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This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and its inevitable addons.
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Post by Sparklesjd »

I have pinched the following from Toccatta on the Planet Elderscrolls forum, because it made me laugh and is very true:

"Skyrim is like a car, and Steam is a 5'8" 350lb security guard that sits in the back seat making sure that you don't drive anywhere you aren't supposed to and checks your drivers license and registration every time you get into the car to make sure you didn't steal it. He also occupies the entire back seat so you can't take your friends anywhere, and his extra 350 lbs causes your gas mileage to drop like a rock. Oh.. and he doesn't contribute ANYTHING to the reason why you bought the car in the first place, and he's certainly not in the car to protect YOU (the dealership that sold you the car will, in fact, argue that you never purchased the car, are merely leasing it, and the fat security guard is there to ensure your compliance with the terms of the lease)."

Original is here: ForumPlanet - Topic - A patch?
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