Siberys wrote:Hence why I asked. Now that you've made it clear you do know what you're doing and know the rules of the game, I have no issues with your decision.
I understand completely, I've been playing for 15+ years now no less than once a week, I've never played online however, that part is completely new to me, I just started seeking this out as an alternative over the past week.
Siberys wrote:One other note.
I noticed you put Aera as who you're worshiping on there. Just keep in mind that she is probably the most complicated and difficult Titan to worship. As long as your up for that, by all means.
This part I'm actually psyched up about, of all the Titans Aera by far was a standout choice for me, it's also how I decided upon my alignment.
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:56 pm
by Siberys
Mmk, I've looked over your sheet Annette, just a couple of things-
Detect Magic
Inspirational Boost
Silent Image
Remember that you have spells known and spells per day. You know six 0th level spells and 3 first level spells (meaning you can choose 3 more 0th level spells and 1 more first level spell to add to your repertoire).
Chain Shirt+1 (1100 GP)
Remember that all weapons and armor that become magical are automatically considered masterwork.
So the cost of this would be 100 for the chain shirt + 150 for masterwork armor + 1000 for +1 enhancement, totaling 1250.
Also a small suggestion. Your character would likely benefit from Alchemical Weapon Capsules quite well (Complete Adventurer Pg. 121).
Other than that, your character sheet looks fine.
Characters are automatically considered to have their blessings at the start of the game with 3 months remaining before your worship duties are needed if it is a once a year basis.
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:58 pm
by Siberys
That's not a problem, I'll chalk that up to a houserule, since 3rd edition was released my group has always interpreted it as I stated.
It's not a house rule. It's the way the game works in 3.5.
Speak Language ::
Anyway, we're good then. I've no other issues with your character other than the technical ones that may accidentally occur.
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:42 pm
by Treblin
I meant a houserule on my end, I had already looked it up after you brought it up originally, you were correct as stated

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:00 pm
by Siberys
AH, my mistake.
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:48 am
by Treblin
Cleaned up Character Sheet for approval, once approved I will complete the Background/Personality sections. [url=""][/url]
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 1:56 am
by Siberys
You've still spent 30 points in your point buy out of the 28 you have.
I also saw you have a spellbook. Unless you're planning on multiclassing into wizard, you don't need one for your spells as you don't have spells known.
Lastly, just remember that your two domain spells function like normal domain spells do. I.e., as a cleric you gain one bonus domain spell to prepare for the day so you can only prepare either cause fear or color spray, not both (I figure you prolly knew this).
Otherwise, I see no real major errors with your sheet.
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 2:45 am
by malinzaro
I am quite new so please correct me if I am wrong, but I spotted the following errors in Orelios's sheet:
1. Disguise is a class skill as per silverbrow human;
2. 1 feat is missing. Should be 2 feats for level 1 and 3, 2 feats for the fighter levels and 1 for being human for a total of 5 feats;
3. Items that are in haversack have no weight except the sack itself;
4. Some things missing like speed or weight for armor/shield, but that is not a huge blunder.
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 4:42 am
by Stworca
(i.e. not people who are "thinking about joining the game").
I wonder who might that be. Since it's just one person, you could name it directly.
At any rate, i am back with questions three :
- What became of Tharizdun? The imprisoned "uber-god"? I'm asking because since you've stated that :
"When St. Cuthbert sought retribution against his fallen Comrades, he challenged the titan in person. The battle lasted for twenty-seven days straight with the two evenly matched warriors. It came down to grit, determination, and luck and Pyrkagia was luckier."
and Tharizdun.. well, i guess you know his story. All other gods united to imprison him, and he still has slain some. His Imprisonment is unlikely to ever end, but i am curious if you had played some Spartan-Scenario with him and titans.
Yes, i am just now poking your plots eye with a stick, but i am always curious about my favorite deity, and depending on the response - to the "people who are thinking about joining" - i may influence the biography with big T.
- Do you have a solid story / reason to bind the characters together, or will we have to come up with our own backstories explaining a holy paladin crusader working toe to toe with a bloodthirsty assassin and paladin-slayer?
- What?
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 10:47 am
by Siberys
I wonder who might that be. Since it's just one person, you could name it directly.
You weren't the only one. A few other contacted me via PM and Instant Messenger.
- What became of Tharizdun? The imprisoned "uber-god"? I'm asking because since you've stated that : "When St. Cuthbert sought retribution against his fallen Comrades, he challenged the titan in person. The battle lasted for twenty-seven days straight with the two evenly matched warriors. It came down to grit, determination, and luck and Pyrkagia was luckier."
and Tharizdun.. well, i guess you know his story. All other gods united to imprison him, and he still has slain some. His Imprisonment is unlikely to ever end, but i am curious if you had played some Spartan-Scenario with him and titans.
I've never really heard of Tharizdun, and I'm basically just going to say he doesn't and has never existed in my game.
- Do you have a solid story / reason to bind the characters together, or will we have to come up with our own backstories explaining a holy paladin crusader working toe to toe with a bloodthirsty assassin and paladin-slayer?
I'll give you all several ways to join each other, it's up to you to make it happen though.
1. Disguise is a class skill as per silverbrow human;
He's got that on his sheet. All the unchecked boxes in skills indicate class skills. (And yeah, I know it's weired that -unchecked- boxes are class skills and not cross class, but apparently it's the way these sheets work

