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Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 12:44 pm
by Scottg
Sloty1984 wrote:Thanks!
What do you think about dual-wielding with the cleric?

That would work. (..the reason why it is viable is that you can't use a shield and maintain your Monk AC bonus, so you might as well dual-wield once your attacks are higher and you've got some strength modification.) You'd need to knock-out a level of Fighter however for Ranger and delay your second Spell Focus Enchantment to HoF-levels.

1st level: Cleric
2nd level: Monk
3rd - 8th level: Cleric
9th level: Ranger
10th - 11th level: Cleric
12th level: Fighter

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 1:08 pm
by Scottg
Note: though I've not used the mod before, it might be a good idea to install it considering your desire to continue through HoF:

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 1:37 pm
by Sloty1984
What do you think about replacing one of the sorcerers by a melee capable mage?
Perhaps some barb and fighter levels but mainly a mage?
Then I could use all the scrolls I find and also have some use for all the nice weapons.
It should still be a capable bombardier.With bonus feats from mage it should be possible to create some sort of hybrid dont you think so?

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 1:54 pm
by Scottg
Sloty1984 wrote:What do you think about replacing one of the sorcerers by a melee capable mage?
Perhaps some barb and fighter levels but mainly a mage?
Then I could use all the scrolls I find and also have some use for all the nice weapons.
It should still be a capable bombardier.With bonus feats from mage it should be possible to create some sort of hybrid dont you think so?

Anytime you do that it "gimps" the Wizard's power.

1. Delays Wizard spell access (and overall # spells to cast), and
2. Strength instead of Intelligence, and
3. Melee feats instead of Spell Focuses.

However - it could make for a decent utility character in a "normal" game, and *potentially* a "decoy" character in HoF..

The reason I say *potentially* is that I don't know if Blink and Blur concealment bonuses stack or not (..they don't in other games like NWN and NWN2). If they do then it's a good character to add-in, assuming your focus is more on melee than spell-casting for your "normal" game.

You could also delay the "fighter" building portion for 12 levels, but it won't have as many spells to cast as the Sorcerer. On the other hand you can "stock-up" with spells like Sleep at lower levels (which are otherwise useless at higher levels) without ruining your build (as it would with the Sorcerer class).

Note: you could improve on it's "Decoy" nature through Dexterity and Weapon Finesse (..cranking-up Dexterity instead of Strength), but doing that would limit your weapon choices dramatically ( shortsword or dagger for the most part), and lowering your damage per hit. That's not altogether a bad idea though when you consider that Isair is immune to everything but +4 or better piercing damage (and all large swords are slashing). ;)

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:33 am
by Sloty1984
So how many levels exactly of monk, fighter, ranger would you give this char?
Dont I get an xp penalty for mixing so many classes?

And why the Level of rogue?

I got a mod with no alignment class restrictions.
Considering this what do you think are the best alignments for them 3?

Which are the most potent weapon combinations for dual wield?

Which spells should the cleric mostly use?

What do I do against enemies with magic resistance?

Do you know a good walkthrough out there for this game(because some parts of the game are hard to complete without a walkthrough)?

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 3:24 pm
by Scottg
Sloty1984 wrote:So how many levels exactly of monk, fighter, ranger would you give this char?
Dont I get an xp penalty for mixing so many classes?

And why the Level of rogue?

I got a mod with no alignment class restrictions.
Considering this what do you think are the best alignments for them 3?

Which are the most potent weapon combinations for dual wield?

Which spells should the cleric mostly use?

What do I do against enemies with magic resistance?

Do you know a good walkthrough out there for this game(because some parts of the game are hard to complete without a walkthrough)?

Which character? The Wizard? (..if it's the Cleric then modified as was shown.) If it's the Wizard I'd have to think that one over..

A level of Rogue has 3 potential uses: Skills (particularly at level 1), class-restricted AC bonus items (notably more so in HoF), and Evasion (at 2nd level). Anything more than 2 levels starts becoming a problem for multi-class penalties.

Multi-class penalties are based on classes with *more* than one level away from another class. i.e. 3 levels of fighter and 1 level of Monk ='s a 20% penalty per level until those classes are within one level of each other again. If you have 3 levels of fighter and 1 level of Monk and 1 level of Druid the penalty is 40% per level.

