This is getting a little bit off-topic, but I hope it's a alright. Otherwise, DW will arrive.
I guess I'll join the mob, since the mob is 100% correct and lemme add my two cents to the discussion.
Ok level 7 and anything else we cant forget, although it is worth mentioning that Edwins PIs will have a lot of junk defensive spells. But level 9. Without Alacrity Edwin isnt gonna cast much. And without Wish he isnt going to cast much either.
This doesn't make sense, actually. Last time I checked, I believe that
you are playing the game and no one else. You treat mages, as if they can't just... adjust their spellbooks, erase and add new spells (the ones you like) and play as you see fit. They aren't frozen or stunned in any way, geez. And (!) if you check vanilla Edwin's spellbook, it almost bleeds with 'red' icons (offensive/evocation and conjuration spells).
I dunno, I've been playing BG for a long time and I barely use Wish. I don't see its use and that 'recover all spells' variant appears infrequently. You can freely finish the game without the wish spell.
Why, well for example cast Timestop, Shapechange into an mind flayer, attack. Attacks in timestop are autohit. Nothing is immune to Int drain, you can kill anyone. Anyone. Even otherwise immortal creatures. That sometimes truly is gamebreaking, in a literal sense. Ofc Edwin cant do this, because he doesnt have the space for these spells. Nor does he have the attack number, to make it count.
You contradict yourself. First line -
"Attacks in timestop are autohits." after that you write -
Nor does he have the attack number, to make it count. Wut? During timestop attacks are set to 10/10 (default), so unless you score a critical miss (dice roll=1), you can hit pretty much anything.
Yeah, in vanilla you can pown with Melissan with Mind Flayer, but only in vanilla. Mods add immunities to this cheese. (same with imprisonment)
Edwin cant do this, because he doesnt have the space for these spells.
*epic facepalm* It's been said here, that Edwin is much more powerful than any other mage because of +2 slot per level. (+3 if you count his specialization) And spell slots is everything that a good wizard needs in the game. And don't forget Ring of Wizardry/Acuity and other spellcasting stuff.
IMHO, wizard are more flexible than sorcerers. A wizard can ready up to any unique encounter, while a sorcerer is stuck with his or her spells till the end of the game. And what if you screw up choosing your spells? (just a possibility, since everyone read a guide to sorcerer spells