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Slaver Stockade
Nad cannot haste because he is under the effects of a potion of freedom; and besides he is fast running out of oils of speed, there is a danger he is becoming addicted to them! Instead, he swigs a potion of invulnerability - the +5 saves will help and the AC0 allows him to keep his leather on and hide in the shadows before entering the stockade.
Nad goes after the priest first and one shots him with a backstab. The fighters immediately converge on him and they are all swigging giant strength potions - yikes! Thankfully Nad's -7AC is saving him from too many hits, but when they do land they are nasty - the melee fighters do around 20 damage a shot

This fight is spoiled slightly by a bug - Captain Haegan comes within view to launch his speech, but after Nad tells him that "reasons don't matter to the dead", he just stands around and does nothing

. I don't know which mod is causing this behaviour, I would suspect SCSII since that is the one that affects how enemies behave. It's a shame because Haegan is supposed to be the main danger of this group. Instead Nad can just concentrate on the melee fighters and take them out one by one.
Nad's giant strength and freedom potions actually expire in the middle of this melee. As the opponents continue to arrive he swigs another stone giant strength potion to keep his kill rate as quick as possible.
After taking out the 6 melee fighters Nad goes after the archers one by one. With Haegan still statue-esque, Nad briefly leaves his line of sight to hide.
He backstabs the captain and then finishes him off in melee, with Haegan not even attacking. It's like he's been feebleminded or something

On Haegan's corpse Nad finds the Bracers of Archery. For a party these are a good find; but Nad will not be firing a bow too often, so they're not that useful to him. He also takes Haegan's enchanted studded leather (which he cannot identify yet) - that'll be an upgrade to his own base studded leather!
Nad opens the eastern door and attacks the trolls, opening with a backstab. After knocking them down he finishes them with arrows of fire that he took from the kobold commandos in the sewers.
He frees the girl and then also the other children in the holds. This earns him a level up to Thief 13. This is excellent news - Nad has now reached his peak backstabbing potential, with a x5 multiplier! Lethal

. He also starts putting his skill points into Detect Illusions - the focus for this and the next 3 level ups is to get Detect Illusions to 100% so he can combat high level mages and thieves more effectively.
Nad unleashes his enhanced backstab on the yuan-ti. He dispatches the first quickly but the second is tricky. Even normal Yuan-Ti are nasty with SCSII - they have a very good THACO and hit hard. I suspect they may be coded as kensai with lots of proficiency points in longsword and single weapon style. Nad takes a lot of damage but eventually defeats the Yuan-Ti.
Finally it is time to face the slaver mages and the rest of the guards. For this fight Nad uses his remaining DUHM and also enrages.
Do you really want to get in Nad's way?
The enrage means that Nad is more-or-less immune to anything the mages can do (except direct damage). Nad can therefore go after the fighters first while the mages futilely unleash their spellbooks at him.
Nad gets Confusion, Emotion, Charm, Dire Charm, Glitterdust and more thrown at him, but his invulnerability enhanced saves and berserker rage keep him totally safe. He takes out the fighters first, then the archers, and then finally begins to work away on the mages' stoneskins.
Uh-oh. Turns out there is something the mages can do to him

Ray of Enfeeblement?! STR 5?! Haha. It looks like Nad's invulnerability wore off and he fails to save against Enfeeblement. He cannot move but he is already within range of one of the wizards and finishes him off.
And then Nad's enrage wears off, and he cannot reach the second he has to equip a shortbow

If there were more enemies left I think Nad could counter the Enfeeblement by drinking another giant strength potion. But it hardly seems worth it against one mage who has exhausted his spell book and is now throwing darts

Er...whoops. Turns out the mage does have one trick left. From somewhere he finds another Confusion...and Nad fails his save!
Nad's Enfeeblement is now a blessing...he cannot move so there is no risk of him walking into the trap on the stairs

. The danger now is if the mage has a bunch of magic missiles and chromatic orbs that he has been holding back (though it would take a lot of them to get through Nad's 89HP+ 1HP/round).
This is a funny Enfeebled and Confused Nad walking on an invisible treadmill


As it happens the mage does not have any damage spells left (he does cast another Ray of Enfeeblement but Nad saves against it). Once the Enfeeblement and Confusion wear off, Nad easily dispatches him.
Nad loots the compound (the Cloak of Protection +1 is very welcome) and heads back to the Coronet. Hendak is standing just where Nad left him - no worries there

. And finally Nad gets some luck from the Randomiser - Hendak's reward includes the Helm of Glory. That's excellent news - +1AC and Charisma is a big upgrade on the Helm of Infravision he took from Irenicus' Dungeon.
Nad sells his surplus loot to Joluv and has over 14k gold. As it is now night, the next step is for Nad to go see some of the shady merchants that trade after nightfall and see what they might have to offer.