2. 1 feat is missing. Should be 2 feats for level 1 and 3, 2 feats for the fighter levels and 1 for being human for a total of 5 feats;
Indeed, thanks for catching that.
Treblin, you do indeed have an extra feat. 1 for first level, 1 for human, 1 for fighter. You've only spent your human and fighter feat, not your first level one.
3. Items that are in haversack have no weight except the sack itself;
Also very true. Good catch.
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 10:55 am
by malinzaro
Siberys wrote:...
He's got that on his sheet. All the unchecked boxes in skills indicate class skills. (And yeah, I know it's weired that -unchecked- boxes are class skills and not cross class, but apparently it's the way these sheets work

Sorry about that! My bad
I am used with the sheets hosted on the site I use and the checked boxes are class skills. Should have paid more attention, but this is why we can all look at the sheets and spot eventual problems. It is important that in the end everything goes well.
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:04 pm
by Treblin
Siberys wrote:You've still spent 30 points in your point buy out of the 28 you have.
I need to stop doing this at 3am, fixed.
Siberys wrote:I also saw you have a spellbook. Unless you're planning on multiclassing into wizard, you don't need one for your spells as you don't have spells known.
This is actually for adventure journaling and mapping in game, more of a roleplay item, no intentions in having wizard levels...
Siberys wrote:Lastly, just remember that your two domain spells function like normal domain spells do. I.e., as a cleric you gain one bonus domain spell to prepare for the day so you can only prepare either cause fear or color spray, not both (I figure you prolly knew this).
I'm aware, they are there for a reminder, not as being prepared.
Thanks for the catch on the feat, and yes that's how the sheet works unchecked are class skills, it seemed odd to me as well but it works.
The item weights are stated for compleness and not neccesarily to be taken into account for the total weight carried, effectively all items current listed in the sack have a total combined weight of 5lbs, that of the bag itself.
The 2 side pouches of the sack hold 20lbs and/or 2cu. ft. each. The main pouch 80 lbs and/or 8 cu.ft.
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:06 pm
by Siberys
This is actually for adventure journaling and mapping in game, more of a roleplay item, no intentions in having wizard levels...
Alrighty then (if you want you can rename it to "Blank book" instead of spellbook and treat it as the same price, if that'll make it easier on you).
Otherwise, your character sheet is golden. Can't wait for the chaotic background to follow

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 8:33 pm
by Annette
Siberys wrote:
Remember that you have spells known and spells per day. You know six 0th level spells and 3 first level spells (meaning you can choose 3 more 0th level spells and 1 more first level spell to add to your repertoire).
Whoops, I think I took a break midway through and forgot to continue. My bad entirely.
Remember that all weapons and armor that become magical are automatically considered masterwork.
I actually didn't know that, thanks.
Also a small suggestion. Your character would likely benefit from Alchemical Weapon Capsules quite well (Complete Adventurer Pg. 121).
I don't think so. I'm terrible when it comes to limited-use items; I always say "But I should save it for when I REALLY need it," which ends up being never.
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 8:42 pm
by Siberys
Yeah, I've done that myself, save something for when I really need it but never use it.
Anyway, both characters are perfect otherwise.
Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 1:23 am
by malinzaro
I am not sure if you would allow (or if the party would agree), considering the destructed world setting, a character that would be a CN dread necromancer with the necropolitan template. I was thinking of some tank type (high HP, DR, self healing in the front while dealing damage and top of the cherry some nice spells to go with a great RP value) and not much on giving you headaches with summons. I don't know how viable this is so I am looking forward to any advices.
Let me know what you think. Suggestions on playing this or an entirely different character but keeping most of the ideas above are welcome.