The Favored class acts as if it's not there. So a Drow Female with favored class Cleric, never counts any level of Cleric in its multi-class penalty calculation. You could have 2 levels of Bard, 1 level of Rogue, 1 level of Barbarian, 1 level of Ranger, 2 levels of fighter, 2 levels of Druid, 2 levels of Wizard, 1 level of Sorcerer, and never have a penalty with any number of Cleric levels added-on.

Alignment removal seems hinky to me. ;) (..I can see doing it for your Cleric of Mask for Lawful Neutral, especially considering the lore of Mask that toward the end of his existence he was more neutral than neutral evil. Anything more than that however is basically cheating.)

Weapon "potency" depends on the opponent. (..and in fact the whole game is largely this way with absurd damage immunity's).

General: weapons dual-wield: (..based on max damage per hit for the specific damage-type, not total damage per round or damage from other sources like wounding/poison/elemental.)
Slashing damage: +3 Bastard Sword of Heroism (..end of "nomal" and random drop HoF).
Blunt damage: +5 Club of Confusion (..end of "normal").
Piercing: +5 Brilliant Short Sword (..battle squares final reward).
Critical Hits: +5 Masher hammer (..random drop HoF).
Evil damage: +5 Cera Sumat Holy Avenger longsword (..end of chapter 6 graveyard Kuldahar).
Lawful damage: +5 Club of Punishing (HoF).
Dis-abler: +5 Club of Dazing (..HoF).

Note: +3 of anything will work on almost all opponents in-game. Exceptions include: Undead with immunity-types (Boneguard Slashing & Zombie Lord Blunt damage), and Isair (Slashing & Blunt +5/50 & Piercing +3/50 & +5/10) and Madae (Slashing & Piercing +5/50 & Blunt +3/50 & +5/10) - though their immunity's seem to be variable based on the highest character in your party (..and as show is I believe their highest). (..Ex. reports of Mordenakainen's sword (..+3 slashing) have worked with no character higher than level 16.)

Note: not having played with the Holy Sword before.. it's perhaps possible that despite being a slashing blade that the 2d6 evil passes through against the twins at high level (21+) for one or more of your characters. Don't know. If so, the same should be true for Lawful damage. (..forget about elemental damage at high levels against them, their most vulnerable damage: Cold, still has 10 damage resistance - so even 2d6 Cold damage is likely to not damage them at all.)

The Cleric is mostly a summoner, a buffer, and a healer, but can also do disabling. Assuming you use your alignment mod for lawful neutral (instead of lawful evil) for the Cleric of Mask, then you don't need the "healing" portion - you can convert any left-over spell into a healing spell of that level.

Healing and a few protective buffs not mentioned:

1st level Protection from Evil, *Summon Monster I.
2nd *Summon Monster II, Bull's Strength (save and cast to get it to +4), Hold Person & Silence (on ground near target) - depending on target, and Draw Upon Holy Might, Aid ( that order as the Cleric gains levels).
3rd: *Animate Dead, Rigid Thinking, Prayer.
4th: Holy Power, Recitation. (Deathward & Freedom of Movement when appropriate.)
5th: Champion's Strength (save and cast to get it to +8), Iron Skins, Greater Command..
6th: Divine Shell, Harm.
7th: Holy Word ( stun), Elemental Barrier, Destruction (..for really tough targets).
8th: Symbol of Hopelessness (or if that doesn't work try Tremor).
9th: Gate, or if it can be dominated, Summon Monster IX.

*At some point you can drop most of your summons *except* for Animate Dead. In fact, except for a Gelugon's fear (Gate), I generally prefer the Animate Dead summons which scale in level with the caster. I almost always save the game before each summon of Animate Dead to make sure I get the summon I want (..most of the time Boneguards rather than Zombies.. an exception would be Golems).

Wizard/Sorcerer spell: Lower Resistance. Higher level casters *generally* don't need it though. That's for Spell Resistance.

Saves are based on save-type, spell-level, attribute modifier bonus for that class (i.e. Wisdom for Cleric, Charisma for Sorcerer), and spell focuses from that spell's spell-school ( Enchantment). ... hrough.php

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 8:42 am
by Sloty1984
No, the wizard is out of the game, i will stay with the three( cleric+ 2 sorcereres)
My question is why and when should I add the fighter,monk and ranger levels(and possibly the rogue)?

Which favored enemy for the ranger?

