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Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 7:33 am
by dragon wench
swcarter wrote:And IIRC the easier-to-make daedric armor set is better.
Yes, it is better.
Personally I don't see any need to keep dragon bones:
1. If you really want them at some point... it's not like there will ever be a shortage of supply
2. As stated, Daedric is better and easier (not counting the required, somewhat rare daedra hearts)
3. There isn't even any value to hanging onto them for the purposes of leveling up your Smithing skill, since you need 100 in it to even make the armour.
4. Entirely superficial, but from an aesthetic point of view the stuff makes your character look as though he or she just stepped out of an Aliens movie.
My current character is a Conjuration-focused Nordic battle mage who wears heavy armour (change of pace for me), and I'll probably keep her in Ebony... in my view it is really sharp looking stuff. (Nice change from the previous two games where ebony made your character look like a very portly bumble bee)
Er onto topic though.. I sincerely can't wait until the modding community addresses followers in the game.... Would it really have been so difficult to show where they are on the map? Or at the very least, why couldn't they have devised some means of calling them to you? Like I said.... pretty sad, given that modders got it right two games ago.
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 11:58 pm
by Fearless
I see today that "Steam" have a Beta patch out (on their site) which shows they have moded the follower so that when you go into sneak mode the follower acts accordingly, but I didn't see anything regarding map markers. Never mind theres always later.
Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 12:40 am
by Fearless
Some time ago I reported that Lydia was missing in action, well I am pleased to report that which was lost is know found. Some time prior to her being lost I took her to "Skyhaven Temple" to become a "Companion" with Esben. Well it seems that when I lost her she went back to Skyhaven. I had to take a Dragon bone to him and when I arrived the first person I came across was Lydia.
I don't think the following is a spoiler as it doesn't affect the game whatsoever, but it is about Companions or in truth "House Carls", which Lydia and Jordis the Sword Maiden are. It is that everytime you become a "Thane" and buy a house you end up with one of these and now I have 5 of them both male and female, which is all very well, but you can only use (if that's the right word) one at a time. Which is a shame as you could have a happy band of muskateers.:laugh:
I promise I wont say another word on the subject.
Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 1:45 am
by Darth Gavinius
There is the Ultimate Follower Overhaul mod that allows up to 15 companions at th same time... so you could take your merry band with you, unless you are a console gamer I suppose :mischief:.
Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 6:11 am
by Yeltsu
I think it depends on the style of the companion. I used Lydia and Uthgerd the Unbroken untill they ended up dead. It kept annoying me that they would always get in the way of my sneaking, so I figured I should pick a companion with the same characteristics as myself: Sneaking, one hander, light armor etc. I picked up Jeanassa (sp?) from the Drunken Huntwsman in Whiterun. A sinister, sneaking dark elf, and I must say, she's fantastic! She hardly breaks my sneak, fights like a monster on her own, and armed with two staffs of fireballs brings down dragons like it's nobody's businiss. She doesn't whine, carries her fair share of the loot and looks pretty stunning as well. Her comments are okay, although a bit repetitive, but compared to the other two I've had, she's the most reliable so far. I always take care when I'm fighting not to harm her - something I can't say about the others I've used.
Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 10:46 pm
by LVX4242
I've found it best to leave them home..