Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 11:41 am
Even if abusing the CC zero cast exploit its still:Aeronth wrote:
If your goal is to unleash massive area damage as quickly as possible, nothing will be better than Chain Contingency, not even casting instant Fireballs one by one with Improved Alacrity (which only lasts 2 rounds, you shouldn't be using it to buff your party, hahaha).
Since Contingency instantly casts any spell, Horrid Wilting's only flaw is negated.
4xHW = 640
7xskull trap = 840
It isnt possible to beat zero cast spam with conventional spells. Ironically, you are even trying to support that HW-not-sucky theory with such a spell.
Also here is a pro tip from a more experienced player: cast projected image, let it cast alacrity then buff the entire party with everything in less than a round for a cost of 1 spell, to top it off, cast Wish afterwards to refill even that. Destroy the image. (yes you can do that)
If you are for magic resistance and miraculously always manage to friendly fire for some reason, use dragon breath, it ignores magic resistance and too is party friendly. Cant be put into CC. This is actually the prime damaging spell in ToB late game.