What do you think about this addition to the party:

Drow male stats: STR 18 - DEX 20 - CON 16 - INT 17 - WIS 4 - CHA 5
comment on stats: increase INT early (to 19 or 20) and then max. STR - you don't need WIS that much cause of your SR and +2 will saves (drow) - later you get better will saves from the wiz-levels and you can use protection spells!
order of levels:

1st rogue
after 5th: rogue 2 - fighter 2 - barb 1
after 25th: rogue 2 - fighter 2 - barb 1 - wizard 20
final: rogue 3 - fighter 4 - barb 3 - wizard 20

most important spells: all defensive & stat buffs
in general: spells without a save - as you don't have that high INT nor GSF!

most important feats: imp. critcal, EW:BS (using some of weimars mod BS), power attack, cleave, ambidex, 2-WF, dirty tricks

skills: open lock & dis. dev., concentration - all maxed + hide & move silent as you have free SP

spell selection:

SL 1: some MM, C.orb & prot. petrification (last one only if needed) there are no must / good spells on L1 for this build!
SL 2: 1 or 2 blur and the rest MI (the stat increasing buffs on L2 should be supported by other casters!)
SL 3: 2 blink, 1 haste & prot. from fire (for party support) are the most important spells
SL 4: several Fire shields (red&blue) 1 malison and/or emotion:despair (for 1st & 2nd combat round if needed) 1 Imp. Inv. (optional)
SL 5: 1 summon spell (optional) rest prot. electricy & acid for party support
SL 6: 2 Tensers, trollish fortitude (optional) or whatever you like
SL 7: 2 M-sword, 2 seven eyes
SL 8: mind blank (party support) if you use weidu: iron body
SL 9: BBD, exec, eyes and/or aegis

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 10:35 am
by Scottg
Cleric: Cleric 1/Monk 1/Cleric 6/Ranger 1/Cleric 2/ Fighter 1/Cleric 17/Rogue.

The level of Rogue is just there for your lesser rogue head-wear Hanging from the Mast (..or something like that).

You know, I went back over and tested out a Wizard build (in game) - and I liked it better in conjunction with the Sorcerer. :oops:

My suggestion now is to add the extra Sorcerer latter (..say after chapter 3 though more based on the level and effectiveness of the party) , and level-squat to fast-level it up.

This is why I like it better:

1. Inserting the Sorcerer earlier will lower the max level of the party at the end of normal - lowering the resistances of Isair and Madae.

2. The Wizard can allow the Sorcerer's to fully optimize their spells. (Because the Wizard is spell-book based.)

3. The Wizard can start with a level of Rogue and give you all the extra skills you'll want.

4. (In conjunction with #2 above) - the Wizard can concentrate on disabling spells at lower levels - particularly Sleep (..which is fantastic at lower levels but useless at higher levels, which is why you don't select for your Sorcerer).

5. The Wizard can achieve "Decoy" status for both the normal game AND HoF. :cool:

When I have more time later today I'll list the Wizard build, and alteration in spells for the Sorcerer as a result. ;)

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 1:30 pm
by Scottg
Drow Male: 18/20/14/20/3/5 (all Strength except level 20 Dexterity which combines with the late-game "slippers" with +5 Dexterity.)
Rogue 1/Wizard 5/ Barbarian 1/Wizard 2/ Rogue 1/ Wizard 3/Fighter 1/ Wizard 13/Fighter 1/Rogue 1.

Feats: (base on character level)
1-Dodge, 2-Spell Focus Enchantment, 3-Spell Focus Enchantment, 6-Expertise & Bastard Sword, 9-Subvocal Casting, 12-Power Attack, 13-Cleave, 15-Improved Critical & Dirty Fighting, 18-Armored Arcana, 19-Armored Arcana, 21-Armored Arcana, 23-Dash, 24-Blind Fighting, 27-?, 29-?, 30?

1st level: Rogue – for the skill points.
7th level: Barbarian – for Shield proficiency and Fast Movement + improved hit-points and attacks (..and max Intimidate skill).
10th level: Rogue – Evasion + an opportunity to “max” skills.
15th level: Fighter – added feat at the right time (BAB +8) for Improved Critical and Dirty Fighting and Intimidate skill.
29th level: Fighter - added feat and increases attacks.
30th level: Rogue – Uncanny Dodge + an extra 1d6 Sneak Attack + opportunity to “max” skills. (..No effective multi-class penalty because it’s level 30.)


