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Reccomend a science fiction cRPG to me

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Post by GawainBS »

If you're going for Dawn of War: Only II plays like an action RPG. First part is a good RTS, mind.
I don't think your system is strong enough to enjoy DE:HR, but I just got a new one, so I might err on the side of caution.
AP was smooth for me too, but I've heard about some ugly bugs with the camera. Never experienced them.
Be careful, New Vegas still is FO3's engine and most of the mechanics.
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Post by Scottg »

Myrr Disparo wrote: I've been playing Jade Empire, by the way. Really nice game. Not exactly what I wanted, but, nice nonetheless. least one of my suggestions is turning out well (..if not SciFi).

Makes me :) that you are having some fun!

BTW, my guess is that Deus Ex HR will struggle with your machine.. unless the resolution is kept fairly low. My guess is that 720P should work well, and perhaps even 1600X1200.
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Post by Ares2382 »

Myrr Disparo wrote:Deus Ex: Human Revolution I'm almost convinced I should buy, just because the game looks awesome and I want people designing awesome games to stay in business. On the other hand, I want to be able to play said awesome games if I own them. I wish there was a demo or something like that. I have an Intel Core2 Quad CPU at 2,40 Ghz, 4 Gigs of RAM and a Radeon HD 6670 video card, would that be anywhere near the requisites to play it reasonably smoothly and not looking like ass?
go to this website, and it'll tell you if you can run it. Can You Run It?
Myrr Disparo wrote: So, Fallout: New Vegas is good if you liked the original Fallouts? Because, as I have said, I loved them. However, I despised Fallout 3. To the point that sometimes, while playing it, I wished I was playing Oblivion. Oblivion, for crying out loud! Do you know how rotten a game has to be to make Oblivion preferable? And I don't like that enemies scale with you thing that's all the rage right now (one of the reasons why I didn't enjoy Origins as much as I should, I guess) I like my monsters waiting for me, even before I visit them. Does New Vegas have scaling? I mean, it's not a deal breaker, but still... Anyone who hated F3 can tell me if they enjoyed NV?
My proble with F:NV is that even though it's better storywise then F3, it still uses the same game engine..... and that engine is not very good..... Yeah I enjoyed F:NV more then F3, but I still can't bring myself to replay it due to it's terrible engine

Myrr Disparo wrote: Starpoint Gemini... No idea... Sounds interesting. It is, however, also on Gamersgate. Damned thing, should I just cave in and use it already?
Why do you not like Gamersgate? You just install the game to your computer and then you play. No client or even internet connectiong required (other then to download the game of course). If you think the game is interesting, go ahead and buy. Perfectly safe, I have about half a dozen games from them.
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Post by Whiteblade999 »

Myrr Disparo wrote: So, Fallout: New Vegas is good if you liked the original Fallouts? Because, as I have said, I loved them. However, I despised Fallout 3. To the point that sometimes, while playing it, I wished I was playing Oblivion. Oblivion, for crying out loud! Do you know how rotten a game has to be to make Oblivion preferable? And I don't like that enemies scale with you thing that's all the rage right now (one of the reasons why I didn't enjoy Origins as much as I should, I guess) I like my monsters waiting for me, even before I visit them. Does New Vegas have scaling? I mean, it's not a deal breaker, but still... Anyone who hated F3 can tell me if they enjoyed NV?
1)I don't get the hate behind Oblivion myself, but I was never fond of Morrowind because of the stupid combat system. Add some mods and Oblivion is one of the better action adventure games out there.

2)I never liked Fallout 3 because of what they did to the universe and New Vegas is easily my favorite in the series. There is level scaling but it seems tamed down to a degree where the deathclaws will always be ridiculous until later and the bandits will gradually get weaker for example.

Fallout 3 was much more empty with so few things to do. The entire area in the New Vegas area feels hand-crafted and has a purpose. It pretty much feels like a Gothic game in that regard.

The general consensus I've found is if you liked Fallout 3 you will dislike New Vegas and vise versa. So go for it.
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Post by Stones »

As mentioned it's hard to find good sci-fi rpgs. Though it seems like you enjoy other games as well so I'll mention a few you didn't name in your list.

The Gothic series. At least Gothic 1&2. And if you like those you can move on to Risen.
There's also The Witcher 1&2. I've only played the first, but I did enjoy it. So I'll guess it's time to start on the next one since I already bought it on gog :)
The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.
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Post by Sykar »

Whiteblade999 wrote:1)I don't get the hate behind Oblivion myself, but I was never fond of Morrowind because of the stupid combat system. Add some mods and Oblivion is one of the better action adventure games out there.

2)I never liked Fallout 3 because of what they did to the universe and New Vegas is easily my favorite in the series. There is level scaling but it seems tamed down to a degree where the deathclaws will always be ridiculous until later and the bandits will gradually get weaker for example.

Fallout 3 was much more empty with so few things to do. The entire area in the New Vegas area feels hand-crafted and has a purpose. It pretty much feels like a Gothic game in that regard.

The general consensus I've found is if you liked Fallout 3 you will dislike New Vegas and vise versa. So go for it.
Morrowind was tons better because of the following reasons:


Can't be said any better.
Oh and hot tip, you can improve the melee combat system quite a lot with mods too.
It's not like there are any less mods out there for Morrowind. In fact that a game needs some mods to even come close to its predecessor makes it worse.
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Post by Silvervein »

Here's some old ones that I liked.

Hard Nova
Sentinel Worlds
Whale's Voyage
Megatraveller 1
Megatraveller 2
Wasteland (game fallout 1 was based on)
BattleTech: Crescent Hawk's Inception
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Post by Zakhariev »

Finished the Starpoint Gemini three days ago, and it was worth playing. There are several bug issues but nothing critical. Game is overall pretty fun, long and demanding but offers rather unique gameplay. The best thing is that I saw yesterday there will be a sequel later this year. Just a press release and a few shots are available so far, but man, do they look good. Impossible to compare with game I just finished...and liked!
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