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Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2003 7:34 pm
by Albert Rose
When I finished the game with two characters, I started out with a Paladin and a Barbarian. The Paladin eventually had 16 levels in Paladin and 8 in both fighter and rogue -- he was the tank.
The Barbarian got 16 levels in Cleric, and went for 8 in both sorceror and cleric -- she was the spellcaster. They died a lot at the beginning, but murdered Pelendralaar at the end.
Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2003 7:15 pm
by Wynaut
Originally posted by Albert Rose
When I finished the game with two characters, I started out with a Paladin and a Barbarian. The Paladin eventually 16 levels in Paladin and 8 in both fighter and rogue -- he was the tank.
The Barbarian got 16 levels in Cleric, and went for 8 in both sorceror and cleric -- she was the spellcaster. They died a lot at the beginning, but murdered Pelendralaar at the end.
You can't murder Palendralaar, he's an undead.
Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2003 8:59 pm
by Skuld
The Paladin/Monk is invincible!!!
Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 4:01 pm
by The_Red_Head
Weeezzz hope I can bump this up...
Lillianne -
Human (F): Cleric L2 / Paladin L1
Ithìlien -
Half Elf (F): Sorceress L2 / Monk L1
Jellylorum -
Half Elf (F): Rogue L2 / Fighter L1
Mùmak -
Half Orc (M): Barbarian L2 / Ranger L1
I got started only a week ago, and there's not so much free time on my schedule so they're still quite the ducklings...

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 10:29 pm
by Skuld
Should be a good party, but i never did quite understand what made the Ranger different from a Fighter aside from the lower hit points. Can anyone explain the diffs to me.
Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 2:52 am
by The_Red_Head
Basically, in my mind, the difference does NOT relate to Hit Points. The dice is an 8-faceted one for both.
Rangers get favoured enemies when they grow up, special races of enemies they can fight more effectively. Also, they can cast Divine spells, some exclusive of the Ranger class.
Fighters get different feats and skills, like the Improved Critical and the Cleave... MAYBE - I may be wrong cos my memory sucks.
Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 9:24 am
by Skuld
For some reason I though fighter got D10 for HP's, oh well. But I do remember the Favored enemy and divine spells. But there should be more to a Ranger than that. Like in most other D&D based games.
Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 3:02 pm
by The_Red_Head
Yeah, sorry, a typo...
I meant to write D10.
I would be curious, now that you mention it, to know if there are further differences between Rangers and Fighters.
Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2003 4:47 pm
by Skuld
Well if you just go to the 3E D&D section righton the Gamebanshee main page it'll tell you all about 'em. And after doing some light reading you'll find that POR2 is a fair rendition of D&D, but still a decent game although I don't think it's replayable.
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 6:38 pm
by Snoop Dogg
I have just started playing this game so Im not sure how my party will work out...
I took the in-built paladin with the game because he had some nice stats and have been building up a cleric class so he can turn undead.
He is currently Paladin 1/Cleric 3 (Human)
I also took in a custom sorcerer character but quickly realised i needed someone with rogue skills to get all the lewt.
He is currently Sorcerer 2/Rogue 3 (Elf)
Just a question? do people here think it is worth drinking out of that fountain that raises constitution by 4 but lowers dex by 1 and charisma by 2? Both my characters rely on (high charisma scores)
Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 12:19 am
by Demis
Originally posted by Snoop Dogg
Just a question? do people here think it is worth drinking out of that fountain that raises constitution by 4 but lowers dex by 1 and charisma by 2? Both my characters rely on (high charisma scores)
Probably not in your case but keep in mind that they are several items in the game that raise ability scores permanetly. On the other hand Pallies and Sorcorers can never have enough charisma

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2003 11:01 pm
by theCheat
I am on the second level of the Catacombs, um, i have not played it in a while but i beleive my party is as follows
Paladin/Monk Human Male
Ranger Half Elven Male
Thief Elven Female
Cleric Halfling
I am not fond of multi-classing very much, except to use that double damage book for the monks
then before this game, i solo'd with two characters
Cleric16/monk8/paladin/8 Human male
fighter16/thief12/sorcerer4 half elf male
Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 5:59 am
by ajdaha
This is my second post in these forums.