1st level: *Bluff 4, *Diplomacy 4, Disable Device 4, Hide 4, Intimidate 4, Move Silently 4, Open Lock 4, Pick Pocket 4, Search 4.
2nd level: Concentration 5, Knowledge Arcana 1.
3rd level: Concentration 1, Spellcraft 5.
4th level: Concentration 1, Alchemy 5.
5th level: Concentration 1, Knowledge Arcana 5.
6th level: Concentration 1, Spellcraft 4, Knowledge Arcana 1.
7th level: Intimidate 6.
8th level: Concentration 2, Hide 1, Move Silently 1.
9th level: Concentration 1, Hide 1, Move Silently 1, Spellcraft 1.
10th level: Hide 4, Move Silently 4.
11th level: Concentration 2, Intimidate 2.
12th level: Concentration 1, Alchemy 5.
13th level: Concentration 1, Hide 1, Move Silently 1, Alchemy 1.
14th level: Concentration 1, Hide 1, Move Silently 1, Knowledge Arcana 1.
15th level: Intimidate 6.
16th level: Concentration 2, Hide 1, Move Silently 1.
17th level: Concentration 1, Hide 1, Move Silently 1, Spellcraft 1

*..Bluff and Diplomacy could be altered to non-class skills like Concentration and Alchemy, depends on your other characters and what you want to do.

Neither a "Dual-wield" character nor a Weapon Finesse character (..that couldn't use a Shield and maintain attack bonus).

Instead this a Sword & Shield character. The Shield is switched out for spell casting, and back in again for attacking. ( high levels one of the weapon positions would have the +4 Intelligence modifier dagger - for adding +2 to DC when spell casting. Then of course switching back to a better weapon + Shield. For hiding there are a few other daggers that add stealth skills.)

No particular weapon is "favored", while having access to all weapons by 6th level (except those that impose certain class or alignment restrictions).

It's largely designed to incapacitate opponents and then wade-in and butcher those opponents - and doing so from the 2nd level.

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 1:45 pm
by Scottg
Drow Fighter-type Wizard AC bonus break-down:

Base: 10
Expertise +5 (..based on base attack)
Barkskin +3 (..or +4 with 6 levels of Druid)
Shield +7 or Chain of Drakas (+8 HoF)
Haste +4
Tenser’s +4
Spirit Armor +6
+2 Large Shield +4 (+5 HoF Death Adder’s Dragon Shield)
Dexterity +10 ..base Dexterity +5, Chimadra’s slippers +3, and Tenser’s 2d4 = +2
Dodge +1

=54 or HoF-end 57

Adding Enchanted Equipment:

Head: Swing from the Masts +1 (HoF version +3)
Amulet: Flame Dance Talisman +1 (HoF version +3)
Ring of Protection +3 or Farmer’s Cloak (preferably to free up ring slots for Tymora’s Loop).
***Brazen Bands +5 (need collectors edition)

=64 or HoF-end 71.

Malison (-2 hit to enemies)

=66 or HoF-end 73.

***NOTE: you need the mod patch to get that "collector's edition" bracers.

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 3:05 pm
by Scottg
I'm thinking with this character insertion that you should:

-use only 2 characters to start: Cleric and the Wizard. (..should allow for faster leveling with only 2 characters to start).

Level them up to at least 7th level (for the Cleric's Boneguard summon) and at some point thereafter add-in *2* Sorcerer builds. (..perhaps much later depending on how the character's level vs. experience points from kills; sort of a "see as you go" scenario.)

That allows 2 slightly different Sorcerer builds.

One a Dread-Master Sorcerer. The other a Druid Sorcerer.

EDIT: Actually, I'd probably start with just one character - the Cleric of Mask/Monk fast-leveling to 7th level and then adding-in the Wizard with some level-squatting for the Cleric. Fast-access to Boneguards are THAT big of a deal. ;) (..and then add-in the two sorcerers later.)

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 10:10 pm
by Claudius
I think starting with a wizard has the problem of access to scrolls. Even a full size party you outpace scrolls.

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 11:25 pm
by Scottg
Claudius wrote:I think starting with a wizard has the problem of access to scrolls. Even a full size party you outpace scrolls.

..this depends on added classes (non-Wizard levels), race penalty, and when the character is inserted (..dependent on any level-squatting as well). Also, at some point both characters can "level-squat" as desired, particularly once the Sorcerers are inserted. In my Drow Cleric Wizard (solo) it scaled just about right - with access to spells when I needed them. Still, I might be off (or way off) with my current estimate. :oops:

(So far) it seems correct to put the Wizard in right before talking to Emma Moonblade (..though after dispatching the orcs surrounding her - usually by moving east and then summoning). (..with the 2-level penalty the Wizard still scales in level quickly past 3 levels and then seems to start slowing down.)

Note: it *is* advisable to have Bluff and Diplomacy at 4 to start. Also, apparently Boneguards don't come in that early anyway..perhaps by Cleric level 7 (..or character level 8)?

Once the Cleric gets her Animate Dead (..even though they aren't full Boneguards yet), they just rock.

What was most surprising for me is that this time the Palisade was a LOT easier. It was basically just some circling around the house/headquarters with my Heavy Crossbow and "popping-off" the trailing opponents. :p

The critical part here was that:

1. It was at night this time ( no light-blindness attack penalty), and
2. The use of a Crossbow with that 20 Dexterity actually worked. :)

I also saved my summons until the end-fight with the Shaman.


Don't do any level-squatting (by the Cleric) for the Wizard.

A word of note with respect to Wizard spells:

1. Save up your cash (sell just about everything that's worth less than 50 gold), and plan on "investing" in Wizard scrolls. Scroll sourced merchants aren't really common, and only some sources have particular spells. Always check the inventory of each source, especially if that source will be "cut-off" at some point. ;)

2. Purchase those critical low-level spells from the Lady Ulbrec back in Targos. Mage Armor, Identify, Sleep, etc.. Go back to Targos when you can and need to. (..though once you get past the logging village it becomes quite a trek to go back to Targos.)

3. Both Lady Ulbrec and the Druid's wife have up to 3rd level spells.

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 8:15 am
by Sloty1984
I build some char on your guidelines.
But why use a shield and not dual wield?Because the defense of a fighting mage comes from its spells and not armor?

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 2:55 pm
by Scottg
Sloty1984 wrote:Thanks!
I build some char on your guidelines.
But why use a shield and not dual wield?

Because the defense of a fighting mage comes from its spells and not armor?

A shield adds +4 or +5 at its max value.

You can't beat that. ;)

..and the character can still offer decent damage at higher levels when buffed, particularly with "Luck" bonuses and keen weapons.

Plus you already have a dual-wield character with the Cleric.

Right now (..start of Fortress map), I rarely use anything but ranged weapons. :eek: :D (..and when I do "step-up" it's without the Wizard character (because of lower level - particularly hit-points).) The Wizard however is nice as a support character. For the most part I can cast Invisibility on both characters and be completely Invisible while the dead work their "magic". For tough spots, the Wizard is also quite good with "Sleep", and generally for Mage Armor for the Cleric. Speaking of Mage Armor, along with her bonuses at character level 8 she has (with Mage Armor): 25 AC! :) Add-in Blur and Mirror Image she almost never gets hit (rarely and with criticals only) - and that's if I allow opponents to even see her (..I could just as easily be invisible with Improved Invisibility).

It's mostly about conjuring the dead I want, resting only 8 hours, and then conjuring the second set.
From there it's more about managing them while both characters stay in the background.

A few other things:

Cleric character hit 8 at Bridge Support map. Wizard character hit 5 at the Bridge itself.

Cleric character I use as a Monk "fist fighting" for melee (when not using a crossbow), and will continue to do so until the next level (9th for the Ranger class). That unarmed attack seems to hit a bit more often. Also on the build, I started the Cleric character as a Monk 1st for the AC boost and unarmed attack to start, though it's not a big deal (..just remember to NOT give the healing potions to the guard near the ship until after you have a Cleric level so that you can use a healing spell on the guard 1st for some extra quest points, and only thereafter giving the healing potion).

My current plan is to add-in the Sorcerers once the Cleric hit's 10 levels (..which might be on the Fortress map that I just started).

Oh, and as it turns out.. I rather like the Cleric as Evil. (..sort of fits with Drow Females, BUT the real reason is that I've not needed much healing at all, and I rather like the addition of the spell: Cloud of Pestilence - it's a nice de-buff spell against tough opponents. Also, the character is immune to Blasphemy's stun).

Note: If using Cleric & Wizard formula (or something similar), be sure to move your companions around to put the better dialog character in the "first" or lead position (left-most character slot).