Well, here goes.
My solo-character is going to be a:
halfling 15 lvl Monk/16lvl Sorceror/1 lvl Ranger.
I hear there are many rogue, monk and sorceror based weapons that only they can use. I don't really wish to use the cleric's scrolls.
I was kinda hoping to max out dexterity and wisdom at creation to ensure that at the end of the game my Sorceror had the best natural protection he could get, and give 15 points to charisma, but I soon found out that this left everything else extremely low and so it was hard to even win the first fight. (I chose monk as my initial level because the halfling monk looks kool in white and also because I needed the extra AC
I still want my character to have a +15 wisdom modifier and a high dexterity bonus at the end of the game but I also need to be able to get to level 32 in the first place. So if someone could answer my other post I can get started.
I basically asked a question about the number of permanent ability increases in the entire game. Thank you.
Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 11:45 am
by ajdaha
Also, you guys know that cool weapon, deathspike. Is that the best weapon in the game or what?
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 11:03 pm
by DragonWarrior13
My party
What's up everyone? I'm not too far along...but here is my party....
Human -Monk(lv 3) Ki
Half-Elf -Cleric(lv3) Sheandra
Half-Orc -Barbarian(lv3) Mala' Ku
Halfling -Rogue(lv4) Gi' Gi
Jarial -(lv3)
Hope all is well......
Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 4:38 pm
by GroverGT
dwarf fighter/barbarian
human paladin
1/2 elf cleric
human mage
elf rogue/mage/ranger
human fighter
What is the benefit of going paladin/monk? or paladin/cleric?
Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 5:13 pm
by theCheat
[QUOTE=ajdaha]Also, you guys know that cool weapon, deathspike. Is that the best weapon in the game or what?[/QUOTE]
dreadsword daemonic is the best, it's a two handed sword, 4d6+6 damage, +5 hit, boosts strength and other goodies
paladin/monk ability to turn dead, use clerical magic, all weapons, all armour, very mobile, evasion, and the book of ranman, which gives you x2 damage
cleric/paladin basically, you're a paladin with more magic, and a super powerfull turn dead ability, I hear you can turn or evan destory lichs with it
anyway, I have to games I play now and again
my party game is
human paladin with one level of monk for the x2 tomb
elf fighter
human female fighter/thief
elf sorcerer/cleric
and my second game is my solo game, I'm in the deep halls, and I have a human lv 3 paladin/lv 2 cleric/lv 2 rogue
Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 6:29 am
by Fomalhaut
When I play a RPG, I gotta play it a sort of a novel, so I made up personalities and all... maybe will tell that in another post...
Anyhow, had a problem with my comp and gotta restart the game, I'm kinda out in Myth Drannor now, but my party is usually the following:
- Half-orc Barbarian/Rogue (Gunjan Darkland)
- Human Fighter/Rogue (Kevin Burnington)
- Half-elf Fighter/Ranger/Rogue (Kathalyna Elfland)
- Elf Cleric/later multiclasses as Sorcerer (Maryah Fireflower)
- Human Sorcerer/later multiclasses as Cleric (Jarial)
- Human Rogue/later multiclasses as Cleric as well (Tudo)
For the first three, I add only 2 or maximum 3 levels of rogue, which are usueful especially for making great sneak attacks and disarm a few traps around the dungeons; later I usually rely on Tudo.
Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 10:42 am
by master95
iv got
1 orc/ barbarian
2 elf/ rangers
and 1 elf/ cleric
Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 12:15 am
by Naillo
My party
My party is as follows:
Sorcerer(16)/Cleric(3)(Ire Swift)
I traded Faeril for my Cleric Kelsey a while back! good trade!