Update: I decided to add-in the Sorcerers at the beginning of the Fortress map - just to many experience points to pass-up for the Sorcerers, and to many points that would increase my cleric's level. In fact I'm now level-squatting at 8th character level for this character, and once the Wizard reaches that level I'll "squat" him as well. I went for pure Sorcerers here (Lawful Good - 2 of them), Drow with 6/20/16/12/6/20. Because of the Wizard character I didn't need 14 in Intelligence for an extra skill point per level. Like-wise, there will be some alteration in spell selection (..particularly utility spells that are no-longer needed). The Lawful Good is there for Paladin levels at 28 & 29 + Monk at 30.

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 9:17 am
by Sloty1984
Which are the most important EARLY spells for the cleric?

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 10:39 am
by Scottg
Sloty1984 wrote:Which are the most important EARLY spells for the cleric?

Usually the Summon Monsters (I & II) for support along with Protection from Evil for the +2 AC Deflection bonus. Once you have Animated Dead however, the summons are mostly useless. At that point it's Bless, Protection from Evil, Aid & Bull's Strength. (..with some Healing spell additions at level 1 & 2.)

The Demarch of Mask's Domain spell: Sleep is particularly useful at lower levels. Blur at 2nd level.

I just finished the Fortress and am now in chapter 2. My Wizard's finally hit level 8, and my Sorcerers level 6 - so overall the party is still quite low (at level 8). I'm guessing that near the end of chapter 2 I'll have my Sorcerers up to level 8 and then can start leveling-up all characters from that point on.

I made an alteration in the Wizard.. 7th level as Rogue, and 8th level as Barbarian. That gave me Evasion, better Hide and Move Silently skills, and delayed the Barbarian to max Intimidate (where I was off by one skill point at level 7). Additionally attacks improved and it's delayed the Wizard class progression, though it wasn't required (in that 4th level spells start becoming available in the Fortress). It might have been more efficient to have gone with 7 levels of Wizard, delaying both the Rogue and Barbarian levels.

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 9:04 am
by Sloty1984
Do you have some potent spell combinations for me?

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 10:35 am
by Scottg
I like opponents pre-occupied BEFORE attacking.

Most of the time it's a cadre of Boneguards that distract opponents - in part because that's who they see first (by being slightly ahead of the party).

If the Boneguards are alone enough to finish the battle then I'll just use *missile attacks to supplement - *particularly* with enemy casters (..focused attacks on each enemy caster, on at a time).

*Note: the higher Dexterity of the entire party really helps with missile attacks. My two Sorcerers often don't have to spend their spells because they both now have an "everlast" arrow with a bow.

If they aren't enough, then it's down to using a disabling spell. One of my favorite is multiple castings of Web at slightly different locations to get a good "spread", along with a spell to slow them as well (..Grease, Slow, Acid Fog). From there it's just a matter of picking off opponents with whatever spells will do the most damage to that group of enemies. Often area effect spells like Fireball or Skulltrap (depending on which will do more damage to most opponents).

Anything that can get past all that needs to be taken care of with your melee'ers along with their "buffs". Golems are a good example, Cleric using Blunt weapon (with Mage Armor, Blur, Improved Invisibility, and Mirror Image), and Wizard using Haft Over Head throwing axe (blunt damage).

IF however it's just a few enemies then a simple casting of Chromatic Orb is surprisingly effective on most opponents - particularly enemy casters with high Will saves (..that will usually defeat any enchantment spell).

Always look at the opponents in relation to their Saves.. most in this game are Fortitude-types, with a smattering of casters in the Will-save category. That means that Reflex-save spells have a good chance of working with most opponents, EXCEPT those with 10 levels of Rogue and Improved Evasion (..or those with high Spell Resistance) - and those opponents are very rare in this game.

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 5:34 pm
by Scottg
Update: the lower portion of the Ice Temple (basically the end of chapter 2), I've leveled them all up as follows:

Cleric 5 levels (Level 13)
Wizard 2 levels (Level 10)
Sorcerer 1 level (Level 9)

The reason I've chosen to level-up the Cleric now is for "Battle Squares", and in prep for the Ranger class. Level-squatting with a large number of experience points requires that you level-up ALL of your levels and only in one class. (..which is a bit unfortunate.) I held-off on selecting "Spell Focus Enchantment", and instead selected Improved Critical (9) and Dirty Fighting (12).

Even at level 13 I'm still seeing experience points for kills on even low-level opponents like the Auralites. :)